52 KB

  1. // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
  2. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
  3. // found in the LICENSE file.
  4. #include "ash/constants/ash_pref_names.h"
  5. namespace ash {
  6. namespace prefs {
  7. // Map of strings to values used for assistive input settings.
  8. const char kAssistiveInputFeatureSettings[] =
  9. "assistive_input_feature_settings";
  10. // A boolean pref of whether assist personal info is enabled.
  11. const char kAssistPersonalInfoEnabled[] =
  12. "assistive_input.personal_info_enabled";
  13. // A boolean pref of whether assist predictive writing is enabled.
  14. const char kAssistPredictiveWritingEnabled[] =
  15. "assistive_input.predictive_writing_enabled";
  16. // A boolean pref of whether emoji suggestion is enabled.
  17. const char kEmojiSuggestionEnabled[] =
  18. "assistive_input.emoji_suggestion_enabled";
  19. // A boolean pref of whether emoji suggestion is enabled for managed device.
  20. const char kEmojiSuggestionEnterpriseAllowed[] =
  21. "assistive_input.emoji_suggestion.enterprise_allowed";
  22. // Pref which stores a list of Embedded Universal Integrated Circuit Card
  23. // (EUICC) D-Bus paths which have had their installed profiles refreshed from
  24. // Hermes. Each path is stored as a string.
  25. const char kESimRefreshedEuiccs[] = "cros_esim.refreshed_euiccs";
  26. // Pref which stores a list of eSIM profiles. Each entry in the list is created
  27. // by serializing a CellularESimProfile.
  28. const char kESimProfiles[] = "cros_esim.esim_profiles";
  29. // Pref which stores a dictionary of Integrated Circuit Card IDentifier (ICCID)
  30. // and Subscription Management - Data Preparation (SMDP+) address pair for each
  31. // managed cellular network.
  32. const char kManagedCellularIccidSmdpPair[] =
  33. "cros_esim.managed_iccid_smdp_pair";
  34. // A dictionary pref to hold the mute setting for all the currently known
  35. // audio devices.
  36. const char kAudioDevicesMute[] = "";
  37. // A dictionary pref storing the gain settings for all the currently known
  38. // audio input devices.
  39. const char kAudioDevicesGainPercent[] = "";
  40. // A dictionary pref storing the volume settings for all the currently known
  41. // audio output devices.
  42. const char kAudioDevicesVolumePercent[] =
  43. "";
  44. // An integer pref to initially mute volume if 1. This pref is ignored if
  45. // |kAudioOutputAllowed| is set to false, but its value is preserved, therefore
  46. // when the policy is lifted the original mute state is restored. This setting
  47. // is here only for migration purposes now. It is being replaced by the
  48. // |kAudioDevicesMute| setting.
  49. const char kAudioMute[] = "";
  50. // A pref holding the value of the policy used to disable playing audio on
  51. // ChromeOS devices. This pref overrides |kAudioMute| but does not overwrite
  52. // it, therefore when the policy is lifted the original mute state is restored.
  53. const char kAudioOutputAllowed[] = "hardware.audio_output_enabled";
  54. // A double pref storing the user-requested volume. This setting is here only
  55. // for migration purposes now. It is being replaced by the
  56. // |kAudioDevicesVolumePercent| setting.
  57. const char kAudioVolumePercent[] = "";
  58. // A dictionary pref that maps stable device id string to |AudioDeviceState|.
  59. // Different state values indicate whether or not a device has been selected
  60. // as the active one for audio I/O, or it's a new plugged device.
  61. const char kAudioDevicesState[] = "";
  62. // A string pref storing an identifier that is getting sent with parental
  63. // consent in EDU account addition flow.
  64. const char kEduCoexistenceId[] = "account_manager.edu_coexistence_id";
  65. // A string pref containing valid version of Edu Coexistence Terms of Service.
  66. // Controlled by EduCoexistenceToSVersion policy.
  67. const char kEduCoexistenceToSVersion[] =
  68. "family_link_user.edu_coexistence_tos_version";
  69. // A dictionary pref that associates the secondary edu accounts gaia id string
  70. // with the corresponding accepted Edu Coexistence Terms of Service version
  71. // number.
  72. const char kEduCoexistenceToSAcceptedVersion[] =
  73. "family_link_user.edu_coexistence_tos_accepted_version";
  74. // A boolean pref indicating whether welcome page should be skipped in
  75. // in-session 'Add account' flow.
  76. const char kShouldSkipInlineLoginWelcomePage[] =
  77. "should_skip_inline_login_welcome_page";
  78. // A dictionary of info for Quirks Client/Server interaction, mostly last server
  79. // request times, keyed to display product_id's.
  80. const char kQuirksClientLastServerCheck[] = "quirks_client.last_server_check";
  81. // Whether 802.11r Fast BSS Transition is currently enabled.
  82. const char kDeviceWiFiFastTransitionEnabled[] =
  83. "net.device_wifi_fast_transition_enabled";
  84. // A boolean pref that controls whether input noise cancellation is enabled.
  85. const char kInputNoiseCancellationEnabled[] =
  86. "ash.input_noise_cancellation_enabled";
  87. // The following SAML-related prefs are not settings that the domain admin can
  88. // set, but information that the SAML Identity Provider can send us:
  89. // A time pref - when the SAML password was last set, according to the SAML IdP.
  90. const char kSamlPasswordModifiedTime[] = "saml.password_modified_time";
  91. // A time pref - when the SAML password did expire, or will expire, according to
  92. // the SAML IDP.
  93. const char kSamlPasswordExpirationTime[] = "saml.password_expiration_time";
  94. // A string pref - the URL where the user can update their password, according
  95. // to the SAML IdP.
  96. const char kSamlPasswordChangeUrl[] = "saml.password_change_url";
  97. // Boolean pref indicating whether the user has completed (or skipped) the
  98. // out-of-box experience (OOBE) sync consent screen. Before this pref is set
  99. // both OS and browser sync will be disabled. After this pref is set it's
  100. // possible to check sync state to see if the user enabled it.
  101. const char kSyncOobeCompleted[] = "sync.oobe_completed";
  102. // A string representing the last version of Chrome that System Web Apps were
  103. // updated for.
  104. const char kSystemWebAppLastUpdateVersion[] =
  105. "web_apps.system_web_app_last_update";
  106. // A string representing the last locale that System Web Apps were installed in.
  107. // This is used to refresh System Web Apps i18n when the locale is changed.
  108. const char kSystemWebAppLastInstalledLocale[] =
  109. "web_apps.system_web_app_last_installed_language";
  110. // An int representing the number of failures to install SWAs for a given
  111. // version & locale pair. After 3 failures, we'll abandon this version to avoid
  112. // bootlooping, and wait for a new version to come along.
  113. const char kSystemWebAppInstallFailureCount[] =
  114. "web_apps.system_web_app_failure_count";
  115. // A string representing the latest Chrome version where an attempt was made
  116. // to install. In the case of success, this and LastUpdateVersion will be the
  117. // same. If there is an installation failure, they will diverge until a
  118. // successful installation is made.
