Changes.txt 9.1 KB

  1. Listing of notable changes by release. More detail is usually found in the Git
  2. commit messages and/or the pull requests.
  3. OCMock 3.1.4 / 3.1.5 (2015-08-26)
  4. * Fixed deployment target in podspec
  5. OCMock 3.1.3 (2015-08-12)
  6. * Now throwing exception when trying to create mocks for nil (Nick Gravelyn)
  7. * Fixed ARC related bug when boxing macro args (Richard Ross)
  8. * Added target for dynamic iOS framework, which makes OCMock compatible with
  9. Carthage (Piet Brauer)
  10. * Memory management and other small bug fixes
  11. OCMock 3.1.2 (2015-01-08)
  12. * Fixed bugs around reject and expectation orders (Mason Glidden, Ben Asher)
  13. * Small adjustments to build file and dependencies
  14. OCMock 3.1.1 (2014-08-23)
  15. * Fixed a recently introduced bug that resulted in class arguments and return
  16. values not to be considered objects (Patrick Hartling, Max Shcheglov)
  17. OCMock 3.1 (2014-08-22)
  18. * Converting number types to make andReturn more intuitive (Carl Lindberg)
  19. * Macros now silence warnings about unused return values (Gordon Fontenot)
  20. * Added isKindOfClass constraint (Ash Furrow)
  21. * Performance and stability improvements. As a result it is no longer possible
  22. use verify-after-running to verify certain methods:
  23. - All methods implemented by NSObject and categories on it
  24. - Private methods in core Apple classes, ie. the class name has an NS or UI
  25. prefix and the method has an underscore prefix and/or suffix.
  26. OCMock 3.0.2 (2014-07-07)
  27. * Fixed podspec
  28. OCMock 3.0.1 (2014-07-06)
  29. * Fixed bug that prevented stubs from returning nil
  30. * Fixed bug related to handling of weak references
  31. * Improved error message when trying to mock undefined method
  32. * Added support for matching of char* arguments
  33. OCMock 3.0 (2014-06-12)
  34. * Added macro for verify with delay
  35. * Fixed several critical bugs
  36. * Allowing nil as block in stub action. With partial mocks this makes it
  37. possible to overwrite a method to do nothing (Sam Stigler)
  38. * More descriptive messages when trying to verify unknown method
  39. OCMock 3.0.M3 (2014-05-31)
  40. * Changed license to Apache 2 license
  41. * Added support for verify-after-run for class methods and for methods sent
  42. directly to the real object covered by a partial mock.
  43. * Using a temporary meta class subclass for mocking class methods, enabling
  44. full clean-up. As a consequence class methods mocked on a given class are no
  45. longer mocked in all subclasses.
  46. * Throwing descriptive exception when attempting to create partial mock on
  47. toll-free bridged classes and tagged pointers (Mark Larsen)
  48. OCMock 3.0.M2 (2014-05-07)
  49. * Added support from verify-after-run. Only works for methods that are sent
  50. to a mock object. Does not work for classes and methods sent directly to
  51. the real object covered by a partial mock.
  52. * Failures without location are now thrown as OCMockTestFailure exception,
  53. not as NSInternalInconsistencyException
  54. OCMock 3.0.M1 (2014-04-26)
  55. * Added macros for modern syntax
  56. * Automatic deregistration of observer mocks
  57. OCMock 2.2.4 (2014-04-04)
  58. 2014-04-05
  59. * Switched unit test for OCMock itself to XCTest.
  60. * Added andForwardToRealObject support for class methods (Carl Lindberg)
  61. * Extended OCMockObject with verifyWithDelay (Charles Harley, Daniel
  62. Doubrovkine)
  63. OCMock 2.2.2 (2013-12-19)
  64. * Added implementation for Apple-interal NSIsKind informal protocol (Brian
  65. Gerstle)
  66. * Various fixes for method with structure returns (Carl Lindberg)
  67. * Added a specially typed method for object references to OCMArg.
  68. * Fixed bug that caused matching to be aborted on first ignored non-object arg.
  69. * Fixed a bug where partial mocks wouldn't clean up mocked class methods.
  70. (we7teck)
  71. * Improved value macro so it can take constant arguments and expressions. (Carl
  72. Lindberg)
  73. * Fixed a bug that caused crashes when methods that require "special" struct
  74. returns were mocked in partial mocks. (Carl Lindberg)
  75. OCMock 2.2.1 (2013-07-24)
  76. * Fixed several bugs regarding class method mocking in class hierarchies.
  77. * Fixed bug preventing the same class method to be expected more than once.
  78. OCMock 2.2 (2013-07-02)
  79. * Can ignore non-object arguments on a per-invocation basis.
  80. * Added constraint for any selector.
  81. OCMock 2.1.2 (2013-06-19)
  82. * Constraints implement NSCopying for OS X 10.9 SDK compatibility.
  83. OCMock 2.1 (2013-03-15)
  84. * Stubbing an object creation method now handles retain count correctly.
  85. * Added support for forwardingTagetForSelector: (thanks to Jeff Watkins)
  86. * Added class method mocking capability to class mock objects
  87. * Added implementation of isKindOfClass: to class mock objects
  88. * Allowing to set non-object pass-by-ref args (thanks to Glenn L. Austin)
  89. * Calling a previously expected method on a partial mock is no longer an error.
