README.chromium 522 B

  1. Name: libipp
  2. URL:
  3. Version: 6c45a4f3a05cb5dd700414fe4d94cf685159d3ce
  4. License: BSD
  5. License File: LICENSE
  6. Security Critical: yes
  7. Description:
  8. ChromeOS library for bulding/parsing IPP frames.
  9. Modifications:
  10. - None
  11. To import a new snapshot of libipp:
  12. - Checkout the latest version: git checkout 6c45a4f3a05cb5dd700414fe4d94cf685159d3ce
  13. - Change the chromium/src/DEPS entry to the newly checked out commit.
  14. - Update this README to reflect the new version number.