  119. extern const char kSystemWebAppLastAttemptedVersion[] =
  120. "web_apps.system_web_app_last_attempted_update";
  121. // A string representing the most recent locale that was attempted to be
  122. // installed. In the case of success, this and LastUpdateVersion will be the
  123. // same. If there is an installation failure, they will diverge until a
  124. // successful installation is made.
  125. extern const char kSystemWebAppLastAttemptedLocale[] =
  126. "web_apps.system_web_app_last_attempted_language";
  127. // Boolean pref indicating whether a user has enabled the display password
  128. // button on the login/lock screen.
  129. const char kLoginDisplayPasswordButtonEnabled[] =
  130. "login_display_password_button_enabled";
  131. // Boolean pref indicating whether the user has enabled Suggested Content in
  132. // OS settings > Privacy > "Suggest new content to explore".
  133. const char kSuggestedContentEnabled[] = "settings.suggested_content_enabled";
  134. // Boolean value indicating the user has hidden the launcher continue section
  135. // (usually because they want more visual space available for apps).
  136. const char kLauncherContinueSectionHidden[] =
  137. "launcher.continue_section_hidden";
  138. // Boolean value that indicates that the user has given feedback for removing
  139. // items from the continue section.
  140. const char kLauncherFeedbackOnContinueSectionSent[] =
  141. "ash.launcher.continue_section_removal_feedback_sent";
  142. // A time pref indicating the last time a request was made to update the
  143. // Continue section.
  144. const char kLauncherLastContinueRequestTime[] =
  145. "launcher.last_continue_request_time";
  146. // Boolean pref recording whether a search result has ever been launched from
  147. // the Chrome OS launcher.
  148. const char kLauncherResultEverLaunched[] = "launcher.result_ever_launched";
  149. // Dictionary pref to store data on the distribution of provider relevance
  150. // scores for the launcher normalizer.
  151. const char kLauncherSearchNormalizerParameters[] =
  152. "launcher.search_normalizer_parameters";
  153. // Whether or not to use a long delay for Continue section requests.
  154. const char kLauncherUseLongContinueDelay[] = "launcher.use_long_continue_delay";
  155. // Boolean pref indicating whether system-wide trace collection using the
  156. // Perfetto system tracing service is allowed.
  157. const char kDeviceSystemWideTracingEnabled[] =
  158. "device_system_wide_tracing_enabled";
  159. // A boolean pref which determines whether the large cursor feature is enabled.
  160. const char kAccessibilityLargeCursorEnabled[] =
  161. "settings.a11y.large_cursor_enabled";
  162. // An integer pref that specifies the size of large cursor for accessibility.
  163. const char kAccessibilityLargeCursorDipSize[] =
  164. "settings.a11y.large_cursor_dip_size";
  165. // A boolean pref which determines whether the sticky keys feature is enabled.
  166. const char kAccessibilityStickyKeysEnabled[] =
  167. "settings.a11y.sticky_keys_enabled";
  168. // A boolean pref which determines whether spoken feedback is enabled.
  169. const char kAccessibilitySpokenFeedbackEnabled[] = "settings.accessibility";
  170. // A boolean pref which determines whether high contrast is enabled.
  171. const char kAccessibilityHighContrastEnabled[] =
  172. "settings.a11y.high_contrast_enabled";
  173. // A boolean pref which determines whether screen magnifier is enabled.
  174. // NOTE: We previously had prefs named settings.a11y.screen_magnifier_type and
  175. // settings.a11y.screen_magnifier_type2, but we only shipped one type (full).
  176. // See for history.
  177. const char kAccessibilityScreenMagnifierEnabled[] =
  178. "settings.a11y.screen_magnifier";
  179. // A boolean pref which determines whether focus following for screen magnifier
  180. // is enabled.
  181. const char kAccessibilityScreenMagnifierFocusFollowingEnabled[] =
  182. "settings.a11y.screen_magnifier_focus_following";
  183. // An integer pref which indicates the mouse following mode for screen
  184. // magnifier. This maps to AccessibilityController::MagnifierMouseFollowingMode.
  185. const char kAccessibilityScreenMagnifierMouseFollowingMode[] =
  186. "settings.a11y.screen_magnifier_mouse_following_mode";
  187. // A boolean pref which determines whether screen magnifier should center
  188. // the text input focus.
  189. const char kAccessibilityScreenMagnifierCenterFocus[] =
  190. "settings.a11y.screen_magnifier_center_focus";
  191. // A double pref which determines a zooming scale of the screen magnifier.
  192. const char kAccessibilityScreenMagnifierScale[] =
  193. "settings.a11y.screen_magnifier_scale";
  194. // A boolean pref which determines whether the virtual keyboard is enabled for
  195. // accessibility. This feature is separate from displaying an onscreen keyboard
  196. // due to lack of a physical keyboard.
  197. const char kAccessibilityVirtualKeyboardEnabled[] =
  198. "settings.a11y.virtual_keyboard";
  199. // A pref that identifies which kind of features are enabled for the Web Kiosk
  200. // session.
  201. const char kAccessibilityVirtualKeyboardFeatures[] =
  202. "settings.a11y.virtual_keyboard_features";
  203. // A boolean pref which determines whether the mono audio output is enabled for
  204. // accessibility.
  205. const char kAccessibilityMonoAudioEnabled[] = "settings.a11y.mono_audio";
  206. // A boolean pref which determines whether autoclick is enabled.
  207. const char kAccessibilityAutoclickEnabled[] = "settings.a11y.autoclick";
  208. // A boolean pref which determines whether the accessibility shortcuts are
  209. // enabled or not.
  210. const char kAccessibilityShortcutsEnabled[] = "settings.a11y.shortcuts_enabled";
  211. // An integer pref which determines time in ms between when the mouse cursor
  212. // stops and when an autoclick event is triggered.
  213. const char kAccessibilityAutoclickDelayMs[] =
  214. "settings.a11y.autoclick_delay_ms";
  215. // An integer pref which determines the event type for an autoclick event. This
  216. // maps to AccessibilityController::AutoclickEventType.
  217. const char kAccessibilityAutoclickEventType[] =
  218. "settings.a11y.autoclick_event_type";
  219. // Whether Autoclick should immediately return to left click after performing
  220. // another event type action, or whether it should stay as the other event type.
  221. const char kAccessibilityAutoclickRevertToLeftClick[] =
  222. "settings.a11y.autoclick_revert_to_left_click";
  223. // Whether Autoclick should stabilize the cursor movement before a click occurs
  224. // or not.
  225. const char kAccessibilityAutoclickStabilizePosition[] =
  226. "settings.a11y.autoclick_stabilize_position";
  227. // The default threshold of mouse movement, measured in DIP, that will initiate
  228. // a new autoclick.
  229. const char kAccessibilityAutoclickMovementThreshold[] =
  230. "settings.a11y.autoclick_movement_threshold";
  231. // The Autoclick menu position on the screen, an AutoclickMenuPosition.
  232. const char kAccessibilityAutoclickMenuPosition[] =
  233. "settings.a11y.autoclick_menu_position";
  234. // A boolean pref which determines whether caret highlighting is enabled.
  235. const char kAccessibilityCaretHighlightEnabled[] =
  236. "settings.a11y.caret_highlight";
  237. // A boolean pref which determines whether cursor highlighting is enabled.
