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PrmPkg/PrmConfigDxe: Add initial driver


This driver serves as a generic PRM configuration driver. Its primary
role is to prepare PRM resources published by PRM module configuration
libraries for OS runtime. As such, it locates all PRM Configuration
Protocol instances and consumes the information to ready those resources.

For example, set runtime memory attributes on MMIO ranges and convert
physical addresses to virtual addresses in PRM buffers.

Cc: Andrew Fish <afish@apple.com>
Cc: Kang Gao <kang.gao@intel.com>
Cc: Michael D Kinney <michael.d.kinney@intel.com>
Cc: Michael Kubacki <michael.kubacki@microsoft.com>
Cc: Leif Lindholm <leif@nuviainc.com>
Cc: Benjamin You <benjamin.you@intel.com>
Cc: Liu Yun <yun.y.liu@intel.com>
Cc: Ankit Sinha <ankit.sinha@intel.com>
Cc: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Michael Kubacki <michael.kubacki@microsoft.com>
Acked-by: Michael D Kinney <michael.d.kinney@intel.com>
Acked-by: Liming Gao <gaoliming@byosoft.com.cn>
Acked-by: Leif Lindholm <quic_llindhol@quicinc.com>
Reviewed-by: Ankit Sinha <ankit.sinha@intel.com>
Michael Kubacki 4 anni fa

+ 559 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+/** @file
+  This file contains the implementation for a Platform Runtime Mechanism (PRM) configuration driver.
+  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
+  Copyright (c) 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#include <Library/BaseLib.h>
+#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
+#include <Library/DebugLib.h>
+#include <Library/DxeServicesTableLib.h>
+#include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
+#include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
+#include <Library/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib.h>
+#include <Library/UefiLib.h>
+#include <PiDxe.h>
+#include <PrmContextBuffer.h>
+#include <PrmDataBuffer.h>
+#include <PrmMmio.h>
+#include <Protocol/PrmConfig.h>
+#define _DBGMSGID_                "[PRMCONFIG]"
+STATIC  UINTN                     mMaxRuntimeMmioRangeCount;
+STATIC  UINTN                     mMaxStaticDataBufferCount;
+STATIC  PRM_DATA_BUFFER           ***mStaticDataBuffers;
+  Converts the runtime memory range physical addresses to virtual addresses.
+  @param[in]  RuntimeMmioRanges   A pointer to a PRM_RUNTIME_MMIO_RANGES buffer.
+ConvertRuntimeMemoryRangeAddresses (
+  IN  PRM_RUNTIME_MMIO_RANGES     *RuntimeMmioRanges
+  )
+  UINTN   Index;
+  if (RuntimeMmioRanges == NULL || RuntimeMmioRanges->Count == 0) {
+    return;
+  }
+  for (Index = 0; Index < (UINTN) RuntimeMmioRanges->Count; Index++) {
+    RuntimeMmioRanges->Range[Index].VirtualBaseAddress = RuntimeMmioRanges->Range[Index].PhysicalBaseAddress;
+    gRT->ConvertPointer (0x0, (VOID **) &(RuntimeMmioRanges->Range[Index].VirtualBaseAddress));
+  }
+  Sets the runtime memory range attributes.
+  The EFI_MEMORY_RUNTIME attribute is set for each PRM_RUNTIME_MMIO_RANGE present
+  in the buffer provided.
+  @param[in]  RuntimeMmioRanges     A pointer to a PRM_RUNTIME_MMIO_RANGES buffer.
+SetRuntimeMemoryRangeAttributes (
+  IN  PRM_RUNTIME_MMIO_RANGES       *RuntimeMmioRanges
+  )
+  EFI_STATUS                        Status;
+  EFI_STATUS                        Status2;
+  UINTN                             Index;
+  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a %a - Entry.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+  if (RuntimeMmioRanges == NULL || RuntimeMmioRanges->Count == 0) {
+    return;
+  }
+  for (Index = 0; Index < (UINTN) RuntimeMmioRanges->Count; Index++) {
+    DEBUG ((
+      DEBUG_INFO, "      %a %a: Runtime MMIO Range [%d].\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__, Index));
+    DEBUG ((
+      DEBUG_INFO,
+      "      %a %a: Physical address = 0x%016x. Length = 0x%x.\n",
+      _DBGMSGID_,
+      __FUNCTION__,
+      RuntimeMmioRanges->Range[Index].PhysicalBaseAddress,
+      RuntimeMmioRanges->Range[Index].Length
+      ));
+    // Runtime memory ranges should cover ranges on a page boundary
+    ASSERT ((RuntimeMmioRanges->Range[Index].PhysicalBaseAddress & EFI_PAGE_MASK) == 0);
+    ASSERT ((RuntimeMmioRanges->Range[Index].Length & EFI_PAGE_MASK) == 0);
+    Status2 = EFI_NOT_FOUND;
+    Status = gDS->GetMemorySpaceDescriptor (RuntimeMmioRanges->Range[Index].PhysicalBaseAddress, &Descriptor);
+    if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) &&
+      (
+        (Descriptor.GcdMemoryType != EfiGcdMemoryTypeMemoryMappedIo && Descriptor.GcdMemoryType != EfiGcdMemoryTypeReserved) ||
+        ((Descriptor.Length & EFI_PAGE_MASK) != 0)
+        )
+      ) {
+      Status2 =  gDS->RemoveMemorySpace (
+                        RuntimeMmioRanges->Range[Index].PhysicalBaseAddress,
+                        Descriptor.Length
+                        );
+    }
+    if (Status == EFI_NOT_FOUND || !EFI_ERROR (Status2)) {
+      Status = gDS->AddMemorySpace (
+                      EfiGcdMemoryTypeMemoryMappedIo,
+                      RuntimeMmioRanges->Range[Index].PhysicalBaseAddress,
+                      (UINT64) RuntimeMmioRanges->Range[Index].Length,
+                      EFI_MEMORY_UC | EFI_MEMORY_RUNTIME
+                      );
+      ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
+      Status = gDS->AllocateMemorySpace (
+                      EfiGcdAllocateAddress,
+                      EfiGcdMemoryTypeMemoryMappedIo,
+                      0,
+                      (UINT64) RuntimeMmioRanges->Range[Index].Length,
+                      &RuntimeMmioRanges->Range[Index].PhysicalBaseAddress,
+                      gImageHandle,
+                      NULL
+                      );
+      ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
+    }
+    Status = gDS->GetMemorySpaceDescriptor (RuntimeMmioRanges->Range[Index].PhysicalBaseAddress, &Descriptor);
+    ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
+    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+      DEBUG ((
+        DEBUG_ERROR,
+        "      %a %a: Error [%r] finding descriptor for runtime memory range 0x%016x.\n",
+        _DBGMSGID_,
+        __FUNCTION__,
+        Status,
+        RuntimeMmioRanges->Range[Index].PhysicalBaseAddress
+        ));
+      continue;
+    }
+    if ((Descriptor.Attributes & EFI_MEMORY_RUNTIME) != 0) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    Status = gDS->SetMemorySpaceAttributes (
+                    RuntimeMmioRanges->Range[Index].PhysicalBaseAddress,
+                    (UINT64) RuntimeMmioRanges->Range[Index].Length,
+                    Descriptor.Attributes | EFI_MEMORY_RUNTIME
+                    );
+    ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
+    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+      DEBUG ((
+        DEBUG_ERROR,
+        "      %a %a: Error [%r] setting descriptor for runtime memory range 0x%016x.\n",
+        _DBGMSGID_,
+        __FUNCTION__,
+        Status,
+        RuntimeMmioRanges->Range[Index].PhysicalBaseAddress
+        ));
+    } else {
+      DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "      %a %a: Successfully set runtime attribute for the MMIO range.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+    }
+  }
+  Stores pointers or pointer to resources that should be converted in the virtual address change event.
