# Chrome Speed Operations Chrome Speed Operations provides tools, framework, and infrastructure to track Chrome's performance and guide optimizations to Chrome. TPM: ushesh@chromium.org Speed Operations consists of 3 teams, working in tandem: ## Benchmarking The Benchmarking team provides: * A set of [opinionated benchmarking frameworks](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ni2MIeVnlH4bTj4yvEDMVNxgL73PqK_O9_NUm3NW3BA/edit) that make it easy for Chromium developers to add benchmarks for the areas of Chrome performance important to them. * A [perf waterfall](perf_waterfall.md) to run these benchmarks on our continuous build on a dozen real device types, on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android. TL: johnchen@chromium.org ## Speed Tooling The [Speed Tooling](chrome_speed_tooling.md) team provides: * The [Chrome performance dashboard](https://chromeperf.appspot.com), which stores performance timeseries and related debugging data. The dashboard automatically detects regressions in these timeseries and has integration with Chromium's bug tracker for easy tracking. * Tools for [bisecting regressions](bisects.md) on our continuous build down to an exact culprit CL. * A [performance try job service](perf_trybots.md) which allows chromium developers to run benchmarks on unsubmitted CLs using the same hardware we use in the continuous build. TL: dberris@chromium.org ## Releasing and System Health The releasing team provides: * Tracking of all performance regressions seen in user-visible performance both in the wild and in the lab. * A per-milestone report on Chrome's performance. * Recommendations about lab hardware and new test scenarios. * Management of performance sheriff rotations. TPM: ushesh@chromium.org