cast_assistant_logs.proto 3.4 KB

  1. // Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
  2. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
  3. // found in the LICENSE file.
  4. syntax = "proto2";
  5. option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
  6. option java_package = "org.chromium.components.metrics";
  7. option java_outer_classname = "CastAssistantLogs";
  8. package metrics;
  9. // Deprecated. Use CastLogsProto instead.
  10. // CastAssistant specific device information.
  11. // Next id: 14
  12. message CastAssistantLogsProto {
  13. // A unique id generated by the assistant client (approx. 11 bytes).
  14. // This is used to join the assistant client logs with speech logs.
  15. optional string request_id = 5;
  16. // Base64-encoded assistant server event id.
  17. // This is used to join the assistant client logs with server ones. For the
  18. // time being, this will be logged in addition to the event_id_list. However,
  19. // going forward this will be deprecated. Please see b/77491741.
  20. optional string event_id = 1;
  21. // A server generated key that is the same for all queries in a conversation.
  22. optional string conversation_key = 6 [deprecated = true];
  23. // GAIA ID of signed in user.
  24. // This is used to join the cast_assistant client logs with server ones.
  25. // cast_assistant_product_log_writer will move the contents of this field into
  26. // userinfo.userid and erase the original value.
  27. optional int64 gaia_id = 3;
  28. // Client id tied to device.
  29. optional fixed64 client_id = 4;
  30. // S3 experiment id.
  31. repeated string experiment_id = 8;
  32. // Release track that device uses to get updates. The value is the first 32
  33. // bits of the SHA-1 hash of the string which appears in the device
  34. // configuration service
  35. optional fixed32 virtual_release_track = 9;
  36. // Next id: 7
  37. message CastAssistantEventProto {
  38. // The name of the action, hashed by same logic used to hash user action
  39. // event and histogram.
  40. optional fixed64 name_hash = 1;
  41. // The timestamp for the event, in milliseconds.
  42. optional int64 time_msec = 2;
  43. // Deprecated
  44. optional int64 value = 3 [deprecated = true];
  45. // Optional value associated with the event. For example, may be used for
  46. // error codes.
  47. message Metadata {
  48. optional fixed64 name_hash = 1;
  49. optional int64 value = 2;
  50. }
  51. repeated Metadata metadata = 4;
  52. // Duo core version.
  53. optional fixed64 duo_core_version = 5;
  54. // Model version of hotword detector.
  55. optional string hotword_model_id = 6;
  56. }
  57. repeated CastAssistantEventProto cast_assistant_event = 2;
  58. // An identifier that is specific to the combination of app and device, in
  59. // this case the one used by backdrop. This will also be used for device
  60. // linking to enable cloud casting and other features. This identifier will be
  61. // consistent across sessions unless the device is factory reset, at which
  62. // time a new identifier will be generated. This identifier is a printable
  63. // ASCII string of not more than 64 characters (no spaces).
  64. optional string backdrop_app_device_id = 10;
  65. // List of event ids belonging to a particular interaction. One interaction
  66. // could receive multiple assistant outputs, hence multiple event ids. Client
  67. // should send this list for logging. Please see b/77491741 and
  68. // go/concurrent_event_ids for details.
  69. repeated string event_id_list = 12;
  70. // Optional field to log the system bundle version.
  71. optional string system_bundle_version = 13;
  72. }