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SbsaQemu: add port for SbsaQemu platform

The QEMU sbsa-ref platform provides an SBSA-compliant platform,
providing EL3/EL2 support, non-virtio interfaces, etc. This patch adds
initial support for this platform.

We are using FDF to compose EFI flash images with TF-A images.
Flash0 (secure) is used by BL1 and FIP (BL2 + BL31).
Flash1 contains EFI code and EFI variables.

Signed-off-by: Tanmay Jagdale <>
Reviewed-by: Leif Lindholm <>
Radoslaw Biernacki 4 years ago

+ 9 - 0

@@ -251,6 +251,15 @@ F: Silicon/NXP/
 M: Leif Lindholm <>
 R: Meenakshi Aggarwal <>
+QEMU sbsa-ref platform
+F: Platform/Qemu/SbsaQemu/
+F: Silicon/Qemu/SbsaQemu/
+M: Ard Biesheuvel <>
+M: Leif Lindholm <>
+R: Graeme Gregory <>
+R: Radoslaw Biernacki <>
+R: Tanmay Jagdale <>
 Raspberry Pi platforms and silicon
 F: Platform/RaspberryPi/
 F: Silicon/Broadcom/

+ 132 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# Overview
+This directory holds the UEFI implementation for Sbsa-ref machine which is
+a fully SW emulated SBSA machine (ARM64). It aims to emulate the real HW as
+close as possible. It's purpose is to enable new feature development when
+HW for those features are not yet present on the market. It allows poking
+the HW to do all kinds of things (including errors) which are beyond control
+on real HW. It also allows easy simulations and debugging of FW-to-HW
+Keep in mind that all of the above is possible as this machine is fully
+emulated in SW. Sbsa-ref machine does not use any HW acceleration of your
+platform, even if you run it on ARM64 platform. The EL3 (and ARM TrustZone)
+is also emulated in SW.
+# How to build (Linux Environment)
+## Prerequisites
+Build process for Sbsa-ref uses FDF file for flash image composition. This is
+different to what some might expect as you need to first build the TF-A before
+building EDK2.
+Flash0 (secure) is used by BL1 and FIP (BL2 + BL31).
+Flash1 contains EFI code and EFI variables.
+## Obtaining source code
+Create a directory $WORKSPACE that would hold source code of the components.
+  1. [qemu](
+  2. [edk2](
+  3. [edk2-platforms](
+  4. [edk2-non-osi](
+  5. [tf-a](
+## Manual building
+1. Compile QEMU
+  Sbsa-ref machine support was added to QEMU in version v4.1.0
+  If your distribution package provides an earlier version then you need to
+  compile QEMU from the source. Below is a short set of instructions on how
+  to compile without referring to QEMU docs.
+  Set $INSTALL_PATH to /usr/local, ~/local or any of your preferred location.
+  ```
+  cd $WORKSPACE/qemu
+  mkdir -p build-native
+  cd build-native
+  ../configure --target-list=aarch64-softmmu --prefix=$INSTALL_PATH
+  make install
+  ```
+  QEMU should be installed now in $INSTALL_PATH
+2. Compile TF-A
+  This step is only needed if users want to compile a custom ATF binary.
+  Else, the edk2-non-osi directory contains prebuilt bl1.bin and fip.bin
+  binaries which will be automatically used in the build process.
+  As noted before, for Sbsa-ref machine we use FDF to compose two flash images.
+  Those flash images need BL1, BL2 and BL31 from TF-A in form of two files
+  `bl1.bin` and `fip.bin`. Follow the instructions below to get those artifacts.
+  ```
+  cd $WORKSPACE/atf
+  make PLAT=sbsa all fip
+  ```
+  Then copy `bl1.bin` and `fip.bin` to the the edk2-non-osi directory:
+  ```
+  cp build/sbsa/release/bl1.bin $WORKSPACE/edk2-non-osi/Platform/Qemu/Sbsa/
+  cp build/sbsa/release/fip.bin $WORKSPACE/edk2-non-osi/Platform/Qemu/Sbsa/
+  ```
+3. Compile UEFI for QEMU Sbsa platform
+  Detailed build instructions can be found on the following link:
+  Following is a short description to build for the Sbsa platform.
+  Compilation of BaseTools and preparation:
+  ```
+  export PACKAGES_PATH=$WORKSPACE/edk2:$WORKSPACE/edk2-platforms:$WORKSPACE/edk2-non-osi
+  make -C edk2/BaseTools
+  . edk2/
+  ```
+  Now compile UEFI for Sbsa QEMU:
+  ```
+  build -b RELEASE -a AARCH64 -t GCC5 -p edk2-platforms/Platform/Qemu/SbsaQemu/SbsaQemu.dsc
+  ```
+  Copy SBSA_FLASH0.fd and SBSA_FLASH0.fd to top $WORKSPACE directory.
+  Then extend the file size to match the machine flash size.
+  ```
+  cp Build/SbsaQemu/RELEASE_GCC5/FV/SBSA_FLASH[01].fd .
+  truncate -s 256M SBSA_FLASH[01].fd
+  ```
+# Running
+  The resulting SBSA_FLASH0.fd file will contain Secure flash0 image (TF-A code).
+  The SBSA_FLASH1.fd will contain Non-secure UEFI code and UEFI variables.
+  You will boot to the UEFI console with following QEMU command line:
+  ```
+  $INSTALL_PATH/qemu-system-aarch64 -m 1024 -M sbsa-ref -pflash SBSA_FLASH0.fd -pflash SBSA_FLASH1.fd -serial stdio
+  ```
+  You can add XHCI controller with keyboard and mouse by:
+  ```
+  -device qemu-xhci -device usb-mouse -device usb-kbd
+  ```
+  You can add the hard drive to platform AHCI controller by `hda` parameter:
+  ```
+  -hda disk1.img
+  ```
+  For TEE and other secure development you might get use of secure serial which would require following commands. First create `secure_serial` fifo and read it from separate terminal (open new terminal emulator window for it):
+  ```
+  mkfifo secure_serial
+  tail -f secure_serial
+  ```
+  Then on first console:
+  ```
+  qemu-system-aarch64 -m 1024 -M sbsa-ref -pflash SBSA_FLASH0.fd -pflash SBSA_FLASH1.fd -serial stdio -hda disk1.img -serial file:secure_serial
+  ```

