13 KB

  1. """HTML reporting for Coverage."""
  2. import os, re, shutil, sys
  3. import coverage
  4. from coverage.backward import pickle
  5. from coverage.misc import CoverageException, Hasher
  6. from coverage.phystokens import source_token_lines, source_encoding
  7. from import Reporter
  8. from coverage.results import Numbers
  9. from coverage.templite import Templite
  10. # Static files are looked for in a list of places.
  11. STATIC_PATH = [
  12. # The place Debian puts system Javascript libraries.
  13. "/usr/share/javascript",
  14. # Our htmlfiles directory.
  15. os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "htmlfiles"),
  16. ]
  17. def data_filename(fname, pkgdir=""):
  18. """Return the path to a data file of ours.
  19. The file is searched for on `STATIC_PATH`, and the first place it's found,
  20. is returned.
  21. Each directory in `STATIC_PATH` is searched as-is, and also, if `pkgdir`
  22. is provided, at that subdirectory.
  23. """
  24. for static_dir in STATIC_PATH:
  25. static_filename = os.path.join(static_dir, fname)
  26. if os.path.exists(static_filename):
  27. return static_filename
  28. if pkgdir:
  29. static_filename = os.path.join(static_dir, pkgdir, fname)
  30. if os.path.exists(static_filename):
  31. return static_filename
  32. raise CoverageException("Couldn't find static file %r" % fname)
  33. def data(fname):
  34. """Return the contents of a data file of ours."""
  35. data_file = open(data_filename(fname))
  36. try:
  37. return
  38. finally:
  39. data_file.close()
  40. class HtmlReporter(Reporter):
  41. """HTML reporting."""
  42. # These files will be copied from the htmlfiles dir to the output dir.
  43. STATIC_FILES = [
  44. ("style.css", ""),
  45. ("jquery.min.js", "jquery"),
  46. ("jquery.hotkeys.js", "jquery-hotkeys"),
  47. ("jquery.isonscreen.js", "jquery-isonscreen"),
  48. ("jquery.tablesorter.min.js", "jquery-tablesorter"),
  49. ("coverage_html.js", ""),
  50. ("keybd_closed.png", ""),
  51. ("keybd_open.png", ""),
  52. ]
  53. def __init__(self, cov, config):
  54. super(HtmlReporter, self).__init__(cov, config)
  55. = None
  56. self.template_globals = {
  57. 'escape': escape,
  58. 'title': self.config.html_title,
  59. '__url__': coverage.__url__,
  60. '__version__': coverage.__version__,
  61. }
  62. self.source_tmpl = Templite(
  63. data("pyfile.html"), self.template_globals
  64. )
  65. self.coverage = cov
  66. self.files = []
  67. self.arcs =
  68. self.status = HtmlStatus()
  69. self.extra_css = None
  70. self.totals = Numbers()
  71. def report(self, morfs):
  72. """Generate an HTML report for `morfs`.
  73. `morfs` is a list of modules or filenames.
  74. """
  75. assert self.config.html_dir, "must give a directory for html reporting"
  76. # Read the status data.
  78. # Check that this run used the same settings as the last run.
  79. m = Hasher()
  80. m.update(self.config)
  81. these_settings = m.digest()
  82. if self.status.settings_hash() != these_settings:
  83. self.status.reset()
  84. self.status.set_settings_hash(these_settings)
  85. # The user may have extra CSS they want copied.
  86. if self.config.extra_css:
  87. self.extra_css = os.path.basename(self.config.extra_css)
  88. # Process all the files.
  89. self.report_files(self.html_file, morfs, self.config.html_dir)
  90. if not self.files:
  91. raise CoverageException("No data to report.")
  92. # Write the index file.
  93. self.index_file()
  94. self.make_local_static_report_files()
  95. return self.totals.pc_covered
  96. def make_local_static_report_files(self):
  97. """Make local instances of static files for HTML report."""
  98. # The files we provide must always be copied.
  99. for static, pkgdir in self.STATIC_FILES:
  100. shutil.copyfile(
  101. data_filename(static, pkgdir),
  102. os.path.join(, static)
  103. )
  104. # The user may have extra CSS they want copied.