+StoreVirtualMemoryAddressChangePointers (
+  )
+  EFI_STATUS                  Status;
+  UINTN                       BufferIndex;
+  UINTN                       HandleCount;
+  UINTN                       HandleIndex;
+  UINTN                       RangeIndex;
+  UINTN                       StaticDataBufferIndex;
+  EFI_HANDLE                  *HandleBuffer;
+  PRM_CONFIG_PROTOCOL         *PrmConfigProtocol;
+  PRM_CONTEXT_BUFFER          *CurrentContextBuffer;
+  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a %a - Entry.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+  RangeIndex = 0;
+  StaticDataBufferIndex = 0;
+  mRuntimeMmioRanges = AllocateRuntimeZeroPool (sizeof (*mRuntimeMmioRanges) * mMaxRuntimeMmioRangeCount);
+  if (mRuntimeMmioRanges == NULL && mMaxRuntimeMmioRangeCount > 0) {
+    DEBUG ((
+      "  %a %a: Memory allocation for runtime MMIO pointer array failed.\n",
+      _DBGMSGID_,
+      __FUNCTION__
+      ));
+    return;
+  }
+  mStaticDataBuffers = AllocateRuntimeZeroPool (sizeof (*mStaticDataBuffers) * mMaxStaticDataBufferCount);
+  if (mStaticDataBuffers == NULL && mMaxStaticDataBufferCount > 0) {
+    DEBUG ((
+      "  %a %a: Memory allocation for PRM static data buffer pointer array failed.\n",
+      _DBGMSGID_,
+      __FUNCTION__
+      ));
+    return;
+  }
+  HandleBuffer = NULL;
+  Status = gBS->LocateHandleBuffer (
+                  ByProtocol,
+                  &gPrmConfigProtocolGuid,
+                  NULL,
+                  &HandleCount,
+                  &HandleBuffer
+                  );
+  if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+    for (HandleIndex = 0; HandleIndex < HandleCount; HandleIndex++) {
+      Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (
+                      HandleBuffer[HandleIndex],
+                      &gPrmConfigProtocolGuid,
+                      (VOID **) &PrmConfigProtocol
+                      );
+      ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
+      if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || PrmConfigProtocol == NULL) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      for (BufferIndex = 0; BufferIndex < PrmConfigProtocol->ModuleContextBuffers.BufferCount; BufferIndex++) {
+        CurrentContextBuffer = &(PrmConfigProtocol->ModuleContextBuffers.Buffer[BufferIndex]);
+        if (CurrentContextBuffer->StaticDataBuffer != NULL) {
+          if (StaticDataBufferIndex >= mMaxStaticDataBufferCount) {
+            Status = EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
+            DEBUG ((
+              DEBUG_ERROR,
+              "  %a %a: Index out of bounds - Actual count (%d) of PRM data buffers exceeds maximum count (%d).\n",
+              _DBGMSGID_,
+              __FUNCTION__,
+              StaticDataBufferIndex + 1,
+              mMaxStaticDataBufferCount
+              ));
+            ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
+            return;
+          }
+          mStaticDataBuffers[StaticDataBufferIndex++] = &CurrentContextBuffer->StaticDataBuffer;
+        }
+      }
+      if (PrmConfigProtocol->ModuleContextBuffers.RuntimeMmioRanges != NULL) {
+        if (RangeIndex >= mMaxRuntimeMmioRangeCount) {
+          Status = EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
+          DEBUG ((
+            DEBUG_ERROR,
+            "  %a %a: Index out of bounds - Actual count (%d) of runtime MMIO ranges exceeds maximum count (%d).\n",
+            _DBGMSGID_,
+            __FUNCTION__,
+            RangeIndex + 1,
+            mMaxRuntimeMmioRangeCount
+            ));
+          ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
+          return;
+        }
+        mRuntimeMmioRanges[RangeIndex++] = PrmConfigProtocol->ModuleContextBuffers.RuntimeMmioRanges;
+      }
+    }
+    DEBUG ((
+      DEBUG_INFO,
+      "  %a %a: %d MMIO ranges buffers saved for future virtual memory conversion.\n",
+      _DBGMSGID_,
+      __FUNCTION__,
+      RangeIndex
+      ));
+    DEBUG ((
+      DEBUG_INFO,
+      "  %a %a: %d static buffers saved for future virtual memory conversion.\n",
+      _DBGMSGID_,
+      __FUNCTION__,
+      StaticDataBufferIndex
+      ));
+  }
+  Validates a data buffer for a PRM module.
+  Verifies the buffer header signature is valid and the length meets the minimum size.
+  @param[in]  PrmDataBuffer         A pointer to the data buffer for this PRM module.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS               The data buffer was validated successfully.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER     The pointer given for PrmDataBuffer is NULL.
+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND             The data buffer signature is not valid.
+  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL      The buffer size is too small.
+ValidatePrmDataBuffer (
+  IN  CONST PRM_DATA_BUFFER         *PrmDataBuffer
+  )
+  if (PrmDataBuffer == NULL) {
+  }
+  if (PrmDataBuffer->Header.Signature != PRM_DATA_BUFFER_HEADER_SIGNATURE) {
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "  %a %a: The PRM data buffer signature is invalid. PRM module.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+    return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
+  }
+  if (PrmDataBuffer->Header.Length < sizeof (PRM_DATA_BUFFER_HEADER)) {
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "  %a %a: The PRM data buffer length is invalid.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+  }
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;
+  Validates a PRM context buffer.
+  Verifies the buffer header signature is valid and the GUID is set to a non-zero value.
+  @param[in]  PrmContextBuffer      A pointer to the context buffer for this PRM handler.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS               The context buffer was validated successfully.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER     The pointer given for ContextBuffer is NULL.
+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND             The proper value for a field was not found.
+ValidatePrmContextBuffer (
+  IN  CONST PRM_CONTEXT_BUFFER      *PrmContextBuffer
+  )
+  if (PrmContextBuffer == NULL) {
+  }
+  if (PrmContextBuffer->Signature != PRM_CONTEXT_BUFFER_SIGNATURE) {
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "  %a %a: The PRM context buffer signature is invalid.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+    return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
+  }
+  if (IsZeroGuid (&PrmContextBuffer->HandlerGuid)) {
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "  %a %a: The PRM context buffer GUID is zero.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+    return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
+  }
+  if (PrmContextBuffer->StaticDataBuffer != NULL && EFI_ERROR (ValidatePrmDataBuffer (PrmContextBuffer->StaticDataBuffer))) {
+    DEBUG ((
+      "    %a %a: Error in static buffer for PRM handler %g.\n",
+      _DBGMSGID_,
+      __FUNCTION__,
+      &PrmContextBuffer->HandlerGuid
+      ));
+    return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
+  }
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;
+  Notification function of EVT_SIGNAL_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_CHANGE.
+  This is notification function converts any registered PRM_RUNTIME_MMIO_RANGE
+  addresses to a virtual address.
+  @param[in]  Event        Event whose notification function is being invoked.
+  @param[in]  Context      Pointer to the notification function's context.
+PrmConfigVirtualAddressChangeEvent (
+  IN EFI_EVENT                            Event,
+  IN VOID                                 *Context
+  )
+  UINTN   Index;
+  //
+  // Convert static data buffer pointers
+  //
+  for (Index = 0; Index < mMaxStaticDataBufferCount; Index++) {
+    gRT->ConvertPointer (0x0, (VOID **) mStaticDataBuffers[Index]);
+  }
+  //
+  // Convert runtime MMIO ranges
+  //
+  for (Index = 0; Index < mMaxRuntimeMmioRangeCount; Index++) {
+    ConvertRuntimeMemoryRangeAddresses (mRuntimeMmioRanges[Index]);
+  }
+  The PRM Config END_OF_DXE protocol notification event handler.
+  Finds all of the PRM_CONFIG_PROTOCOL instances installed at end of DXE and
+  @param[in]  Event           Event whose notification function is being invoked.