  238. const char kAccessibilityCursorHighlightEnabled[] =
  239. "settings.a11y.cursor_highlight";
  240. // A boolean pref which determines whether custom cursor color is enabled.
  241. const char kAccessibilityCursorColorEnabled[] =
  242. "settings.a11y.cursor_color_enabled";
  243. // An integer pref which determines the custom cursor color.
  244. const char kAccessibilityCursorColor[] = "settings.a11y.cursor_color";
  245. // A boolean pref which determines whether floating accessibility menu is
  246. // enabled.
  247. const char kAccessibilityFloatingMenuEnabled[] = "settings.a11y.floating_menu";
  248. // Floating a11y menu position, a FloatingMenuPosition;
  249. const char kAccessibilityFloatingMenuPosition[] =
  250. "settings.a11y.floating_menu_position";
  251. // A boolean pref which determines whether focus highlighting is enabled.
  252. const char kAccessibilityFocusHighlightEnabled[] =
  253. "settings.a11y.focus_highlight";
  254. // A boolean pref which determines whether select-to-speak is enabled.
  255. const char kAccessibilitySelectToSpeakEnabled[] =
  256. "settings.a11y.select_to_speak";
  257. // A boolean pref which determines whether Switch Access is enabled.
  258. const char kAccessibilitySwitchAccessEnabled[] =
  259. "settings.a11y.switch_access.enabled";
  260. // A dictionary pref keyed on a key code mapped to a list value of device types
  261. // for the "select" action.
  262. const char kAccessibilitySwitchAccessSelectDeviceKeyCodes[] =
  263. "";
  264. // A dictionary pref keyed on a key code mapped to a list value of device types
  265. // for the "next" action.
  266. const char kAccessibilitySwitchAccessNextDeviceKeyCodes[] =
  267. "";
  268. // A dictionary pref keyed on a key code mapped to a list value of device types
  269. // for the "previous" action.
  270. const char kAccessibilitySwitchAccessPreviousDeviceKeyCodes[] =
  271. "settings.a11y.switch_access.previous.device_key_codes";
  272. // A boolean pref which determines whether auto-scanning is enabled within
  273. // Switch Access.
  274. const char kAccessibilitySwitchAccessAutoScanEnabled[] =
  275. "settings.a11y.switch_access.auto_scan.enabled";
  276. // An integer pref which determines time delay in ms before automatically
  277. // scanning forward (when auto-scan is enabled).
  278. const char kAccessibilitySwitchAccessAutoScanSpeedMs[] =
  279. "settings.a11y.switch_access.auto_scan.speed_ms";
  280. // An integer pref which determines time delay in ms before automatically
  281. // scanning forward while navigating the keyboard (when auto-scan is
  282. // enabled).
  283. const char kAccessibilitySwitchAccessAutoScanKeyboardSpeedMs[] =
  284. "settings.a11y.switch_access.auto_scan.keyboard.speed_ms";
  285. // An integer pref which determines speed in dips per second that the gliding
  286. // point scan cursor in switch access moves across the screen.
  287. const char kAccessibilitySwitchAccessPointScanSpeedDipsPerSecond[] =
  288. "settings.a11y.switch_access.point_scan.speed_dips_per_second";
  289. // A boolean pref which, if set, indicates that shelf navigation buttons (home,
  290. // back and overview button) should be shown in tablet mode. Note that shelf
  291. // buttons might be shown even if the pref value is false - for example, if
  292. // spoken feedback, autoclick or switch access are enabled.
  293. const char kAccessibilityTabletModeShelfNavigationButtonsEnabled[] =
  294. "settings.a11y.tablet_mode_shelf_nav_buttons_enabled";
  295. // A boolean pref which determines whether dictation is enabled.
  296. const char kAccessibilityDictationEnabled[] = "settings.a11y.dictation";
  297. // A string pref which determines the locale used for dictation speech
  298. // recognition. Should be BCP-47 format, e.g. "en-US" or "es-ES".
  299. const char kAccessibilityDictationLocale[] = "settings.a11y.dictation_locale";
  300. // A dictionary pref which keeps track of which locales the user has seen an
  301. // offline dictation upgrade nudge. A nudge will be shown once whenever a
  302. // new language becomes available offline in the background, without repeating
  303. // showing nudges where the language was already available. A locale code will
  304. // map to a value of true if the nudge has been shown, false if it needs to be
  305. // shown upon download completion, and will be absent from the map otherwise.
  306. // Locales match kAccessibilityDictationLocale and are in BCP-47 format.
  307. const char kAccessibilityDictationLocaleOfflineNudge[] =
  308. "settings.a11y.dictation_locale_offline_nudge";
  309. // A boolean pref which determines whether the enhanced network voices feature
  310. // in select-to-speak is allowed. This pref can only be set by policy.
  311. const char kAccessibilityEnhancedNetworkVoicesInSelectToSpeakAllowed[] =
  312. "settings.a11y.enhanced_network_voices_in_select_to_speak_allowed";
  313. // A boolean pref which determines whether the accessibility menu shows
  314. // regardless of the state of a11y features.
  315. const char kShouldAlwaysShowAccessibilityMenu[] = "settings.a11y.enable_menu";
  316. // A boolean pref which determines whether alt-tab should show only windows in
  317. // the current desk or all windows.
  318. const char kAltTabPerDesk[] = "ash.alttab.per_desk";
  319. // A dictionary storing the number of times and most recent time all contextual
  320. // tooltips have been shown.
  321. const char kContextualTooltips[] = "settings.contextual_tooltip.shown_info";
  322. // A list containing the stored virtual desks names in the same order of the
  323. // desks in the overview desks bar. This list will be used to restore the desks,
  324. // their order, and their names for the primary user on first signin. If a desk
  325. // hasn't been renamed by the user (i.e. it uses one of the default
  326. // automatically-assigned desk names such as "Desk 1", "Desk 2", ... etc.), its
  327. // name will appear in this list as an empty string. The desk names are stored
  328. // as UTF8 strings.
  329. const char kDesksNamesList[] = "ash.desks.desks_names_list";
  330. // This list stores the metrics of virtual desks. Like |kDesksNamesList|, this
  331. // list stores entries in the same order of the desks in the overview desks bar.
  332. // Values are stored as dictionaries.
  333. const char kDesksMetricsList[] = "ash.desks.desks_metrics_list";
  334. // A dict pref storing the metrics related to the weekly active desks of a user.
  335. const char kDesksWeeklyActiveDesksMetrics[] = "ash.desks.weekly_active_desks";
  336. // An integer index of a user's active desk.
  337. const char kDesksActiveDesk[] = "ash.desks.active_desk";
  338. // A boolean pref storing the enabled status of the Docked Magnifier feature.
  339. const char kDockedMagnifierEnabled[] = "ash.docked_magnifier.enabled";
  340. // A double pref storing the scale value of the Docked Magnifier feature by
  341. // which the screen is magnified.
  342. const char kDockedMagnifierScale[] = "ash.docked_magnifier.scale";
  343. // A double pref storing the screen height divisor value of the Docked Magnifier
  344. // feature defining what proportion of the screen the docked magnifier viewport
  345. // occupies.
