# @ build_board.py # This is a sample code provides Optional dynamic imports # of build functions to the BuildBios.py script # # Copyright (c) 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent # """ This module serves as a sample implementation of the build extension scripts """ def pre_build_ex(config, functions): """Additional Pre BIOS build function :param config: The environment variables to be used in the build process :type config: Dictionary :param functions: A dictionary of function pointers :type functions: Dictionary :returns: nothing """ print("pre_build_ex") return None def build_ex(config, functions): """Additional BIOS build function :param config: The environment variables to be used in the build process :type config: Dictionary :param functions: A dictionary of function pointers :type functions: Dictionary :returns: config dictionary :rtype: Dictionary """ print("build_ex") return None def post_build_ex(config, functions): """Additional Post BIOS build function :param config: The environment variables to be used in the post build process :type config: Dictionary :param functions: A dictionary of function pointers :type functions: Dictionary :returns: config dictionary :rtype: Dictionary """ print("post_build_ex") return None def clean_ex(config, functions): """Additional clean function :param config: The environment variables to be used in the build process :type config: Dictionary :param functions: A dictionary of function pointers :type functions: Dictionary :returns: config dictionary :rtype: Dictionary """ print("clean_ex") return None