# Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//build/config/coverage/coverage.gni") import("//build/config/python.gni") group("orchestrator_all") { data_deps = [ # blink merge scripts the Orchestrator needs to merge blink test results ":blink_merge_web_test_results_py", ":blinkpy_merge_results_py", # merge scripts the Orchestrator needs to merge test results and coverage # profile information ":code_coverage_merge_results_py", ":code_coverage_merge_steps_py", ":process_perf_results_py", ":standard_gtest_merge_py", ":standard_isolated_script_merge_py", ] if (is_android) { data_deps += [ "//build/android:test_result_presentations_py" ] } data = [ # Various merge/collect scripts will likely need a venv specified in # the root vpython spec files. "//.vpython3", # Test specs the Orchestrator needs to trigger swarming tests "//testing/buildbot/*.json", ] # Orchestrator will run this script to curl for the coverage tool, which # merges and outputs coverage data if (use_clang_coverage) { data += [ "//tools/clang/scripts/update.py" ] } if (use_jacoco_coverage) { data += [ "//third_party/jacoco/lib/jacococli.jar" ] data_deps += [ "//third_party/jdk:java_data" ] } write_runtime_deps = "$root_out_dir/orchestrator_all.runtime_deps" } # blink merge scripts pydeps files for the Orchestrator python_library("blink_merge_web_test_results_py") { pydeps_file = "//third_party/blink/tools/merge_web_test_results.pydeps" } python_library("blinkpy_merge_results_py") { pydeps_file = "//third_party/blink/tools/blinkpy/web_tests/merge_results.pydeps" } # pydeps files for merge scripts needed by the Orchestrator python_library("standard_isolated_script_merge_py") { pydeps_file = "//testing/merge_scripts/standard_isolated_script_merge.pydeps" } python_library("standard_gtest_merge_py") { pydeps_file = "//testing/merge_scripts/standard_gtest_merge.pydeps" } python_library("code_coverage_merge_results_py") { pydeps_file = "//testing/merge_scripts/code_coverage/merge_results.pydeps" } python_library("code_coverage_merge_steps_py") { pydeps_file = "//testing/merge_scripts/code_coverage/merge_steps.pydeps" } python_library("process_perf_results_py") { pydeps_file = "//tools/perf/process_perf_results.pydeps" # Telemetry fails if catapult's vendored libs aren't present on the # filesystem. But since process_perf_results.py doesn't ever import any of # them, build/print_python_deps.py doesn't detect them. So to appease # telemetry, just add the needed dirs directly. data = [ "//third_party/catapult/telemetry/third_party/", "//third_party/catapult/third_party/six/", ] }