ash_color_id.h 4.5 KB

  1. // Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
  2. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
  3. // found in the LICENSE file.
  4. #ifndef ASH_STYLE_ASH_COLOR_ID_H_
  5. #define ASH_STYLE_ASH_COLOR_ID_H_
  6. #include "ui/chromeos/styles/cros_tokens_color_mappings.h"
  7. #include "ui/color/color_id.h"
  8. namespace ash {
  9. // clang-format off
  10. #define ASH_COLOR_IDS \
  11. /* Shield and Base layer colors. */ \
  12. E_CPONLY(kColorAshShieldAndBase20) \
  13. E_CPONLY(kColorAshShieldAndBase40) \
  14. E_CPONLY(kColorAshShieldAndBase60) \
  15. E_CPONLY(kColorAshShieldAndBase80) \
  16. E_CPONLY(kColorAshInvertedShieldAndBase80) \
  17. E_CPONLY(kColorAshShieldAndBase90) \
  18. E_CPONLY(kColorAshShieldAndBase95) \
  19. E_CPONLY(kColorAshShieldAndBaseOpaque) \
  20. /* Controls Layer colors. */ \
  21. E_CPONLY(kColorAshHairlineBorderColor) \
  22. E_CPONLY(kColorAshControlBackgroundColorActive) \
  23. E_CPONLY(kColorAshControlBackgroundColorAlert) \
  24. E_CPONLY(kColorAshControlBackgroundColorInactive) \
  25. E_CPONLY(kColorAshControlBackgroundColorWarning) \
  26. E_CPONLY(kColorAshControlBackgroundColorPositive) \
  27. E_CPONLY(kColorAshFocusAuraColor) \
  28. /* Content layer colors. */ \
  29. E_CPONLY(kColorAshScrollBarColor) \
  30. E_CPONLY(kColorAshSeparatorColor) \
  31. E_CPONLY(kColorAshTextColorPrimary) \
  32. /* Inverted `kColorAshTextColorPrimary` on current color mode. */ \
  33. E_CPONLY(kColorAshInvertedTextColorPrimary) \
  34. E_CPONLY(kColorAshTextColorSecondary) \
  35. E_CPONLY(kColorAshTextColorAlert) \
  36. E_CPONLY(kColorAshTextColorWarning) \
  37. E_CPONLY(kColorAshTextColorPositive) \
  38. E_CPONLY(kColorAshTextColorURL) \
  39. E_CPONLY(kColorAshIconColorPrimary) \
  40. E_CPONLY(kColorAshIconColorSecondary) \
  41. E_CPONLY(kColorAshIconColorAlert) \
  42. E_CPONLY(kColorAshIconColorWarning) \
  43. E_CPONLY(kColorAshIconColorPositive) \
  44. /* Color for prominent icon, e.g, "Add connection" icon button inside
  45. VPN detailed view. */ \
  46. E_CPONLY(kColorAshIconColorProminent) \
  47. /* Background for kColorAshIconColorSecondary. */ \
  48. E_CPONLY(kColorAshIconColorSecondaryBackground) \
  49. /* The default color for button labels. */ \
  50. E_CPONLY(kColorAshButtonLabelColor) \
  51. /* Inverted `kColorAshButtonLabelColor` on current color mode. */ \
  52. E_CPONLY(kColorAshInvertedButtonLabelColor) \
  53. E_CPONLY(kColorAshTextColorSuggestion) \
  54. E_CPONLY(kColorAshButtonLabelColorPrimary) \
  55. /* Color for blue button labels, e.g, 'Retry' button of the system toast. */ \
  56. E_CPONLY(kColorAshButtonLabelColorBlue) \
  57. E_CPONLY(kColorAshButtonIconColor) \
  58. E_CPONLY(kColorAshButtonIconColorPrimary) \
  59. E_CPONLY(kColorAshAppStateIndicatorColor) \
  60. E_CPONLY(kColorAshAppStateIndicatorColorInactive) \
  61. /* Color for the shelf drag handle in tablet mode. */ \
  62. E_CPONLY(kColorAshShelfHandleColor) \
  63. E_CPONLY(kColorAshSliderColorActive) \
  64. E_CPONLY(kColorAshSliderColorInactive) \
  65. E_CPONLY(kColorAshRadioColorActive) \
  66. E_CPONLY(kColorAshRadioColorInactive) \
  67. /* Colors for toggle button. */ \
  68. E_CPONLY(kColorAshSwitchKnobColorActive) \
  69. E_CPONLY(kColorAshSwitchKnobColorInactive) \
  70. E_CPONLY(kColorAshSwitchTrackColorActive) \
  71. E_CPONLY(kColorAshSwitchTrackColorInactive) \
  72. /* Color for current active desk's border. */ \
  73. E_CPONLY(kColorAshCurrentDeskColor) \
  74. /* Color for the battery's badge (bolt, unreliable, X). */ \
  75. E_CPONLY(kColorAshBatteryBadgeColor) \
  76. /* Colors for the switch access's back button. */ \
  77. E_CPONLY(kColorAshSwitchAccessInnerStrokeColor) \
  78. E_CPONLY(kColorAshSwitchAccessOuterStrokeColor) \
  79. /* Colors for the media controls. */ \
  80. E_CPONLY(kColorAshProgressBarColorForeground) \
  81. E_CPONLY(kColorAshProgressBarColorBackground) \
  82. /* Color used to highlight a hovered view. */ \
  83. E_CPONLY(kColorAshHighlightColorHover) \
  84. /* Color for the background of battery system info view. */ \
  85. E_CPONLY(kColorAshBatterySystemInfoBackgroundColor) \
  86. /* Color for the battery icon in the system info view. */ \
  87. E_CPONLY(kColorAshBatterySystemInfoIconColor) \
  88. /* Color of the capture region in the capture session. */ \
  89. E_CPONLY(kColorAshCaptureRegionColor) \
  90. E_CPONLY(kColorAshInkDrop) \
  91. E_CPONLY(kColorAshInkDropOpaqueColor) \
  92. /* Colors for Google Assistant */ \
  93. E_CPONLY(kColorAshAssistantGreetingEnabled)
  94. #include "ui/color/"
  95. enum AshColorIds : ui::ColorId {
  96. kAshColorsStart = cros_tokens::kCrosSysColorsEnd,
  98. kAshColorsEnd,
  99. };
  100. // Note that this second include is not redundant. The second inclusion of the
  101. // .inc file serves to undefine the macros the first inclusion defined.
  102. #include "ui/color/"
  103. // clang-format on
  104. } // namespace ash
  105. #endif // ASH_STYLE_ASH_COLOR_ID_H_