+  @param[in]  Context         The pointer to the notification function's context,
+                              which is implementation-dependent.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS         The function executed successfully
+PrmConfigEndOfDxeNotification (
+  IN  EFI_EVENT               Event,
+  IN  VOID                    *Context
+  )
+  EFI_STATUS                  Status;
+  UINTN                       HandleCount;
+  UINTN                       BufferIndex;
+  UINTN                       HandleIndex;
+  EFI_HANDLE                  *HandleBuffer;
+  PRM_CONTEXT_BUFFER          *CurrentContextBuffer;
+  PRM_CONFIG_PROTOCOL         *PrmConfigProtocol;
+  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a %a - Entry.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+  HandleBuffer = NULL;
+  Status = gBS->LocateHandleBuffer (
+                  ByProtocol,
+                  &gPrmConfigProtocolGuid,
+                  NULL,
+                  &HandleCount,
+                  &HandleBuffer
+                  );
+  if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+    for (HandleIndex = 0; HandleIndex < HandleCount; HandleIndex++) {
+      Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (
+                      HandleBuffer[HandleIndex],
+                      &gPrmConfigProtocolGuid,
+                      (VOID **) &PrmConfigProtocol
+                      );
+      ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
+      if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || PrmConfigProtocol == NULL) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      DEBUG ((
+        DEBUG_INFO,
+        "  %a %a: Found PRM configuration protocol for PRM module %g.\n",
+         _DBGMSGID_,
+         __FUNCTION__,
+         &PrmConfigProtocol->ModuleContextBuffers.ModuleGuid
+         ));
+      DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "      %a %a: Validating module context buffers...\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+      for (BufferIndex = 0; BufferIndex < PrmConfigProtocol->ModuleContextBuffers.BufferCount; BufferIndex++) {
+        CurrentContextBuffer = &(PrmConfigProtocol->ModuleContextBuffers.Buffer[BufferIndex]);
+        Status =  ValidatePrmContextBuffer (CurrentContextBuffer);
+        if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+          DEBUG ((
+            DEBUG_ERROR,
+            "        %a %a: Context buffer validation failed for PRM handler %g.\n",
+            _DBGMSGID_,
+            __FUNCTION__,
+            CurrentContextBuffer->HandlerGuid
+            ));
+        }
+        if (CurrentContextBuffer->StaticDataBuffer != NULL) {
+          mMaxStaticDataBufferCount++;
+        }
+      }
+      DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "      %a %a: Module context buffer validation complete.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+      if (PrmConfigProtocol->ModuleContextBuffers.RuntimeMmioRanges != NULL) {
+        DEBUG ((
+          DEBUG_INFO,
+          "    %a %a: Found %d PRM runtime MMIO ranges to convert.\n",
+           _DBGMSGID_,
+           __FUNCTION__,
+           PrmConfigProtocol->ModuleContextBuffers.RuntimeMmioRanges->Count
+           ));
+        SetRuntimeMemoryRangeAttributes (PrmConfigProtocol->ModuleContextBuffers.RuntimeMmioRanges);
+        mMaxRuntimeMmioRangeCount++;
+      }
+    }
+    StoreVirtualMemoryAddressChangePointers ();
+  }
+  if (HandleBuffer != NULL) {
+    gBS->FreePool (HandleBuffer);
+  }
+  gBS->CloseEvent(Event);
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;
+  The entry point for this module.
+  @param[in]  ImageHandle     The firmware allocated handle for the EFI image.
+  @param[in]  SystemTable     A pointer to the EFI System Table.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS         The entry point is executed successfully.
+  @retval Others              An error occurred when executing this entry point.
+PrmConfigEntryPoint (
+  IN EFI_HANDLE               ImageHandle,
+  IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE         *SystemTable
+  )
+  EFI_STATUS                  Status;
+  EFI_EVENT                   Event;
+  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a %a - Entry.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+  //
+  // Register a notification function to change memory attributes at end of DXE
+  //
+  Event = NULL;
+  Status = gBS->CreateEventEx(
+                  EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL,
+                  TPL_CALLBACK,
+                  PrmConfigEndOfDxeNotification,
+                  NULL,
+                  &gEfiEndOfDxeEventGroupGuid,
+                  &Event
+                  );
+  //
+  // Register a notification function for virtual address change
+  //
+  Event = NULL;
+  Status = gBS->CreateEventEx (
+                  EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL,
+                  TPL_NOTIFY,
+                  PrmConfigVirtualAddressChangeEvent,
+                  NULL,
+                  &gEfiEventVirtualAddressChangeGuid,
+                  &Event
+                  );
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;

+ 48 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+## @file
+#  PRM Configuration Driver
+#  This driver configures PRM Module settings during the boot services environment.
+#  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
+#  Copyright (c) 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+  INF_VERSION           = 0x00010005
+  BASE_NAME             = PrmConfigDxe
+  FILE_GUID             = 18D93D57-0B00-4213-B0A2-A2FF5EC214E4
+  VERSION_STRING        = 1.0
+  ENTRY_POINT           = PrmConfigEntryPoint
+  PrmConfigDxe.c
+  MdePkg/MdePkg.dec
+  MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec
+  PrmPkg/PrmPkg.dec
+  gEfiEndOfDxeEventGroupGuid
+  gEfiEventVirtualAddressChangeGuid
+  BaseLib
+  BaseMemoryLib
+  DebugLib
+  DxeServicesTableLib
+  MemoryAllocationLib
+  UefiBootServicesTableLib
+  UefiDriverEntryPoint
+  UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib
+  UefiLib
+  gPrmConfigProtocolGuid

+ 97 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+/** @file
+  Definition for the Platform Runtime Mechanism (PRM) ACPI table (PRMT).
+  Copyright (c) 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
+  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#include <Base.h>
+#include <IndustryStandard/Acpi10.h>
+#define PRM_TABLE_SIGNATURE                       SIGNATURE_32 ('P', 'R', 'M', 'T')
+#define PRM_TABLE_REVISION                        0x0
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+// Platform Runtime Mechanism (PRM) ACPI Table (PRMT) structures
+typedef struct {
+  UINT16                              StructureRevision;          ///< Revision of this structure
+  UINT16                              StructureLength;            ///< Length in bytes of this structure
+  GUID                                Identifier;                 ///< GUID of the PRM handler for this structure
+  UINT64                              PhysicalAddress;            ///< Physical address of this PRM handler
+  UINT64                              PrmContextBuffer;           ///< Physical address of the context buffer for this
+                                                                  ///< PRM handler (PRM_CONTEXT_BUFFER *)
+  UINT64                              StaticDataBuffer;           ///< Physical address of the static data buffer for
+                                                                  ///< this PRM handler (PRM_DATA_BUFFER *)
+  UINT64                              AcpiParameterBuffer;        ///< Physical address of the parameter buffer
+                                                                  ///< for this PRM handler (PRM_DATA_BUFFER *)
+                                                                  ///< that is only used in the case of _DSM invocation.
+                                                                  ///< If _DSM invocation is not used, this value is
+                                                                  ///< ignored.