+ 677 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,677 @@
+#  Copyright (c) 2019, Linaro Limited. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# Defines Section - statements that will be processed to create a Makefile.
+  PLATFORM_NAME                  = SbsaQemu
+  PLATFORM_GUID                  = feb0325c-b93d-4e47-8844-b832adeb9e0c
+  PLATFORM_VERSION               = 0.1
+  DSC_SPECIFICATION              = 0x00010005
+  OUTPUT_DIRECTORY               = Build/SbsaQemu
+  FLASH_DEFINITION               = Platform/Qemu/SbsaQemu/SbsaQemu.fdf
+  #
+  # Defines for default states.  These can be changed on the command line.
+  #
+# Network definition
+# Library Class section - list of all Library Classes needed by this Platform.
+  DebugLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugLibNull/BaseDebugLibNull.inf
+  DebugLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugLibSerialPort/BaseDebugLibSerialPort.inf
+  DebugPrintErrorLevelLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugPrintErrorLevelLib/BaseDebugPrintErrorLevelLib.inf
+  BaseLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib.inf
+  SafeIntLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseSafeIntLib/BaseSafeIntLib.inf
+  BmpSupportLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/BaseBmpSupportLib/BaseBmpSupportLib.inf
+  SynchronizationLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseSynchronizationLib/BaseSynchronizationLib.inf
+  PerformanceLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePerformanceLibNull/BasePerformanceLibNull.inf
+  PrintLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePrintLib/BasePrintLib.inf
+  PeCoffGetEntryPointLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePeCoffGetEntryPointLib/BasePeCoffGetEntryPointLib.inf
+  PeCoffLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePeCoffLib/BasePeCoffLib.inf
+  IoLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseIoLibIntrinsic/BaseIoLibIntrinsicArmVirt.inf
+  UefiDecompressLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseUefiDecompressLib/BaseUefiDecompressLib.inf
+  CpuLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseCpuLib/BaseCpuLib.inf
+  UefiLib|MdePkg/Library/UefiLib/UefiLib.inf
+  HobLib|ArmVirtPkg/Library/ArmVirtDxeHobLib/ArmVirtDxeHobLib.inf
+  UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib|MdePkg/Library/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib.inf
+  DevicePathLib|MdePkg/Library/UefiDevicePathLibDevicePathProtocol/UefiDevicePathLibDevicePathProtocol.inf
+  UefiBootServicesTableLib|MdePkg/Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib/UefiBootServicesTableLib.inf
+  DxeServicesTableLib|MdePkg/Library/DxeServicesTableLib/DxeServicesTableLib.inf
+  DxeServicesLib|MdePkg/Library/DxeServicesLib/DxeServicesLib.inf
+  UefiDriverEntryPoint|MdePkg/Library/UefiDriverEntryPoint/UefiDriverEntryPoint.inf
+  UefiApplicationEntryPoint|MdePkg/Library/UefiApplicationEntryPoint/UefiApplicationEntryPoint.inf
+  HiiLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/UefiHiiLib/UefiHiiLib.inf
+  UefiHiiServicesLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/UefiHiiServicesLib/UefiHiiServicesLib.inf
+  SortLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/UefiSortLib/UefiSortLib.inf
+  ShellLib|ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellLib/UefiShellLib.inf
+  FileHandleLib|MdePkg/Library/UefiFileHandleLib/UefiFileHandleLib.inf
+  UefiRuntimeLib|MdePkg/Library/UefiRuntimeLib/UefiRuntimeLib.inf
+  OrderedCollectionLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseOrderedCollectionRedBlackTreeLib/BaseOrderedCollectionRedBlackTreeLib.inf
+  #
+  # Ramdisk Requirements
+  #
+  FileExplorerLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/FileExplorerLib/FileExplorerLib.inf
+  # Allow dynamic PCDs
+  #
+  PcdLib|MdePkg/Library/DxePcdLib/DxePcdLib.inf
+  # use the accelerated BaseMemoryLibOptDxe by default, overrides for SEC/PEI below
+  BaseMemoryLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptDxe/BaseMemoryLibOptDxe.inf
+  #
+  # It is not possible to prevent the ARM compiler from inserting calls to intrinsic functions.
+  # This library provides the instrinsic functions such a compiler may generate calls to.
+  #
+  NULL|ArmPkg/Library/CompilerIntrinsicsLib/CompilerIntrinsicsLib.inf
+  # Add support for GCC stack protector
+  NULL|MdePkg/Library/BaseStackCheckLib/BaseStackCheckLib.inf
+  # ARM Architectural Libraries
+  CacheMaintenanceLib|ArmPkg/Library/ArmCacheMaintenanceLib/ArmCacheMaintenanceLib.inf
+  DefaultExceptionHandlerLib|ArmPkg/Library/DefaultExceptionHandlerLib/DefaultExceptionHandlerLib.inf
+  CpuExceptionHandlerLib|ArmPkg/Library/ArmExceptionLib/ArmExceptionLib.inf
+  ArmDisassemblerLib|ArmPkg/Library/ArmDisassemblerLib/ArmDisassemblerLib.inf
+  ArmGicLib|ArmPkg/Drivers/ArmGic/ArmGicLib.inf
+  ArmGicArchLib|ArmPkg/Library/ArmGicArchLib/ArmGicArchLib.inf
+  ArmSmcLib|ArmPkg/Library/ArmSmcLib/ArmSmcLib.inf
+  ArmHvcLib|ArmPkg/Library/ArmHvcLib/ArmHvcLib.inf
+  ArmGenericTimerCounterLib|ArmPkg/Library/ArmGenericTimerVirtCounterLib/ArmGenericTimerVirtCounterLib.inf
+  PlatformPeiLib|ArmPlatformPkg/PlatformPei/PlatformPeiLib.inf
+  MemoryInitPeiLib|ArmPlatformPkg/MemoryInitPei/MemoryInitPeiLib.inf
+  ResetSystemLib|ArmPkg/Library/ArmSmcPsciResetSystemLib/ArmSmcPsciResetSystemLib.inf
+  # ARM PL031 RTC Driver
+  RealTimeClockLib|ArmPlatformPkg/Library/PL031RealTimeClockLib/PL031RealTimeClockLib.inf
+  TimeBaseLib|EmbeddedPkg/Library/TimeBaseLib/TimeBaseLib.inf
+  # ARM PL011 UART Driver
+  PL011UartLib|ArmPlatformPkg/Library/PL011UartLib/PL011UartLib.inf
+  # Debug Support
+  PeCoffExtraActionLib|ArmPkg/Library/DebugPeCoffExtraActionLib/DebugPeCoffExtraActionLib.inf
+  DebugAgentLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/DebugAgentLibNull/DebugAgentLibNull.inf
+  DebugAgentTimerLib|EmbeddedPkg/Library/DebugAgentTimerLibNull/DebugAgentTimerLibNull.inf
+  # PCI Libraries
+  PciLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePciLibPciExpress/BasePciLibPciExpress.inf
+  PciExpressLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePciExpressLib/BasePciExpressLib.inf
+  PciCapLib|OvmfPkg/Library/BasePciCapLib/BasePciCapLib.inf
+  PciCapPciSegmentLib|OvmfPkg/Library/BasePciCapPciSegmentLib/BasePciCapPciSegmentLib.inf
+  PciCapPciIoLib|OvmfPkg/Library/UefiPciCapPciIoLib/UefiPciCapPciIoLib.inf
+  # USB Libraries
+  UefiUsbLib|MdePkg/Library/UefiUsbLib/UefiUsbLib.inf
+  #
+  # CryptoPkg libraries needed by multiple firmware features
+  #
+  IntrinsicLib|CryptoPkg/Library/IntrinsicLib/IntrinsicLib.inf
+  OpensslLib|CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/OpensslLib.inf
+  BaseCryptLib|CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLib/BaseCryptLib.inf
+  #
+  # Secure Boot dependencies
+  #
+  TpmMeasurementLib|SecurityPkg/Library/DxeTpmMeasurementLib/DxeTpmMeasurementLib.inf
+  AuthVariableLib|SecurityPkg/Library/AuthVariableLib/AuthVariableLib.inf
+  # re-use the UserPhysicalPresent() dummy implementation from the ovmf tree
+  PlatformSecureLib|OvmfPkg/Library/PlatformSecureLib/PlatformSecureLib.inf
+  VarCheckLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/VarCheckLib/VarCheckLib.inf
+  UefiBootManagerLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/UefiBootManagerLib/UefiBootManagerLib.inf
+  ReportStatusCodeLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseReportStatusCodeLibNull/BaseReportStatusCodeLibNull.inf
+  ArmLib|ArmPkg/Library/ArmLib/ArmBaseLib.inf
+  ArmMmuLib|ArmPkg/Library/ArmMmuLib/ArmMmuBaseLib.inf
+  ArmPlatformLib|ArmPlatformPkg/Library/ArmPlatformLibNull/ArmPlatformLibNull.inf
+  TimerLib|ArmPkg/Library/ArmArchTimerLib/ArmArchTimerLib.inf
+  NorFlashPlatformLib|Silicon/Qemu/SbsaQemu/Library/SbsaQemuNorFlashLib/SbsaQemuNorFlashLib.inf
+  CapsuleLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/DxeCapsuleLibNull/DxeCapsuleLibNull.inf
+  BootLogoLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/BootLogoLib/BootLogoLib.inf
+  PlatformBootManagerLib|ArmPkg/Library/PlatformBootManagerLib/PlatformBootManagerLib.inf
+  CustomizedDisplayLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/CustomizedDisplayLib/CustomizedDisplayLib.inf
+  FileExplorerLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/FileExplorerLib/FileExplorerLib.inf
+  PciSegmentLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePciSegmentLibPci/BasePciSegmentLibPci.inf
+  PciHostBridgeLib|Silicon/Qemu/SbsaQemu/Library/SbsaQemuPciHostBridgeLib/SbsaQemuPciHostBridgeLib.inf
+  FrameBufferBltLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/FrameBufferBltLib/FrameBufferBltLib.inf
+  # Serial driver
+  SerialPortLib|ArmPlatformPkg/Library/PL011SerialPortLib/PL011SerialPortLib.inf
+  PL011UartClockLib|ArmPlatformPkg/Library/PL011UartClockLib/PL011UartClockLib.inf
+  PcdLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePcdLibNull/BasePcdLibNull.inf
+  BaseMemoryLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLib/BaseMemoryLib.inf
+  DebugAgentLib|ArmPkg/Library/DebugAgentSymbolsBaseLib/DebugAgentSymbolsBaseLib.inf
+  HobLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiHobLib/PeiHobLib.inf
+  PeiServicesLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiServicesLib/PeiServicesLib.inf
+  PeiServicesTablePointerLib|ArmPkg/Library/PeiServicesTablePointerLib/PeiServicesTablePointerLib.inf
+  MemoryAllocationLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiMemoryAllocationLib/PeiMemoryAllocationLib.inf
+  PcdLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiPcdLib/PeiPcdLib.inf
+  BaseMemoryLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLib/BaseMemoryLib.inf
+  HobLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiHobLib/PeiHobLib.inf
+  PeiServicesLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiServicesLib/PeiServicesLib.inf
+  MemoryAllocationLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiMemoryAllocationLib/PeiMemoryAllocationLib.inf
+  PeiCoreEntryPoint|MdePkg/Library/PeiCoreEntryPoint/PeiCoreEntryPoint.inf
+  PerformanceLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/PeiPerformanceLib/PeiPerformanceLib.inf
+  OemHookStatusCodeLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/OemHookStatusCodeLibNull/OemHookStatusCodeLibNull.inf
+  PeCoffGetEntryPointLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePeCoffGetEntryPointLib/BasePeCoffGetEntryPointLib.inf
+  ExtractGuidedSectionLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiExtractGuidedSectionLib/PeiExtractGuidedSectionLib.inf
+  PeiServicesTablePointerLib|ArmPkg/Library/PeiServicesTablePointerLib/PeiServicesTablePointerLib.inf
+  PcdLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiPcdLib/PeiPcdLib.inf
+  BaseMemoryLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLib/BaseMemoryLib.inf
+  HobLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiHobLib/PeiHobLib.inf
+  PeiServicesLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiServicesLib/PeiServicesLib.inf
+  MemoryAllocationLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiMemoryAllocationLib/PeiMemoryAllocationLib.inf
+  PeimEntryPoint|MdePkg/Library/PeimEntryPoint/PeimEntryPoint.inf
