FlagSpecificConfig 5.4 KB

  1. [
  2. {
  3. "name": "back-forward-cache",
  4. "args": ["--enable-features=BackForwardCache"]
  5. },
  6. {
  7. "name": "back-forward-cache-embed",
  8. "args": ["--enable-features=BackForwardCacheEnabledForNonPluginEmbed"]
  9. },
  10. {
  11. "name": "disable-layout-ng",
  12. "args": ["--disable-blink-features=LayoutNG,LayoutNGBlockFragmentation"]
  13. },
  14. {
  15. "name": "disable-site-isolation-trials",
  16. "args": ["--disable-site-isolation-trials"]
  17. },
  18. {
  19. "name": "enable-back-forward-cache-same-site",
  20. "args": ["--enable-features=BackForwardCache:enable_same_site/true"]
  21. },
  22. {
  23. "name": "enable-blink-heap-concurrent-marking",
  24. "args": ["--enable-features=BlinkHeapConcurrentMarking"]
  25. },
  26. {
  27. "name": "enable-percent-based-scrolling",
  28. "args": ["--enable-features=PercentBasedScrolling"]
  29. },
  30. {
  31. "name": "force-renderer-accessibility",
  32. "args": ["--force-renderer-accessibility"]
  33. },
  34. {
  35. "name": "future-js",
  36. "args": ["--js-flags=--future"]
  37. },
  38. {
  39. "name": "new-system-colors",
  40. "args": ["--enable-blink-features=NewSystemColors"]
  41. },
  42. {
  43. "name": "highdpi",
  44. "args": ["--force-device-scale-factor=1.5"]
  45. },
  46. {
  47. "name": "skia-vulkan-swiftshader",
  48. "args": [
  49. "--enable-gpu-rasterization",
  50. "--enable-features=Vulkan",
  51. "--use-vulkan=swiftshader",
  52. "--disable-vulkan-fallback-to-gl-for-testing"
  53. ]
  54. },
  55. {
  56. "name": "webgpu",
  57. "args": [
  58. "--enable-unsafe-webgpu",
  59. "--disable-dawn-features=disallow_unsafe_apis",
  60. "--use-gpu-in-tests",
  61. "--enable-accelerated-2d-canvas"
  62. ],
  63. "comments": [
  64. "--disable-dawn-features=disallow_unsafe_apis is added so 'unsafe'",
  65. "APIs can be tested with WebGPU CTS",
  66. "--use-gpu-in-tests is needed to initialize ANGLE, which in turn is",
  67. "needed to tell Dawn which ANGLE adapter Chromium is using. This",
  68. "helps match the test behavior with the browser.",
  69. "--enable-accelerated-2d-canvas ensures that the canvas reference",
  70. "tests are using GPU rather than CPU"
  71. ]
  72. },
  73. {
  74. "name": "webgpu-swiftshader",
  75. "args": [
  76. "--enable-unsafe-webgpu",
  77. "--use-webgpu-adapter=swiftshader",
  78. "--disable-dawn-features=disallow_unsafe_apis",
  79. "--use-gpu-in-tests",
  80. "--enable-accelerated-2d-canvas"
  81. ],
  82. "comments": [
  83. "--disable-dawn-features=disallow_unsafe_apis is added so 'unsafe'",
  84. "APIs can be tested with WebGPU CTS",
  85. "--use-webgpu-adapter=swiftshader forces usage for the SwiftShader adapter",
  86. "--use-gpu-in-tests is needed to initialize ANGLE, which in turn is",
  87. "needed to tell Dawn which ANGLE adapter Chromium is using. This",
  88. "helps match the test behavior with the browser.",
  89. "--enable-accelerated-2d-canvas ensures that the canvas reference",
  90. "tests are using GPU rather than CPU"
  91. ]
  92. },
  93. {
  94. "name": "webgpu-swiftshader-with-backend-validation",
  95. "args": [
  96. "--enable-unsafe-webgpu",
  97. "--use-webgpu-adapter=swiftshader",
  98. "--enable-dawn-backend-validation",
  99. "--disable-dawn-features=disallow_unsafe_apis",
  100. "--use-gpu-in-tests",
  101. "--enable-accelerated-2d-canvas"
  102. ],
  103. "comments": [
  104. "--disable-dawn-features=disallow_unsafe_apis is added so 'unsafe'",
  105. "APIs can be tested with WebGPU CTS",
  106. "--use-webgpu-adapter=swiftshader forces usage for the SwiftShader adapter",
  107. "--use-gpu-in-tests is needed to initialize ANGLE, which in turn is",
  108. "needed to tell Dawn which ANGLE adapter Chromium is using. This",
  109. "helps match the test behavior with the browser.",
  110. "--enable-accelerated-2d-canvas ensures that the canvas reference",
  111. "tests are using GPU rather than CPU"
  112. ]
  113. },
  114. {
  115. "name": "webgpu-with-backend-validation",
  116. "args": [
  117. "--enable-unsafe-webgpu",
  118. "--enable-dawn-backend-validation",
  119. "--disable-dawn-features=disallow_unsafe_apis",
  120. "--use-gpu-in-tests",
  121. "--enable-accelerated-2d-canvas"
  122. ],
  123. "comments": [
  124. "--disable-dawn-features=disallow_unsafe_apis is added so 'unsafe'",
  125. "APIs can be tested with WebGPU CTS",
  126. "--use-gpu-in-tests is needed to initialize ANGLE, which in turn is",
  127. "needed to tell Dawn which ANGLE adapter Chromium is using. This",
  128. "helps match the test behavior with the browser.",
  129. "--enable-accelerated-2d-canvas ensures that the canvas reference",
  130. "tests are using GPU rather than CPU"
  131. ]
  132. },
  133. {
  134. "name": "webgpu-with-partial-backend-validation",
  135. "args": [
  136. "--enable-unsafe-webgpu",
  137. "--enable-dawn-backend-validation=partial",
  138. "--disable-dawn-features=disallow_unsafe_apis",
  139. "--use-gpu-in-tests",
  140. "--enable-accelerated-2d-canvas"
  141. ],
  142. "comments": [
  143. "--disable-dawn-features=disallow_unsafe_apis is added so 'unsafe'",
  144. "APIs can be tested with WebGPU CTS",
  145. "--use-gpu-in-tests is needed to initialize ANGLE, which in turn is",
  146. "needed to tell Dawn which ANGLE adapter Chromium is using. This",
  147. "helps match the test behavior with the browser.",
  148. "--enable-accelerated-2d-canvas ensures that the canvas reference",
  149. "tests are using GPU rather than CPU"
  150. ]
  151. }
  152. ]