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Lottie Web Worker

Using the lottie player on a worker thread and an offscreen canvas.

Sample usage

1. Setting up a new animation


<canvas id="a"></canvas>


let offscreenCanvas = document.getElementById('a').transferControlToOffscreen();

let worker = new Worker('lottie_worker.min.js');
  canvas: offscreenCanvas,
  animationData: animationData,
  drawSize: {
    width: 200,
    height: 100
  params: {
    loop: true,
    autoplay: true

2. Updating the size of the canvas

  drawSize: {
    width: 250,
    height: 150

3. Pausing the animation

  control: {
    play: false

4. Stopping the animation

  control: {
    stop: true

Message field description

data: {
  canvas: 'The offscreen canvas that will display the animation.',
  animationData: 'The json lottie animation data.',
  drawSize: {
    width: 'The width of the rendered frame in pixels',
    height: 'The height of the rendered frame in pixels',
  params: {
    loop: 'Set "true" for a looping animation',
    autoplay: 'Set "true" for the animation to autoplay on load',
  control: {
    play: 'Set "true" to play a paused animation or "false" to pause a playing animation',
    stop: 'Set "true" to stop a playing animation. This will clear the canvas',

Events fired back to the parent thread

The web worker running the lottie player will send the following events back to its parent thread:

  1. ‘initialized’

    name: 'initialized',
    success: true/false // True if the animation was successfully initialized.
    1. ‘playing’ javascript { name: 'playing' }
  2. ‘paused’

    name: 'paused'
    1. ‘stopped’ javascript { name: 'stopped' }
  3. ‘resized’

    name: 'resized',
    size: {
        height: HEIGHT, // Current height of canvas in pixels.
        width: WIDTH    // Current width of canvas in pixels.