5.7 KB

Native Relocations


What are they?

  • They tell the runtime linker a list of addresses to post-process after loading the executable into memory.
  • There are several types of relocations, but >99% of them are «relative» relocations and are created any time a global variable or constant is initialized with the address of something.
    • This includes vtables, function pointers, and string literals, but not char[].

Linux & Android Relocations (ELF Format)

  • Relocations are stored in sections of type: REL, RELA, APS2, or RELR.
  • Relocations are stored in sections named: .rel.dyn, .rel.plt, .rela.dyn, or .rela.plt.
  • For REL and RELA, each relocation is stored using either 2 or 3 words, based on the architecture.
  • For RELR and APS2, relative relocations are compressed.
    • APS2: Somewhat involved compression which trades off runtime performance for smaller file size.
    • RELR: Supported in Android P+. Smaller and simpler than APS2.
  • As of Oct 2019, Chrome on Android (arm32) has about 390,000 of them.

Windows Relocations (PE Format)

  • For PE files, relocations are stored in per-code-page .reloc sections.
  • Each relocation is stored using 2 bytes. Each .reloc section has a small overhead as well.
  • 64-bit executables have fewer relocations thanks to the ability to use RIP-relative (instruction-relative) addressing.

Why do they matter?

Binary Size

  • On Linux, relocations are stored very inefficiently.
    • As of Oct 2019:
      • Chrome on Linux has a .rela.dyn section of more than 14MiB!
      • Chrome on Android uses [APS2] to compress these down to ~300kb.
      • Chrome on Android with [RELR] would require only 60kb, but is not yet enabled.
      • Chrome on Windows (x64) has .relocs sections that sum to 620KiB.

Memory Overhead

  • On Windows, there is almost no memory overhead from relocations.
  • On Linux and Android, memory with relocations cannot be loaded read-only and result in dirty memory. 99% of these symbols live in, which as of Oct 2019 is ~6.5MiB on Linux and ~2MiB on Android. is data that would have been put into .rodata and mapped read-only if not for the required relocations. The memory does not get written to after it’s relocated, so the linker makes it read-only once relocations are applied (but by that point the damage is done and we have the dirty pages).
    • On Linux, we share this overhead between processes via the zygote.
    • On Android, we share this overhead between processes by loading the shared library at the same address in all processes, and then mremap onto shared memory to dedupe after-the-fact.

Start-up Time

  • On Windows, relocations are applied just-in-time on page faults, and are backed by the PE file (not the pagefile).
  • On other platforms, the runtime linker applies all relocations upfront.
  • On low-end Android, it can take ~100ms (measured on a first-gen Android Go devices with APS2 relocations).
  • On Linux, it’s closer to 20ms.

How do I see them?

# For ELF files:
third_party/llvm-build/Release+Asserts/bin/llvm-readelf --relocs out/Release/

# For PE files:
python tools\win\ out\Release\chrome.dll

Can I avoid them?

It’s not practical to avoid them altogether, but there are times when you can be smart about them.

For Example:

// The following uses 2 bytes of padding for each smaller string but creates no relocations.
// Total size overhead: 4 * 5 = 20 bytes.
const char kArr[][5] = {"as", "ab", "asdf", "fi"};

// The following requires no string padding, but uses 4 relocatable pointers.
// Total size overhead:
//   Linux 64-bit: (8 bytes per pointer + 24 bytes per relocation) * 4 entries + 14 bytes of char = 142 bytes
//   Windows 64-bit: (8 bytes per pointer + 2 bytes per relocation) * 4 entries + 14 bytes of char = 54 bytes
//   CrOS 64-bit: (8 bytes per pointer + ~0 bytes per relocation) * 4 entries + 14 bytes of char = ~46 bytes
//   Android 32-bit: (4 bytes per pointer + ~0 bytes per relocation) * 4 entries + 14 bytes of char = ~30 bytes
const char * const kArr2[] = {"as", "ab", "asdf", "fi"};


  • String literals (but not char arrays) are de-duped with others in the binary, so it is possible that the second example above might use 14 fewer bytes.
  • Not all string literals require relocations. Which ones require them depends on the ABI. Generally, All global variables that are initialized to the address of something require them.

Here’s a simpler example:

// No pointer, no relocation. Just 5 bytes of character data.
const char kText[] = "asdf";

// Requires pointer, relocation, and character data.
// In most cases there is no advantage to pointers for strings.
const char* const kText = "asdf";

Another thing to look out for:

  • Large data structures with relocations that you don’t need random access to, or which are seldom needed.
    • For such cases, it might be better to store the data encoded and then decode when required.