Makefile.nmake 1.1 KB

  1. # WATCH OUT! This makefile is a work in progress. It is probably missing
  2. # tons of important things. DO NOT RELY ON IT TO BUILD A GOOD LIBEVENT.
  3. # Needed for correctness
  4. CFLAGS=/Iinclude /Icompat /IWIN32-Code /DWIN32 /DHAVE_CONFIG_H /I.
  5. # For optimization and warnings
  6. CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) /Ox /W3 /wd4996 /nologo
  7. # XXXX have a debug mode
  8. LIBFLAGS=/nologo
  9. CORE_OBJS=event.obj buffer.obj evbuffer.obj \
  10. log.obj evutil.obj \
  11. strlcpy.obj signal.obj win32.obj
  12. EXTRA_OBJS=event_tagging.obj http.obj evdns.obj evrpc.obj
  14. STATIC_LIBS=libevent_core.lib libevent_extras.lib libevent.lib
  15. all: static_libs tests
  16. static_libs: $(STATIC_LIBS)
  17. win32.obj: WIN32-Code\win32.c
  18. $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c WIN32-Code\win32.c
  19. libevent_core.lib: $(CORE_OBJS)
  20. lib $(LIBFLAGS) $(CORE_OBJS) /out:libevent_core.lib
  21. libevent_extras.lib: $(EXTRA_OBJS)
  22. lib $(LIBFLAGS) $(EXTRA_OBJS) /out:libevent_extras.lib
  23. libevent.lib: $(CORE_OBJ) $(EXTRA_OBJS)
  24. lib $(LIBFLAGS) $(CORE_OBJS) $(EXTRA_OBJS) /out:libevent.lib
  25. clean:
  26. del $(ALL_OBJS)
  27. del $(STATIC_LIBS)
  28. cd test
  29. $(MAKE) /F Makefile.nmake clean
  30. tests:
  31. cd test
  32. $(MAKE) /F Makefile.nmake