  346. const char kDockedMagnifierScreenHeightDivisor[] =
  347. "ash.docked_magnifier.screen_height_divisor";
  348. // A boolean pref which indicates whether the docked magnifier confirmation
  349. // dialog has ever been shown.
  350. const char kDockedMagnifierAcceleratorDialogHasBeenAccepted[] =
  351. "settings.a11y.docked_magnifier_accelerator_dialog_has_been_accepted";
  352. // A boolean pref which indicates whether the high contrast magnifier
  353. // confirmation dialog has ever been shown.
  354. const char kHighContrastAcceleratorDialogHasBeenAccepted[] =
  355. "settings.a11y.high_contrast_accelerator_dialog_has_been_accepted";
  356. // A boolean pref which indicates whether the screen magnifier confirmation
  357. // dialog has ever been shown.
  358. const char kScreenMagnifierAcceleratorDialogHasBeenAccepted[] =
  359. "settings.a11y.screen_magnifier_accelerator_dialog_has_been_accepted";
  360. // A boolean pref which indicates whether the dictation confirmation dialog has
  361. // ever been shown.
  362. const char kDictationAcceleratorDialogHasBeenAccepted[] =
  363. "settings.a11y.dictation_accelerator_dialog_has_been_accepted";
  364. // A boolean pref which indicates whether the display rotation confirmation
  365. // dialog has ever been shown.
  366. // Renamed 10/2019 to force reset the pref to false.
  367. const char kDisplayRotationAcceleratorDialogHasBeenAccepted2[] =
  368. "settings.a11y.display_rotation_accelerator_dialog_has_been_accepted2";
  369. // A dictionary pref that stores the mixed mirror mode parameters.
  370. const char kDisplayMixedMirrorModeParams[] =
  371. "settings.display.mixed_mirror_mode_param";
  372. // Power state of the current displays from the last run.
  373. const char kDisplayPowerState[] = "settings.display.power_state";
  374. // A dictionary pref that stores per display preferences.
  375. const char kDisplayProperties[] = "";
  376. // Boolean controlling whether privacy screen is enabled.
  377. const char kDisplayPrivacyScreenEnabled[] =
  378. "settings.display.privacy_screen_enabled";
  379. // A dictionary pref that specifies the state of the rotation lock, and the
  380. // display orientation, for the internal display.
  381. const char kDisplayRotationLock[] = "settings.display.rotation_lock";
  382. // A dictionary pref that stores the touch associations for the device.
  383. const char kDisplayTouchAssociations[] = "settings.display.touch_associations";
  384. // A dictionary pref that stores the port mapping for touch devices.
  385. const char kDisplayTouchPortAssociations[] =
  386. "settings.display.port_associations";
  387. // A list pref that stores the mirror info for each external display.
  388. const char kExternalDisplayMirrorInfo[] =
  389. "settings.display.external_display_mirror_info";
  390. // A dictionary pref that specifies per-display layout/offset information.
  391. // Its key is the ID of the display and its value is a dictionary for the
  392. // layout/offset information.
  393. const char kSecondaryDisplays[] = "settings.display.secondary_displays";
  394. // A boolean pref which determines whether the display configuration set by
  395. // managed guest session should be stored in local state.
  396. const char kAllowMGSToStoreDisplayProperties[] =
  397. "settings.display.allow_mgs_to_store";
  398. // A boolean pref that enable fullscreen alert bubble.
  399. // TODO(zxdan): Change to an allowlist in M89.
  400. const char kFullscreenAlertEnabled[] = "ash.fullscreen_alert_enabled";
  401. // A boolean pref storing whether the gesture education notification has ever
  402. // been shown to the user, which we use to stop showing it again.
  403. const char kGestureEducationNotificationShown[] =
  404. "ash.gesture_education.notification_shown";
  405. // A boolean pref which stores whether a stylus has been seen before.
  406. const char kHasSeenStylus[] = "ash.has_seen_stylus";
  407. // A boolean pref which stores whether a the palette warm welcome bubble
  408. // (displayed when a user first uses a stylus) has been shown before.
  409. const char kShownPaletteWelcomeBubble[] = "ash.shown_palette_welcome_bubble";
  410. // A boolean pref that specifies if the stylus tools should be enabled/disabled.
  411. const char kEnableStylusTools[] = "settings.enable_stylus_tools";
  412. // A boolean pref that specifies if the ash palette should be launched after an
  413. // eject input event has been received.
  414. const char kLaunchPaletteOnEjectEvent[] =
  415. "settings.launch_palette_on_eject_event";
  416. // Boolean pref indicating whether the PCI tunneling is allowed for external
  417. // Thunderbolt/USB4 peripherals. This pref is only used if the policy
  418. // "DevicePciPeripheralDataAccessEnabled" is set to "unset".
  419. const char kLocalStateDevicePeripheralDataAccessEnabled[] =
  420. "settings.local_state_device_pci_data_access_enabled";
  421. // The timestamps (in milliseconds since UNIX Epoch, aka JavaTime) of the user
  422. // pressed the shutdown button from shelf.
  423. // static
  424. const char kLoginShutdownTimestampPrefName[] =
  425. "ash.shelf.login_shutdown_timestamp";
  426. // A boolean pref that specifies if the cellular setup notification can be
  427. // shown or not. This notification should be shown post-OOBE if the user has a
  428. // cellular-capable device but no available cellular networks. It should only be
  429. // shown at most once per user.
  430. const char kCanCellularSetupNotificationBeShown[] =
  431. "ash.cellular_setup.can_setup_notification_be_shown";
  432. // Boolean pref indicating whether the privacy warning of the managed-guest
  433. // session on both; the login screen and inside the auto-launched session,
  434. // should be displayed or not.
  435. const char kManagedGuestSessionPrivacyWarningsEnabled[] =
  436. "managed_session.privacy_warning_enabled";
  437. // Boolean pref indicating whether the user has enabled detection of snooping
  438. // over their shoulder, and hiding of notifications when a snooper is detected.
  439. const char kSnoopingProtectionEnabled[] =
  440. "ash.privacy.snooping_protection_enabled";
  441. const char kSnoopingProtectionNotificationSuppressionEnabled[] =
  442. "ash.privacy.snooping_protection_notification_suppression_enabled";
  443. // A string pref storing the type of lock screen notification mode.
  444. // "show" -> show notifications on the lock screen
  445. // "hide" -> hide notifications at all on the lock screen (default)
  446. // "hideSensitive" -> hide sensitive content on the lock screen
  447. // (other values are treated as "hide")
  448. const char kMessageCenterLockScreenMode[] =
  449. "ash.message_center.lock_screen_mode";
  450. // Value of each options of the lock screen notification settings. They are
  451. // used the pref of ash::prefs::kMessageCenterLockScreenMode.
  452. const char kMessageCenterLockScreenModeShow[] = "show";
  453. const char kMessageCenterLockScreenModeHide[] = "hide";
  454. const char kMessageCenterLockScreenModeHideSensitive[] = "hideSensitive";
  455. // A boolean pref storing the enabled status of the ambient color feature.
  456. const char kAmbientColorEnabled[] = "ash.ambient_color.enabled";
  457. // A boolean pref that indicates whether dark mode is enabled.
