# Keep ARCore public-facing classes # This line from the ARCore SDK's .aar should not be needed when consuming ARCore SDK: # -keepparameternames # These are part of the Java <-> native interfaces for ARCore. -keepclasseswithmembernames,includedescriptorclasses class !com.google.ar.core.viewer.**, !com.google.ar.core.services.logging.**, !com.google.ar.sceneform.**, com.google.ar.** { native ; } # This line from the ARCore SDK's .aar should not be needed when consuming ARCore SDK: # -keep public class !com.google.ar.core.viewer.**, !com.google.ar.core**.R$*, !com.google.ar.core.services.logging.**, com.google.ar.core.** {*;} # If you need to build a library on top of arcore_client, and use this library for your project # Please un-comment this line below. # -keepattributes *Annotation* -keep class com.google.ar.core.annotations.UsedByNative -keep @com.google.ar.core.annotations.UsedByNative class * -keepclassmembers class * { @com.google.ar.core.annotations.UsedByNative *; } -keep class com.google.ar.core.annotations.UsedByReflection -keep @com.google.ar.core.annotations.UsedByReflection class * -keepclassmembers class * { @com.google.ar.core.annotations.UsedByReflection *; } # Keep Dynamite classes # .aidl file will be proguarded, we should keep all Aidls. # These lines from the ARCore SDK's .aar should not be needed when consuming ARCore SDK: # -keep class com.google.vr.dynamite.client.IObjectWrapper { *; } # -keep class com.google.vr.dynamite.client.ILoadedInstanceCreator { *; } # -keep class com.google.vr.dynamite.client.INativeLibraryLoader { *; } # Keep annotation files and the file got annotated. -keep class com.google.vr.dynamite.client.UsedByNative -keep @com.google.vr.dynamite.client.UsedByNative class * -keepclassmembers class * { @com.google.vr.dynamite.client.UsedByNative *; } -keep class com.google.vr.dynamite.client.UsedByReflection -keep @com.google.vr.dynamite.client.UsedByReflection class * -keepclassmembers class * { @com.google.vr.dynamite.client.UsedByReflection *; }