README.chromium 1.9 KB

  1. Name: Android Deps Repository
  2. Short Name: android_deps
  3. URL:
  4. Version: 1
  5. License: Refer to additional_readme_paths.json
  6. License Android Compatible: yes
  7. License File: NOT_SHIPPED
  8. Security Critical: no
  9. Description:
  10. A gradle-specified repository for Android and Java dependencies.
  11. Local Modifications:
  12. Everything directly here is chromium code, and third_party code lives under
  13. `libs`, where each library has its own README.chromium and LICENSE:
  14. ```
  15. third_party/android_deps
  16. ├── .gitignore (hand written)
  17. ├── Android_SDK_License-December_9_2016.txt ([1])
  18. ├── additional_license_paths.json (generated)
  19. ├── (partly generated)
  20. ├── libs (generated)
  21. │   ├── dependency_group_name_and_version
  22. │   │ ├── 3pp (generated)
  23. │   │ │ ├── 3pp.pb (generated)
  24. │   │ │ └── (generated)
  25. │   │ ├── dependency_name_and_version.jar (third_party)
  26. │   │ ├── LICENSE (third_party)
  27. │   │ └── README.chromium (generated)
  28. │   └── other_dependency_group_name_and_version
  29. │   ├── 3pp (generated)
  30. │   │ ├── 3pp.pb (generated)
  31. │   │ └── (generated)
  32. │   ├── other_dependency_name_and_version.jar (third_party)
  33. │   ├── LICENSE (third_party)
  34. │   └── README.chromium (generated)
  35. └── README.chromium (hand written)
  36. [1] - Copied main text verbatim from
  37. ```
  38. Instructions for adding/updating dependencies are in:
  39. //third_party/android_deps/
  40. Vulnerability detection: runs 'gradle dependencyCheckAnalyze' to look
  41. for known vulnerabilities each time the script is run. It is expected that Vomit
  42. (go/vomit) will absorb this responsibility in future.