  90. OCMock 2.0 (2012-03-02)
  91. * Avoiding deprecated method to convert to a C string (thanks to Kushal
  92. Pisavadia)
  93. * Recreated project from scratch with new conventions in Xcode 4.2 (thanks to
  94. Matt Di Pasquale)
  95. * Arguments only need to be equal, don't have to have same class
  96. OCMock 1.77 (2011-02-15)
  97. * Added feature to explicitly disable a partial mock
  98. * Updated example to work with iOS 4.2.
  99. OCMock 1.70 (2010-08-21)
  100. * Added feature to explicitly reject methods on nice mocks (thanks to Heath
  101. Borders)
  102. * Added feature to forward method to real object from partial mock (thanks to
  103. Marco Sandrini)
  104. * Fix to allow block arguments (thanks to Justin DeWind)
  105. * Now building OCMock library for simulator (i386) and device (armv7)
  106. * Updated example to run tests on device
  107. * Changed OCMOCK_VALUE macro to be iOS compatible (thanks to Derek Clarkson)
  108. * Added a new target to build a static library for iOS use
  109. * Created an example showing how to use OCMock in an iOS project
  110. * Various small clean-ups; no change in functionality (thanks to Jonah Williams)
  111. * Added block constraints and invocation handler (thanks to Justin DeWind)
  112. OCMock 1.55 (2009-10-16)
  113. * Fixed broken test for array argument descciptions (Craig Beck)
  114. * Disambiguated mock table method name to avoid compiler warning
  115. * Renamed some variables to avoid warnings when using -Wshadow
  116. * Partial mocks are now deallocated as they should
  117. * Fixed problems that occured when using mocks as arguments
  118. * OnCall methods now have same signature as replaced ones.
  119. * Fixed possible retain bug (Daniel Eggert)
  120. * Added feature that allows to verify expectations are called in sequence.
  121. * Improved detection of unqualified method return type.
  122. * Fixed bug that caused crash when using method swizzling with void return type.
  123. * Added support for calling arbitrary methods when stubbed methods are invoked.
  124. * Added support for posting notifications (based on Jean-Francois Dontigny's
  125. code)
  126. * Fixed bug around complex type encodings (Jean-Francois Dontigny)
  127. * Partial mocks now work on object reference and self (thanks to Mike Mangino)
  128. * Added partial mocks (calls to the original object reference cannot be mocked)
  129. OCMock 1.42 (2009-05-19)
  130. * Mock observers now handle user infos on notifications.
  131. * Added inital support for mock observers (loosely based on Dave Dribbin's idea)
  132. * Moved factory methods from OCMConstraint to OCMArg
  133. * Added pass by ref argument setters
  134. * Linked install name now uses @rpath (Dave Dribbin)
  135. * Added support for respondsToSelector (Dave Dribin)
  136. * Added constraint for any pointer
  137. * Now comparing selectors as strings (Dado Colussi)
  138. OCMock 1.29 (2008-07-07)
  139. * Resetting invocation target in recorder to avoid retain cycles.
  140. * Added optional integration with hamcrest for constraints
  141. * Now building quad-fat; the 64-bit versions are somewhat experimental though
  142. * Using new functions to deal with protocols (Evan Doll)
  143. * Added support for void* parameters (Tuukka Norri)
  144. * Fixed a bug that could caused crashes when non-char const pointers were
  145. described
  146. * Fixed bug to allow mocking of methods with type qualifieres (Nikita Zhuk)
  147. * Added a simple constraint implementation.
  148. OCMock 1.17 (2007-06-04)
  149. * Now re-throwing fail-fast exceptions, for unexpected invocations for example,
  150. when verify is called; in case the first throw is ignored by a framework.
  151. * Added nice mocks, i.e. mocks that don't raise on unknown methods (Mark Thomas)
  152. * Fixed bug that prevented expectations after invocations (M. Scott Ford)
  153. * Added possibility to throw an exception, based on code by Justin DeWind
  154. * Added Evan Doll's bugfix, which forwards conformsToProtocol: methods when
  155. necessary
  156. * Added the ability to match struct arguments, based on code contributed by
  157. Daniel Eggert
  158. * Better description of arguments, based on code contributed by Jeremy Higgs
  159. * Added the ability to create multiple identical expectations on the mock
  160. object (Jeremy Higgs)
  161. * Added the ability to mock out nil arguments (Jeremy Higgs)
  162. * Added slightly modified version of Jon Reid's contribution, which adds the
  163. possibility to stub primitive return values.
  164. * Added Jon Reid's bugfix that prevents a crash when trying to stub an unknown
  165. method on a protocol.
  166. OCMock 1.10 (2005-10-03)
  167. * Upgraded to build and run tests using the OCUnit that is now part of XCode.
  168. * Added XCode 2.1 project
  169. * Added Richard Clark's contribution, which provides support for scalar
  170. arguments.
  171. * Added support for mocking formal protocols
  172. OCMock 1.6 (2004-08-30)
  173. * MockObject and Recorder now inherit from NSProxy.