+typedef struct {
+  UINT16                              StructureRevision;          ///< Revision of this structure
+  UINT16                              StructureLength;            ///< Length in bytes of this structure including the
+                                                                  ///< variable length PRM Handler Info array
+  GUID                                Identifier;                 ///< GUID of the PRM module for this structure
+  UINT16                              MajorRevision;              ///< PRM module major revision
+  UINT16                              MinorRevision;              ///< PRM module minor revision
+  UINT16                              HandlerCount;               ///< Number of entries in the Handler Info array
+  UINT32                              HandlerInfoOffset;          ///< Offset in bytes from the beginning of this
+                                                                  ///< structure to the Handler Info array
+  UINT64                              ModuleUpdateLock;           ///< Physical address of the PRM Module Update Lock
+                                                                  ///< descriptor (PRM_MODULE_UPDATE_LOCK_DESCRIPTOR *)
+  UINT64                              RuntimeMmioRanges;          ///< Physical address of the PRM MMIO Ranges
+                                                                  ///< structure (PRM_MODULE_RUNTIME_MMIO_RANGES *)
+  PRM_HANDLER_INFORMATION_STRUCT      HandlerInfoStructure[1];
+typedef struct {
+  EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER         Header;                     ///< Standard ACPI description header
+  UINT32                              PrmModuleInfoOffset;        ///< Offset in bytes from the beginning of this
+                                                                  ///< structure to the PRM Module Info array
+  UINT32                              PrmModuleInfoCount;         ///< Number of entries in the PRM Module Info array
+  PRM_MODULE_INFORMATION_STRUCT       PrmModuleInfoStructure[1];
+#pragma pack(pop)
+// Helper macros to build PRM Information structures
+// Todo: Revisit whether to use; currently both macros are not used
+#define PRM_MODULE_INFORMATION_STRUCTURE(ModuleGuid, ModuleRevision, HandlerCount, PrmHanderInfoStructureArray) {                       \
+    {                                                                                                                                   \
+      PRM_MODULE_INFORMATION_STRUCT_REVISION,                              /* UINT16    StructureRevision;   */                         \
+      (OFFSET_OF (PRM_MODULE_INFORMATION_STRUCT, HandlerInfoStructure) + (HandlerCount * sizeof (PRM_HANDLER_INFORMATION_STRUCT)))   /* UINT16    StructureLength;     */ \
+      ModuleGuid,                                                          /* GUID      ModuleGuid;          */                         \
+      ModuleRevision,                                                      /* UINT16    ModuleRevision       */                         \
+      HandlerCount,                                                        /* UINT16    HandlerCount         */                         \
+      OFFSET_OF (PRM_MODULE_INFORMATION_STRUCT, HandlerInfoOffset),        /* UINT32    HandlerInfoOffset    */                         \
+      PrmHanderInfoStructureArray                                          /* PRM_HANDLER_INFORMATION_STRUCT HandlerInfoStructure */    \
+    } \
+  }
+#define PRM_HANDLER_INFORMATION_STRUCTURE(HandlerGuid, PhysicalAddress) {                                                   \
+    {                                                                                                                              \
+      PRM_HANDLER_INFORMATION_STRUCT_REVISION,                             /* UINT16                  StructureRevision;      */   \
+      sizeof (PRM_HANDLER_INFORMATION_STRUCT),                             /* UINT16                  StructureLength;        */   \
+      HandlerGuid,                                                         /* GUID                    HandlerGuid;            */   \
+      PhysicalAddress,                                                     /* UINT64                  PhysicalAddress         */   \
+    } \
+  }
+#endif // _PRMT_ACPI_TABLE_H_

+ 51 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+/** @file
+  Definitions specific to the Platform Runtime Mechanism (PRM) loader.x
+  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
+  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#ifndef PRM_LOADER_H_
+#define PRM_LOADER_H_
+#include <IndustryStandard/PeImage.h>
+#include <Library/PeCoffLib.h>
+#include <PrmExportDescriptor.h>
+#define _DBGMSGID_                                    "[PRMLOADER]"
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+typedef struct {
+  PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT          PeCoffImageContext;
+  EFI_IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY            *ExportDirectory;
+typedef struct {
+  UINTN                                 Signature;
+  LIST_ENTRY                            Link;
+  PRM_MODULE_IMAGE_CONTEXT              *Context;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+// Iterate through the double linked list. NOT delete safe.
+#define EFI_LIST_FOR_EACH(Entry, ListHead)    \
+  for(Entry = (ListHead)->ForwardLink; Entry != (ListHead); Entry = Entry->ForwardLink)
+// Iterate through the double linked list. This is delete-safe.
+// Don't touch NextEntry.
+#define EFI_LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE(Entry, NextEntry, ListHead)            \
+  for(Entry = (ListHead)->ForwardLink, NextEntry = Entry->ForwardLink;\
+      Entry != (ListHead); Entry = NextEntry, NextEntry = Entry->ForwardLin

+ 925 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,925 @@
+/** @file
+  This file contains the implementation for a Platform Runtime Mechanism (PRM)
+  loader driver.
+  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
+  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#include "PrmAcpiTable.h"
+#include "PrmLoader.h"
+#include <IndustryStandard/Acpi.h>
+#include <Library/BaseLib.h>
+#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
+#include <Library/DebugLib.h>
+#include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
+#include <Library/PrmContextBufferLib.h>
+#include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
+#include <Library/UefiLib.h>
+#include <Protocol/AcpiTable.h>
+#include <Protocol/LoadedImage.h>
+#include <Protocol/PrmConfig.h>
+#include <PrmContextBuffer.h>
+#include <PrmMmio.h>
+#include <PrmModuleUpdate.h>
+LIST_ENTRY          mPrmModuleList;
+// Todo: Potentially refactor mPrmHandlerCount and mPrmModuleCount into localized structures
+//       in the future.
+UINT32              mPrmHandlerCount;
+UINT32              mPrmModuleCount;
+  Gets a pointer to the export directory in a given PE/COFF image.
+  @param[in]  ImageExportDirectory        A pointer to an export directory table in a PE/COFF image.
+  @param[in]  PeCoffLoaderImageContext    A pointer to a PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT structure that contains the
+                                          PE/COFF image context for the Image containing the PRM Module Export
+                                          Descriptor table.
+  @param[out] ExportDescriptor            A pointer to a pointer to the PRM Module Export Descriptor table found
+                                          in the ImageExportDirectory given.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                     The PRM Module Export Descriptor table was found successfully.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER           A required parameter is NULL.
+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND                   The PRM Module Export Descriptor table was not found in the given
+                                          ImageExportDirectory.
+GetPrmModuleExportDescriptorTable (
+  IN  EFI_IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY          *ImageExportDirectory,
+  IN  PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT        *PeCoffLoaderImageContext,
+  )
+  UINTN                                   Index;
+  EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS                    CurrentImageAddress;
+  UINT16                                  PrmModuleExportDescriptorOrdinal;
+  CONST CHAR8                             *CurrentExportName;
+  UINT16                                  *OrdinalTable;
+  UINT32                                  *ExportNamePointerTable;
+  UINT32                                  *ExportAddressTable;
+  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a %a - Entry.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+  *ExportDescriptor = NULL;
+  if (ImageExportDirectory == NULL ||
+      PeCoffLoaderImageContext == NULL ||
+      PeCoffLoaderImageContext->ImageAddress == 0 ||
+      ExportDescriptor == NULL) {
+  }
+  DEBUG ((
+    "  %a %a: %d exported names found in this image.\n",
+    _DBGMSGID_,
+    __FUNCTION__,
+    ImageExportDirectory->NumberOfNames
+    ));
+  //
+  // The export name pointer table and export ordinal table form two parallel arrays associated by index.
+  //
+  CurrentImageAddress = PeCoffLoaderImageContext->ImageAddress;
+  ExportAddressTable = (UINT32 *) ((UINTN) CurrentImageAddress + ImageExportDirectory->AddressOfFunctions);
+  ExportNamePointerTable = (UINT32 *) ((UINTN) CurrentImageAddress + ImageExportDirectory->AddressOfNames);
+  OrdinalTable = (UINT16 *) ((UINTN) CurrentImageAddress + ImageExportDirectory->AddressOfNameOrdinals);
+  for (Index = 0; Index < ImageExportDirectory->NumberOfNames; Index++) {
+    CurrentExportName = (CONST CHAR8 *) ((UINTN) CurrentImageAddress + ExportNamePointerTable[Index]);
+    DEBUG ((
+      DEBUG_INFO,
+      "  %a %a: Export Name[0x%x] - %a.\n",
+      _DBGMSGID_,
+      __FUNCTION__,
+      Index,
+      CurrentExportName
+      ));
+    if (
+      AsciiStrnCmp (
+        CurrentExportName,
+        ) == 0) {
+      PrmModuleExportDescriptorOrdinal = OrdinalTable[Index];
+      DEBUG ((
+        DEBUG_INFO,
+        "  %a %a: PRM Module Export Descriptor found. Ordinal = %d.\n",
+        _DBGMSGID_,
+        __FUNCTION__,
+        PrmModuleExportDescriptorOrdinal
+        ));
+      if (PrmModuleExportDescriptorOrdinal >= ImageExportDirectory->NumberOfFunctions) {
+        DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a %a: The PRM Module Export Descriptor ordinal value is invalid.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+        return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
+      }
+      TempExportDescriptor = (PRM_MODULE_EXPORT_DESCRIPTOR_STRUCT *) ((UINTN) CurrentImageAddress + ExportAddressTable[PrmModuleExportDescriptorOrdinal]);
+      if (TempExportDescriptor->Signature == PRM_MODULE_EXPORT_DESCRIPTOR_SIGNATURE) {
+        *ExportDescriptor = TempExportDescriptor;
+        DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "  %a %a: PRM Module Export Descriptor found at 0x%x.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__, (UINTN) ExportDescriptor));
+      } else {
+        DEBUG ((
+          DEBUG_INFO,
+          "  %a %a: PRM Module Export Descriptor found at 0x%x but signature check failed.\n",
+          _DBGMSGID_,
+          __FUNCTION__,
+          (UINTN) TempExportDescriptor
+          ));
+      }
+      DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "  %a %a: Exiting export iteration since export descriptor found.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+      return EFI_SUCCESS;
+    }
+  }
+  return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
+  Gets a pointer to the export directory in a given PE/COFF image.
