.travis.yml 1.9 KB

  1. os: linux
  2. dist: xenial
  3. language: python
  4. python:
  5. - 2.7
  6. - 3.4
  7. - 3.5
  8. - 3.6
  9. - 3.7
  10. - &mainstream_python 3.8
  11. - nightly
  12. - pypy
  13. - pypy3
  14. install:
  15. - pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall "setuptools; python_version != '3.3'" "setuptools < 40; python_version == '3.3'"
  16. - pip uninstall --yes six || true
  17. - pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall --ignore-installed -e .
  18. - pip install "pytest==4.6.9; python_version != '3.3'" "pytest==2.9.2; python_version == '3.3'" typing
  19. - &py_pkg_list pip list --format=columns || pip list
  20. script:
  21. - py.test
  22. - echo Checking whether installation flow is not broken...
  23. - pip uninstall --yes six || true
  24. - pip install --ignore-installed .
  25. - *py_pkg_list
  26. jobs:
  27. fast_finish: true
  28. include:
  29. - python: 3.3
  30. dist: trusty
  31. - stage: upload new version of python package to PYPI (only for tagged commits)
  32. python: *mainstream_python
  33. install: skip
  34. script: skip
  35. deploy:
  36. provider: pypi
  37. on:
  38. tags: true
  39. all_branches: true
  40. python: *mainstream_python
  41. user: gutworth
  42. distributions: "sdist bdist_wheel"
  43. password:
  44. secure: 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
  45. cache:
  46. pip: true
  47. after_failure:
  48. - echo "Here's a list of installed Python packages:"
  49. - *py_pkg_list