+  PerformanceLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/PeiPerformanceLib/PeiPerformanceLib.inf
+  OemHookStatusCodeLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/OemHookStatusCodeLibNull/OemHookStatusCodeLibNull.inf
+  PeCoffGetEntryPointLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePeCoffGetEntryPointLib/BasePeCoffGetEntryPointLib.inf
+  PeiResourcePublicationLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiResourcePublicationLib/PeiResourcePublicationLib.inf
+  ExtractGuidedSectionLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiExtractGuidedSectionLib/PeiExtractGuidedSectionLib.inf
+  PeiServicesTablePointerLib|ArmPkg/Library/PeiServicesTablePointerLib/PeiServicesTablePointerLib.inf
+  FdtLib|EmbeddedPkg/Library/FdtLib/FdtLib.inf
+  ArmPlatformLib|Silicon/Qemu/SbsaQemu/Library/SbsaQemuLib/SbsaQemuLib.inf
+  HobLib|MdePkg/Library/DxeCoreHobLib/DxeCoreHobLib.inf
+  MemoryAllocationLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/DxeCoreMemoryAllocationLib/DxeCoreMemoryAllocationLib.inf
+  DxeCoreEntryPoint|MdePkg/Library/DxeCoreEntryPoint/DxeCoreEntryPoint.inf
+  ExtractGuidedSectionLib|MdePkg/Library/DxeExtractGuidedSectionLib/DxeExtractGuidedSectionLib.inf
+  PerformanceLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/DxeCorePerformanceLib/DxeCorePerformanceLib.inf
+  SecurityManagementLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/DxeSecurityManagementLib/DxeSecurityManagementLib.inf
+  PerformanceLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/DxePerformanceLib/DxePerformanceLib.inf
+  MemoryAllocationLib|MdePkg/Library/UefiMemoryAllocationLib/UefiMemoryAllocationLib.inf
+  NonDiscoverableDeviceRegistrationLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/NonDiscoverableDeviceRegistrationLib/NonDiscoverableDeviceRegistrationLib.inf
+  PerformanceLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/DxePerformanceLib/DxePerformanceLib.inf
+  MemoryAllocationLib|MdePkg/Library/UefiMemoryAllocationLib/UefiMemoryAllocationLib.inf
+  HiiLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/UefiHiiLib/UefiHiiLib.inf
+  ExtractGuidedSectionLib|MdePkg/Library/DxeExtractGuidedSectionLib/DxeExtractGuidedSectionLib.inf
+  PerformanceLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/DxePerformanceLib/DxePerformanceLib.inf
+  MemoryAllocationLib|MdePkg/Library/UefiMemoryAllocationLib/UefiMemoryAllocationLib.inf
+  UefiScsiLib|MdePkg/Library/UefiScsiLib/UefiScsiLib.inf
+  MemoryAllocationLib|MdePkg/Library/UefiMemoryAllocationLib/UefiMemoryAllocationLib.inf
+  CapsuleLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/DxeCapsuleLibNull/DxeCapsuleLibNull.inf
+  DebugLib|MdePkg/Library/DxeRuntimeDebugLibSerialPort/DxeRuntimeDebugLibSerialPort.inf
+  BaseCryptLib|CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLib/RuntimeCryptLib.inf
+# BuildOptions Section - Define the module specific tool chain flags that should be used as
+#                        the default flags for a module. These flags are appended to any
+#                        standard flags that are defined by the build process.
+  GCC:*_*_AARCH64_DLINK_FLAGS = -z common-page-size=0x10000
+# Pcd Section - list of all EDK II PCD Entries defined by this Platform
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdHiiOsRuntimeSupport|FALSE
+  # Use the Vector Table location in CpuDxe. We will not copy the Vector Table at PcdCpuVectorBaseAddress
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdRelocateVectorTable|FALSE
+  gEmbeddedTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPrePiProduceMemoryTypeInformationHob|TRUE
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdTurnOffUsbLegacySupport|TRUE
+  gUefiOvmfPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdQemuBootOrderPciTranslation|TRUE
+  gUefiOvmfPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdQemuBootOrderMmioTranslation|TRUE
+  ## If TRUE, Graphics Output Protocol will be installed on virtual handle created by ConsplitterDxe.
+  #  It could be set FALSE to save size.
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdConOutGopSupport|TRUE
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdConOutUgaSupport|FALSE
+  gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength|1000000
+  gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength|1000000
+  gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdMaximumLinkedListLength|1000000
+  gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSpinLockTimeout|10000000
+  gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugClearMemoryValue|0xAF
+  gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPostCodePropertyMask|0
+  gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdUefiLibMaxPrintBufferSize|320
+  # DEBUG_ASSERT_ENABLED       0x01
+  # DEBUG_PRINT_ENABLED        0x02
+  # DEBUG_CODE_ENABLED         0x04
+  # CLEAR_MEMORY_ENABLED       0x08
+  gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPropertyMask|0x21
+  gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPropertyMask|0x2f
+  #  DEBUG_INIT      0x00000001  // Initialization
+  #  DEBUG_WARN      0x00000002  // Warnings
+  #  DEBUG_LOAD      0x00000004  // Load events
+  #  DEBUG_FS        0x00000008  // EFI File system
+  #  DEBUG_POOL      0x00000010  // Alloc & Free (pool)
+  #  DEBUG_PAGE      0x00000020  // Alloc & Free (page)
+  #  DEBUG_INFO      0x00000040  // Informational debug messages
+  #  DEBUG_DISPATCH  0x00000080  // PEI/DXE/SMM Dispatchers
+  #  DEBUG_VARIABLE  0x00000100  // Variable
+  #  DEBUG_BM        0x00000400  // Boot Manager
+  #  DEBUG_BLKIO     0x00001000  // BlkIo Driver
+  #  DEBUG_NET       0x00004000  // SNP Driver
+  #  DEBUG_UNDI      0x00010000  // UNDI Driver
+  #  DEBUG_LOADFILE  0x00020000  // LoadFile
+  #  DEBUG_EVENT     0x00080000  // Event messages
+  #  DEBUG_GCD       0x00100000  // Global Coherency Database changes
+  #  DEBUG_CACHE     0x00200000  // Memory range cachability changes
+  #  DEBUG_VERBOSE   0x00400000  // Detailed debug messages that may
+  #                              // significantly impact boot performance
+  #  DEBUG_ERROR     0x80000000  // Error
+  gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel|$(DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR_LEVEL)
+  #
+  # Optional feature to help prevent EFI memory map fragments
+  # Turned on and off via: PcdPrePiProduceMemoryTypeInformationHob
+  # Values are in EFI Pages (4K). DXE Core will make sure that
+  # at least this much of each type of memory can be allocated
+  # from a single memory range. This way you only end up with
+  # maximum of two fragements for each type in the memory map
+  # (the memory used, and the free memory that was prereserved
+  # but not used).
+  #
+  gEmbeddedTokenSpaceGuid.PcdMemoryTypeEfiReservedMemoryType|0
+  gEmbeddedTokenSpaceGuid.PcdMemoryTypeEfiRuntimeServicesData|600
+  gEmbeddedTokenSpaceGuid.PcdMemoryTypeEfiRuntimeServicesCode|400
+  gEmbeddedTokenSpaceGuid.PcdMemoryTypeEfiBootServicesCode|1500
+  gEmbeddedTokenSpaceGuid.PcdMemoryTypeEfiBootServicesData|12000
+  gEmbeddedTokenSpaceGuid.PcdMemoryTypeEfiLoaderCode|20
+  gEmbeddedTokenSpaceGuid.PcdMemoryTypeEfiLoaderData|0
+  # Override the default values from SecurityPkg to ensure images
+  # from all sources are verified in secure boot
+  gEfiSecurityPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdOptionRomImageVerificationPolicy|0x04
+  gEfiSecurityPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFixedMediaImageVerificationPolicy|0x04
+  gEfiSecurityPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdRemovableMediaImageVerificationPolicy|0x04
+  #
+  # Enable strict image permissions for all images. (This applies
+  # only to images that were built with >= 4 KB section alignment.)
+  #
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdImageProtectionPolicy|0x3
+  #
+  # Enable NX memory protection for all non-code regions, including OEM and OS
+  # reserved ones, with the exception of LoaderData regions, of which OS loaders
+  # (i.e., GRUB) may assume that its contents are executable.
+  #
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDxeNxMemoryProtectionPolicy|0xC000000000007FD1
+  #
+  # Enable the non-executable DXE stack. (This gets set up by DxeIpl)
+  #
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSetNxForStack|TRUE
+  gArmPlatformTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCoreCount|1
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdVFPEnabled|1
+  # System Memory Base -- fixed
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSystemMemoryBase|0x10000000000
+  # Space for 32 stacks
+  gArmPlatformTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCPUCoresStackBase|0x1000007c000
+  gArmPlatformTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCPUCorePrimaryStackSize|0x4000
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdMaxVariableSize|0x2000
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdMaxAuthVariableSize|0x2800
+  # Size of the region used by UEFI in permanent memory (Reserved 64MB)
+  gArmPlatformTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSystemMemoryUefiRegionSize|0x04000000
+  #
+  # ARM General Interrupt Controller
+  #
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdGicDistributorBase|0x40060000
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdGicRedistributorsBase|0x40080000
+  ## Default Terminal Type
+  ## 0-PCANSI, 1-VT100, 2-VT00+, 3-UTF8, 4-TTYTERM
+  gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDefaultTerminalType|4
+  #
+  # ARM Virtual Architectural Timer -- fetch frequency from QEMU (TCG) or KVM
+  #
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdArmArchTimerFreqInHz|0
+  gEfiNetworkPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdAllowHttpConnections|TRUE
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdResetOnMemoryTypeInformationChange|FALSE
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdBootManagerMenuFile|{ 0x21, 0xaa, 0x2c, 0x46, 0x14, 0x76, 0x03, 0x45, 0x83, 0x6e, 0x8a, 0xb6, 0xf4, 0x66, 0x23, 0x31 }
+  #
+  # The maximum physical I/O addressability of the processor, set with
+  # BuildCpuHob().
+  #
+  gEmbeddedTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPrePiCpuIoSize|16
+  # Initial Device Tree Location
+  gArmVirtSbsaQemuPlatformTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDeviceTreeBaseAddress|0x10000000000
+  # Non discoverable devices (AHCI,EHCI)
+  gArmVirtSbsaQemuPlatformTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPlatformAhciBase|0x60100000
+  gArmVirtSbsaQemuPlatformTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPlatformAhciSize|0x00010000
+  gArmVirtSbsaQemuPlatformTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPlatformEhciBase|0x60110000
+  gArmVirtSbsaQemuPlatformTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPlatformEhciSize|0x00010000
+  # PL011 - Serial Terminal
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSerialRegisterBase|0x60000000
+  # Timer IRQs
+  # PPI #13
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdArmArchTimerSecIntrNum|29
+  # PPI #14
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdArmArchTimerIntrNum|30
+  # PPI #11
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdArmArchTimerVirtIntrNum|27
