README.chromium 1.4 KB

  1. Name: Google Closure Library
  2. Short Name: closure-library
  3. URL:
  4. Version: 20210907.0.0
  5. Date: 2021-09-28
  6. Revision: 54209b6f5453f16037658807b13b8088352d1af6
  7. License: Apache 2.0
  8. License File: LICENSE
  9. Security Critical: No
  10. CPEPrefix: cpe:/a:google:closure_library:20191111
  11. Description:
  12. Google Closure Library is Google's common JavaScript library. It is used in
  13. Chromium to allow protocol buffers to be serialized/deserialized in JavaScript.
  14. Local Modifications:
  15. None
  16. Roll Instructions:
  17. This repo is kept in the main chromium/src repo, so there is no DEPS entry for
  18. it. To roll:
  19. # Where you keep chromium.
  20. CHROMIUM_SRC=/path/to/your/chromium/src
  21. # Temporary directory to check out the closure-library
  22. cd /tmp/closure
  23. # Note that the name is closure-library here, but google-closure-library in
  24. # the chromium tree.
  25. git clone
  26. cd closure-library
  27. tar cvf - . |(cd ${CHROMIUM_SRC}/third_party/google-closure-library && tar xvf -)
  28. cd ${CHROMIUM_SRC}/third_party/google-closure-library
  29. # or exclude these while copying.
  30. rm -rf .git .github
  31. # Update Version / date in README.chromium
  32. vim README.chromium
  33. git add -u
  34. git commit -m "Some snappy commit message"
  35. git cl upload
  36. git cl try
  37. # Review and land.
  38. echo If you get errors about unknown deps, please add them to:
  39. echo third_party/protobuf/
  40. echo Congratulations on rolling closure-libary.