  458. const char kDarkModeEnabled[] = "ash.dark_mode.enabled";
  459. // An integer pref storing the number of times that dark/light mode educational
  460. // can still be shown. It will be initialized to the maximum number of times
  461. // that the nudge can be shown. And will be set to 0 if the user toggled the
  462. // entry points of dark/light mode ("Dark theme" inside quick settings or
  463. // personalization hub), which means the user already knows how to change the
  464. // color mode of the system.
  465. const char kDarkLightModeNudge[] = "ash.dark_light_mode.educational_nudge";
  466. // An integer pref storing the type of automatic scheduling of turning on and
  467. // off the dark mode feature similar to `kNightLightScheduleType`, but
  468. // custom scheduling (2) is the same as sunset to sunrise scheduling (1)
  469. // because dark mode does not support custom scheduling.
  470. const char kDarkModeScheduleType[] = "ash.dark_mode.schedule_type";
  471. // A boolean pref storing the enabled status of the NightLight feature.
  472. const char kNightLightEnabled[] = "ash.night_light.enabled";
  473. // A double pref storing the screen color temperature set by the NightLight
  474. // feature. The expected values are in the range of 0.0 (least warm) and 1.0
  475. // (most warm).
  476. const char kNightLightTemperature[] = "ash.night_light.color_temperature";
  477. // An integer pref storing the type of automatic scheduling of turning on and
  478. // off the NightLight feature. Valid values are:
  479. // 0 -> NightLight is never turned on or off automatically.
  480. // 1 -> NightLight is turned on and off at the sunset and sunrise times
  481. // respectively.
  482. // 2 -> NightLight schedule times are explicitly set by the user.
  483. //
  484. // See ash::NightLightController::ScheduleType.
  485. const char kNightLightScheduleType[] = "ash.night_light.schedule_type";
  486. // Integer prefs storing the start and end times of the automatic schedule at
  487. // which NightLight turns on and off respectively when the schedule type is set
  488. // to a custom schedule. The times are represented as the number of minutes from
  489. // 00:00 (12:00 AM) regardless of the date or the timezone.
  490. // See ash::TimeOfDayTime.
  491. const char kNightLightCustomStartTime[] = "ash.night_light.custom_start_time";
  492. const char kNightLightCustomEndTime[] = "ash.night_light.custom_end_time";
  493. // Double prefs storing the most recent valid geoposition, which is only used
  494. // when the device lacks connectivity and we're unable to retrieve a valid
  495. // geoposition to calculate the sunset / sunrise times.
  496. const char kNightLightCachedLatitude[] = "ash.night_light.cached_latitude";
  497. const char kNightLightCachedLongitude[] = "ash.night_light.cached_longitude";
  498. // A boolean pref storing whether the AutoNightLight notification has ever been
  499. // dismissed by the user, which we use to stop showing it again.
  500. const char kAutoNightLightNotificationDismissed[] =
  501. "ash.auto_night_light.notification_dismissed";
  502. // Whether the Chrome OS lock screen is allowed.
  503. const char kAllowScreenLock[] = "allow_screen_lock";
  504. // A boolean pref that turns on automatic screen locking.
  505. const char kEnableAutoScreenLock[] = "settings.enable_screen_lock";
  506. // Screen brightness percent values to be used when running on AC power.
  507. // Specified by the policy.
  508. const char kPowerAcScreenBrightnessPercent[] =
  509. "power.ac_screen_brightness_percent";
  510. // Inactivity time in milliseconds while the system is on AC power before
  511. // the screen should be dimmed, turned off, or locked, before an
  512. // IdleActionImminent D-Bus signal should be sent, or before
  513. // kPowerAcIdleAction should be performed. 0 disables the delay (N/A for
  514. // kPowerAcIdleDelayMs).
  515. const char kPowerAcScreenDimDelayMs[] = "power.ac_screen_dim_delay_ms";
  516. const char kPowerAcScreenOffDelayMs[] = "power.ac_screen_off_delay_ms";
  517. const char kPowerAcScreenLockDelayMs[] = "power.ac_screen_lock_delay_ms";
  518. const char kPowerAcIdleWarningDelayMs[] = "power.ac_idle_warning_delay_ms";
  519. // Boolean pref of whether adaptive charging (i.e. holding battery at a sub-100%
  520. // charge until necessary to extend battery life) is enabled.
  521. const char kPowerAdaptiveChargingEnabled[] = "power.adaptive_charging_enabled";
  522. // Boolean pref of whether adaptive charging educational nudge is shown to the
  523. // user.
  524. const char kPowerAdaptiveChargingNudgeShown[] =
  525. "power.adaptive_charging_nudge_shown";
  526. // Screen brightness percent values to be used when running on battery power.
  527. // Specified by the policy.
  528. const char kPowerBatteryScreenBrightnessPercent[] =
  529. "power.battery_screen_brightness_percent";
  530. // Similar delays while the system is on battery power.
  531. const char kPowerBatteryScreenDimDelayMs[] =
  532. "power.battery_screen_dim_delay_ms";
  533. const char kPowerBatteryScreenOffDelayMs[] =
  534. "power.battery_screen_off_delay_ms";
  535. const char kPowerBatteryScreenLockDelayMs[] =
  536. "power.battery_screen_lock_delay_ms";
  537. const char kPowerBatteryIdleWarningDelayMs[] =
  538. "power.battery_idle_warning_delay_ms";
  539. const char kPowerBatteryIdleDelayMs[] = "power.battery_idle_delay_ms";
  540. const char kPowerAcIdleDelayMs[] = "power.ac_idle_delay_ms";
  541. // Inactivity delays used to dim the screen or turn it off while the screen is
  542. // locked.
  543. const char kPowerLockScreenDimDelayMs[] = "power.lock_screen_dim_delay_ms";
  544. const char kPowerLockScreenOffDelayMs[] = "power.lock_screen_off_delay_ms";
  545. // Action that should be performed when the idle delay is reached while the
  546. // system is on AC power or battery power.
  547. // Values are from the chromeos::PowerPolicyController::Action enum.
  548. const char kPowerAcIdleAction[] = "power.ac_idle_action";
  549. const char kPowerBatteryIdleAction[] = "power.battery_idle_action";
  550. // Action that should be performed when the lid is closed.
  551. // Values are from the chromeos::PowerPolicyController::Action enum.
  552. const char kPowerLidClosedAction[] = "power.lid_closed_action";
  553. // Should audio and video activity be used to disable the above delays?
  554. const char kPowerUseAudioActivity[] = "power.use_audio_activity";
  555. const char kPowerUseVideoActivity[] = "power.use_video_activity";
  556. // Should extensions, ARC apps, and other code within Chrome be able to override
  557. // system power management (preventing automatic actions like sleeping, locking,
  558. // or screen dimming)?
  559. const char kPowerAllowWakeLocks[] = "power.allow_wake_locks";
  560. // Should extensions, ARC apps, and other code within Chrome be able to override
  561. // display-related power management? (Disallowing wake locks in general takes
  562. // precedence over this.)
  563. const char kPowerAllowScreenWakeLocks[] = "power.allow_screen_wake_locks";
  564. // Amount by which the screen-dim delay should be scaled while the system
  565. // is in presentation mode. Values are limited to a minimum of 1.0.