+  @param[in]  Image                       A pointer to a PE32/COFF image base address that is loaded into memory
+                                          and already relocated to the memory base address. RVAs in the image given
+                                          should be valid.
+  @param[in]  PeCoffLoaderImageContext    A pointer to a PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT structure that contains the
+                                          PE/COFF image context for the Image given.
+  @param[out] ImageExportDirectory        A pointer to a pointer to the export directory found in the Image given.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                     The export directory was found successfully.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER           A required parameter is NULL.
+  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED                 The PE/COFF image given is not supported as a PRM Module.
+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND                   The image export directory could not be found for this image.
+GetExportDirectoryInPeCoffImage (
+  IN  VOID                                *Image,
+  IN  PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT        *PeCoffLoaderImageContext,
+  OUT EFI_IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY          **ImageExportDirectory
+  )
+  UINT16                                  Magic;
+  UINT32                                  NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
+  EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY                *DirectoryEntry;
+  EFI_IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY              *ExportDirectory;
+  EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER                *SectionHeader;
+  if (Image == NULL || PeCoffLoaderImageContext == NULL || ImageExportDirectory == NULL) {
+  }
+  DirectoryEntry  = NULL;
+  ExportDirectory = NULL;
+  //
+  // NOTE: For backward compatibility, use the Machine field to identify a PE32/PE32+
+  //       image instead of using the Magic field. Some systems might generate a PE32+
+  //       image with PE32 magic.
+  //
+  switch (PeCoffLoaderImageContext->Machine) {
+    //
+    // Assume PE32 image with IA32 Machine field.
+    //
+    break;
+    //
+    // Assume PE32+ image with X64 Machine field
+    //
+    break;
+  default:
+    //
+    // For unknown Machine field, use Magic in optional header
+    //
+    DEBUG ((
+      DEBUG_WARN,
+      "%a %a: The machine type for this image is not valid for a PRM module.\n",
+      _DBGMSGID_,
+      __FUNCTION__
+      ));
+    return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
+  }
+  OptionalHeaderPtrUnion.Pe32 = (EFI_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 *) (
+                                  (UINTN) Image +
+                                  PeCoffLoaderImageContext->PeCoffHeaderOffset
+                                  );
+  //
+  // Check the PE/COFF Header Signature. Determine if the image is valid and/or a TE image.
+  //
+  if (OptionalHeaderPtrUnion.Pe32->Signature != EFI_IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) {
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a %a: The PE signature is not valid for the current image.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+    return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
+  }
+  SectionHeader = (EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *) (
+                    (UINTN) Image +
+                    PeCoffLoaderImageContext->PeCoffHeaderOffset +
+                    sizeof (UINT32) +
+                    sizeof (EFI_IMAGE_FILE_HEADER) +
+                    PeCoffLoaderImageContext->SizeOfHeaders
+                    );
+    //
+    // Use the PE32 offset to get the Export Directory Entry
+    //
+    NumberOfRvaAndSizes = OptionalHeaderPtrUnion.Pe32->OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
+    DirectoryEntry = (EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY *) &(OptionalHeaderPtrUnion.Pe32->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT]);
+  } else if (OptionalHeaderPtrUnion.Pe32->OptionalHeader.Magic == EFI_IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR64_MAGIC) {
+    //
+    // Use the PE32+ offset get the Export Directory Entry
+    //
+    NumberOfRvaAndSizes = OptionalHeaderPtrUnion.Pe32Plus->OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
+    DirectoryEntry = (EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY *) &(OptionalHeaderPtrUnion.Pe32Plus->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT]);
+  } else {
+    return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
+  }
+  if (NumberOfRvaAndSizes <= EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT || DirectoryEntry->VirtualAddress == 0) {
+    //
+    // The export directory is not present
+    //
+    return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
+  } else if (((UINT32) (~0) - DirectoryEntry->VirtualAddress) < DirectoryEntry->Size) {
+    //
+    // The directory address overflows
+    //
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a %a: The export directory entry in this image results in overflow.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+    return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
+  } else {
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a %a: Export Directory Entry found in the image at 0x%x.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__, (UINTN) OptionalHeaderPtrUnion.Pe32));
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "  %a %a: Directory Entry Virtual Address = 0x%x.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__, DirectoryEntry->VirtualAddress));
+    ExportDirectory = (EFI_IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY *) ((UINTN) Image + DirectoryEntry->VirtualAddress);
+    DEBUG ((
+      DEBUG_INFO,
+      "  %a %a: Export Directory Table found successfully at 0x%x. Name address = 0x%x. Name = %a.\n",
+      _DBGMSGID_,
+      __FUNCTION__,
+      (UINTN) ExportDirectory,
+      ((UINTN) Image + ExportDirectory->Name),
+      (CHAR8 *) ((UINTN) Image + ExportDirectory->Name)
+      ));
+  }
+  *ImageExportDirectory = ExportDirectory;
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;
+  Returns the image major and image minor version in a given PE/COFF image.
+  @param[in]  Image                       A pointer to a PE32/COFF image base address that is loaded into memory
+                                          and already relocated to the memory base address. RVAs in the image given
+                                          should be valid.
+  @param[in]  PeCoffLoaderImageContext    A pointer to a PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT structure that contains the
+                                          PE/COFF image context for the Image given.
+  @param[out] ImageMajorVersion           A pointer to a UINT16 buffer to hold the image major version.
+  @param[out] ImageMinorVersion           A pointer to a UINT16 buffer to hold the image minor version.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                     The image version was read successfully.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER           A required parameter is NULL.
+  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED                 The PE/COFF image given is not supported.
+GetImageVersionInPeCoffImage (
+  IN  VOID                                *Image,
+  IN  PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT        *PeCoffLoaderImageContext,
+  OUT UINT16                              *ImageMajorVersion,
+  OUT UINT16                              *ImageMinorVersion
+  )
+  UINT16                                  Magic;
+  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "    %a %a - Entry.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+  if (Image == NULL || PeCoffLoaderImageContext == NULL || ImageMajorVersion == NULL || ImageMinorVersion == NULL) {
+  }
+  //
+  // NOTE: For backward compatibility, use the Machine field to identify a PE32/PE32+
+  //       image instead of using the Magic field. Some systems might generate a PE32+
+  //       image with PE32 magic.
+  //
+  switch (PeCoffLoaderImageContext->Machine) {
+    //
+    // Assume PE32 image with IA32 Machine field.
+    //
+    break;
+    //
+    // Assume PE32+ image with X64 Machine field
+    //
+    break;
+  default:
+    //
+    // For unknown Machine field, use Magic in optional header
+    //
+    DEBUG ((
+      DEBUG_WARN,
+      "%a %a: The machine type for this image is not valid for a PRM module.\n",
+      _DBGMSGID_,
+      __FUNCTION__
+      ));
+    return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
+  }
+  OptionalHeaderPtrUnion.Pe32 = (EFI_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 *) (
+                                  (UINTN) Image +
+                                  PeCoffLoaderImageContext->PeCoffHeaderOffset
+                                  );
+  //
+  // Check the PE/COFF Header Signature. Determine if the image is valid and/or a TE image.
+  //
+  if (OptionalHeaderPtrUnion.Pe32->Signature != EFI_IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) {
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a %a: The PE signature is not valid for the current image.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+    return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
+  }
+    //
+    // Use the PE32 offset to get the Export Directory Entry
+    //
+    *ImageMajorVersion = OptionalHeaderPtrUnion.Pe32->OptionalHeader.MajorImageVersion;
+    *ImageMinorVersion = OptionalHeaderPtrUnion.Pe32->OptionalHeader.MinorImageVersion;
+  } else {
+    //
+    // Use the PE32+ offset to get the Export Directory Entry
+    //
+    *ImageMajorVersion = OptionalHeaderPtrUnion.Pe32Plus->OptionalHeader.MajorImageVersion;
+    *ImageMinorVersion = OptionalHeaderPtrUnion.Pe32Plus->OptionalHeader.MinorImageVersion;
+  }
+  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "      %a %a - Image Major Version: 0x%02x.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__, *ImageMajorVersion));
+  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "      %a %a - Image Minor Version: 0x%02x.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__, *ImageMinorVersion));
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;
+  Creates a new PRM Module Image Context linked list entry.
