pylintrc 1.3 KB

  2. # Disable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s).
  3. # TODO(perf-owners): Reduce this list to as small as possible.
  4. disable=
  5. abstract-class-little-used,
  6. abstract-class-not-used,
  7. bad-builtin,
  8. bad-continuation,
  9. bad-indentation,
  10. bad-whitespace,
  11. broad-except,
  12. eval-used,
  13. fixme,
  14. global-statement,
  15. interface-not-implemented,
  16. invalid-name,
  17. locally-enabled,
  18. locally-disabled,
  19. logging-not-lazy,
  20. missing-docstring,
  21. no-member,
  22. no-self-use,
  23. star-args,
  24. too-few-public-methods,
  25. too-many-arguments,
  26. too-many-branches,
  27. too-many-instance-attributes,
  28. too-many-locals,
  29. too-many-public-methods,
  30. too-many-statements,
  31. too-many-return-statements,
  32. # TODO(crbug/1342770): added for pylint 2.7
  33. raise-missing-from, # python3 only
  34. useless-object-inheritance, # python3 only
  35. super-with-arguments, # python3 only
  36. duplicate-code,
  37. wrong-import-position,
  38. wrong-import-order
  39. [REPORTS]
  40. # Don't write out full reports, just messages.
  41. reports=no
  43. # Google style
  44. dummy-variables-rgx=_$|unused_
  45. [FORMAT]
  46. # We use two spaces for indents, instead of the usual four spaces or tab.
  47. indent-string=' '
  48. # We suppress long line check for lines that contain only the URL (with or
  49. # without quote).
  50. ignore-long-lines=^\s*'?https?://\S+'?$
  51. [DESIGN]
  52. max-parents=10