# Creating WebUI Interfaces in `components/` To create a WebUI interface in `components/` you need to follow different steps from [Creating WebUI Interfaces in `chrome/`](https://www.chromium.org/developers/webui). This guide is specific to creating a WebUI interface in `src/components/`. It is based on the steps I went through to create the WebUI infrastructure for chrome://safe-browsing in 'src/components/safe_browsing/content/browser/web_ui/'. [TOC] ## Creating the WebUI page WebUI resources in `components/` will be added in your specific project folder. Create a project folder `src/components/hello_world/`. When creating WebUI resources, follow the [Web Development Style Guide](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/main/styleguide/web/web.md). For a sample WebUI page you could start with the following files: `src/components/hello_world/hello_world.html:` ```html $i18n{helloWorldTitle}


``` `src/components/hello_world/hello_world.css:` ```css p { white-space: pre-wrap; } ``` `src/components/hello_world/hello_world.js:` ```js cr.define('hello_world', function() { 'use strict'; /** * Be polite and insert translated hello world strings for the user on loading. */ function initialize() { $('welcome-message').textContent = loadTimeData.getStringF('welcomeMessage', loadTimeData.getString('userName')); } // Return an object with all of the exports. return { initialize: initialize, }; }); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', hello_world.initialize); ``` ## Adding the resources Resource files are specified in a `.grdp` file. Here's our `components/resources/hello_world_resources.grdp`: ```xml ``` Add the created file in `components/resources/dev_ui_components_resources.grd`: ```xml + ``` ## Adding URL constants for the new chrome URL Create the `constants.cc` and `constants.h` files to add the URL constants. This is where you will add the URL or URL's which will be directed to your new resources. `src/components/hello_world/constants.cc:` ```c++ const char kChromeUIHelloWorldURL[] = "chrome://hello-world/"; const char kChromeUIHelloWorldHost[] = "hello-world"; ``` `src/components/hello_world/constants.h:` ```c++ extern const char kChromeUIHelloWorldURL[]; extern const char kChromeUIHelloWorldHost[]; ``` ## Adding localized strings We need a few string resources for translated strings to work on the new resource. The welcome message contains a variable with a sample value so that it can be accurately translated. Create a new file `components/hello_world_strings.grdp`. You can add the messages as follow: ```xml Hello World! Welcome to this fancy Hello World page $1Chromium User! ``` Add the created file in `components/components_strings.grd`: ```xml + ``` ## Adding a WebUI class for handling requests to the chrome://hello-world/ URL Next we need a class to handle requests to this new resource URL. Typically this will subclass `ChromeWebUI` (but WebUI dialogs should subclass `HtmlDialogUI` instead). `src/components/hello_world/hello_world_ui.h:` ```c++ #ifndef COMPONENTS_HELLO_WORLD_HELLO_WORLD_UI_H_ #define COMPONENTS_HELLO_WORLD_HELLO_WORLD_UI_H_ #pragma once #include "content/public/browser/web_ui_controller.h" // The WebUI for chrome://hello-world class HelloWorldUI : public content::WebUIController { public: explicit HelloWorldUI(content::WebUI* web_ui); HelloWorldUI(const HelloWorldUI&) = delete; HelloWorldUI& operator=(const HelloWorldUI&) = delete; ~HelloWorldUI() override; private: }; #endif // COMPONENTS_HELLO_WORLD_HELLO_WORLD_UI_H_ ``` `src/components/hello_world/hello_world_ui.cc:` ```c++ #include "components/hello_world/hello_world_ui.h" #include "components/grit/components_scaled_resources.h" #include "components/grit/dev_ui_components_resources.h" #include "components/hello_world/constants.h" #include "components/strings/grit/components_strings.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_context.h" #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h" #include "content/public/browser/web_ui.h" #include "content/public/browser/web_ui_data_source.h" HelloWorldUI::HelloWorldUI(content::WebUI* web_ui) : content::WebUIController(web_ui) { // Set up the chrome://hello-world source. content::WebUIDataSource* html_source = content::WebUIDataSource::Create(chrome::kChromeUIHelloWorldHost); // Localized strings. static constexpr webui::LocalizedString kStrings[] = { {"helloWorldTitle", IDS_HELLO_WORLD_TITLE}, {"welcomeMessage", IDS_HELLO_WORLD_WELCOME_TEXT}, }; html_source->AddLocalizedStrings(kStrings); // As a demonstration of passing a variable for JS to use we pass in the name "Bob". html_source->AddString("userName", "Bob"); html_source->UseStringsJs(); // Add required resources. static