+  # PPI #10
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdArmArchTimerHypIntrNum|26
+  ## PL031 RealTimeClock
+  gArmPlatformTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPL031RtcBase|0x60010000
+  # Clearing BIT0 in this PCD prevents installing a 32-bit SMBIOS entry point,
+  # if the entry point version is >= 3.0. AARCH64 OSes cannot assume the
+  # presence of the 32-bit entry point anyway (because many AARCH64 systems
+  # don't have 32-bit addressable physical RAM), and the additional allocations
+  # below 4 GB needlessly fragment the memory map. So expose the 64-bit entry
+  # point only, for entry point versions >= 3.0.
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSmbiosEntryPointProvideMethod|0x2
+  #
+  # PLDA PCI Root Complex
+  #
+  # ECAM size == 0x10000000
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciBusMin|0
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciBusMax|255
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciIoBase|0x0
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciIoSize|0x00010000
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciMmio32Base|0x80000000
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciMmio32Size|0x70000000
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciMmio64Base|0x100000000
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciMmio64Size|0xFF00000000
+  # set PcdPciExpressBaseAddress to MAX_UINT64, which signifies that this
+  # PCD and PcdPciDisableBusEnumeration have not been assigned yet
+  # TODO: PcdPciExpressBaseAddress set to max_uint64
+  gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciExpressBaseAddress|0xf0000000
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciIoTranslation|0x7fff0000
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciMmio32Translation|0x0
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciMmio64Translation|0x0
+  ## If TRUE, OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe will not wait for PCI
+  #  enumeration to complete before installing ACPI tables.
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciDisableBusEnumeration|FALSE
+  gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPlatformBootTimeOut|3
+  # System Memory Size -- 128 MB initially, actual size will be fetched from DT
+  # TODO as no DT will be used we should pass this by some other method
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSystemMemorySize|0x08000000
+  #
+  # Set video resolution for boot options
+  # PlatformDxe can set the former at runtime.
+  #
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdVideoHorizontalResolution|800
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdVideoVerticalResolution|600
+  # Set video resolution for text setup.
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSetupVideoHorizontalResolution|640
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSetupVideoVerticalResolution|480
+  #
+  # SMBIOS entry point version
+  #
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSmbiosVersion|0x0300
+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSmbiosDocRev|0x0
+# Components Section - list of all EDK II Modules needed by this Platform
+  #
+  # Ramdisk support
+  #
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/Disk/RamDiskDxe/RamDiskDxe.inf
+  #
+  # UEFI application (Shell Embedded Boot Loader)
+  #
+  ShellPkg/Application/Shell/Shell.inf {
+    <LibraryClasses>
+      ShellCommandLib|ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellCommandLib/UefiShellCommandLib.inf
+      NULL|ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellLevel2CommandsLib/UefiShellLevel2CommandsLib.inf
+      NULL|ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellLevel1CommandsLib/UefiShellLevel1CommandsLib.inf
+      NULL|ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellLevel3CommandsLib/UefiShellLevel3CommandsLib.inf
+      NULL|ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellDriver1CommandsLib/UefiShellDriver1CommandsLib.inf
+      NULL|ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib/UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib.inf
+      NULL|ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellInstall1CommandsLib/UefiShellInstall1CommandsLib.inf
+      NULL|ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellNetwork1CommandsLib/UefiShellNetwork1CommandsLib.inf
+      NULL|ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellNetwork2CommandsLib/UefiShellNetwork2CommandsLib.inf
+      HandleParsingLib|ShellPkg/Library/UefiHandleParsingLib/UefiHandleParsingLib.inf
+      PrintLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePrintLib/BasePrintLib.inf
+      BcfgCommandLib|ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellBcfgCommandLib/UefiShellBcfgCommandLib.inf
+      ShellLib|ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellLib/UefiShellLib.inf
+    <PcdsFixedAtBuild>
+      gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPropertyMask|0xFF
+      gEfiShellPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdShellLibAutoInitialize|FALSE
+      gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdUefiLibMaxPrintBufferSize|8000
+  }
+  #
+  # PEI Phase modules
+  #
+  ArmPlatformPkg/PrePeiCore/PrePeiCoreUniCore.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Core/Pei/PeiMain.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/PCD/Pei/Pcd.inf {
+    <LibraryClasses>
+      PcdLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePcdLibNull/BasePcdLibNull.inf
+  }
+  ArmPlatformPkg/PlatformPei/PlatformPeim.inf
+  ArmPlatformPkg/MemoryInitPei/MemoryInitPeim.inf
+  ArmPkg/Drivers/CpuPei/CpuPei.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Core/DxeIplPeim/DxeIpl.inf {
+    <LibraryClasses>
+      NULL|MdeModulePkg/Library/LzmaCustomDecompressLib/LzmaCustomDecompressLib.inf
+  }
+  #
+  # DXE
+  #
+  MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe/DxeMain.inf {
+    <LibraryClasses>
+      NULL|MdeModulePkg/Library/DxeCrc32GuidedSectionExtractLib/DxeCrc32GuidedSectionExtractLib.inf
+      DevicePathLib|MdePkg/Library/UefiDevicePathLib/UefiDevicePathLib.inf
+  }
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/PCD/Dxe/Pcd.inf {
+    <LibraryClasses>
+      PcdLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePcdLibNull/BasePcdLibNull.inf
+  }
+  #
+  # Architectural Protocols
+  #
+  ArmPkg/Drivers/CpuDxe/CpuDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Core/RuntimeDxe/RuntimeDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/Variable/RuntimeDxe/VariableRuntimeDxe.inf {
+    <LibraryClasses>
+      NULL|MdeModulePkg/Library/VarCheckUefiLib/VarCheckUefiLib.inf
+      # don't use unaligned CopyMem () on the UEFI varstore NOR flash region
+      BaseMemoryLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLib/BaseMemoryLib.inf
+  }
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/SecurityStubDxe/SecurityStubDxe.inf {
+    <LibraryClasses>
+      NULL|SecurityPkg/Library/DxeImageVerificationLib/DxeImageVerificationLib.inf
+  }
+  SecurityPkg/VariableAuthenticated/SecureBootConfigDxe/SecureBootConfigDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/CapsuleRuntimeDxe/CapsuleRuntimeDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/FaultTolerantWriteDxe/FaultTolerantWriteDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe/MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/ResetSystemRuntimeDxe/ResetSystemRuntimeDxe.inf
+  EmbeddedPkg/RealTimeClockRuntimeDxe/RealTimeClockRuntimeDxe.inf
+  EmbeddedPkg/MetronomeDxe/MetronomeDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/Console/ConPlatformDxe/ConPlatformDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/Console/ConSplitterDxe/ConSplitterDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/Console/GraphicsConsoleDxe/GraphicsConsoleDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/Console/TerminalDxe/TerminalDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/SerialDxe/SerialDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/HiiDatabaseDxe/HiiDatabaseDxe.inf
+  ArmPkg/Drivers/ArmGic/ArmGicDxe.inf
+  ArmPkg/Drivers/TimerDxe/TimerDxe.inf
+  ArmPlatformPkg/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/WatchdogTimerDxe/WatchdogTimer.inf
+  #
+  # FAT filesystem + GPT/MBR partitioning
+  #
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/Disk/DiskIoDxe/DiskIoDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/Disk/PartitionDxe/PartitionDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/Disk/UnicodeCollation/EnglishDxe/EnglishDxe.inf
+  FatPkg/EnhancedFatDxe/Fat.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/Disk/UdfDxe/UdfDxe.inf
+  #
+  # Bds
+  #
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/DevicePathDxe/DevicePathDxe.inf {
+    <LibraryClasses>
+      DevicePathLib|MdePkg/Library/UefiDevicePathLib/UefiDevicePathLib.inf
+      PcdLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePcdLibNull/BasePcdLibNull.inf
+  }
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/DisplayEngineDxe/DisplayEngineDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/SetupBrowserDxe/SetupBrowserDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/DriverHealthManagerDxe/DriverHealthManagerDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Universal/BdsDxe/BdsDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Logo/LogoDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Application/UiApp/UiApp.inf {
+    <LibraryClasses>
+      NULL|MdeModulePkg/Library/DeviceManagerUiLib/DeviceManagerUiLib.inf
+      NULL|MdeModulePkg/Library/BootManagerUiLib/BootManagerUiLib.inf
+      NULL|MdeModulePkg/Library/BootMaintenanceManagerUiLib/BootMaintenanceManagerUiLib.inf
+  }
+  #
+  # Networking stack
+  #
+!include NetworkPkg/
+  # NonDiscoverableDevices
+  Silicon/Qemu/SbsaQemu/Drivers/SbsaQemuPlatformDxe/SbsaQemuPlatformDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/NonDiscoverablePciDeviceDxe/NonDiscoverablePciDeviceDxe.inf
+  # IDE/AHCI Support
+  OvmfPkg/SataControllerDxe/SataControllerDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Bus/Ata/AtaAtapiPassThru/AtaAtapiPassThru.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Bus/Ata/AtaBusDxe/AtaBusDxe.inf
+  #
+  # SCSI Bus and Disk Driver
+  #
+  MdeModulePkg/Bus/Scsi/ScsiBusDxe/ScsiBusDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Bus/Scsi/ScsiDiskDxe/ScsiDiskDxe.inf
+  #
+  # PCI support
+  #
+  ArmPkg/Drivers/ArmPciCpuIo2Dxe/ArmPciCpuIo2Dxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/PciHostBridgeDxe/PciHostBridgeDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/PciBusDxe/PciBusDxe.inf
+  #
+  # Video support (VGA)
+  #
+  OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe/QemuVideoDxe.inf
+  #
+  # USB Support
+  #
+  MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/UhciDxe/UhciDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/EhciDxe/EhciDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/XhciDxe/XhciDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Bus/Usb/UsbBusDxe/UsbBusDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Bus/Usb/UsbKbDxe/UsbKbDxe.inf
+  MdeModulePkg/Bus/Usb/UsbMassStorageDxe/UsbMassStorageDxe.inf

