1. include_rules = [
  2. "+crypto",
  3. "+gpu",
  4. "+net",
  5. "+pdf/buildflags.h",
  6. "+printing",
  7. "+sandbox",
  8. "+sandbox/policy",
  9. "+sql",
  10. # Browser, renderer, common and tests access V8 for various purposes.
  11. "-v8",
  12. "+v8/include",
  13. # Limit what we include from nacl.
  14. "-native_client",
  15. # Individual subdirectories of chrome/ must explicitly declare their
  16. # dependencies on other subdirectories of chrome/.
  17. "-chrome",
  18. "+chrome/common",
  19. "+chrome/test",
  20. "+components/content_settings/common",
  21. "+components/content_settings/core/common",
  22. "+components/embedder_support/switches.h",
  23. "+components/error_page/common",
  24. "+components/media_router/common",
  25. "+components/omnibox/common",
  26. "+components/power_scheduler",
  27. "+components/services/heap_profiling/public",
  28. "+components/url_formatter",
  29. "+components/variations",
  30. "+content/public/common",
  31. "+content/public/test",
  32. "+media/media_buildflags.h",
  33. "+mojo/public",
  34. "+ppapi/buildflags",
  35. # Don't allow inclusion of these other libs we shouldn't be calling directly.
  36. "-webkit",
  37. "-tools",
  38. # Required for process launching.
  39. "+services/service_manager",
  40. # Allow inclusion of WebKit API files.
  41. "+third_party/blink/public/common",
  42. "+third_party/blink/public/platform",
  43. "+third_party/blink/public/public_buildflags.h",
  44. "+third_party/blink/public/web",
  45. # Allow inclusion of third-party code:
  46. "+third_party/hunspell",
  47. "+third_party/skia",
  48. "+ui",
  49. ]