  105. if self.extra_css:
  106. shutil.copyfile(
  107. self.config.extra_css,
  108. os.path.join(, self.extra_css)
  109. )
  110. def write_html(self, fname, html):
  111. """Write `html` to `fname`, properly encoded."""
  112. fout = open(fname, "wb")
  113. try:
  114. fout.write(html.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace'))
  115. finally:
  116. fout.close()
  117. def file_hash(self, source, cu):
  118. """Compute a hash that changes if the file needs to be re-reported."""
  119. m = Hasher()
  120. m.update(source)
  121., m)
  122. return m.digest()
  123. def html_file(self, cu, analysis):
  124. """Generate an HTML file for one source file."""
  125. source_file = cu.source_file()
  126. try:
  127. source =
  128. finally:
  129. source_file.close()
  130. # Find out if the file on disk is already correct.
  131. flat_rootname = cu.flat_rootname()
  132. this_hash = self.file_hash(source, cu)
  133. that_hash = self.status.file_hash(flat_rootname)
  134. if this_hash == that_hash:
  135. # Nothing has changed to require the file to be reported again.
  136. self.files.append(self.status.index_info(flat_rootname))
  137. return
  138. self.status.set_file_hash(flat_rootname, this_hash)
  139. # If need be, determine the encoding of the source file. We use it
  140. # later to properly write the HTML.
  141. if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
  142. encoding = source_encoding(source)
  143. # Some UTF8 files have the dreaded UTF8 BOM. If so, junk it.
  144. if encoding.startswith("utf-8") and source[:3] == "\xef\xbb\xbf":
  145. source = source[3:]
  146. encoding = "utf-8"
  147. # Get the numbers for this file.
  148. nums = analysis.numbers
  149. if self.arcs:
  150. missing_branch_arcs = analysis.missing_branch_arcs()
  151. # These classes determine which lines are highlighted by default.
  152. c_run = "run hide_run"
  153. c_exc = "exc"
  154. c_mis = "mis"
  155. c_par = "par " + c_run
  156. lines = []
  157. for lineno, line in enumerate(source_token_lines(source)):
  158. lineno += 1 # 1-based line numbers.
  159. # Figure out how to mark this line.
  160. line_class = []
  161. annotate_html = ""
  162. annotate_title = ""
  163. if lineno in analysis.statements:
  164. line_class.append("stm")
  165. if lineno in analysis.excluded:
  166. line_class.append(c_exc)
  167. elif lineno in analysis.missing:
  168. line_class.append(c_mis)
  169. elif self.arcs and lineno in missing_branch_arcs:
  170. line_class.append(c_par)
  171. annlines = []
  172. for b in missing_branch_arcs[lineno]:
  173. if b < 0:
  174. annlines.append("exit")
  175. else:
  176. annlines.append(str(b))
  177. annotate_html = "&nbsp;&nbsp; ".join(annlines)
  178. if len(annlines) > 1:
  179. annotate_title = "no jumps to these line numbers"
  180. elif len(annlines) == 1:
  181. annotate_title = "no jump to this line number"
  182. elif lineno in analysis.statements:
  183. line_class.append(c_run)
  184. # Build the HTML for the line
  185. html = []
  186. for tok_type, tok_text in line:
  187. if tok_type == "ws":
  188. html.append(escape(tok_text))
  189. else:
  190. tok_html = escape(tok_text) or '&nbsp;'
  191. html.append(
  192. "<span class='%s'>%s</span>" % (tok_type, tok_html)
  193. )
  194. lines.append({
  195. 'html': ''.join(html),
  196. 'number': lineno,
  197. 'class': ' '.join(line_class) or "pln",
  198. 'annotate': annotate_html,
  199. 'annotate_title': annotate_title,
  200. })
  201. # Write the HTML page for this file.
  202. html = spaceless(self.source_tmpl.render({
  203. 'c_exc': c_exc, 'c_mis': c_mis, 'c_par': c_par, 'c_run': c_run,
  204. 'arcs': self.arcs, 'extra_css': self.extra_css,
  205. 'cu': cu, 'nums': nums, 'lines': lines,
  206. }))
  207. if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
  208. html = html.decode(encoding)
  209. html_filename = flat_rootname + ".html"
  210. html_path = os.path.join(, html_filename)
  211. self.write_html(html_path, html)
  212. # Save this file's information for the index file.