+ 303 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+#  Copyright (c) 2019, Linaro Limited. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# FD Section for FLASH0
+# The [FD] Section is made up of the definition statements and a
+# description of what goes into  the Flash Device Image.  Each FD section
+# defines one flash "device" image.  A flash device image may be one of
+# the following: Removable media bootable image (like a boot floppy
+# image,) an Option ROM image (that would be "flashed" into an add-in
+# card,) a System "Flash"  image (that would be burned into a system's
+# flash) or an Update ("Capsule") image that will be used to update and
+# existing system flash.
+BaseAddress   = 0x00000000
+Size          = 0x00200000
+ErasePolarity = 1
+BlockSize     = 0x00001000
+NumBlocks     = 0x200
+# Following are lists of FD Region layout which correspond to the locations of different
+# images within the flash device.
+# Regions must be defined in ascending order and may not overlap.
+# A Layout Region start with a eight digit hex offset (leading "0x" required) followed by
+# the pipe "|" character, followed by the size of the region, also in hex with the leading
+# "0x" characters. Like:
+# Offset|Size
+# PcdOffsetCName|PcdSizeCName
+# RegionType <FV, DATA, or FILE>
+## Place for Trusted Firmware
+# flash0 is secure so we put here the BL1
+FILE = Platform/Qemu/Sbsa/bl1.bin
+# and FIP (BL2 + BL31)
+FILE = Platform/Qemu/Sbsa/fip.bin
+# FD Section for FLASH1
+BaseAddress   = 0x10000000|gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFdBaseAddress
+Size          = 0x002C0000|gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFdSize
+ErasePolarity = 1
+BlockSize     = 0x00001000
+NumBlocks     = 0x2C0
+## Place for EFI (BL33)
+# This offset (if any as it is 0x0 currently) + BaseAddress (0x10000000) must be set in PRELOADED_BL33_BASE at ATF
+## Place for Variables. They share flash1 with EFI
+# Must be aligned to Flash Block size 0x40000
+DATA = {
+  # ZeroVector []
+  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+  # FileSystemGuid: gEfiSystemNvDataFvGuid         =
+  #   { 0xFFF12B8D, 0x7696, 0x4C8B,
+  #     { 0xA9, 0x85, 0x27, 0x47, 0x07, 0x5B, 0x4F, 0x50 }}
+  0x8D, 0x2B, 0xF1, 0xFF, 0x96, 0x76, 0x8B, 0x4C,
+  0xA9, 0x85, 0x27, 0x47, 0x07, 0x5B, 0x4F, 0x50,
+  # FvLength: 0xC0000
+  0x00, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+  # Signature "_FVH"       # Attributes
+  0x5f, 0x46, 0x56, 0x48, 0xff, 0xfe, 0x04, 0x00,
+  # HeaderLength # CheckSum # ExtHeaderOffset #Reserved #Revision
+  0x48, 0x00, 0x28, 0x09, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02,
+  # Blockmap[0]: 0x3 Blocks * 0x40000 Bytes / Block
+  0x3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00,
+  # Blockmap[1]: End
+  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+  # It is compatible with SECURE_BOOT_ENABLE == FALSE as well.
+  # Signature: gEfiAuthenticatedVariableGuid =
+  #   { 0xaaf32c78, 0x947b, 0x439a,
+  #     { 0xa1, 0x80, 0x2e, 0x14, 0x4e, 0xc3, 0x77, 0x92 }}
+  0x78, 0x2c, 0xf3, 0xaa, 0x7b, 0x94, 0x9a, 0x43,
+  0xa1, 0x80, 0x2e, 0x14, 0x4e, 0xc3, 0x77, 0x92,
+  # Size: 0x40000 (gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFlashNvStorageVariableSize) -
+  #         0x48 (size of EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER) = 0x3ffb8
+  # This can speed up the Variable Dispatch a bit.
+  0xB8, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x00,
+  # FORMATTED: 0x5A #HEALTHY: 0xFE #Reserved: UINT16 #Reserved1: UINT32
+  0x5A, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+DATA = {
+  # EFI_FAULT_TOLERANT_WORKING_BLOCK_HEADER->Signature = gEdkiiWorkingBlockSignatureGuid         =
+  #  { 0x9e58292b, 0x7c68, 0x497d, { 0xa0, 0xce, 0x65,  0x0, 0xfd, 0x9f, 0x1b, 0x95 }}
+  0x2b, 0x29, 0x58, 0x9e, 0x68, 0x7c, 0x7d, 0x49,
+  0xa0, 0xce, 0x65,  0x0, 0xfd, 0x9f, 0x1b, 0x95,
+  # Crc:UINT32            #WorkingBlockValid:1, WorkingBlockInvalid:1, Reserved
+  0x5b, 0xe7, 0xc6, 0x86, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+  # WriteQueueSize: UINT64
+  0xE0, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+# FV Section
+# [FV] section is used to define what components or modules are placed within a flash
+# device file.  This section also defines order the components and modules are positioned
+# within the image.  The [FV] section consists of define statements, set statements and
+# module statements.
+FvNameGuid         = 706c8e7f-306e-4dbc-a4ca-c8615d0d1b96
+BlockSize          = 0x40
+NumBlocks          = 0         # This FV gets compressed so make it just big enough
+FvAlignment        = 16        # FV alignment and FV attributes setting.
+LOCK_CAP           = TRUE
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe/DxeMain.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/PCD/Dxe/Pcd.inf
+  #
+  # PI DXE Drivers producing Architectural Protocols (EFI Services)
+  #
+  INF ArmPkg/Drivers/CpuDxe/CpuDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Core/RuntimeDxe/RuntimeDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/SecurityStubDxe/SecurityStubDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/CapsuleRuntimeDxe/CapsuleRuntimeDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/FaultTolerantWriteDxe/FaultTolerantWriteDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/Variable/RuntimeDxe/VariableRuntimeDxe.inf
+  INF SecurityPkg/VariableAuthenticated/SecureBootConfigDxe/SecureBootConfigDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe/MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/ResetSystemRuntimeDxe/ResetSystemRuntimeDxe.inf
+  INF EmbeddedPkg/RealTimeClockRuntimeDxe/RealTimeClockRuntimeDxe.inf
+  INF EmbeddedPkg/MetronomeDxe/MetronomeDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/HiiDatabaseDxe/HiiDatabaseDxe.inf
+  #
+  # Multiple Console IO support
+  #
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/Console/ConPlatformDxe/ConPlatformDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/Console/ConSplitterDxe/ConSplitterDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/Console/GraphicsConsoleDxe/GraphicsConsoleDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/Console/TerminalDxe/TerminalDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/SerialDxe/SerialDxe.inf
+  INF ArmPkg/Drivers/ArmGic/ArmGicDxe.inf
+  INF ArmPkg/Drivers/TimerDxe/TimerDxe.inf
+  INF ArmPlatformPkg/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/WatchdogTimerDxe/WatchdogTimer.inf
+  #
+  # FAT filesystem + GPT/MBR partitioning + UDF filesystem
+  #
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/Disk/DiskIoDxe/DiskIoDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/Disk/PartitionDxe/PartitionDxe.inf
+  INF FatPkg/EnhancedFatDxe/Fat.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/Disk/UnicodeCollation/EnglishDxe/EnglishDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/Disk/UdfDxe/UdfDxe.inf
+  #
+  # UEFI application (Shell Embedded Boot Loader)
+  #
+  INF ShellPkg/Application/Shell/Shell.inf
+  #
+  # Bds
+  #
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/DevicePathDxe/DevicePathDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/DisplayEngineDxe/DisplayEngineDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/SetupBrowserDxe/SetupBrowserDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/DriverHealthManagerDxe/DriverHealthManagerDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/BdsDxe/BdsDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Application/UiApp/UiApp.inf
+  #
+  # Networking stack
+  #
+!include NetworkPkg/
+  #
+  # SCSI Bus and Disk Driver
+  #
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Bus/Scsi/ScsiBusDxe/ScsiBusDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Bus/Scsi/ScsiDiskDxe/ScsiDiskDxe.inf
+  #
+  # PCI support
+  #
+  INF ArmPkg/Drivers/ArmPciCpuIo2Dxe/ArmPciCpuIo2Dxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/PciHostBridgeDxe/PciHostBridgeDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/PciBusDxe/PciBusDxe.inf
+  #
+  # USB Support
+  #
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/UhciDxe/UhciDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/EhciDxe/EhciDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/XhciDxe/XhciDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Bus/Usb/UsbBusDxe/UsbBusDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Bus/Usb/UsbKbDxe/UsbKbDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Bus/Usb/UsbMassStorageDxe/UsbMassStorageDxe.inf
+  #
+  # TianoCore logo (splash screen)
+  #
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Logo/LogoDxe.inf
+  #
+  # Ramdisk support
+  #
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/Disk/RamDiskDxe/RamDiskDxe.inf
+FvAlignment        = 16
+LOCK_CAP           = TRUE
+  INF ArmPlatformPkg/PrePeiCore/PrePeiCoreUniCore.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Core/Pei/PeiMain.inf
+  INF ArmPlatformPkg/PlatformPei/PlatformPeim.inf
+  INF ArmPlatformPkg/MemoryInitPei/MemoryInitPeim.inf
+  INF ArmPkg/Drivers/CpuPei/CpuPei.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/PCD/Pei/Pcd.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Core/DxeIplPeim/DxeIpl.inf
+  # IDE/AHCI Support
+  INF OvmfPkg/SataControllerDxe/SataControllerDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Bus/Ata/AtaAtapiPassThru/AtaAtapiPassThru.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Bus/Ata/AtaBusDxe/AtaBusDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Bus/Scsi/ScsiBusDxe/ScsiBusDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Bus/Scsi/ScsiDiskDxe/ScsiDiskDxe.inf
+  # NonDiscoverableDevices
+  INF Silicon/Qemu/SbsaQemu/Drivers/SbsaQemuPlatformDxe/SbsaQemuPlatformDxe.inf
+  INF MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/NonDiscoverablePciDeviceDxe/NonDiscoverablePciDeviceDxe.inf
+  #VGA
+  INF OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe/QemuVideoDxe.inf
+  FILE FV_IMAGE = 9E21FD93-9C72-4c15-8C4B-E77F1DB2D792 {
+    }
+  }
+!include ArmVirtPkg/