  566. const char kPowerPresentationScreenDimDelayFactor[] =
  567. "power.presentation_screen_dim_delay_factor";
  568. // Amount by which the screen-dim delay should be scaled when user activity is
  569. // observed while the screen is dimmed or soon after the screen has been turned
  570. // off. Values are limited to a minimum of 1.0.
  571. const char kPowerUserActivityScreenDimDelayFactor[] =
  572. "power.user_activity_screen_dim_delay_factor";
  573. // Whether the power management delays should start running only after the first
  574. // user activity has been observed in a session.
  575. const char kPowerWaitForInitialUserActivity[] =
  576. "power.wait_for_initial_user_activity";
  577. // Boolean controlling whether the panel backlight should be forced to a
  578. // nonzero level when user activity is observed.
  579. const char kPowerForceNonzeroBrightnessForUserActivity[] =
  580. "power.force_nonzero_brightness_for_user_activity";
  581. // Boolean controlling whether a shorter suspend delay should be used after the
  582. // user forces the display off by pressing the power button. Provided to allow
  583. // policy to control this behavior.
  584. const char kPowerFastSuspendWhenBacklightsForcedOff[] =
  585. "power.fast_suspend_when_backlights_forced_off";
  586. // Boolean controlling whether smart dim model is enabled.
  587. const char kPowerSmartDimEnabled[] = "power.smart_dim_enabled";
  588. // Boolean controlling whether ALS logging is enabled.
  589. const char kPowerAlsLoggingEnabled[] = "power.als_logging_enabled";
  590. // Boolean controlling whether quick dim is enabled.
  591. const char kPowerQuickDimEnabled[] = "power.quick_dim_enabled";
  592. // Boolean controlling whether the settings is enabled. This pref is intended to
  593. // be set only by policy not by user.
  594. const char kOsSettingsEnabled[] = "os_settings_enabled";
  595. // |kShelfAlignment| and |kShelfAutoHideBehavior| have a local variant. The
  596. // local variant is not synced and is used if set. If the local variant is not
  597. // set its value is set from the synced value (once prefs have been
  598. // synced). This gives a per-machine setting that is initialized from the last
  599. // set value.
  600. // These values are default on the machine but can be overridden by per-display
  601. // values in kShelfPreferences (unless overridden by managed policy).
  602. // String value corresponding to ash::ShelfAlignment (e.g. "Bottom").
  603. const char kShelfAlignment[] = "shelf_alignment";
  604. const char kShelfAlignmentLocal[] = "shelf_alignment_local";
  605. // String value corresponding to ash::ShelfAutoHideBehavior (e.g. "Never").
  606. const char kShelfAutoHideBehavior[] = "auto_hide_behavior";
  607. const char kShelfAutoHideBehaviorLocal[] = "auto_hide_behavior_local";
  608. // Dictionary value that determines when the launcher navigation nudge should
  609. // show to the users.
  610. const char kShelfLauncherNudge[] = "ash.shelf.launcher_nudge";
  611. // Dictionary value that holds per-display preference of shelf alignment and
  612. // auto-hide behavior. Key of the dictionary is the id of the display, and
  613. // its value is a dictionary whose keys are kShelfAlignment and
  614. // kShelfAutoHideBehavior.
  615. const char kShelfPreferences[] = "shelf_preferences";
  616. // Boolean pref indicating whether to show a logout button in the system tray.
  617. const char kShowLogoutButtonInTray[] = "show_logout_button_in_tray";
  618. // Integer pref indicating the length of time in milliseconds for which a
  619. // confirmation dialog should be shown when the user presses the logout button.
  620. // A value of 0 indicates that logout should happen immediately, without showing
  621. // a confirmation dialog.
  622. const char kLogoutDialogDurationMs[] = "logout_dialog_duration_ms";
  623. // A boolean pref that when set to true, displays the logout confirmation
  624. // dialog. If set to false, it prevents showing the dialog and the subsequent
  625. // logout after closing the last window.
  626. const char kSuggestLogoutAfterClosingLastWindow[] =
  627. "suggest_logout_after_closing_last_window";
  628. // A dictionary pref that maps usernames to wallpaper info.
  629. const char kUserWallpaperInfo[] = "user_wallpaper_info";
  630. // An ordered list of hashed representations of IDs of Google Photos recently
  631. // used as wallpapers for Daily Refresh.
  632. const char kRecentDailyGooglePhotosWallpapers[] =
  633. "recent_daily_google_photos_wallpapers";
  634. // A dictionary pref that maps usernames to wallpaper info.
  635. // This is for wallpapers that are syncable across devices.
  636. const char kSyncableWallpaperInfo[] = "syncable_wallpaper_info";
  637. // A dictionary pref that maps wallpaper file paths to their prominent colors.
  638. const char kWallpaperColors[] = "ash.wallpaper.prominent_colors";
  639. // A dictionary pref that maps wallpaper file paths to their k mean colors.
  640. const char kWallpaperMeanColors[] = "ash.wallpaper.k_mean_colors";
  641. // Boolean pref indicating whether a user has enabled the bluetooth adapter.
  642. const char kUserBluetoothAdapterEnabled[] =
  643. "ash.user.bluetooth.adapter_enabled";
  644. // Boolean pref indicating system-wide setting for bluetooth adapter power.
  645. const char kSystemBluetoothAdapterEnabled[] =
  646. "ash.system.bluetooth.adapter_enabled";
  647. // Boolean pref to persist the expanded state of the system tray across reboots.
  648. const char kSystemTrayExpanded[] = "ash.system_tray.expanded";
  649. // A boolean pref indicating whether the camera is allowed to be used.
  650. const char kUserCameraAllowed[] = "ash.user.camera_allowed";
  651. // A boolean pref indicating whether the microphone is allowed to be used.
  652. const char kUserMicrophoneAllowed[] = "ash.user.microphone_allowed";
  653. // A boolean pref which determines whether tap-dragging is enabled.
  654. const char kTapDraggingEnabled[] = "settings.touchpad.enable_tap_dragging";
  655. // Boolean prefs for the status of the touchscreen and the touchpad.
  656. const char kTouchpadEnabled[] = "events.touch_pad.enabled";
  657. const char kTouchscreenEnabled[] = "events.touch_screen.enabled";
  658. // Integer prefs indicating the minimum and maximum lengths of the lock screen
  659. // pin.
  660. const char kPinUnlockMaximumLength[] = "pin_unlock_maximum_length";
  661. const char kPinUnlockMinimumLength[] = "pin_unlock_minimum_length";
  662. // Boolean pref indicating whether users are allowed to set easy pins.
  663. const char kPinUnlockWeakPinsAllowed[] = "pin_unlock_weak_pins_allowed";
  664. // An integer pref. Indicates the number of fingerprint records registered.
  665. const char kQuickUnlockFingerprintRecord[] = "quick_unlock.fingerprint.record";
  666. // A list of allowed quick unlock modes. A quick unlock mode can only be used if
  667. // its type is on this list, or if type all (all quick unlock modes enabled) is
  668. // on this list.
