# Working with Restrictive Networks ChromeOS login supports letting the user connect to a restricted network, such as one that has a captive portal (e.g. a terms of service screen). Testing on a restricted network can be tricky. The most robust way to test is to actually connect your device to a restricted network, but this can greatly slow iteration time. An alternative is to run chrome locally with `--proxy-server` and run a proxy HTTP server locally that emulates the restricted network. ## go-authproxy [go-authproxy](https://github.com/jacobdufault/go-authproxy) is a proxy that implements HTTP basic authentication and supports serving a captive portal. To require HTTP basic authentication ```sh # terminal A $ go-authproxy -basic-auth user:pass # interrupt (e.g. ) to shutdown # terminal B $ chrome --proxy-server="" ``` To show a captive portal ```sh # terminal A $ go-authproxy -captive-portal # interrupt (e.g. ) to shutdown # terminal B $ chrome --proxy-server="" ```