+ 3 - 0

@@ -257,6 +257,9 @@ For more information, see the
 ## NXP
 * [LS1043aRdb](Platform/NXP/LS1043aRdbPkg)
+## Qemu
+* [SBSA](Platform/Qemu/SbsaQemu)
 # Maintainers
 See [Maintainers.txt](Maintainers.txt).

+ 55 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+/** @file
+*  FDT client protocol driver for qemu,mach-virt-ahci DT node
+*  Copyright (c) 2019, Linaro Ltd. All rights reserved.
+*  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#include <Library/BaseLib.h>
+#include <Library/DebugLib.h>
+#include <Library/NonDiscoverableDeviceRegistrationLib.h>
+#include <Library/PcdLib.h>
+#include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
+#include <Library/UefiDriverEntryPoint.h>
+#include <Protocol/FdtClient.h>
+InitializeSbsaQemuPlatformDxe (
+  IN EFI_HANDLE           ImageHandle,
+  IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE     *SystemTable
+  )
+  EFI_STATUS                     Status;
+  UINTN                          Size;
+  VOID*                          Base;
+  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a: InitializeSbsaQemuPlatformDxe called\n", __FUNCTION__));
+  Base = (VOID*)(UINTN)PcdGet64 (PcdPlatformAhciBase);
+  ASSERT (Base != NULL);
+  Size = (UINTN)PcdGet32 (PcdPlatformAhciSize);
+  ASSERT (Size != 0);
+  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a: Got platform AHCI %llx %u\n",
+          __FUNCTION__, Base, Size));
+  Status = RegisterNonDiscoverableMmioDevice (
+                   NonDiscoverableDeviceTypeAhci,
+                   NonDiscoverableDeviceDmaTypeCoherent,
+                   NULL,
+                   NULL,
+                   1,
+                   Base, Size);
+  if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: NonDiscoverable: Cannot install AHCI device @%p (Staus == %r)\n",
+            __FUNCTION__, Base, Status));
+    return Status;
+  }
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;

+ 41 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+## @file
+#  This driver effectuates SbsaQemu platform configuration settings
+#  Copyright (c) 2019, Linaro Ltd. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+  INF_VERSION                    = 0x0001001c
+  BASE_NAME                      = SbsaQemuPlatformDxe
+  FILE_GUID                      = 6c592dc9-76c8-474f-93b2-bf1e8f15ae34
+  MODULE_TYPE                    = DXE_DRIVER
+  VERSION_STRING                 = 1.0
+  ENTRY_POINT                    = InitializeSbsaQemuPlatformDxe
+  SbsaQemuPlatformDxe.c
+  ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtPkg.dec
+  EmbeddedPkg/EmbeddedPkg.dec
+  MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec
+  MdePkg/MdePkg.dec
+  Silicon/Qemu/SbsaQemu/SbsaQemu.dec
+  PcdLib
+  DebugLib
+  NonDiscoverableDeviceRegistrationLib
+  UefiDriverEntryPoint
+  gArmVirtSbsaQemuPlatformTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPlatformAhciBase
+  gArmVirtSbsaQemuPlatformTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPlatformAhciSize

+ 55 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#  Copyright (c) 2019, Linaro Limited. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#include <AsmMacroIoLibV8.h>
+#include <Library/ArmLib.h>
+  ret
+//ArmPlatformGetCorePosition (
+//  IN UINTN MpId
+//  );
+// With this function: CorePos = (ClusterId * 4) + CoreId
+  and   x1, x0, #ARM_CORE_MASK
+  and   x0, x0, #ARM_CLUSTER_MASK
+  add   x0, x1, x0, LSR #6
+  ret
+//ArmPlatformGetPrimaryCoreMpId (
+//  VOID
+//  );
+  MOV32  (w0, FixedPcdGet32 (PcdArmPrimaryCore))
+  ret
+//ArmPlatformIsPrimaryCore (
+//  IN UINTN MpId
+//  );
+  MOV32  (w1, FixedPcdGet32 (PcdArmPrimaryCoreMask))
+  and   x0, x0, x1
+  MOV32  (w1, FixedPcdGet32 (PcdArmPrimaryCore))
+  cmp   w0, w1
+  mov   x0, #1
+  mov   x1, #0
+  csel  x0, x0, x1, eq
+  ret
+// Bits 0..2 of the AA64MFR0_EL1 system register encode the size of the
+// physical address space support on this CPU:
+// 0 == 32 bits, 1 == 36 bits, etc etc
+// 6 and 7 are reserved
+  .byte 32, 36, 40, 42, 44, 48, -1, -1

+ 139 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+/** @file
+*  Copyright (c) 2019, Linaro Limited. All rights reserved.
+*  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#include <Library/ArmLib.h>
+#include <Library/ArmPlatformLib.h>
+#include <Ppi/ArmMpCoreInfo.h>
+ARM_CORE_INFO mArmPlatformNullMpCoreInfoTable[] = {
+  {
+    // Cluster 0, Core 0
+    0x0, 0x0,
+    // MP Core MailBox Set/Get/Clear Addresses and Clear Value
+  },
+  {
+    // Cluster 0, Core 1
+    0x0, 0x1,
+    // MP Core MailBox Set/Get/Clear Addresses and Clear Value
+  },
+  {
+    // Cluster 0, Core 2
+    0x0, 0x2,
+    // MP Core MailBox Set/Get/Clear Addresses and Clear Value
+  },
+  {
+    // Cluster 0, Core 3
+    0x0, 0x3,
+    // MP Core MailBox Set/Get/Clear Addresses and Clear Value
+  }
+// This function should be better located into TimerLib implementation
+TimerConstructor (
+  )
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;
+  Return the current Boot Mode
+  This function returns the boot reason on the platform
+ArmPlatformGetBootMode (
+  )
+  Initialize controllers that must setup in the normal world
+  This function is called by the ArmPlatformPkg/PrePi or ArmPlatformPkg/PlatformPei
+  in the PEI phase.
+ArmPlatformInitialize (
+  IN  UINTN                     MpId
+  )
+  if (!ArmPlatformIsPrimaryCore (MpId)) {
+    return RETURN_SUCCESS;
+  }
+PrePeiCoreGetMpCoreInfo (
+  OUT UINTN                   *CoreCount,
+  OUT ARM_CORE_INFO           **ArmCoreTable
+  )
+  if (ArmIsMpCore()) {
+    *CoreCount    = ARRAY_SIZE(mArmPlatformNullMpCoreInfoTable);
+    *ArmCoreTable = mArmPlatformNullMpCoreInfoTable;
+    return EFI_SUCCESS;
+  } else {
+    return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
+  }
+ARM_MP_CORE_INFO_PPI mMpCoreInfoPpi = { PrePeiCoreGetMpCoreInfo };
+EFI_PEI_PPI_DESCRIPTOR      gPlatformPpiTable[] = {
+  {
+    &gArmMpCoreInfoPpiGuid,
+    &mMpCoreInfoPpi
+  }
+ArmPlatformGetPlatformPpiList (
+  OUT UINTN                   *PpiListSize,
+  )
+  if (ArmIsMpCore()) {
+    *PpiListSize = sizeof (gPlatformPpiTable);
+    *PpiList = gPlatformPpiTable;
+  } else {
+    *PpiListSize = 0;
+    *PpiList = NULL;
+  }