  669. const char kQuickUnlockModeAllowlist[] = "quick_unlock_mode_allowlist";
  670. // A list of allowed WebAuthn factors. A WebAuthn factor can only be
  671. // used if its type is on this list, or if type all (all WebAuthn factors
  672. // enabled) is on this list.
  673. const char kWebAuthnFactors[] = "authfactors.restrictions.webauthn";
  674. // String pref storing the salt for the pin quick unlock mechanism.
  675. const char kQuickUnlockPinSalt[] = "";
  676. // The hash for the pin quick unlock mechanism.
  677. const char kQuickUnlockPinSecret[] = "";
  678. // Enum that specifies how often a user has to enter their password to continue
  679. // using quick unlock. These values are the same as the ones in
  680. // chromeos::quick_unlock::PasswordConfirmationFrequency.
  681. // 0 - six hours. Users will have to enter their password every six hours.
  682. // 1 - twelve hours. Users will have to enter their password every twelve hours.
  683. // 2 - two days. Users will have to enter their password every two days.
  684. // 3 - week. Users will have to enter their password every week.
  685. const char kQuickUnlockTimeout[] = "quick_unlock_timeout";
  686. // Dictionary prefs in local state that keeps information about detachable
  687. // bases - for example the last used base per user.
  688. const char kDetachableBaseDevices[] = "ash.detachable_base.devices";
  689. // Pref storing the number of sessions in which Assistant onboarding was shown.
  690. const char kAssistantNumSessionsWhereOnboardingShown[] =
  691. "ash.assistant.num_sessions_where_onboarding_shown";
  692. // Pref storing the time of the last Assistant interaction.
  693. const char kAssistantTimeOfLastInteraction[] =
  694. "ash.assistant.time_of_last_interaction";
  695. // Whether the user is allowed to disconnect and configure VPN connections.
  696. const char kVpnConfigAllowed[] = "vpn_config_allowed";
  697. // A boolean pref that indicates whether power peak shift is enabled.
  698. // Ignored unless powerd is configured to honor charging-related prefs.
  699. const char kPowerPeakShiftEnabled[] = "ash.power.peak_shift_enabled";
  700. // An integer pref that specifies the power peak shift battery threshold in
  701. // percent.
  702. // Ignored unless powerd is configured to honor charging-related prefs.
  703. const char kPowerPeakShiftBatteryThreshold[] =
  704. "ash.power.peak_shift_battery_threshold";
  705. // A dictionary pref that specifies the power peak shift day configs.
  706. // For details see "DevicePowerPeakShiftDayConfig" in policy_templates.json.
  707. // Ignored unless powerd is configured to honor charging-related prefs.
  708. const char kPowerPeakShiftDayConfig[] = "ash.power.peak_shift_day_config";
  709. // A boolean pref that indicates whether boot on AC is enabled.
  710. const char kBootOnAcEnabled[] = "ash.power.boot_on_ac_enabled";
  711. // A boolean pref that indicates whether advanced battery charge mode is
  712. // enabled.
  713. // Ignored unless powerd is configured to honor charging-related prefs.
  714. const char kAdvancedBatteryChargeModeEnabled[] =
  715. "ash.power.advanced_battery_charge_mode_enabled";
  716. // A dictionary pref that specifies the advanced battery charge mode day config.
  717. // For details see "DeviceAdvancedBatteryChargeModeDayConfig" in
  718. // policy_templates.json.
  719. // Ignored unless powerd is configured to honor charging-related prefs.
  720. const char kAdvancedBatteryChargeModeDayConfig[] =
  721. "ash.power.advanced_battery_charge_mode_day_config";
  722. // An integer pref that specifies the battery charge mode.
  723. // For details see "DeviceBatteryChargeMode" in policy_templates.json.
  724. // Ignored unless powerd is configured to honor charging-related prefs.
  725. const char kBatteryChargeMode[] = "ash.power.battery_charge_mode";
  726. // An integer pref that specifies the battery charge custom start charging in
  727. // percent.
  728. // For details see "DeviceBatteryChargeCustomStartCharging" in
  729. // policy_templates.json.
  730. // Ignored unless powerd is configured to honor charging-related prefs.
  731. const char kBatteryChargeCustomStartCharging[] =
  732. "ash.power.battery_charge_custom_start_charging";
  733. // An integer pref that specifies the battery charge custom stop charging in
  734. // percent.
  735. // For details see "DeviceBatteryChargeCustomStopCharging" in
  736. // policy_templates.json.
  737. // Ignored unless powerd is configured to honor charging-related prefs.
  738. const char kBatteryChargeCustomStopCharging[] =
  739. "ash.power.battery_charge_custom_stop_charging";
  740. // A boolean pref that indicates whether USB power share is enabled.
  741. // For details see "DeviceUsbPowerShareEnabled" in policy_templates.json.
  742. // Ignored unless powerd is configured to honor charging-related prefs.
  743. const char kUsbPowerShareEnabled[] = "ash.power.usb_power_share_enabled";
  744. // A bool pref to block the USB-C cable limiting device speed notification if it
  745. // has already been clicked by the user.
  746. const char kUsbPeripheralCableSpeedNotificationShown[] =
  747. "ash.usb_peripheral_cable_speed_notification_shown";
  748. // An integer pref that specifies how many times the Suggested Content privacy
  749. // info has been shown in Launcher. This value will increment by one every time
  750. // when Launcher changes state from Peeking to Half or FullscreenSearch up to a
  751. // predefined threshold, e.g. six times. If the info has been shown for more
  752. // than the threshold, do not show the privacy info any more.
  753. const char kSuggestedContentInfoShownInLauncher[] =
  754. "ash.launcher.suggested_content_info_shown";
  755. // A dictionary value that determines whether the reorder nudge in app list
  756. // should show to the users.
  757. const char kAppListReorderNudge[] = "ash.launcher.app_list_reorder_nudge";
  758. // A dictionary pref that stores information related to the privacy notice in
  759. // the continue files section for the launcher.
  760. const char kLauncherFilesPrivacyNotice[] =
  761. "ash.launcher.continue_section_privacy_notice";
  762. // A boolean pref that indicates whether the Suggested Content privacy info may
  763. // be displayed to user. A false value indicates that the info can be displayed
  764. // if the value of |kSuggestedContentInfoShownInLauncher| is smaller than the
  765. // predefined threshold. A true value implies that the user has dismissed the
  766. // info view, and do not show the privacy info any more.
  767. const char kSuggestedContentInfoDismissedInLauncher[] =
  768. "ash.launcher.suggested_content_info_dismissed";
  769. // A boolean pref that indicates whether lock screen media controls are enabled.
  770. // Controlled by user policy.
  771. const char kLockScreenMediaControlsEnabled[] =
  772. "ash.lock_screen_media_controls_enabled";
  773. // Boolean pref which determines whether key repeat is enabled.
  774. const char kXkbAutoRepeatEnabled[] =
  775. "settings.language.xkb_auto_repeat_enabled_r2";
  776. // Integer pref which determines key repeat delay (in ms).
  777. const char kXkbAutoRepeatDelay[] = "settings.language.xkb_auto_repeat_delay_r2";
  778. // Integer pref which determines key repeat interval (in ms).