  213. index_info = {
  214. 'nums': nums,
  215. 'html_filename': html_filename,
  216. 'name':,
  217. }
  218. self.files.append(index_info)
  219. self.status.set_index_info(flat_rootname, index_info)
  220. def index_file(self):
  221. """Write the index.html file for this report."""
  222. index_tmpl = Templite(
  223. data("index.html"), self.template_globals
  224. )
  225. self.totals = sum([f['nums'] for f in self.files])
  226. html = index_tmpl.render({
  227. 'arcs': self.arcs,
  228. 'extra_css': self.extra_css,
  229. 'files': self.files,
  230. 'totals': self.totals,
  231. })
  232. if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
  233. html = html.decode("utf-8")
  234. self.write_html(
  235. os.path.join(, "index.html"),
  236. html
  237. )
  238. # Write the latest hashes for next time.
  239. self.status.write(
  240. class HtmlStatus(object):
  241. """The status information we keep to support incremental reporting."""
  242. STATUS_FILE = "status.dat"
  243. STATUS_FORMAT = 1
  244. def __init__(self):
  245. self.reset()
  246. def reset(self):
  247. """Initialize to empty."""
  248. self.settings = ''
  249. self.files = {}
  250. def read(self, directory):
  251. """Read the last status in `directory`."""
  252. usable = False
  253. try:
  254. status_file = os.path.join(directory, self.STATUS_FILE)
  255. fstatus = open(status_file, "rb")
  256. try:
  257. status = pickle.load(fstatus)
  258. finally:
  259. fstatus.close()
  260. except (IOError, ValueError):
  261. usable = False
  262. else:
  263. usable = True
  264. if status['format'] != self.STATUS_FORMAT:
  265. usable = False
  266. elif status['version'] != coverage.__version__:
  267. usable = False
  268. if usable:
  269. self.files = status['files']
  270. self.settings = status['settings']
  271. else:
  272. self.reset()
  273. def write(self, directory):
  274. """Write the current status to `directory`."""
  275. status_file = os.path.join(directory, self.STATUS_FILE)
  276. status = {
  277. 'format': self.STATUS_FORMAT,
  278. 'version': coverage.__version__,
  279. 'settings': self.settings,
  280. 'files': self.files,
  281. }
  282. fout = open(status_file, "wb")
  283. try:
  284. pickle.dump(status, fout)
  285. finally:
  286. fout.close()
  287. def settings_hash(self):
  288. """Get the hash of the settings."""
  289. return self.settings
  290. def set_settings_hash(self, settings):
  291. """Set the hash of the settings."""
  292. self.settings = settings
  293. def file_hash(self, fname):
  294. """Get the hash of `fname`'s contents."""
  295. return self.files.get(fname, {}).get('hash', '')
  296. def set_file_hash(self, fname, val):
  297. """Set the hash of `fname`'s contents."""
  298. self.files.setdefault(fname, {})['hash'] = val
  299. def index_info(self, fname):
  300. """Get the information for index.html for `fname`."""
  301. return self.files.get(fname, {}).get('index', {})
  302. def set_index_info(self, fname, info):
  303. """Set the information for index.html for `fname`."""
  304. self.files.setdefault(fname, {})['index'] = info
  305. # Helpers for templates and generating HTML
  306. def escape(t):
  307. """HTML-escape the text in `t`."""
  308. return (t
  309. # Convert HTML special chars into HTML entities.
  310. .replace("&", "&amp;").replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;")
  311. .replace("'", "&#39;").replace('"', "&quot;")
  312. # Convert runs of spaces: "......" -> "&nbsp;.&nbsp;.&nbsp;."
  313. .replace(" ", "&nbsp; ")
  314. # To deal with odd-length runs, convert the final pair of spaces
  315. # so that "....." -> "&nbsp;.&nbsp;&nbsp;."
  316. .replace(" ", "&nbsp; ")
  317. )
  318. def spaceless(html):
  319. """Squeeze out some annoying extra space from an HTML string.
  320. Nicely-formatted templates mean lots of extra space in the result.
  321. Get rid of some.
  322. """
  323. html = re.sub(r">\s+<p ", ">\n<p ", html)
  324. return html