DEPS 659 B

  1. include_rules = [
  2. "+components/autofill_assistant/core/public/autofill_assistant_intent.h",
  3. "+components/autofill/android/jni_headers",
  4. "+components/prefs",
  5. "+components/strings/grit/components_strings.h",
  6. "+google_apis/gaia",
  7. "+net",
  8. "+mojo/public",
  9. "+third_party/protobuf",
  10. "+third_party/skia",
  11. "+third_party/zlib/google",
  12. "+ui",
  13. # Autofill is a layered component; subdirectories must explicitly introduce
  14. # the ability to use the content layer as appropriate.
  15. "-components/autofill/content",
  16. "-components/android_autofill",
  17. # This directory contains build flags and does not pull all of PPAPI in.
  18. "+ppapi/buildflags",
  19. ]