  779. const char kXkbAutoRepeatInterval[] =
  780. "settings.language.xkb_auto_repeat_interval_r2";
  781. // "_r2" suffixes were added to the three prefs above when we changed the
  782. // preferences to not be user-configurable or sync with the cloud. The prefs are
  783. // now user-configurable and syncable again, but we don't want to overwrite the
  784. // current values with the old synced values, so we continue to use this suffix.
  785. // A boolean pref that causes top-row keys to be interpreted as function keys
  786. // instead of as media keys.
  787. const char kSendFunctionKeys[] = "settings.language.send_function_keys";
  788. // A boolean pref which is true if touchpad reverse scroll is enabled.
  789. const char kNaturalScroll[] = "settings.touchpad.natural_scroll";
  790. // A boolean pref which is true if mouse reverse scroll is enabled.
  791. const char kMouseReverseScroll[] = "settings.mouse.reverse_scroll";
  792. // A dictionary storing the number of times and most recent time the multipaste
  793. // contextual nudge was shown.
  794. const char kMultipasteNudges[] = "ash.clipboard.multipaste_nudges";
  795. // A boolean pref that indicates whether app badging is shown in launcher and
  796. // shelf.
  797. const char kAppNotificationBadgingEnabled[] =
  798. "ash.app_notification_badging_enabled";
  799. // An integer pref that indicates whether global media controls is pinned to
  800. // shelf or it's unset and need to be determined by screen size during runtime.
  801. const char kGlobalMediaControlsPinned[] =
  802. "ash.system.global_media_controls_pinned";
  803. // An integer pref that tracks how many times the user is able to click on
  804. // PciePeripheral-related notifications before hiding new notifications.
  805. const char kPciePeripheralDisplayNotificationRemaining[] =
  806. "ash.pcie_peripheral_display_notification_remaining";
  807. // Boolean prefs storing whether various IME-related keyboard shortcut reminders
  808. // have previously been dismissed or not.
  809. const char kLastUsedImeShortcutReminderDismissed[] =
  810. "ash.shortcut_reminders.last_used_ime_dismissed";
  811. const char kNextImeShortcutReminderDismissed[] =
  812. "ash.shortcut_reminders.next_ime_dismissed";
  813. // Boolean pref to indicate whether to use i18n shortcut mapping and deprecate
  814. // legacy shortcuts.
  815. const char kDeviceI18nShortcutsEnabled[] = "ash.device_i18n_shortcuts_enabled";
  816. // If a user installs an extension which controls the proxy settings in the
  817. // primary profile of Chrome OS, this dictionary will contain information about
  818. // the extension controlling the proxy (name, id and if it can be disabled by
  819. // the user). Used to show the name and icon of the extension in the "Proxy"
  820. // section of the OS Settings>Network dialog.
  821. const char kLacrosProxyControllingExtension[] =
  822. "ash.lacros_proxy_controlling_extension";
  823. // A boolean pref which is true if Fast Pair is enabled.
  824. const char kFastPairEnabled[] = "ash.fast_pair.enabled";
  825. // A boolean pref that controls whether the user is allowed to use the Desk
  826. // Templates feature - including creating Desks templates and using predefined
  827. // Desks templates.
  828. const char kDeskTemplatesEnabled[] = "ash.desk_templates_enabled";
  829. // A string pref which contains download URLs and hashes for files containing
  830. // predefined Desks templates configured by policy administrators.
  831. const char kPreconfiguredDeskTemplates[] = "ash.preconfigured_desk_templates";
  832. // An unsigned integer pref which contains the last used marker color for
  833. // Projector.
  834. const char kProjectorAnnotatorLastUsedMarkerColor[] =
  835. "ash.projector.annotator_last_used_marker_color";
  836. // A boolean pref that tracks whether the user has enabled Projector creation
  837. // flow during onboarding.
  838. const char kProjectorCreationFlowEnabled[] =
  839. "ash.projector.creation_flow_enabled";
  840. // A string pref that tracks the language installed for the Projector creation
  841. // flow.
  842. const char kProjectorCreationFlowLanguage[] =
  843. "ash.projector.creation_flow_language";
  844. // An integer pref counting the number of times the Onboarding flow has been
  845. // shown to the user inside the Projector Gallery.
  846. const char kProjectorGalleryOnboardingShowCount[] =
  847. "ash.projector.gallery_onboarding_show_count";
  848. // An integer pref counting the number of times the Onboarding flow has been
  849. // shown to the user inside the Projector Viewer.
  850. const char kProjectorViewerOnboardingShowCount[] =
  851. "ash.projector.viewer_onboarding_show_count";
  852. // A boolean pref that indicates the the exclude-transcript dialog has been
  853. // shown.
  854. const char kProjectorExcludeTranscriptDialogShown[] =
  855. "ash.projector.exclude_transcript_dialog_shown";
  856. // A boolean pref that indicates the Projector has been enabled by admin
  857. // policy.
  858. const char kProjectorAllowByPolicy[] = "ash.projector.allow_by_policy";
  859. // A boolean pref that controls Projector dogfood for Family Link users.
  860. // Set with an enterprise user policy.
  861. const char kProjectorDogfoodForFamilyLinkEnabled[] =
  862. "ash.projector.dogfood_for_family_link_enabled";
  863. // A boolean pref that indicates whether the migration of Chromad devices to
  864. // cloud management can be started.
  865. const char kChromadToCloudMigrationEnabled[] =
  866. "ash.chromad_to_cloud_migration_enabled";
  867. // List of Drive Folder Shortcuts in the Files app. Used to sync the shortcuts
  868. // across devices.
  869. const char kFilesAppFolderShortcuts[] = "ash.filesapp.folder_shortcuts";
  870. // A boolean pref that indicates if the Files app UI prefs have migrated from
  871. // the Chrome app to System Web App.
  872. const char kFilesAppUIPrefsMigrated[] = "ash.filesapp.ui_prefs_migrated";
  873. // Boolean value for the DeviceLoginScreenWebUILazyLoading device policy.
  874. const char kLoginScreenWebUILazyLoading[] =
  875. "ash.login.LoginScreenWebUILazyLoading";
  876. // Boolean value for the FloatingWorkspaceEnabled policy
  877. const char kFloatingWorkspaceEnabled[] = "ash.floating_workspace_enabled";
  878. // Boolean value indicating that post reboot notification should be shown to the
  879. // user.
  880. const char kShowPostRebootNotification[] = "ash.show_post_reboot_notification";
  881. // Integer pref indicating which color for the backlight keyboard is currently
  882. // selected for a user profile.
  883. const char kPersonalizationKeyboardBacklightColor[] =
  884. "ash.personalization.keyboard_backlight_color";
  885. // Integer pref corresponding to the autozoom state, the value should be one of
  886. // cros::mojom::CameraAutoFramingState.
  887. const char kAutozoomState[] = "";
  888. // A dictionary storing the number of times and most recent time the autozoom
  889. // nudge was shown.
  890. const char kAutozoomNudges[] = "";
  891. // NOTE: New prefs should start with the "ash." prefix. Existing prefs moved
  892. // into this file should not be renamed, since they may be synced.
  893. } // namespace prefs
  894. } // namespace ash