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Using JavaScript in Chrome for iOS Features

tl;dr A high level overview of using JavaScriptFeature in //ios/chrome to build features which interact with the web page contents.

Chrome for iOS doesn’t have access to the renderer code so many browser features require JavaScript in order to interact with the webpage.

Slides covering this topic are available here.


It is important to first understand the following concepts in order to properly design a feature using JavaScript.

JavaScript Injection

JavaScript is considered to be «injected» when it is added to every webpage by WebKit.

JavaScript injection is configured at the BrowserState level. That is, it is injected unconditionally for every WebState associated with that BrowserState.

This may mean that the JavaScript doesn’t do anything when it is injected, but instead it may add functions which are exposed (through __gCrWeb) for later use.

Note that WebKit uses the terminology UserScript for this injected JavaScript.

JavaScript Execution

JavaScript is considered to be «executed» when triggered by a feature or user action at runtime. The script may be generated dynamically or consist of the contents of a file within the resource bundle. «Executed» JavaScript refers to all application JavaScript which is not «injected».

This allows the native code to interact with and manipulate the contents of the webpage in response to feature logic.

Script Message Handlers

A script message handler allows JavaScript to securely send messages to the native code.

Content Worlds

A content world can be thought of as a JavaScript namespace.

The application can choose to inject its JavaScript into any world. All worlds have access to read and modify the same underlying webpage DOM.

Page Content World

The «page content» world contains the webpage JavaScript. Application JavaScript injected here can interact with the JavaScript of the webpage and expose functions for the webpage JavaScript to call directly.

Isolated Worlds

Application JavaScript can choose to be injected into its own world, separate from the Page Content World. This is considered an «isolated» world. The webpage JavaScript can not interact with these scripts under normal circumstances. However, a web page that exploits a renderer bug in order to execute arbitrary code is also able to interact with scripts in isolated worlds, including the ability to manipulate and send messages from isolated worlds.

NOTE: Isolated worlds are only supported on iOS 14 and later.


The JavaScriptFeature class encapsules all the above concepts to make it easy to build and configure a feature which needs to interact with the webpage.

All injected JavaScript files are considered a «feature» as they need to specify which world they should be injected into. But, features can also expose much more functionality and store state as necessary.

A feature may:

  • unconditionally modify the DOM or perform an action with no native<->JS communication
    • Ex: Perform an action based on an event listener
  • simply add JavaScript functions to the world
    • Ex: common.js adds the __gCrWeb.common functions
  • expose native C++ functions which call injected JavaScript or executes other JavaScript
  • add a script message handler and handle


A FeatureScript represents a JavaScript file from the application bundle which is injected.

The code within the file may run immediately, be tied to event listeners, or simply make functions available for later execution.


The InjectionTime is when the script should be ran during the loading of the webpage’s DOM.

Scripts configured with kDocumentStart can create functions. Overrides of functions in the page content world which the webpage may call should be done at this time.

Scripts configured with kDocumentEnd will run after the DOM is available. This can be useful for scripts which may make pass over the DOM to manipulate it only once after page load. Or to scan the webpage for some metadata and send it back to the native application.


To prevent lost event listeners, they must be setup in a FeatureScript which specifies kReinjectOnDocumentRecreation.

If a feature also stores global state at the window object level, splitting the event listener JavaScript into its own file is a good approach.

FeatureScript Constructor Replacements

The replacements map can be used to replace constants in the JavaScript resource file with values at runtime. (For example, a localized string based on the current language of the user.)

NOTE: Since JavaScriptFeatures live at the BrowserState level, these replacements only have BrowserState granularity. In order to replace a constant with WebState granularity, do so by exposing a function on a JavaScriptFeature subclass to call into the injected JavaScript and set the proper replacement value.


JavaScriptFeature exposes protected CallJavaScriptFunction APIs. These are to be used within specialized JavaScriptFeature subclasses in order to call into the injected JavaScript.

This is necessary in order to ensure that the JavaScript execution occurs in the same content world which the features scripts were injected into.

JavaScript injected by a JavaScriptFeature should not be called outside of the specialized JavaScriptFeature subclass.

Script Message Handlers

Script message handlers are configured by creating a JavaScriptFeature subclass and returning a handler name in GetScriptMessageHandlerName.

