commerce_strings.grdp 3.0 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <grit-part>
  3. <!-- Desktop only -->
  4. <if expr="not is_android and not is_ios">
  5. <message name="IDS_DISCOUNT_CONTEXTUAL_CONSENT_TITLE" desc="The title shown on the consent bubble for getting discount.">
  6. Get discount on <ph name="MERCHANT_NAME">$1</ph> and more
  7. </message>
  8. <message name="IDS_DISCOUNT_CONTEXTUAL_CONSENT_CONTENT" desc="Text shown on the consent bubble asking if users would like to give their consent to the feature.">
  9. Let Google use your carts to find personalized discounts when available
  10. </message>
  11. <message name="IDS_DISCOUNT_CONTEXTUAL_CONSENT_NO_THANKS" desc="Text shown on the reject button of the consent bubble. By clicking this button, users has chosen not to accept the consent.">
  12. No thanks
  13. </message>
  14. <message name="IDS_DISCOUNT_CONTEXTUAL_CONSENT_GET_DISCOUNTS" desc="Text shown on the accept button of the consent bubble. By clicking this button, users has chosen to accept the consent.">
  15. Get discounts
  16. </message>
  17. <message name="IDS_DISCOUNT_CONTEXTUAL_CONSENT_ACCEPTED_CONFIRMATION_TITLE" desc="The title shown on the consent confirmation bubble after the user has accepted the consent.">
  18. Google will find discounts for you
  19. </message>
  20. <message name="IDS_DISCOUNT_CONTEXTUAL_CONSENT_ACCEPTED_CONFIRMATION_CONTENT" desc="The text shown on the consent confirmation bubble telling user where to look for discounts.">
  21. When Google finds available discounts, they will show during checkout
  22. </message>
  23. <message name="IDS_DISCOUNT_CONTEXTUAL_CONSENT_ACCEPTED_CONFIRMATION_DONE" desc="The text shown on the consent confirmation bubble bubble. User can click this button to close the bubble.">
  24. Done
  25. </message>
  26. <message name="IDS_NATIVE_NTP_CART_DISCOUNT_CONSENT_ACCEPT_BUTTON" translateable="false" desc="Text shown on the accept button of the consent dialog. By clicking this button, users has chosen to accept the consent.">
  27. Yes, I'm in
  28. </message>
  29. <message name="IDS_NATIVE_NTP_CART_DISCOUNT_CONSENT_TITLE" translateable="false" desc="The title shown on the native consent dialog for getting discount. Note: This is intentionally left blank. No translation is required.">
  30. Get discounts on your carts&#13; &amp; when you shop online
  31. </message>
  32. <message name="IDS_NATIVE_NTP_CART_DISCOUNT_CONSENT_BODY" translateable="false" desc="The actual consent descrition that shows in the native consent dialog. Note: This is intentionally left blank. No translation is required.">
  33. Let Google find personalized discounts on your carts and on online stores you visit. When available, discounts will automatically show up on your carts and on sites.
  34. </message>
  35. <!-- For Desktop Price Tracking -->
  36. <message name="IDS_SIDE_PANEL_TRACKED_PRODUCTS" desc="Text shown for a product-specific bookmark folder in the side panel. Users can click this item to view their tracked products.">
  37. Tracked Products
  38. </message>
  39. </if>
  40. </grit-part>