README.chromium 870 B

  1. Name: dom-distiller-js
  2. URL:
  3. Version: 36c7178512
  4. License: BSD
  5. Security Critical: yes
  6. Description:
  7. Dom Distiller is a java library that extracts article content from a web page.
  8. It is compiled to javascript with GWT.
  9. Requirements for updating:
  10. - ant
  11. - OpenJDK 8
  12. Updating:
  13. From the root of a Chrome checkout, run something like:
  14. PATH=$PWD/out/release:$PATH \
  15. PYTHONPATH=$PWD/third_party/protobuf/python:$PWD/out/release/pyproto \
  16. JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 \
  17. third_party/dom_distiller_js/
  18. This should ensure that the update script:
  19. - uses the protoc and protobuf Python libraries from //third_party/protobuf
  20. to avoid errors like "ImportError: No module named protobuf.descriptor_pb2"
  21. - uses OpenJDK 8 since GWT does not support newer Java versions.
  22. Local Modifications: None