# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Utility script to run chromoting test driver tests on the Chromoting bot.""" from __future__ import print_function import argparse from chromoting_test_utilities import GetJidFromHostLog from chromoting_test_utilities import InitialiseTestMachineForLinux from chromoting_test_utilities import MAX_RETRIES from chromoting_test_utilities import PrintHostLogContents from chromoting_test_utilities import PROD_DIR_ID from chromoting_test_utilities import RunCommandInSubProcess from chromoting_test_utilities import TestCaseSetup from chromoting_test_utilities import TestMachineCleanup TEST_ENVIRONMENT_TEAR_DOWN_INDICATOR = 'Global test environment tear-down' FAILED_INDICATOR = '[ FAILED ]' def LaunchCTDCommand(args, command): """Launches the specified chromoting test driver command. Args: args: Command line args, used for test-case startup tasks. command: Chromoting Test Driver command line. Returns: command, host_log_file_names: Tuple of: "command" if there was a test-environment failure, or any failing test, and list of host-log file-names. """ host_log_file_names = [] host_log_file_names.append(TestCaseSetup(args)) # Parse the me2me host log to obtain the JID that the host registered. host_jid = GetJidFromHostLog(host_log_file_names[-1]) if not host_jid: # Host-JID not found in log. Let's not attempt to run this test. print('Host-JID not found in log %s.' % host_log_file_names[-1]) return '[Command failed]: %s, %s' % (command, host_log_file_names) retries = 0 failed_tests_list = [] # TODO(anandc): Remove this retry-logic once http://crbug/570840 is fixed. while retries <= MAX_RETRIES: # In order to ensure the host is online with the expected JID, pass in the # jid obtained from the host-log as a command-line parameter. command = command.replace('\n', '') + ' --hostjid=%s' % host_jid results = RunCommandInSubProcess(command) tear_down_index = results.find(TEST_ENVIRONMENT_TEAR_DOWN_INDICATOR) if tear_down_index == -1: # The test environment did not tear down. Something went horribly wrong. return '[Command failed]: ' + command, host_log_file_names end_results_list = results[tear_down_index:].split('\n') test_failed = False for result in end_results_list: if result.startswith(FAILED_INDICATOR): test_failed = True if retries == MAX_RETRIES: # Test failed and we have no more retries left. failed_tests_list.append(result) if test_failed: retries += 1 else: break if failed_tests_list: test_result = '[Command]: ' + command # Note: Skipping the first one is intentional. for i in range(1, len(failed_tests_list)): test_result += ' ' + failed_tests_list[i] return test_result, host_log_file_names # All tests passed! return '', host_log_file_names def main(args): InitialiseTestMachineForLinux(args.cfg_file) failed_tests = '' host_log_files = [] with open(args.commands_file) as f: for line in f: # Replace the PROD_DIR value in the command-line with # the passed in value. line = line.replace(PROD_DIR_ID, args.prod_dir) # Launch specified command line for test. test_results, log_files = LaunchCTDCommand(args, line) failed_tests += test_results host_log_files.extend(log_files) # All tests completed. Include host-logs in the test results. PrintHostLogContents(host_log_files) return failed_tests, host_log_files if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-f', '--commands_file', help='path to file listing commands to be launched.') parser.add_argument('-p', '--prod_dir', help='path to folder having product and test binaries.') parser.add_argument('-c', '--cfg_file', help='path to test host config file.') parser.add_argument('--me2me_manifest_file', help='path to me2me host manifest file.') parser.add_argument('--it2me_manifest_file', help='path to it2me host manifest file.') parser.add_argument( '-u', '--user_profile_dir', help='path to user-profile-dir, used by connect-to-host tests.') command_line_args = parser.parse_args() host_logs = '' failing_tests = '' try: failing_tests, host_logs = main(command_line_args) if failing_tests: print('++++++++++FAILED TESTS++++++++++') print(failing_tests.rstrip('\n')) print('++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++') raise Exception('At least one test failed.') finally: # Stop host and cleanup user-profile-dir. TestMachineCleanup(command_line_args.user_profile_dir, host_logs)