history_strings.grdp 7.2 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <grit-part>
  3. <!-- History UI -->
  4. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_ACTION_MENU_DESCRIPTION" desc="Text used to identify the history entry drop-down menu for screen readers">
  5. Actions
  6. </message>
  7. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION" desc="Text used for accessibility to describe the list of history entries.">
  8. List of history entries
  9. </message>
  10. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_CANCEL_EDITING_BUTTON" desc="Text for the button to exit editing mode [Length: 7em].">
  11. Cancel
  12. </message>
  13. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_DATE_WITH_RELATIVE_TIME" desc="In the history view, some dates are formatted as 'Today - Wednesday, Nov 7, 2007">
  14. <ph name="RELATIVE_DATE">$1<ex>Today</ex></ph> - <ph name="FULL_DATE">$2<ex>Wednesday, Nov 7, 2007</ex></ph>
  15. </message>
  16. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_DELETE_PRIOR_VISITS_CONFIRM_BUTTON" desc="Text for the button used to confirm the dialog asking if they would like to proceed with deletion.">
  17. Remove
  18. </message>
  19. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_DELETE_PRIOR_VISITS_WARNING" desc="Warning shown before deleting from the history page">
  20. Are you sure you want to delete these pages from your history?
  21. </message>
  22. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_DELETE_SELECTED_ENTRIES_BUTTON" desc="Text for the button to delete selected history entries [Length: 16em].">
  23. Delete
  24. </message>
  25. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_ENTRY_ACCESSIBILITY_DELETE" desc="Name for the accessibility action to delete a single history entry.">
  26. Delete
  27. </message>
  28. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_ENTRY_ACCESSIBILITY_LABEL" desc="Accessibility label for a history entry. Summarizes fields in the history entry (title, domain, and time).">
  29. <ph name="TITLE"><ex>PI: The Magical Number</ex>$1</ph>, <ph name="DOMAIN"><ex>pi.com</ex>$2</ph>, <ph name="TIME"><ex>3:14</ex>$3</ph>
  30. </message>
  31. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_ENTRY_BOOKMARKED" desc="Whether a history entry is bookmarked.">
  32. Bookmarked
  33. </message>
  34. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_ENTRY_SUMMARY" desc="Summary of all the fields in a history entry (time, whether the entry is bookmarked, title, and domain).">
  35. <ph name="CARD_TITLE"><ex>Found 11 search results for Pi</ex>$1</ph> <ph name="TIME"><ex>3:14</ex>$2</ph> <ph name="BOOKMARKED"><ex>bookmarked</ex>$3</ph> <ph name="TITLE"><ex>PI: The Magical Number</ex>$4</ph> <ph name="DOMAIN"><ex>pi.com</ex>$5</ph>
  36. </message>
  37. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_FOUND_SEARCH_RESULTS" desc="Message shown when zero or multiple search results are found.">
  38. Found <ph name="NUMBER_OF_RESULTS">$1</ph> <ph name="SEARCH_RESULTS"><ex>search results</ex>$2</ph> for '<ph name="SEARCH_STRING">$3</ph>'
  39. </message>
  40. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_OTHER_FORMS_OF_HISTORY" desc="The notification at the top of the history page indicating that deleting Chrome browsing history will not delete other forms of history stored at Google My Activity.">
  41. Your Google Account may have other forms of browsing history at <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a target="_blank" href="$1"&gt;</ph>myactivity.google.com<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
  42. </message>
  43. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_LOADING" desc="Text shown when we're loading the user's history">
  44. Loading...
  45. </message>
  46. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_MORE_FROM_SITE" desc="Command in the history entry drop-down menu. Shows more history entries from the same site.">
  47. More from this site
  48. </message>
  49. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_NO_RESULTS" desc="Text shown when no history entries are found.">
  50. Your browsing history appears here
  51. </message>
  52. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_NO_SEARCH_RESULTS" desc="Text shown when no history search results have been found">
  53. No search results found
  54. </message>
  55. <if expr="not use_titlecase">
  56. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_OPEN_CLEAR_BROWSING_DATA_DIALOG" desc="Title of the button that will open the clear browsing data dialog [Length: 16em].">
  57. Clear browsing data...
  58. </message>
  59. </if>
  60. <if expr="use_titlecase">
  61. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_OPEN_CLEAR_BROWSING_DATA_DIALOG" desc="In Title Case: Title of the button that will open the clear browsing data dialog [Length: 16em].">
  62. Clear Browsing Data...
  63. </message>
  64. </if>
  65. <if expr="not is_android">
  66. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_OTHER_SESSIONS_COLLAPSE_SESSION" desc="In the 'Other Sessions' menu on the history page, the label for the command to collapse (hide) the list of windows and tabs in a session.">
  67. Collapse list
  68. </message>
  69. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_OTHER_SESSIONS_EXPAND_SESSION" desc="In the 'Other Sessions' menu on the history page, the label for the command to expand (uncollapse) the list of windows and tabs in a session.">
  70. Expand list
  71. </message>
  72. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_OTHER_SESSIONS_HIDE_FOR_NOW" desc="In the 'Other Sessions' menu on the history page, the label for the command to remove entry corresponding to a session.">
  73. Hide for now
  74. </message>
  75. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_OTHER_SESSIONS_OPEN_ALL" desc="In the 'Other Sessions' menu on the history page, the label for the command to open all tabs and windows from a session.">
  76. Open all
  77. </message>
  78. </if>
  79. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_REMOVE_BOOKMARK" desc="Tooltip shown when hovered over a history entry's bookmark star. When clicked, removes the bookmark.">
  80. Remove bookmark
  81. </message>
  82. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_REMOVE_PAGE" desc="Command in the history entry drop-down menu. Removes a page from the history.">
  83. Remove from history
  84. </message>
  85. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_REMOVE_PAGE_SUCCESS" desc="Screen reader message that is read after user successfully removes one history item from the item's options menu. The message will reference the page's title.">
  86. '<ph name="PAGE_TITLE">$1<ex>Google Store - My Cart</ex></ph>' deleted
  87. </message>
  88. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_REMOVE_SELECTED_ITEMS" desc="Title of the button that allows the user to remove the selected history items">
  89. Remove selected items
  90. </message>
  91. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_SEARCH_BUTTON" desc="Title of the button in the history page that triggers a search">
  92. Search history
  93. </message>
  94. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_SEARCH_RESULT" desc="Used when a single result is found.">
  95. search result
  96. </message>
  97. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_SEARCH_RESULTS" desc="Used when plural/multiple results are found.">
  98. search results
  99. </message>
  100. <if expr="not use_titlecase">
  101. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_SHOW_HISTORY" desc="The show history menu in the app menu">
  102. &amp;History
  103. </message>
  104. </if>
  105. <if expr="use_titlecase">
  106. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_SHOW_HISTORY" desc="In Title Case: The show history menu in the app menu">
  107. &amp;History
  108. </message>
  109. </if>
  110. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_SHOWFULLHISTORY_LINK" desc="The label of the Show Full History link at the bottom of the back/forward menu.">
  111. Show Full History
  112. </message>
  113. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_START_EDITING_BUTTON" desc="Text for the button to enter editing mode, which allows the user to delete one or more history entries [Length: 7em].">
  114. Edit
  115. </message>
  116. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_TITLE" desc="Title for the history tab.">
  117. History
  118. </message>
  119. <message name="IDS_HISTORY_UNKNOWN_DEVICE" desc="On the dropdown menu for a history entry, the text that is shown instead of a device name, when the device name is not known.">
  120. Unknown device
  121. </message>
  122. </grit-part>