+  @retval PrmModuleImageContextListEntry  If successful, a pointer a PRM Module Image Context linked list entry
+                                          otherwise, NULL is returned.
+CreateNewPrmModuleImageContextListEntry (
+  )
+  PRM_MODULE_IMAGE_CONTEXT                *PrmModuleImageContext;
+  PRM_MODULE_IMAGE_CONTEXT_LIST_ENTRY     *PrmModuleImageContextListEntry;
+  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a %a - Entry.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+  PrmModuleImageContext = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (*PrmModuleImageContext));
+  if (PrmModuleImageContext == NULL) {
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  DEBUG ((
+    "  %a %a: Allocated PrmModuleImageContext at 0x%x of size 0x%x bytes.\n",
+    _DBGMSGID_,
+    __FUNCTION__,
+    (UINTN) PrmModuleImageContext,
+    sizeof (*PrmModuleImageContext)
+    ));
+  PrmModuleImageContextListEntry = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (*PrmModuleImageContextListEntry));
+  if (PrmModuleImageContextListEntry == NULL) {
+    FreePool (PrmModuleImageContext);
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  DEBUG ((
+    "  %a %a: Allocated PrmModuleImageContextListEntry at 0x%x of size 0x%x bytes.\n",
+    _DBGMSGID_,
+    __FUNCTION__,
+    (UINTN) PrmModuleImageContextListEntry,
+    sizeof (*PrmModuleImageContextListEntry)
+    ));
+  PrmModuleImageContextListEntry->Signature = PRM_MODULE_IMAGE_CONTEXT_LIST_ENTRY_SIGNATURE;
+  PrmModuleImageContextListEntry->Context = PrmModuleImageContext;
+  return PrmModuleImageContextListEntry;
+  Discovers all PRM Modules loaded during the DXE boot phase.
+  Each PRM Module discovered is placed into a linked list so the list can br processsed in the future.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                     All PRM Modules were discovered successfully.
+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND                   The gEfiLoadedImageProtocolGuid protocol could not be found.
+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES            Insufficient memory resources to allocate the new PRM Context
+                                          linked list nodes.
+DiscoverPrmModules (
+  )
+  EFI_STATUS                              Status;
+  PRM_MODULE_IMAGE_CONTEXT                TempPrmModuleImageContext;
+  PRM_MODULE_IMAGE_CONTEXT_LIST_ENTRY     *PrmModuleImageContextListEntry;
+  EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL               *LoadedImageProtocol;
+  EFI_HANDLE                              *HandleBuffer;
+  UINTN                                   HandleCount;
+  UINTN                                   Index;
+  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a %a - Entry.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+  Status = gBS->LocateHandleBuffer (
+                  ByProtocol,
+                  &gEfiLoadedImageProtocolGuid,
+                  NULL,
+                  &HandleCount,
+                  &HandleBuffer
+                  );
+  if (EFI_ERROR (Status) && (HandleCount == 0)) {
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a %a: No LoadedImageProtocol instances found!\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+    return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
+  }
+  for (Index = 0; Index < HandleCount; Index++) {
+    Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (
+                    HandleBuffer[Index],
+                    &gEfiLoadedImageProtocolGuid,
+                    (VOID **) &LoadedImageProtocol
+                    );
+    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    ZeroMem (&TempPrmModuleImageContext, sizeof (TempPrmModuleImageContext));
+    TempPrmModuleImageContext.PeCoffImageContext.Handle    = LoadedImageProtocol->ImageBase;
+    TempPrmModuleImageContext.PeCoffImageContext.ImageRead = PeCoffLoaderImageReadFromMemory;
+    Status = PeCoffLoaderGetImageInfo (&TempPrmModuleImageContext.PeCoffImageContext);
+    if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || TempPrmModuleImageContext.PeCoffImageContext.ImageError != IMAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+      DEBUG ((
+        DEBUG_WARN,
+        "%a %a: ImageHandle 0x%016lx is not a valid PE/COFF image. It cannot be considered a PRM module.\n",
+        _DBGMSGID_,
+        __FUNCTION__,
+        (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) LoadedImageProtocol->ImageBase
+        ));
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (TempPrmModuleImageContext.PeCoffImageContext.IsTeImage) {
+      // A PRM Module is not allowed to be a TE image
+      continue;
+    }
+    // Attempt to find an export table in this image
+    Status =  GetExportDirectoryInPeCoffImage (
+                LoadedImageProtocol->ImageBase,
+                &TempPrmModuleImageContext.PeCoffImageContext,
+                &TempPrmModuleImageContext.ExportDirectory
+                );
+    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    // Attempt to find the PRM Module Export Descriptor in the export table
+    Status = GetPrmModuleExportDescriptorTable (
+              TempPrmModuleImageContext.ExportDirectory,
+              &TempPrmModuleImageContext.PeCoffImageContext,
+              &TempPrmModuleImageContext.ExportDescriptor
+              );
+    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    // A PRM Module Export Descriptor was successfully found, this is considered a PRM Module.
+    //
+    // Create a new PRM Module image context node
+    //
+    PrmModuleImageContextListEntry = CreateNewPrmModuleImageContextListEntry ();
+    if (PrmModuleImageContextListEntry == NULL) {
+      return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
+    }
+    CopyMem (
+      PrmModuleImageContextListEntry->Context,
+      &TempPrmModuleImageContext,
+      sizeof (*(PrmModuleImageContextListEntry->Context))
+      );
+    InsertTailList (&mPrmModuleList, &PrmModuleImageContextListEntry->Link);
+    mPrmHandlerCount += TempPrmModuleImageContext.ExportDescriptor->NumberPrmHandlers;
+    mPrmModuleCount++; // Todo: Match with global variable refactor change in the future
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a %a: New PRM Module inserted into list to be processed.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+  }
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;
+  Gets the address of an entry in an image export table by ASCII name.
+  @param[in]  ExportName                  A pointer to an ASCII name string of the entry name.
+  @param[in]  ImageBaseAddress            The base address of the PE/COFF image.
+  @param[in]  ImageExportDirectory        A pointer to the export directory in the image.
+  @param[out] ExportPhysicalAddress       A pointer that will be updated with the address of the address of the
+                                          export entry if found.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                     The export entry was found successfully.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER           A required pointer argument is NULL.
+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND                   An entry with the given ExportName was not found.
+GetExportEntryAddress (
+  IN  CONST CHAR8                         *ExportName,
+  IN  EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS                ImageBaseAddress,
+  IN  EFI_IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY          *ImageExportDirectory,
+  OUT EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS                *ExportPhysicalAddress
+  )
+  UINTN                                   ExportNameIndex;
+  UINT16                                  CurrentExportOrdinal;
+  UINT32                                  *ExportAddressTable;
+  UINT32                                  *ExportNamePointerTable;
+  UINT16                                  *OrdinalTable;
+  CONST CHAR8                             *ExportNameTablePointerName;
+  if (ExportName == NULL || ImageBaseAddress == 0 || ImageExportDirectory == NULL || ExportPhysicalAddress == NULL) {
+  }
+  *ExportPhysicalAddress = 0;
+  ExportAddressTable = (UINT32 *) ((UINTN) ImageBaseAddress + ImageExportDirectory->AddressOfFunctions);
+  ExportNamePointerTable = (UINT32 *) ((UINTN) ImageBaseAddress + ImageExportDirectory->AddressOfNames);
+  OrdinalTable = (UINT16 *) ((UINTN) ImageBaseAddress + ImageExportDirectory->AddressOfNameOrdinals);
+  for (ExportNameIndex = 0; ExportNameIndex < ImageExportDirectory->NumberOfNames; ExportNameIndex++) {
+    ExportNameTablePointerName = (CONST CHAR8 *) ((UINTN) ImageBaseAddress + ExportNamePointerTable[ExportNameIndex]);
+    if (AsciiStrnCmp (ExportName, ExportNameTablePointerName, PRM_HANDLER_NAME_MAXIMUM_LENGTH) == 0) {
+      CurrentExportOrdinal = OrdinalTable[ExportNameIndex];
+      ASSERT (CurrentExportOrdinal < ImageExportDirectory->NumberOfFunctions);
+      if (CurrentExportOrdinal >= ImageExportDirectory->NumberOfFunctions) {
+        DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "  %a %a: The export ordinal value is invalid.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+        break;
+      }
+      *ExportPhysicalAddress = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) ((UINTN) ImageBaseAddress + ExportAddressTable[CurrentExportOrdinal]);
+      return EFI_SUCCESS;
+    }
+  }
+  return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
+  Processes a list of PRM context entries to build a PRM ACPI table.
