1. include_rules = [
  2. "+device/bluetooth",
  3. "+cc/debug",
  4. "+cc/output",
  5. "+cc/paint",
  6. "+components/account_id",
  7. "+components/app_constants",
  8. "+components/app_restore",
  9. "+components/desks_storage",
  10. "+components/discardable_memory/public",
  11. "+components/discardable_memory/service/discardable_shared_memory_manager.h",
  12. "+components/fullscreen_control",
  13. "+components/language/core/browser/pref_names.h",
  14. "+components/live_caption",
  15. "+components/media_message_center",
  16. "+components/pref_registry",
  17. "+components/prefs",
  18. "+components/quirks",
  19. "+components/services/app_service/public",
  20. "+components/soda",
  21. "+components/strings",
  22. "+components/sync",
  23. "+components/ui_devtools",
  24. "+components/url_matcher",
  25. "+components/vector_icons",
  26. "+components/viz/common",
  27. "+components/viz/host",
  28. "+components/wallpaper",
  29. "+crypto",
  30. "+dbus",
  31. "+extensions/common/constants.h",
  32. "+gpu/config",
  33. "+media",
  34. "+mojo/public",
  35. "+services/device/public",
  36. "+services/data_decoder/public",
  37. "+services/media_session/public",
  38. "+services/network/public",
  39. "+services/network/test",
  40. "+services/preferences/public",
  41. "+services/viz/public",
  42. "+skia/ext",
  43. "+third_party/cros_system_api",
  44. "+third_party/icu",
  45. "+third_party/khronos/GLES2",
  46. "+third_party/re2",
  47. "+third_party/skia",
  48. "+net",
  49. "+ui",
  50. "-ash/host",
  51. # Ash sits above content. Exceptions live in //ash/webui.
  52. "-content",
  53. # Some code in //chromeos should not be used by ash, so use an allowlist.
  54. # See //chromeos/ for details about Lacros, which is migrating some
  55. # code out of //chromeos into //ash.
  56. "-chromeos",
  57. # //ash can use chromeos components that sit below it in the dependency tree.
  58. "+chromeos/components/feature_usage",
  59. "+chromeos/components/hps",
  60. "+chromeos/components/quick_answers",
  61. "+chromeos/components/sensors",
  62. "+chromeos/components/webauthn",
  63. "+chromeos/constants",
  64. # crosapi is an API to support lacros.
  65. "+chromeos/crosapi",
  66. # //ash can access all D-Bus client libraries. The mustash project previously
  67. # limit D-Bus communication to a subset of OS daemons, but that project
  68. # stopped in 2019. See //ash/
  69. "+chromeos/dbus",
  70. # //ash should use code in //ash/session to get login state. The state in
  71. # //ash/session and the state in //chromeos/login/login_state are both
  72. # derived from the canonical state in the browser. Using both sources could
  73. # create subtle inconsistencies based on when observers are called.
  74. "-chromeos/login/login_state",
  75. "+chromeos/network",
  76. # //ash can use the public interfaces of various services.
  77. "+chromeos/services/assistant/public" ,
  78. "+chromeos/services/assistant/test_support",
  79. "+chromeos/services/bluetooth_config",
  80. "+chromeos/services/libassistant/public",
  81. "+chromeos/services/machine_learning/public",
  82. "+chromeos/services/network_config/public",
  83. "+chromeos/services/power/public",
  84. "+chromeos/strings",
  85. "+chromeos/system",
  86. "+chromeos/ui",
  87. # ui/base/idle depends on SessionManagerClient so disallow it.
  88. "-ui/base/idle",
  89. # user_manager::UserManager and session_manager::SessionManager lives in the
  90. # browser process. Use SessionController to access user or user session info
  91. # so that ash code depends on a single source of truth. If the info is not
  92. # available, add new interface to SessionControllerClient and friends to
  93. # bridge data from user_manager::UserManager or
  94. # session_manager::SessionManager.
  95. "-components/session_manager",
  96. "+components/session_manager/session_manager_types.h",
  97. "-components/user_manager",
  98. "+components/user_manager/known_user.h",
  99. "+components/user_manager/user_names.h",
  100. "+components/user_manager/user_type.h",
  101. "+components/user_manager/user.h",
  102. ]
  103. specific_include_rules = {
  104. "": [
  105. "+components/sync_preferences/testing_pref_service_syncable.h"
  106. ],
  107. "root_window_controller\.*": [
  108. "+ash/host"
  109. ],
  110. "": [
  111. "+ash/host/ash_window_tree_host_init_params.h"
  112. ],
  113. "": [
  114. "+ash/host/ash_window_tree_host.h"
  115. ],
  116. }