Any responses will be routed to ScriptMessageReceived.

From the JavaScript side, these messages are sent using __gCrWeb.common.sendWebKitMessage

Note that the handler name must be application wide unique. WebKit will thrown an exception if a name is already registered.

JavaScriptFeature Lifecycle

JavaScriptFeatures conceptually live at the BrowserState layer.

Simple features which hold no state can live statically within the application and be shared across the normal and incognito BrowserStates. base::NoDestructor and a static GetInstance() method can be used for these features.

More complex features can be owned by the BrowserStates themselves as UserData.

In order to inject JavaScript, //ios/chrome features must be registered at application launch time in ChromeWebClient::GetJavaScriptFeatures.

Best Practices for JavaScript Messaging

Messaging between JavaScript code in a renderer process and native code in the browser process is a form of inter-process communication (IPC). Since renderers are responsible for processing untrustworthy input provided by web pages, they are more vulnerable to security bugs that lead to arbitrary code execution. Messaging between renderers and browsers can provide a pathway for compromised renderers to compromise the browser process as well.

Following the best practices in this section is one way to reduce the risk of introducing security bugs. These best practices are inspired by the security guidelines for Chromium legacy IPC and Mojo IPC.


Message handlers should include comments describing their purpose and the arguments they take, including the expected type of each argument.

For example:

void MyJavaScriptFeature::ScriptMessageReceived(
    web::WebState* web_state,
    const web::ScriptMessage& message) {
  // This message is sent whenever a password field is selected.
  // Expected arguments:
  // numImages: (double) The number of <img> tags on the page.
  // passwordLength: (double) The length of the currently entered password.
  // elementId: (string) The selected password field’s id attribute.


Trust only the browser process

JavaScript messages are sent from WebContent (WebKit renderer) processes, which may have been compromised. Messages should be treated as if they might have been sent by an attacker. These messages are untrustworthy input.

Determine the origin of a message using trusted data rather than the content of the message. For example, use web::ScriptMessage’s request_url_ field, or WKScriptMessage.frameInfo.request.URL.

Sanitize and validate messages

Do not assume that any part of the message is formatted in a particular way or is of a particular type. Instead, validate the format of each part of the message.

For example:

void MyJavaScriptFeature::ScriptMessageReceived(
    web::WebState* web_state,
    const web::ScriptMessage& message) {
  if (!message.body() || !message.body()->is_dict()) {

  std::string* event_type = message.body()->FindStringKey("eventType");
  if (!event_type || event_type->empty()) {

  std::string* text = message.body()->FindStringKey("text");
  if (!text || text->empty()) {

  // Now use |eventType| and |text|.

Safely handle known-bad input

When validating a message, don’t simply use CHECK. We do not want the input validation mechanism to become an easy way for malicious JavaScript to kill the browser process. It is usually better to ignore the bad input, or when possible, to immediately destroy and re-create the WKWebView that sent invalid input. Destroying and re-creating a WKWebView in this situation is non-trivial so this is not currently done on iOS; however, receiving an invalid input that purports to be from an isolated world is a strong indication of a compromised renderer. If there is no graceful way to handle a particular invalid message, a CHECK-induced crash is still better than allowing the browser process to become compromised. Importantly, a DCHECK is not appropriate in this situation, since it will not protect users on official builds.

Be aware of the subtleties of value types returned by WKWebView

In JavaScript messaging, all numbers are represented as doubles, even if they have no fractional part. Make sure parsing logic handles all possible double values, including NaN and infinity.

JavaScript’s BigInt type is not supported, and gets converted to nil. A null value in JavaScript messaging gets converted to [NSNull null]. Dates in JavaScript are converted to NSDate.

While conversions between JavaScript types and Objective-C types are documented here, prefer using ValueResultFromWKResult to convert values received from WKWebView to base::Value, rather than directly working with WKWebView-provided values. This already happens when working with web::ScriptMessage in overrides of JavaScriptFeature::ScriptMessageReceived, and when using WebStateImpl::ExecuteJavaScript. Always use WebFrame::CallJavaScriptFunction rather than directly calling [WKWebView evaluateJavaScript], to avoid having to manually handle conversion.