+  The ACPI table buffer is allocated and the table structure is built inside this function.
+  @param[out]  PrmAcpiDescriptionTable    A pointer to a pointer to a buffer that is allocated within this function
+                                          and will contain the PRM ACPI table. In case of an error in this function,
+                                          *PrmAcpiDescriptorTable will be NULL.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                     All PRM Modules were processed to construct the PRM ACPI table successfully.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER           THe parameter PrmAcpiDescriptionTable is NULL.
+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES            Insufficient memory resources to allocate the PRM ACPI table boot services
+                                          memory data buffer.
+ProcessPrmModules (
+  OUT PRM_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_TABLE          **PrmAcpiDescriptionTable
+  )
+  EFI_IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY              *CurrentImageExportDirectory;
+  PRM_MODULE_EXPORT_DESCRIPTOR_STRUCT     *CurrentExportDescriptorStruct;
+  LIST_ENTRY                              *Link;
+  PRM_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_TABLE              *PrmAcpiTable;
+  CONST CHAR8                             *CurrentExportDescriptorHandlerName;
+  PRM_CONTEXT_BUFFER                      *CurrentContextBuffer;
+  PRM_MODULE_CONTEXT_BUFFERS              *CurrentModuleContextBuffers;
+  PRM_MODULE_INFORMATION_STRUCT           *CurrentModuleInfoStruct;
+  PRM_HANDLER_INFORMATION_STRUCT          *CurrentHandlerInfoStruct;
+  EFI_STATUS                              Status;
+  EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS                    CurrentImageAddress;
+  UINTN                                   HandlerIndex;
+  UINT32                                  PrmAcpiDescriptionTableBufferSize;
+  UINT64                                  HandlerPhysicalAddress;
+  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a %a - Entry.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+  if (PrmAcpiDescriptionTable == NULL) {
+  }
+  Link = NULL;
+  *PrmAcpiDescriptionTable = NULL;
+  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "  %a %a: %d total PRM modules to process.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__, mPrmModuleCount));
+  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "  %a %a: %d total PRM handlers to process.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__, mPrmHandlerCount));
+  PrmAcpiDescriptionTableBufferSize = (OFFSET_OF (PRM_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_TABLE, PrmModuleInfoStructure) +
+                                        (OFFSET_OF (PRM_MODULE_INFORMATION_STRUCT, HandlerInfoStructure) *  mPrmModuleCount) +
+                                        (sizeof (PRM_HANDLER_INFORMATION_STRUCT) * mPrmHandlerCount)
+                                        );
+  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "  %a %a: Total PRM ACPI table size: 0x%x.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__, PrmAcpiDescriptionTableBufferSize));
+  PrmAcpiTable = AllocateZeroPool ((UINTN) PrmAcpiDescriptionTableBufferSize);
+  if (PrmAcpiTable == NULL) {
+  }
+  PrmAcpiTable->Header.Signature        = PRM_TABLE_SIGNATURE;
+  PrmAcpiTable->Header.Length           = PrmAcpiDescriptionTableBufferSize;
+  PrmAcpiTable->Header.Revision         = PRM_TABLE_REVISION;
+  PrmAcpiTable->Header.Checksum         = 0x0;
+  CopyMem (&PrmAcpiTable->Header.OemId, PcdGetPtr (PcdAcpiDefaultOemId), sizeof (PrmAcpiTable->Header.OemId));
+  PrmAcpiTable->Header.OemTableId       = PcdGet64 (PcdAcpiDefaultOemTableId);
+  PrmAcpiTable->Header.OemRevision      = PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiDefaultOemRevision);
+  PrmAcpiTable->Header.CreatorId        = PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiDefaultCreatorId);
+  PrmAcpiTable->Header.CreatorRevision  = PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiDefaultCreatorRevision);
+  PrmAcpiTable->PrmModuleInfoOffset     = OFFSET_OF (PRM_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_TABLE, PrmModuleInfoStructure);
+  PrmAcpiTable->PrmModuleInfoCount      = mPrmModuleCount;
+  //
+  // Iterate across all PRM Modules on the list
+  //
+  CurrentModuleInfoStruct = &PrmAcpiTable->PrmModuleInfoStructure[0];
+  EFI_LIST_FOR_EACH(Link, &mPrmModuleList)
+  {
+    CurrentImageAddress = TempListEntry->Context->PeCoffImageContext.ImageAddress;
+    CurrentImageExportDirectory = TempListEntry->Context->ExportDirectory;
+    CurrentExportDescriptorStruct = TempListEntry->Context->ExportDescriptor;
+    DEBUG ((
+      DEBUG_INFO,
+      "  %a %a: PRM Module - %a with %d handlers.\n",
+      _DBGMSGID_,
+      __FUNCTION__,
+      (CHAR8 *) ((UINTN) CurrentImageAddress + CurrentImageExportDirectory->Name),
+      CurrentExportDescriptorStruct->NumberPrmHandlers
+      ));
+    CurrentModuleInfoStruct->StructureRevision = PRM_MODULE_INFORMATION_STRUCT_REVISION;
+    CurrentModuleInfoStruct->StructureLength = (
+                                             OFFSET_OF (PRM_MODULE_INFORMATION_STRUCT, HandlerInfoStructure) +
+                                             (CurrentExportDescriptorStruct->NumberPrmHandlers * sizeof (PRM_HANDLER_INFORMATION_STRUCT))
+                                             );
+    CopyGuid (&CurrentModuleInfoStruct->Identifier, &CurrentExportDescriptorStruct->ModuleGuid);
+    CurrentModuleInfoStruct->HandlerCount       = (UINT32) CurrentExportDescriptorStruct->NumberPrmHandlers;
+    CurrentModuleInfoStruct->HandlerInfoOffset  = OFFSET_OF (PRM_MODULE_INFORMATION_STRUCT, HandlerInfoStructure);
+    CurrentModuleInfoStruct->MajorRevision = 0;
+    CurrentModuleInfoStruct->MinorRevision = 0;
+    Status =  GetImageVersionInPeCoffImage (
+                (VOID *) (UINTN) CurrentImageAddress,
+                &TempListEntry->Context->PeCoffImageContext,
+                &CurrentModuleInfoStruct->MajorRevision,
+                &CurrentModuleInfoStruct->MinorRevision
+                );
+    ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
+    Status =  GetExportEntryAddress (
+                CurrentImageAddress,
+                CurrentImageExportDirectory,
+                (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS *) &(CurrentModuleInfoStruct->ModuleUpdateLock)
+                );
+    ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
+    if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+      DEBUG ((
+        DEBUG_INFO,
+        "    %a %a: Found PRM module update lock physical address at 0x%016x.\n",
+        _DBGMSGID_,
+        __FUNCTION__,
+        CurrentModuleInfoStruct->ModuleUpdateLock
+        ));
+    }
+    // It is currently valid for a PRM module not to use a context buffer
+    Status = GetModuleContextBuffers (
+              ByModuleGuid,
+              &CurrentModuleInfoStruct->Identifier,
+              &CurrentModuleContextBuffers
+              );
+    ASSERT (!EFI_ERROR (Status) || Status == EFI_NOT_FOUND);
+    if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) && CurrentModuleContextBuffers != NULL) {
+      CurrentModuleInfoStruct->RuntimeMmioRanges = (UINT64) (UINTN) CurrentModuleContextBuffers->RuntimeMmioRanges;
+    }
+    //
+    // Iterate across all PRM handlers in the PRM Module
+    //
+    for (HandlerIndex = 0; HandlerIndex < CurrentExportDescriptorStruct->NumberPrmHandlers; HandlerIndex++) {
+      CurrentHandlerInfoStruct = &(CurrentModuleInfoStruct->HandlerInfoStructure[HandlerIndex]);
+      CurrentHandlerInfoStruct->StructureRevision = PRM_HANDLER_INFORMATION_STRUCT_REVISION;
+      CurrentHandlerInfoStruct->StructureLength = sizeof (PRM_HANDLER_INFORMATION_STRUCT);
+      CopyGuid (
+        &CurrentHandlerInfoStruct->Identifier,
+        &CurrentExportDescriptorStruct->PrmHandlerExportDescriptors[HandlerIndex].PrmHandlerGuid
+        );
+      CurrentExportDescriptorHandlerName = (CONST CHAR8 *) CurrentExportDescriptorStruct->PrmHandlerExportDescriptors[HandlerIndex].PrmHandlerName;
+      Status =  GetContextBuffer (
+                  &CurrentHandlerInfoStruct->Identifier,
+                  CurrentModuleContextBuffers,
+                  &CurrentContextBuffer
+                  );
+      if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+        CurrentHandlerInfoStruct->PrmContextBuffer = (UINT64) CurrentContextBuffer;
+      }
+      Status =  GetExportEntryAddress (
+                  CurrentExportDescriptorHandlerName,
+                  CurrentImageAddress,
+                  CurrentImageExportDirectory,
+                  &HandlerPhysicalAddress
+                  );
+      ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
+      if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+        CurrentHandlerInfoStruct->PhysicalAddress = HandlerPhysicalAddress;
+        DEBUG ((
+          DEBUG_INFO,
+          "    %a %a: Found %a handler physical address at 0x%016x.\n",
+          _DBGMSGID_,
+          __FUNCTION__,
+          CurrentExportDescriptorHandlerName,
+          CurrentHandlerInfoStruct->PhysicalAddress
+          ));
+      }
+    }
+    CurrentModuleInfoStruct = (PRM_MODULE_INFORMATION_STRUCT *) ((UINTN) CurrentModuleInfoStruct + CurrentModuleInfoStruct->StructureLength);
+  }
+  *PrmAcpiDescriptionTable = PrmAcpiTable;
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;
+  Publishes the PRM ACPI table (PRMT).
