Name: C++ port of zxcvbn, an advanced password strength estimation library. Short Name: zxcvbn-cpp URL: Version: 0 Date: Dec 4, 2016 Revision: cf092c952cd2325ce390b2691231a8f1cb195d59 License: MIT License File: LICENSE.txt Security Critical: yes Description: A realistic password strength estimator. Used in the Password Manager to inform users about weak passwords. Local Modifications: Applied the following patches: - patches/compilation.diff: To fix compilation under clang with -Werror and -DUNICODE. - patches/adjacency_graphs.diff: Removes static initializers in adjacency_graphs.hpp and adjacency_graphs.cpp and greatly reduces binary size impact by replacing optional std::strings with base::StringPiece. - patches/no_static_initializers.diff: Removes static initializers elsewhere by either inlining the expression, or making use of static base::NoDestructors. - patches/dictionary_component.diff: Adds a ParseRankedDictionary API to frequency_lists.hpp to support providing the dictionaries via component updater and adds an option to to output the processed text files. Furthermore, removes the need to auto generate _frequency_lists.hpp and _frequency_lists.cpp - patches/base_utf8.diff: Replaced string utilities from utils.cpp with //base's UTF8 API. - patches/fix_overflow.diff: Fixes a bug inside scoring.cpp triggered when the number of computed guesses exceeds DBL_MAX. - patches/flat_map_ranked.diff: Use base::flat_map instead of std::unordered_map for ranked dictionaries to reduce memory foot print. - patches/utf8_support.diff: Switched the regex engine in matching.cpp from std::regex to ICU's regex, so that repeat matches work with multi-byte code points. Also guarded an assert in scoring.cpp that was hit for non-ASCII passwords. - Dropped the data dictionary from the check-out, as the data will now be provided via component updater. The used dictionaries can be found at - Removed the demo/ folder and zxcvbnn_post.js from the checkout. They only contained JavaScript that is irrevelant for the intended usage in Chromium. - Removed Python sources, unneeded config files, JavaScript bindings, C wrapper and incomplete C++ entrypoints from native-src, since they are unused / not necessary for Chromium, includes applying patches/no-c-api.diff. - patches/reduce_memory_usage.diff: Reduce browser memory usage by ~2.0 MiB on 64bit, ~0.65 MiB on 32bit ( Ran the following commands to generate adjacency graphs: $ python ./data-scripts/ ./native-src/zxcvbn/adjacency_graphs.hpp $ python ./data-scripts/ ./native-src/zxcvbn/adjacency_graphs.cpp Ported test/ and test/ to C++ unitests (test/ and test/ Added fuzzers for matching and scoring (test/ and test/