1.4 KB

  1. # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
  2. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
  3. # found in the LICENSE file.
  4. # This target creates a stamp file that depends on all the sources in the grit
  5. # directory. By depending on this, a target can force itself to be rebuilt if
  6. # grit itself changes.
  7. import("//build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni")
  8. action("grit_sources") {
  9. depfile = "$target_out_dir/grit_sources.d"
  10. script = ""
  11. inputs = [ "" ]
  12. # Note that we can't call this "grit_sources.stamp" because that file is
  13. # implicitly created by GN for script actions.
  14. outputs = [ "$target_out_dir/grit_sources.script.stamp" ]
  15. args = [
  16. rebase_path("//tools/grit", root_build_dir),
  17. rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
  18. rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
  19. ]
  20. }
  21. group("grit_python_unittests") {
  22. testonly = true
  23. data_deps = [ "//testing:test_scripts_shared" ]
  24. data = [
  25. "//testing/scripts/",
  26. "//tools/grit/",
  27. "//third_party/catapult/third_party/typ/",
  28. "//third_party/node/",
  29. "//third_party/six/src/",
  30. ]
  31. }
  32. # See
  33. if (is_mac && is_asan) {
  34. create_bundle("brotli_mac_asan_workaround") {
  35. bundle_root_dir = "$target_out_dir/$target_name"
  36. bundle_executable_dir = bundle_root_dir
  37. public_deps = [ "//third_party/brotli:brotli($host_toolchain)" ]
  38. }
  39. }