+ 51 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#/* @file
+#  Copyright (c) 2019, Linaro Limited. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+  INF_VERSION                    = 0x0001001c
+  BASE_NAME                      = SbsaQemuLib
+  FILE_GUID                      = 6454006f-4236-46e2-9be4-4bba8d4b29fb
+  MODULE_TYPE                    = BASE
+  VERSION_STRING                 = 1.0
+  LIBRARY_CLASS                  = ArmPlatformLib
+  CONSTRUCTOR                    = SbsaQemuLibConstructor
+  SbsaQemuMem.c
+  SbsaQemuLib.c
+  SbsaQemuHelper.S
+  ArmPkg/ArmPkg.dec
+  ArmPlatformPkg/ArmPlatformPkg.dec
+  EmbeddedPkg/EmbeddedPkg.dec
+  MdePkg/MdePkg.dec
+  MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec
+  Silicon/Qemu/SbsaQemu/SbsaQemu.dec
+  ArmLib
+  BaseMemoryLib
+  DebugLib
+  FdtLib
+  MemoryAllocationLib
+  PcdLib
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSystemMemoryBase
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSystemMemorySize
+  gArmVirtSbsaQemuPlatformTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDeviceTreeBaseAddress
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFdBaseAddress
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFdSize
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdArmPrimaryCoreMask
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdArmPrimaryCore
+  gArmMpCoreInfoPpiGuid

+ 145 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+/** @file
+  Copyright (c) 2019, Linaro Limited. All rights reserved.
+  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#include <Base.h>
+#include <Library/ArmLib.h>
+#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
+#include <Library/DebugLib.h>
+#include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
+#include <Library/PcdLib.h>
+#include <libfdt.h>
+// Number of Virtual Memory Map Descriptors
+SbsaQemuLibConstructor (
+  )
+  VOID          *DeviceTreeBase;
+  INT32         Node, Prev;
+  UINT64        NewBase, CurBase;
+  UINT64        NewSize, CurSize;
+  CONST CHAR8   *Type;
+  INT32         Len;
+  CONST UINT64  *RegProp;
+  NewBase = 0;
+  NewSize = 0;
+  DeviceTreeBase = (VOID *)(UINTN)PcdGet64 (PcdDeviceTreeBaseAddress);
+  ASSERT (DeviceTreeBase != NULL);
+  // Make sure we have a valid device tree blob
+  ASSERT (fdt_check_header (DeviceTreeBase) == 0);
+  // Look for the lowest memory node
+  for (Prev = 0;; Prev = Node) {
+    Node = fdt_next_node (DeviceTreeBase, Prev, NULL);
+    if (Node < 0) {
+      break;
+    }
+    // Check for memory node
+    Type = fdt_getprop (DeviceTreeBase, Node, "device_type", &Len);
+    if (Type && AsciiStrnCmp (Type, "memory", Len) == 0) {
+      // Get the 'reg' property of this node. For now, we will assume
+      // two 8 byte quantities for base and size, respectively.
+      RegProp = fdt_getprop (DeviceTreeBase, Node, "reg", &Len);
+      if (RegProp != 0 && Len == (2 * sizeof (UINT64))) {
+        CurBase = fdt64_to_cpu (ReadUnaligned64 (RegProp));
+        CurSize = fdt64_to_cpu (ReadUnaligned64 (RegProp + 1));
+        DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a: System RAM @ 0x%lx - 0x%lx\n",
+          __FUNCTION__, CurBase, CurBase + CurSize - 1));
+        if (NewBase > CurBase || NewBase == 0) {
+          NewBase = CurBase;
+          NewSize = CurSize;
+        }
+      } else {
+        DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Failed to parse FDT memory node\n",
+          __FUNCTION__));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Make sure the start of DRAM matches our expectation
+  ASSERT (FixedPcdGet64 (PcdSystemMemoryBase) == NewBase);
+  PcdStatus = PcdSet64S (PcdSystemMemorySize, NewSize);
+  Return the Virtual Memory Map of your platform
+  This Virtual Memory Map is used by MemoryInitPei Module to initialize the MMU
+  on your platform.
+  @param[out]   VirtualMemoryMap    Array of ARM_MEMORY_REGION_DESCRIPTOR
+                                    describing a Physical-to-Virtual Memory
+                                    mapping. This array must be ended by a
+                                    zero-filled entry. The allocated memory
+                                    will not be freed.
+ArmPlatformGetVirtualMemoryMap (
+  )
+  ASSERT (VirtualMemoryMap != NULL);
+  VirtualMemoryTable = AllocatePool (sizeof (ARM_MEMORY_REGION_DESCRIPTOR) *
+                                     MAX_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_MAP_DESCRIPTORS);
+  if (VirtualMemoryTable == NULL) {
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Error: Failed AllocatePool()\n", __FUNCTION__));
+    return;
+  }
+  // System DRAM
+  VirtualMemoryTable[0].PhysicalBase = PcdGet64 (PcdSystemMemoryBase);
+  VirtualMemoryTable[0].VirtualBase  = VirtualMemoryTable[0].PhysicalBase;
+  VirtualMemoryTable[0].Length       = PcdGet64 (PcdSystemMemorySize);
+  VirtualMemoryTable[0].Attributes   = ARM_MEMORY_REGION_ATTRIBUTE_WRITE_BACK;
+  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a: Dumping System DRAM Memory Map:\n"
+          "\tPhysicalBase: 0x%lX\n"
+          "\tVirtualBase: 0x%lX\n"
+          "\tLength: 0x%lX\n",
+          __FUNCTION__,
+          VirtualMemoryTable[0].PhysicalBase,
+          VirtualMemoryTable[0].VirtualBase,
+          VirtualMemoryTable[0].Length));
+  // Peripheral space before DRAM
+  VirtualMemoryTable[1].PhysicalBase = 0x0;
+  VirtualMemoryTable[1].VirtualBase  = 0x0;
+  VirtualMemoryTable[1].Length       = VirtualMemoryTable[0].PhysicalBase;
+  VirtualMemoryTable[1].Attributes   = ARM_MEMORY_REGION_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE;
+  // Remap the FD region as normal executable memory
+  VirtualMemoryTable[2].PhysicalBase = PcdGet64 (PcdFdBaseAddress);
+  VirtualMemoryTable[2].VirtualBase  = VirtualMemoryTable[2].PhysicalBase;
+  VirtualMemoryTable[2].Length       = FixedPcdGet32 (PcdFdSize);
+  VirtualMemoryTable[2].Attributes   = ARM_MEMORY_REGION_ATTRIBUTE_WRITE_BACK;
+  // End of Table
+  ZeroMem (&VirtualMemoryTable[3], sizeof (ARM_MEMORY_REGION_DESCRIPTOR));
+  *VirtualMemoryMap = VirtualMemoryTable;

+ 40 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+/** @file
+ Copyright (c) 2019, Linaro Ltd. All rights reserved
+ SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+ **/
+#include <Base.h>
+#include <PiDxe.h>
+#include <Library/NorFlashPlatformLib.h>
+NorFlashPlatformInitialization (
+  )
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;
+ FixedPcdGet64(PcdFdBaseAddress),
+ FixedPcdGet64(PcdFdBaseAddress),
+ FixedPcdGet32(PcdFdSize),
+NorFlashPlatformGetDevices (
+  OUT NOR_FLASH_DESCRIPTION   **NorFlashDescriptions,
+  OUT UINT32                  *Count
+  )
+  *NorFlashDescriptions = &mNorFlashDevice;
+  *Count = 1;
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;

+ 29 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#/** @file
+#  Component description file for SbsaNorFlashQemuLib module
+#  Copyright (c) 2019, Linaro Ltd. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+  INF_VERSION                    = 0x0001001c
+  BASE_NAME                      = SbsaNorFlashQemuLib
+  FILE_GUID                      = c53d904d-de50-40f1-a148-a2ece48303d8
+  MODULE_TYPE                    = BASE
+  VERSION_STRING                 = 1.0
+  LIBRARY_CLASS                  = NorFlashPlatformLib
+  SbsaQemuNorFlashLib.c
+  ArmPlatformPkg/ArmPlatformPkg.dec
+  ArmPkg/ArmPkg.dec
+  MdePkg/MdePkg.dec
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFdBaseAddress
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFdSize

