1. include_rules = [
  2. "+crypto",
  3. "+ios/shared/chrome/common",
  4. "+ios/third_party",
  5. "+net",
  6. "+services/network/test",
  7. "+services/network/public/cpp",
  8. "+sql",
  9. "+ui/base",
  10. "+ui/gfx",
  11. # Only parts of skia are compiled on iOS, so we explicitly list the
  12. # files that can be included to avoid bringing in more code.
  13. "+skia/ext/skia_utils_ios.h",
  14. "+third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h",
  15. "+third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h",
  16. "+third_party/skia/include/core/SkGraphics.h",
  17. # The subdirectories in ios/chrome/ will manually allow their own include
  18. # directories in ios/chrome/ so we disallow all of them.
  19. "-ios/chrome",
  20. "+ios/chrome/common",
  21. "+ios/chrome/test",
  22. "+ios/web/common",
  23. "+ios/web/public",
  24. # Chrome cannot use any ios/web APIs inside ios/web/public that are
  25. # designed only for ios/web_view.
  26. "-ios/web/public/web_view_only",
  27. # All code in ios/chrome assumes that web::BrowserState* can be safely
  28. # casted to ChromeBrowserState*. This mean that no code should use
  29. # web::TestBrowserState in ios/chrome.
  30. "-ios/web/public/test/fakes/test_browser_state.h",
  31. # Disallow direct uses of libraries that compose MaterialComponents.
  32. "+ios/third_party/material_components_ios",
  33. "-ios/third_party/material_font_disk_loader_ios",
  34. "-ios/third_party/material_internationalization_ios",
  35. "-ios/third_party/material_roboto_font_loader_ios",
  36. "-ios/third_party/material_sprited_animation_view_ios",
  37. "-ios/third_party/material_text_accessibility_ios",
  38. "-ios/third_party/motion_animator_objc",
  39. "-ios/third_party/motion_interchange_objc",
  40. "-ios/third_party/motion_transitioning_objc",
  41. # web::HttpServer is deprecated in favor of net::EmbeddedTestServer.
  42. # See
  43. "-ios/web/public/test/http_server",
  44. ]