// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. syntax = "proto2"; option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; package remoting.protocol; // Composite message type for messages sent over the remote-open-url data // channel. // Next ID: 3 message RemoteOpenUrl { // Message sent requesting the remote end to open |url|. // Next ID: 3 message OpenUrlRequest { // An ID used to associate the request with the response. optional uint64 id = 1; // The URL to be opened by the remote end. optional string url = 2; } // Message sent from the remote end to the requester. // Next ID: 3 message OpenUrlResponse { // An ID used to associate the request with the response. optional uint64 id = 1; // The outcome of opening the URL remotely. // Must be synced with remoting/host/mojom/remote_url_opener.mojom // Next ID: 4 enum Result { UNSPECIFIED_OPEN_URL_RESULT = 0; // The URL was successfully opened. SUCCESS = 1; // The URL failed to open, and the requester should not try to open the // URL locally. FAILURE = 2; // The remote end has decided that the URL should be opened locally by the // requester. LOCAL_FALLBACK = 3; } // The result of opening the URL remotely. optional Result result = 2; } oneof message { OpenUrlRequest open_url_request = 1; OpenUrlResponse open_url_response = 2; } }