/** @file Serialize & Deserialize UEFI Variables Copyright (c) 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #ifndef __SERIALIZE_VARIABLES_LIB__ #define __SERIALIZE_VARIABLES_LIB__ /** Callback function for each variable @param[in] Context - Context as sent to the iteration function @param[in] VariableName - Refer to RuntimeServices GetNextVariableName @param[in] VendorGuid - Refer to RuntimeServices GetNextVariableName @param[in] Attributes - Refer to RuntimeServices GetVariable @param[in] DataSize - Refer to RuntimeServices GetVariable @param[in] Data - Refer to RuntimeServices GetVariable @retval RETURN_SUCCESS Continue iterating through the variables @return Any RETURN_ERROR Stop iterating through the variables **/ typedef RETURN_STATUS (EFIAPI *VARIABLE_SERIALIZATION_ITERATION_CALLBACK)( IN VOID *Context, IN CHAR16 *VariableName, IN EFI_GUID *VendorGuid, IN UINT32 Attributes, IN UINTN DataSize, IN VOID *Data ); /** Creates a new variable serialization instance @param[out] Handle - Handle for a variable serialization instance @retval RETURN_SUCCESS - The variable serialization instance was successfully created. @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - There we not enough resources to create the variable serialization instance. **/ RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI SerializeVariablesNewInstance ( OUT EFI_HANDLE *Handle ); /** Free memory associated with a variable serialization instance @param[in] Handle - Handle for a variable serialization instance @retval RETURN_SUCCESS - The variable serialization instance was successfully freed. @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER - Handle was not a valid variable serialization instance. **/ RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI SerializeVariablesFreeInstance ( IN EFI_HANDLE Handle ); /** Creates a new variable serialization instance using the given binary representation of the variables to fill the new instance @param[out] Handle - Handle for a variable serialization instance @param[in] Buffer - A buffer with the serialized representation of the variables. Must be the same format as produced by SerializeVariablesToBuffer. @param[in] Size - This is the size of the binary representation of the variables. @retval RETURN_SUCCESS - The binary representation was successfully imported into a new variable serialization instance @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - There we not enough resources to create the new variable serialization instance **/ RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI SerializeVariablesNewInstanceFromBuffer ( OUT EFI_HANDLE *Handle, IN VOID *Buffer, IN UINTN Size ); /** Iterates all variables found with RuntimeServices GetNextVariableName @param[in] CallbackFunction - Function called for each variable instance @param[in] Context - Passed to each call of CallbackFunction @retval RETURN_SUCCESS - All variables were iterated without the CallbackFunction returning an error @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - There we not enough resources to iterate through the variables @return Any of RETURN_ERROR indicates an error reading the variable or an error was returned from CallbackFunction **/ RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI SerializeVariablesIterateSystemVariables ( IN VARIABLE_SERIALIZATION_ITERATION_CALLBACK CallbackFunction, IN VOID *Context ); /** Iterates all variables found in the variable serialization instance @param[in] Handle - Handle for a variable serialization instance @param[in] CallbackFunction - Function called for each variable instance @param[in] Context - Passed to each call of CallbackFunction @retval RETURN_SUCCESS - All variables were iterated without the CallbackFunction returning an error @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - There we not enough resources to iterate through the variables @return Any of RETURN_ERROR indicates an error reading the variable or an error was returned from CallbackFunction **/ RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI SerializeVariablesIterateInstanceVariables ( IN EFI_HANDLE Handle, IN VARIABLE_SERIALIZATION_ITERATION_CALLBACK CallbackFunction, IN VOID *Context ); /** Sets all variables found in the variable serialization instance @param[in] Handle - Handle for a variable serialization instance @retval RETURN_SUCCESS - All variables were set successfully @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - There we not enough resources to set all the variables @return Any of RETURN_ERROR indicates an error reading the variables or in attempting to set a variable **/ RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI SerializeVariablesSetSerializedVariables ( IN EFI_HANDLE Handle ); /** Adds a variable to the variable serialization instance @param[in] Handle - Handle for a variable serialization instance @param[in] VariableName - Refer to RuntimeServices GetVariable @param[in] VendorGuid - Refer to RuntimeServices GetVariable @param[in] Attributes - Refer to RuntimeServices GetVariable @param[in] DataSize - Refer to RuntimeServices GetVariable @param[in] Data - Refer to RuntimeServices GetVariable @retval RETURN_SUCCESS - All variables were set successfully @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - There we not enough resources to add the variable **/ RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI SerializeVariablesAddVariable ( IN EFI_HANDLE Handle, IN CHAR16 *VariableName, IN EFI_GUID *VendorGuid, IN UINT32 Attributes, IN UINTN DataSize, IN VOID *Data ); /** Serializes the variables known to this instance into the provided buffer. @param[in] Handle - Handle for a variable serialization instance @param[out] Buffer - A buffer to store the binary representation of the variables. @param[in,out] Size - On input this is the size of the buffer. On output this is the size of the binary representation of the variables. @retval RETURN_SUCCESS - The binary representation was successfully completed and returned in the buffer. @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - There we not enough resources to save the variables to the buffer. @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER - Handle was not a valid variable serialization instance or Size or Buffer were NULL. **/ RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI SerializeVariablesToBuffer ( IN EFI_HANDLE Handle, OUT VOID *Buffer, IN OUT UINTN *Size ); #endif