internal.proto 1.5 KB

  1. // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
  2. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
  3. // found in the LICENSE file.
  4. // Internal message types that should not be seen outside the protocol
  5. // directory.
  6. syntax = "proto2";
  7. import "control.proto";
  8. import "event.proto";
  9. option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
  10. package remoting.protocol;
  11. // Represents a message being sent on the control channel.
  12. // Next ID: 15
  13. message ControlMessage {
  14. optional ClipboardEvent clipboard_event = 1;
  15. optional ClientResolution client_resolution = 2;
  16. optional CursorShapeInfo cursor_shape = 4;
  17. optional VideoControl video_control = 3;
  18. optional AudioControl audio_control = 5;
  19. optional Capabilities capabilities = 6;
  20. optional PairingRequest pairing_request = 7;
  21. optional PairingResponse pairing_response = 8;
  22. optional ExtensionMessage extension_message = 9;
  23. optional VideoLayout video_layout = 10;
  24. optional SelectDesktopDisplayRequest select_display = 11;
  25. optional KeyboardLayout keyboard_layout = 12;
  26. optional TransportInfo transport_info = 13;
  27. optional PeerConnectionParameters peer_connection_parameters = 14;
  28. }
  29. // Defines an event message on the event channel.
  30. message EventMessage {
  31. // Client's timestamp used to estimate roundtrip latency.
  32. optional int64 timestamp = 1;
  33. optional KeyEvent key_event = 3;
  34. optional MouseEvent mouse_event = 4;
  35. optional TextEvent text_event = 5;
  36. optional TouchEvent touch_event = 6;
  37. }