DEPS 840 B

  1. include_rules = [
  2. "+components/invalidation/public",
  3. "+components/gcm_driver",
  4. "+components/keyed_service",
  5. "+components/pref_registry",
  6. "+components/signin/public",
  7. "+components/sync_preferences",
  8. # TODO( Depending on sync is a layering violation,
  9. # currently necessary for metrics recording. Eventually the "whitelisted for
  10. # metrics" bit should be part of a Topic.
  11. "+components/sync/base/model_type.h",
  12. "+google_apis/gaia",
  13. "+google_apis/gcm",
  14. "+net/base/backoff_entry.h",
  15. "+net/base/ip_endpoint.h",
  16. "+net/base/network_change_notifier.h",
  17. "+net/http/http_request_headers.h",
  18. "+net/http/http_status_code.h",
  19. "+net/traffic_annotation",
  20. "+net/url_request",
  21. "+net/base/load_flags.h",
  22. "+services/data_decoder/public",
  23. "+services/network/public",
  24. "+services/network/test",
  25. ]