// Copyright 2006 Google Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or // implied. See the License for the specific language governing // permissions and limitations under the License. /** * @author Steffen Meschkat (mesch@google.com) * @fileoverview Unittest and examples for jstemplates. */ function jstWrap(data, template) { return jstProcess(new JsEvalContext(data), template); } function testJstSelect() { // Template cardinality from jsselect. var t = document.getElementById('t1'); var d = { items: [ 'A', 'B', 'C', '' ] } jstWrap(d, t); var h = t.innerHTML; var clone = domCloneNode(t); assertTrue(/>A<\/div>/.test(h)); assertTrue(/>B<\/div>/.test(h)); assertTrue(/>C<\/div>/.test(h)); assertTrue(/><\/div>/.test(h)); // Reprocessing with identical data. jstWrap(d, t); assertAttributesMatch(t, clone); // Reprocessing with changed data. d.items[1] = 'BB'; jstWrap(d, t); h = t.innerHTML; assertTrue(/>A<\/div>/.test(h)); assertFalse(/>B<\/div>/.test(h)); assertTrue(/>BB<\/div>/.test(h)); assertTrue(/>C<\/div>/.test(h)); // Reprocessing with dropped data. d.items.pop(); d.items.pop(); jstWrap(d, t); h = t.innerHTML; assertTrue(/>A<\/div>/.test(h)); assertTrue(/>BB<\/div>/.test(h)); assertFalse(/>C<\/div>/.test(h)); assertFalse(/><\/div>/.test(h)); // Reprocessing with dropped data, once more. d.items.pop(); jstWrap(d, t); h = t.innerHTML; assertTrue(/>A<\/div>/.test(h)); assertFalse(/>BB<\/div>/.test(h)); assertFalse(/>C<\/div>/.test(h)); // Reprocessing with empty data -- the last template instance is // preserved, and only hidden. d.items.pop(); jstWrap(d, t); assertTrue(/>A<\/div>/.test(h)); assertFalse(/>BB<\/div>/.test(h)); assertFalse(/>C<\/div>/.test(h)); // Reprocessing with added data. d.items.push('D'); jstWrap(d, t); h = t.innerHTML; assertFalse(/>A<\/div>/.test(h)); assertTrue(/>D<\/div>/.test(h)); } function testJstDisplay() { var t = document.getElementById('t2'); var d = { display: true } jstWrap(d, t); var h = t.innerHTML; assertFalse(/display:\s*none/.test(h)); d.display = false; jstWrap(d, t); h = t.innerHTML; assertTrue(/display:\s*none/.test(h)); // Check that 'this' within js expressions is the template node t = document.getElementById('t2a'); d = { showId: 'x' }; jstWrap(d, t); h = t.innerHTML; assertFalse(/display:\s*none/.test(h)); d.showId = 'y'; jstWrap(d, t); h = t.innerHTML; assertTrue(/display:\s*none/.test(h)); } function stringContains(str, sub) { return str.indexOf(sub) != -1; } function testJseval() { var data = {}; var counter = 0; var ctx = new JsEvalContext(data); ctx.setVariable("callback1", function() { ++counter; }); ctx.setVariable("callback2", function() { counter *= 2; }); jstProcess(ctx, document.getElementById('testJseval1')); assertEquals("testJseval1", 1, counter); jstProcess(ctx, document.getElementById('testJseval2')); assertEquals("testJseval2", 4, counter); } function testJstValues() { var t = document.getElementById('t3'); var d = {}; jstWrap(d, t); var h = t.innerHTML; assertTrue(stringContains(h, 'http://maps.google.com/')); var t3a = document.getElementById('t3a'); assertEquals('http://maps.google.com/', t3a.foo.bar.baz); assertEquals('http://maps.google.com/', t3a.bar); assertEquals('red', t3a.style.backgroundColor); } function testJstTransclude() { var t = document.getElementById('t4'); var p = document.getElementById('parent'); var d = {}; jstWrap(d, t); var h = p.innerHTML; assertTrue(h, stringContains(h, 'http://maps.google.com/')); } function assertAttributesMatch(first, second) { assertEquals('assertAttributesMatch: number of child nodes', jsLength(first.childNodes), jsLength(second.childNodes)); var b = second.firstChild; for (var a = first.firstChild; a; a = a.nextSibling) { var att = a.attributes; if (att) { assertTrue(b.attributes != null); assertEquals('assertAttributesMatch: number of attribute nodes', att.length, b.attributes.length); for (var i = 0; i < jsLength(att); i++) { var a = att[i]; assertEquals('assertAttributesMatch: value of attribute ' + a.name, a.value, b.getAttribute(a.name)); } } else { assertNull(b.attributes); } b = b.nextSibling; } } function testJsskip() { var div = domCreateElement(document, "DIV"); div.innerHTML = [ '
