# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. from __future__ import print_function import collections import json import os.path import re import sys description = '' primitiveTypes = ['integer', 'number', 'boolean', 'string', 'object', 'any', 'array', 'binary'] def assignType(item, type, is_array=False, map_binary_to_string=False): if is_array: item['type'] = 'array' item['items'] = collections.OrderedDict() assignType(item['items'], type, False, map_binary_to_string) return if type == 'enum': type = 'string' if map_binary_to_string and type == 'binary': type = 'string' if 'description' in item: item['description'] = (item['description'] + ' (Encoded as a base64 string when passed over JSON)') if type in primitiveTypes: item['type'] = type else: item['$ref'] = type def createItem(d, experimental, deprecated, name=None): result = collections.OrderedDict(d) if name: result['name'] = name global description if description: result['description'] = description.strip() if experimental: result['experimental'] = True if deprecated: result['deprecated'] = True return result def parse(data, file_name, map_binary_to_string=False): protocol = collections.OrderedDict() protocol['version'] = collections.OrderedDict() protocol['domains'] = [] domain = None item = None subitems = None nukeDescription = False global description lines = data.split('\n') for i in range(0, len(lines)): if nukeDescription: description = '' nukeDescription = False line = lines[i] trimLine = line.strip() if trimLine.startswith('#'): if len(description): description += '\n' description += trimLine[2:] continue else: nukeDescription = True if len(trimLine) == 0: continue match = re.compile( r'^(experimental )?(deprecated )?domain (.*)').match(line) if match: domain = createItem({'domain' : match.group(3)}, match.group(1), match.group(2)) protocol['domains'].append(domain) continue match = re.compile(r'^ depends on ([^\s]+)').match(line) if match: if 'dependencies' not in domain: domain['dependencies'] = [] domain['dependencies'].append(match.group(1)) continue match = re.compile(r'^ (experimental )?(deprecated )?type (.*) ' r'extends (array of )?([^\s]+)').match(line) if match: if 'types' not in domain: domain['types'] = [] item = createItem({'id': match.group(3)}, match.group(1), match.group(2)) assignType(item, match.group(5), match.group(4), map_binary_to_string) domain['types'].append(item) continue match = re.compile( r'^ (experimental )?(deprecated )?(command|event) (.*)').match(line) if match: list = [] if match.group(3) == 'command': if 'commands' in domain: list = domain['commands'] else: list = domain['commands'] = [] else: if 'events' in domain: list = domain['events'] else: list = domain['events'] = [] item = createItem({}, match.group(1), match.group(2), match.group(4)) list.append(item) continue match = re.compile( r'^ (experimental )?(deprecated )?(optional )?' r'(array of )?([^\s]+) ([^\s]+)').match(line) if match: param = createItem({}, match.group(1), match.group(2), match.group(6)) if match.group(3): param['optional'] = True assignType(param, match.group(5), match.group(4), map_binary_to_string) if match.group(5) == 'enum': enumliterals = param['enum'] = [] subitems.append(param) continue match = re.compile(r'^ (parameters|returns|properties)').match(line) if match: subitems = item[match.group(1)] = [] continue match = re.compile(r'^ enum').match(line) if match: enumliterals = item['enum'] = [] continue match = re.compile(r'^version').match(line) if match: continue match = re.compile(r'^ major (\d+)').match(line) if match: protocol['version']['major'] = match.group(1) continue match = re.compile(r'^ minor (\d+)').match(line) if match: protocol['version']['minor'] = match.group(1) continue match = re.compile(r'^ redirect ([^\s]+)').match(line) if match: item['redirect'] = match.group(1) continue match = re.compile(r'^ ( )?[^\s]+$').match(line) if match: # enum literal enumliterals.append(trimLine) continue print('Error in %s:%s, illegal token: \t%s' % (file_name, i, line)) sys.exit(1) return protocol def loads(data, file_name, map_binary_to_string=False): if file_name.endswith(".pdl"): return parse(data, file_name, map_binary_to_string) return json.loads(data)