+  @param[in]  PrmAcpiDescriptionTable     A pointer to a buffer with a completely populated and valid PRM
+                                          ACPI description table.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                     The PRM ACPI was installed successfully.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER           THe parameter PrmAcpiDescriptionTable is NULL or the table signature
+                                          in the table provided is invalid.
+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND                   The protocol gEfiAcpiTableProtocolGuid could not be found.
+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES            Insufficient memory resources to allocate the PRM ACPI table buffer.
+PublishPrmAcpiTable (
+  IN  PRM_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_TABLE          *PrmAcpiDescriptionTable
+  )
+  EFI_STATUS                              Status;
+  EFI_ACPI_TABLE_PROTOCOL                 *AcpiTableProtocol;
+  UINTN                                   TableKey;
+  if (PrmAcpiDescriptionTable == NULL || PrmAcpiDescriptionTable->Header.Signature != PRM_TABLE_SIGNATURE) {
+  }
+  Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiAcpiTableProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &AcpiTableProtocol);
+  if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+    TableKey = 0;
+    //
+    // Publish the PRM ACPI table. The table checksum will be computed during installation.
+    //
+    Status = AcpiTableProtocol->InstallAcpiTable (
+                                  AcpiTableProtocol,
+                                  PrmAcpiDescriptionTable,
+                                  PrmAcpiDescriptionTable->Header.Length,
+                                  &TableKey
+                                  );
+    if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+      DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a %a: The PRMT ACPI table was installed successfully.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+    }
+  }
+  return Status;
+  The PRM Loader END_OF_DXE protocol notification event handler.
+  All PRM Modules that are eligible for dispatch should have been loaded the DXE Dispatcher at the
+  time of this function invocation.
+  The main responsibilities of the PRM Loader are executed from this function which include 3 phases:
+    1.) Disover PRM Modules - Find all PRM modules loaded during DXE dispatch and insert a PRM Module
+        Context entry into a linked list to be handed off to phase 2.
+    2.) Process PRM Modules - Build a GUID to PRM handler mapping for each module that is described in the
+        PRM ACPI table so the OS can resolve a PRM Handler GUID to the corresponding PRM Handler physical address.
+    3.) Publish PRM ACPI Table - Publish the PRM ACPI table with the information gathered in the phase 2.
+  @param[in]  Event                       Event whose notification function is being invoked.
+  @param[in]  Context                     The pointer to the notification function's context,
+                                          which is implementation-dependent.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                     The function executed successfully
+PrmLoaderEndOfDxeNotification (
+  IN  EFI_EVENT                           Event,
+  IN  VOID                                *Context
+  )
+  EFI_STATUS                              Status;
+  PRM_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_TABLE              *PrmAcpiDescriptionTable;
+  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a %a - Entry.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+  InitializeListHead (&mPrmModuleList);
+  Status = DiscoverPrmModules ();
+  Status = ProcessPrmModules (&PrmAcpiDescriptionTable);
+  Status = PublishPrmAcpiTable (PrmAcpiDescriptionTable);
+  if (PrmAcpiDescriptionTable != NULL) {
+    FreePool (PrmAcpiDescriptionTable);
+  }
+  gBS->CloseEvent (Event);
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;
+  The entry point for this module.
+  @param  ImageHandle    The firmware allocated handle for the EFI image.
+  @param  SystemTable    A pointer to the EFI System Table.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS    The entry point is executed successfully.
+  @retval Others         An error occurred when executing this entry point.
+PrmLoaderEntryPoint (
+  IN EFI_HANDLE                           ImageHandle,
+  IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE                     *SystemTable
+  )
+  EFI_STATUS                              Status;
+  EFI_EVENT                               EndOfDxeEvent;
+  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a %a - Entry.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__));
+  //
+  // Discover and process installed PRM modules at the End of DXE
+  // The PRM ACPI table is published if one or PRM modules are discovered
+  //
+  Status = gBS->CreateEventEx(
+                  EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL,
+                  TPL_CALLBACK,
+                  PrmLoaderEndOfDxeNotification,
+                  NULL,
+                  &gEfiEndOfDxeEventGroupGuid,
+                  &EndOfDxeEvent
+                  );
+  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a %a: EndOfDxe callback registration failed! %r.\n", _DBGMSGID_, __FUNCTION__, Status));
+    ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
+  }
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;

+ 59 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+## @file
+#  PRM Loader Driver
+#  This driver discovers PRM Modules loaded in memory and places those modules and the
+#  PRM handlers within those modules into a PRMT ACPI table such that the handlers are
+#  made available for invocation in the OS.
+#  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+  INF_VERSION                    = 0x00010005
+  BASE_NAME                      = PrmLoaderDxe
+  FILE_GUID                      = 226A500A-E14F-414A-A956-40E5762D3D1E
+  MODULE_TYPE                    = DXE_DRIVER
+  VERSION_STRING                 = 1.0
+  ENTRY_POINT                    = PrmLoaderEntryPoint
+  PrmAcpiTable.h
+  PrmLoader.h
+  PrmLoaderDxe.c
+  MdePkg/MdePkg.dec
+  MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec
+  PrmPkg/PrmPkg.dec
+  gEfiEndOfDxeEventGroupGuid
+  BaseLib
+  BaseMemoryLib
+  DebugLib
+  MemoryAllocationLib
+  PeCoffLib
+  PrmContextBufferLib
+  UefiBootServicesTableLib
+  UefiDriverEntryPoint
+  UefiLib
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdAcpiDefaultOemId            ## CONSUMES
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdAcpiDefaultOemTableId       ## CONSUMES
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdAcpiDefaultOemRevision      ## CONSUMES
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdAcpiDefaultCreatorId        ## CONSUMES
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdAcpiDefaultCreatorRevision  ## CONSUMES
+  gEfiAcpiTableProtocolGuid
+  gEfiLoadedImageProtocolGuid
+  gPrmConfigProtocolGuid