', '
', '
', '
' ].join(''); var data = {}; var ctx = new JsEvalContext(data); var outerCalled = false; ctx.setVariable("outercallback", function() { outerCalled = true; }); var innerCalled = false; ctx.setVariable("innercallback", function() { innerCalled = true; }); jstProcess(ctx, div); assertTrue(outerCalled); assertFalse(innerCalled); } function testScalarContext() { var t = document.getElementById('testScalarContext'); jstWrap(true, t); assertTrue(/>truefalse0fooundefinednullcontent', wrapperId); var wrapperElem = document.getElementById(wrapperId); assertTrue('Expected wrapper element to be in document', !!wrapperElem); var newTemplate = document.getElementById(id); assertTrue('Expected newly loaded template to be in document', !!newTemplate); assertTrue('Expected wrapper to be grandparent of template', newTemplate.parentNode.parentNode == wrapperElem); // Make sure the next template loaded with the same wrapper id re-uses the // wrapper element. var id2 = 'testJstLoadTemplate2'; jstLoadTemplate_(document, '
', wrapperId); var newTemplate2 = document.getElementById(id2); assertTrue('Expected newly loaded template to be in document', !!newTemplate2); assertTrue('Expected wrapper to be grandparent of template', newTemplate2.parentNode.parentNode == wrapperElem); } function testJstGetTemplateFromDom() { var element; // Get by id a template in the document // Success element = jstGetTemplate('t1'); assertTrue("Asserted jstGetTemplate('t1') to return a dom element", !!element); // Failure element = jstGetTemplate('asdf'); assertFalse("Asserted jstGetTemplate('asdf') to return null", !!element); } function testJstGetTemplateFromFunction() { var element; // Fetch a jstemplate by id from within a html string, passed via a function. function returnHtmlWithId(id) { var html = '
' + '
Here is the template
' + '
'; return html; } // Success element = jstGetTemplate('template', partial(returnHtmlWithId, 'template')); assertTrue("Expected jstGetTemplate('template') to return a dom element", !!element); // Failure element = jstGetTemplate('asdf', partial(returnHtmlWithId, 'zxcv')); assertFalse("Expected jstGetTemplate('zxcv') to return null", !!element); } function testPrepareNode() { var id, node; // Reset the cache so we're testing from a known state. JstProcessor.jstCache_ = {}; JstProcessor.jstCache_[0] = {}; // Skip pre-processed nodes. Preprocessed nodes are those with a // PROP_jstcache property. var t = document.getElementById('t1'); var caches = []; caches.push(JstProcessor.prepareNode_(t)); caches.push(JstProcessor.prepareNode_(t)); assertEquals('The same cache should be returned on each call to prepareNode', caches[0], caches[1]); // Preprocessing a node with a jst attribute should return a valid struct id = 'testPrepareNodeWithAttributes'; jstLoadTemplate_(document, '
'); node = document.getElementById(id); var cache = JstProcessor.prepareNode_(node); try { var jsskip = cache['jsskip']({}, {}); } catch (e) { fail('Exception when evaluating jsskip from cache'); } assertEquals(1, jsskip); } function testPrepareNodeWithNoAttributes() { // Preprocessing a node with no jst attributes should return null var id = 'testPrepareNodeNoAttributes'; jstLoadTemplate_(document, '
'); var node = document.getElementById(id); assertEquals('prepareNode with no jst attributes should return default', JstProcessor.jstcache_[0], JstProcessor.prepareNode_(node)); } function testJsVars() { var template = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(template); template.innerHTML = '
'; var context = new JsEvalContext; jstProcess(context, template); assertEquals('foo', context.getVariable('foo')); assertEquals(1, context.getVariable('$baz')); assertTrue(context.getVariable('bar')); assertUndefined(context.getVariable('foobar')); } function testCacheReuse() { var template = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(template); template.innerHTML = '
' + ''; JstProcessor.prepareTemplate_(template); assertEquals(template.firstChild.getAttribute(ATT_jstcache), template.lastChild.getAttribute(ATT_jstcache)); }