third_party.toml 3.2 KB

  1. # This file lists all dependencies used from first-party code. It should not
  2. # include transitive dependencies, as those will be determined from Cargo.
  3. #
  4. # All versions should be specified as a version epoch (a single non-zero version
  5. # component such as "2" or "0.3").
  6. # e.g.
  7. # santas-workshop = "2"
  8. #
  9. # Any features used by first-party code must be declared here in order to ensure
  10. # they are included in the crate when it is built.
  11. # e.g.
  12. # santas-workshop = { version = "3", features = [ "candycanes" ] }
  13. #
  14. # We have some extensions in order to provide additional info for the
  15. # files that can't be derived from Cargo. Any extension should be added to
  16. # the dependency crate's set of properties.
  17. # e.g.
  18. # santas-workshop = { version = "3", some-extension = true }
  19. #
  20. # Extensions:
  21. #
  22. # allow-first-party-usage: If false, the crate should not be visible to first
  23. # party code even though it is present in this file. It defaults to true. Use
  24. # this if you need to declare extensions for a crate that is only meant for
  25. # use as a transitive dependency of third-party crates.
  26. # e.g. allow-first-party-usage = false
  27. #
  28. # build-script-outputs: A list of file paths, rooted from where the
  29. # file is located, of files generated by the crate's build script.
  30. # e.g. build-script-outputs = [ "crate/src/gen/" ]
  31. # Crates listed in dependencies will have a :lib GN target built for them in
  32. # their file. The :lib target can be depended on from Chromium
  33. # production and test code. Third-party crates that are not listed in this
  34. # file are not visible to Chromium code.
  35. # Since autocxx-gen is used as a standalone binary, rather than as a library, we
  36. # can't depend on it in the usual way. Add it as a workspace member so cargo can
  37. # resolve its dependencies.
  38. [workspace]
  39. members = [
  40. "autocxx_gen/v0_22/crate",
  41. ]
  42. [dependencies]
  43. cxxbridge-cmd = "1"
  44. cxx = "1"
  45. serde = "1"
  46. autocxx = "0.22"
  47. memoffset = { version = "0.6", features = [ "unstable_const" ] }
  48. static_assertions = "1"
  49. [dependencies.autocxx-gen]
  50. version = "0.22"
  51. features = [ "static" ]
  52. [dependencies.serde_json_lenient]
  53. version = "0.1"
  54. features = [ "unbounded_depth", "float_roundtrip" ]
  55. [dependencies.bindgen]
  56. version = "0.59"
  57. build-script-outputs = [ "host-target.txt" ]
  58. features = [ "static" ]
  59. [dependencies.autocxx-bindgen]
  60. version = "0.59"
  61. build-script-outputs = [ "host-target.txt" ]
  62. features = [ "static" ]
  63. [dependencies.rustversion]
  64. version = "1"
  65. allow-first-party-usage = false
  66. build-script-outputs = [ "" ]
  67. [dependencies.unicode-linebreak]
  68. version = "0.1"
  69. allow-first-party-usage = false
  70. build-script-outputs = [ "" ]
  71. # Crates listed in dev-dependencies will have a :test_support GN target
  72. # built for them in their file, which is marked testonly=true.
  73. # This allows them built in a configuration that can be used from Chromium
  74. # tests, but not used from production.
  75. [dev-dependencies]
  76. rstest = "0.12"
  77. small_ctor = "0.1"
  78. syn = {version = "1", features = ["full"]}
  79. # Used in Rust tool for generation.
  80. cargo_metadata = "0.14"
  81. cargo-platform = "0.1"
  82. clap = "3"
  83. once_cell = "1"
  84. semver = "1"
  85. tempfile = "3"
  86. toml = {version = "0.5", features = ["preserve_order"]}