constexpr webui::ResourcePath kResources[] = { {"hello_world.html", IDR_HELLO_WORLD_HTML}, {"hello_world.css", IDR_HELLO_WORLD_CSS}, {"hello_world.js", IDR_HELLO_WORLD_JS}, }; source->AddResourcePaths(kResources); html_source->SetDefaultResource(IDR_HELLO_WORLD_HTML); content::BrowserContext* browser_context = web_ui->GetWebContents()->GetBrowserContext(); content::WebUIDataSource::Add(browser_context, html_source); } HelloWorldUI::~HelloWorldUI() { } ``` ## Adding new sources to Chrome In order for your new class to be built and linked, you need to update the `BUILD.gn` and DEPS files. Create `src/components/hello_world/BUILD.gn:` ``` sources = [ "hello_world_ui.cc", "hello_world_ui.h", ... ``` and `src/components/hello_world/DEPS:` ``` include_rules = [ "+components/strings/grit/components_strings.h", "+components/grit/components_scaled_resources.h" "+components/grit/dev_ui_components_resources.h", ] ``` ## Adding your WebUI request handler to the Chrome WebUI factory The Chrome WebUI factory is where you setup your new request handler. `src/chrome/browser/ui/webui/chrome_web_ui_controller_factory.cc:` ```c++ + #include "components/hello_world/hello_world_ui.h" + #include "components/hello_world/constants.h" ... + if (url.host() == chrome::kChromeUIHelloWorldHost) + return &NewWebUI; ``` ## Testing You're done! Assuming no errors (because everyone gets their code perfect the first time) you should be able to compile and run chrome and navigate to `chrome://hello-world/` and see your nifty welcome text! ## Adding a callback handler You probably want your new WebUI page to be able to do something or get information from the C++ world. For this, we use message callback handlers. Let's say that we don't trust the Javascript engine to be able to add two integers together (since we know that it uses floating point values internally). We could add a callback handler to perform integer arithmetic for us. `src/components/hello_world/hello_world_ui.h:` ```c++ #include "base/values.h" #include "content/public/browser/web_ui.h" // The WebUI for chrome://hello-world ... // Set up the chrome://hello-world source. content::WebUIDataSource* html_source = content::WebUIDataSource::Create(hello_world::kChromeUIHelloWorldHost); + + // Register callback handler. + RegisterMessageCallback("addNumbers", + base::BindRepeating(&HelloWorldUI::AddPositiveNumbers, + base::Unretained(this))); // Localized strings. ... virtual ~HelloWorldUI(); + + private: + // Add two positive numbers together using integer arithmetic. + void AddPositiveNumbers(base::Value::ConstListView args); }; ``` `src/components/hello_world/hello_world_ui.cc:` ```c++ #include "components/hello_world/hello_world_ui.h" + + #include "base/values.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_context.h" ... HelloWorldUI::~HelloWorldUI() { } + + void HelloWorldUI::AddPositiveNumbers(base::Value::ConstListView args) { + // IMPORTANT: Fully validate `args`. + CHECK_EQ(3u, args.size()); + int term1 = args[1].GetInt(); + CHECK_GT(term1, 0); + int term2 = args[2].GetInt(); + CHECK_GT(term2, 0); + base::FundamentalValue result(term1 + term2); + AllowJavascript(); + std::string callback_id = args[0].GetString(); + ResolveJavascriptCallback(base::Value(callback_id), result); + } ``` `src/components/hello_world/hello_world.js:` ```c++ function initialize() { + cr.sendWithPromise('addNumbers', [2, 2]).then((result) => + addResult(result)); } + + function addResult(result) { + alert('The result of our C++ arithmetic: 2 + 2 = ' + result); + } return { initialize: initialize, }; ``` You'll notice that the call is asynchronous. We must wait for the C++ side to call our Javascript function to get the result. ## Creating a WebUI Dialog Some pages have many messages or share code that sends messages. To make possible message handling and/or to create a WebUI dialogue `c++->js` and `js->c++`, follow the guide in [WebUI Explainer](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/main/docs/webui_explainer.md). ## DevUI Pages DevUI pages are WebUI pages intended for developers, and unlikely used by most users. An example is `chrome://bluetooth-internals`. On Android Chrome, these pages are moved to a separate [Dynamic Feature Module (DFM)](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/main/docs/android_dynamic_feature_modules.md) to reduce binary size. Most WebUI pages are DevUI. This is why in this doc uses `dev_ui_components_resources.{grd, h}` in its examples. `components/` resources that are intended for end users are associated with `components_resources.{grd, h}` and `components_scaled_resorces.{grd, h}`. Use these in place of or inadditional to `dev_ui_components_resources.{grd, h}` if needed.