+ 215 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+/** @file
+  PCI Host Bridge Library instance for pci-ecam-generic DT nodes
+  Copyright (c) 2019, Linaro Ltd. All rights reserved
+  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#include <Library/DebugLib.h>
+#include <Library/DevicePathLib.h>
+#include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
+#include <Library/PciHostBridgeLib.h>
+#include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
+#include <PiDxe.h>
+#include <Protocol/PciRootBridgeIo.h>
+#include <Protocol/PciHostBridgeResourceAllocation.h>
+#pragma pack(1)
+typedef struct {
+  ACPI_HID_DEVICE_PATH     AcpiDevicePath;
+#pragma pack ()
+  {
+    {
+      ACPI_DP,
+      {
+        (UINT8) (sizeof(ACPI_HID_DEVICE_PATH)),
+        (UINT8) ((sizeof(ACPI_HID_DEVICE_PATH)) >> 8)
+      }
+    },
+    EISA_PNP_ID(0x0A03),
+    0
+  },
+  {
+    {
+      0
+    }
+  }
+CHAR16 *mPciHostBridgeLibAcpiAddressSpaceTypeStr[] = {
+  L"Mem", L"I/O", L"Bus"
+  /* UINT32 Segment; Segment number */
+  0,
+  /* UINT64 Supports; Supported attributes */
+  /* UINT64 Attributes; Initial attributes */
+  /* BOOLEAN DmaAbove4G; DMA above 4GB memory */
+  TRUE,
+  /* BOOLEAN NoExtendedConfigSpace; When FALSE, the root bridge supports
+     Extended (4096-byte) Configuration Space.  When TRUE, the root bridge
+     supports 256-byte Configuration Space only. */
+  /* BOOLEAN ResourceAssigned; Resource assignment status of the root bridge.
+     Set to TRUE if Bus/IO/MMIO resources for root bridge have been assigned */
+  /* UINT64 AllocationAttributes; Allocation attributes. */
+  EFI_PCI_HOST_BRIDGE_MEM64_DECODE, /* as Mmio64Size > 0 */
+  {
+     /* PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE_APERTURE Bus; Bus aperture which can be used by the
+      * root bridge. */
+     FixedPcdGet32 (PcdPciBusMin),
+     FixedPcdGet32 (PcdPciBusMax)
+  },
+  /* PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE_APERTURE Io; IO aperture which can be used by the root
+     bridge */
+  {
+     FixedPcdGet64 (PcdPciIoBase),
+     FixedPcdGet64 (PcdPciIoBase) + FixedPcdGet64 (PcdPciIoSize) - 1
+  },
+  /* PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE_APERTURE Mem; MMIO aperture below 4GB which can be used by
+     the root bridge
+     (gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciMmio32Translation as 0x0) */
+  {
+    FixedPcdGet32 (PcdPciMmio32Base),
+    FixedPcdGet32 (PcdPciMmio32Base) + FixedPcdGet32 (PcdPciMmio32Size) - 1,
+  },
+  /* PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE_APERTURE MemAbove4G; MMIO aperture above 4GB which can be
+     used by the root bridge.
+     (gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciMmio64Translation as 0x0) */
+  {
+    FixedPcdGet64 (PcdPciMmio64Base),
+    FixedPcdGet64 (PcdPciMmio64Base) + FixedPcdGet64 (PcdPciMmio64Size) - 1
+  },
+  /* PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE_APERTURE PMem; Prefetchable MMIO aperture below 4GB which
+     can be used by the root bridge.
+     In our case, there are no separate ranges for prefetchable and
+     non-prefetchable BARs */
+  { MAX_UINT64, 0 },
+  /* PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE_APERTURE PMemAbove4G; Prefetchable MMIO aperture above 4GB
+     which can be used by the root bridge. */
+  { MAX_UINT64, 0 },
+  /* EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevicePath; Device path. */
+  (EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *)&mEfiPciRootBridgeDevicePath,
+  Return all the root bridge instances in an array.
+  @param Count  Return the count of root bridge instances.
+  @return All the root bridge instances in an array.
+          The array should be passed into PciHostBridgeFreeRootBridges()
+          when it's not used.
+PciHostBridgeGetRootBridges (
+  UINTN *Count
+  )
+  *Count = 1;
+  return &mRootBridge;
+  Free the root bridge instances array returned from
+  PciHostBridgeGetRootBridges().
+  @param Bridges The root bridge instances array.
+  @param Count   The count of the array.
+PciHostBridgeFreeRootBridges (
+  PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE *Bridges,
+  UINTN           Count
+  )
+  ASSERT (Count == 1);
+  Inform the platform that the resource conflict happens.
+  @param HostBridgeHandle Handle of the Host Bridge.
+  @param Configuration    Pointer to PCI I/O and PCI memory resource
+                          descriptors. The Configuration contains the resources
+                          for all the root bridges. The resource for each root
+                          bridge is terminated with END descriptor and an
+                          additional END is appended indicating the end of the
+                          entire resources. The resource descriptor field
+                          values follow the description in
+                          .SubmitResources().
+PciHostBridgeResourceConflict (
+  EFI_HANDLE                        HostBridgeHandle,
+  VOID                              *Configuration
+  )
+  UINTN                             RootBridgeIndex;
+  DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "PciHostBridge: Resource conflict happens!\n"));
+  RootBridgeIndex = 0;
+  Descriptor = (EFI_ACPI_ADDRESS_SPACE_DESCRIPTOR *) Configuration;
+  while (Descriptor->Desc == ACPI_ADDRESS_SPACE_DESCRIPTOR) {
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "RootBridge[%d]:\n", RootBridgeIndex++));
+    for (; Descriptor->Desc == ACPI_ADDRESS_SPACE_DESCRIPTOR; Descriptor++) {
+      ASSERT (Descriptor->ResType <
+               ARRAY_SIZE(mPciHostBridgeLibAcpiAddressSpaceTypeStr));
+      DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, " %s: Length/Alignment = 0x%lx / 0x%lx\n",
+              mPciHostBridgeLibAcpiAddressSpaceTypeStr[Descriptor->ResType],
+              Descriptor->AddrLen, Descriptor->AddrRangeMax
+              ));
+      if (Descriptor->ResType == ACPI_ADDRESS_SPACE_TYPE_MEM) {
+        DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "     Granularity/SpecificFlag = %ld / %02x%s\n",
+                Descriptor->AddrSpaceGranularity, Descriptor->SpecificFlag,
+                ((Descriptor->SpecificFlag &
+                  ) != 0) ? L" (Prefetchable)" : L""
+                ));
+      }
+    }
+    //
+    // Skip the END descriptor for root bridge
+    //
+    ASSERT (Descriptor->Desc == ACPI_END_TAG_DESCRIPTOR);
+                   (EFI_ACPI_END_TAG_DESCRIPTOR *)Descriptor + 1
+                   );
+  }

+ 47 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+## @file
+#  PCI Host Bridge Library instance for pci-ecam-generic DT nodes
+#  Copyright (c) 2019, Linaro Ltd. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+  INF_VERSION                    = 0x0001001c
+  BASE_NAME                      = SbsaQemuPciHostBridgeLib
+  FILE_GUID                      = 151dbef1-332d-4a8f-963e-b8f6bebb891d
+  MODULE_TYPE                    = DXE_DRIVER
+  VERSION_STRING                 = 1.0
+  LIBRARY_CLASS                  = PciHostBridgeLib
+# The following information is for reference only and not required by the build
+# tools.
+  SbsaQemuPciHostBridgeLib.c
+  ArmPkg/ArmPkg.dec
+  MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec
+  MdePkg/MdePkg.dec
+  DebugLib
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciBusMin
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciBusMax
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciIoBase
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciIoSize
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciMmio32Base
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciMmio32Size
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciMmio64Base
+  gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciMmio64Size

+ 37 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#/** @file
+#  Copyright (c) 2019, Linaro Limited. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+  DEC_SPECIFICATION              = 0x0001001B
+  PACKAGE_NAME                   = SbsaQemuPkg
+  PACKAGE_GUID                   = 8db32c5a-2821-43e2-b4ac-bc148e2b0b05
+  PACKAGE_VERSION                = 0.1
+# Include Section - list of Include Paths that are provided by this package.
+#                   Comments are used for Keywords and Module Types.
+# Supported Module Types:
+#  Include                        # Root include for the package
+  gArmVirtSbsaQemuPlatformTokenSpaceGuid   = { 0xaab3bea9, 0xa8e8, 0x4e76, { 0xb5, 0x3a, 0x35, 0x22, 0x11, 0xce, 0xf7, 0xf7 } }
+  # Non discoverable devices Pcds
+  gArmVirtSbsaQemuPlatformTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPlatformAhciBase|0|UINT64|0x00000001
+  gArmVirtSbsaQemuPlatformTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPlatformAhciSize|0x10000|UINT32|0x00000002
+  gArmVirtSbsaQemuPlatformTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPlatformEhciBase|0|UINT64|0x00000003
+  gArmVirtSbsaQemuPlatformTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPlatformEhciSize|0x10000|UINT32|0x00000004
+  gArmVirtSbsaQemuPlatformTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDeviceTreeBaseAddress|0x10000000000|UINT64|0x00000005