#!/usr/bin/env vpython3 # # Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import argparse import collections import json import logging import os import re import shutil import signal import socket import sys import tempfile import six # The following non-std imports are fetched via vpython. See the list at # //.vpython import dateutil.parser # pylint: disable=import-error import jsonlines # pylint: disable=import-error import psutil # pylint: disable=import-error CHROMIUM_SRC_PATH = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..')) # Use the android test-runner's gtest results support library for generating # output json ourselves. sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(CHROMIUM_SRC_PATH, 'build', 'android')) from pylib.base import base_test_result # pylint: disable=import-error from pylib.results import json_results # pylint: disable=import-error sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(CHROMIUM_SRC_PATH, 'build', 'util')) from lib.results import result_sink # pylint: disable=import-error assert not six.PY2, 'Py2 not supported for this file.' import subprocess # pylint: disable=import-error,wrong-import-order DEFAULT_CROS_CACHE = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(CHROMIUM_SRC_PATH, 'build', 'cros_cache')) CHROMITE_PATH = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(CHROMIUM_SRC_PATH, 'third_party', 'chromite')) CROS_RUN_TEST_PATH = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(CHROMITE_PATH, 'bin', 'cros_run_test')) LACROS_LAUNCHER_SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(CHROMIUM_SRC_PATH, 'build', 'lacros', 'mojo_connection_lacros_launcher.py')) # This is a special hostname that resolves to a different DUT in the lab # depending on which lab machine you're on. LAB_DUT_HOSTNAME = 'variable_chromeos_device_hostname' SYSTEM_LOG_LOCATIONS = [ '/home/chronos/crash/', '/var/log/chrome/', '/var/log/messages', '/var/log/ui/', ] TAST_DEBUG_DOC = 'https://bit.ly/2LgvIXz' class TestFormatError(Exception): pass class RemoteTest: # This is a basic shell script that can be appended to in order to invoke the # test on the device. BASIC_SHELL_SCRIPT = [ '#!/bin/sh', # /home and /tmp are mounted with "noexec" in the device, but some of our # tools and tests use those dirs as a workspace (eg: vpython downloads # python binaries to ~/.vpython-root and /tmp/vpython_bootstrap). # /usr/local/tmp doesn't have this restriction, so change the location of # the home and temp dirs for the duration of the test. 'export HOME=/usr/local/tmp', 'export TMPDIR=/usr/local/tmp', ] def __init__(self, args, unknown_args): self._additional_args = unknown_args self._path_to_outdir = args.path_to_outdir self._test_launcher_summary_output = args.test_launcher_summary_output self._logs_dir = args.logs_dir self._use_vm = args.use_vm self._rdb_client = result_sink.TryInitClient() self._retries = 0 self._timeout = None self._test_launcher_shard_index = args.test_launcher_shard_index self._test_launcher_total_shards = args.test_launcher_total_shards # The location on disk of a shell script that can be optionally used to # invoke the test on the device. If it's not set, we assume self._test_cmd # contains the test invocation. self._on_device_script = None self._test_cmd = [ CROS_RUN_TEST_PATH, '--board', args.board, '--cache-dir', args.cros_cache, ] if args.use_vm: self._test_cmd += [ '--start', # Don't persist any filesystem changes after the VM shutsdown. '--copy-on-write', ] else: self._test_cmd += [ '--device', args.device if args.device else LAB_DUT_HOSTNAME ] if args.logs_dir: for log in SYSTEM_LOG_LOCATIONS: self._test_cmd += ['--results-src', log] self._test_cmd += [ '--results-dest-dir', os.path.join(args.logs_dir, 'system_logs') ] if args.flash: self._test_cmd += ['--flash'] if args.public_image: self._test_cmd += ['--public-image'] self._test_env = setup_env() @property def suite_name(self): raise NotImplementedError('Child classes need to define suite name.') @property def test_cmd(self): return self._test_cmd def write_test_script_to_disk(self, script_contents): # Since we're using an on_device_script to invoke the test, we'll need to # set cwd. self._test_cmd += [ '--remote-cmd', '--cwd', os.path.relpath(self._path_to_outdir, CHROMIUM_SRC_PATH), ] logging.info('Running the following command on the device:') logging.info('\n%s', '\n'.join(script_contents)) fd, tmp_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.sh', dir=self._path_to_outdir) os.fchmod(fd, 0o755) with os.fdopen(fd, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(script_contents) + '\n') return tmp_path def run_test(self): # Traps SIGTERM and kills all child processes of cros_run_test when it's # caught. This will allow us to capture logs from the device if a test hangs # and gets timeout-killed by swarming. See also: # https://chromium.googlesource.com/infra/luci/luci-py/+/main/appengine/swarming/doc/Bot.md#graceful-termination_aka-the-sigterm-and-sigkill-dance test_proc = None def _kill_child_procs(trapped_signal, _): logging.warning('Received signal %d. Killing child processes of test.', trapped_signal) if not test_proc or not test_proc.pid: # This shouldn't happen? logging.error('Test process not running.') return for child in psutil.Process(test_proc.pid).children(): logging.warning('Killing process %s', child) child.kill() signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, _kill_child_procs) for i in range(self._retries + 1): logging.info('########################################') logging.info('Test attempt #%d', i) logging.info('########################################') test_proc = subprocess.Popen( self._test_cmd, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, env=self._test_env) try: test_proc.wait(timeout=self._timeout) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: # pylint: disable=no-member logging.error('Test timed out. Sending SIGTERM.') # SIGTERM the proc and wait 10s for it to close. test_proc.terminate() try: test_proc.wait(timeout=10) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: # pylint: disable=no-member # If it hasn't closed in 10s, SIGKILL it. logging.error('Test did not exit in time. Sending SIGKILL.') test_proc.kill() test_proc.wait() logging.info('Test exitted with %d.', test_proc.returncode) if test_proc.returncode == 0: break self.post_run(test_proc.returncode) # Allow post_run to override test proc return code. (Useful when the host # side Tast bin returns 0 even for failed tests.) return test_proc.returncode def post_run(self, return_code): if self._on_device_script: os.remove(self._on_device_script) # Create a simple json results file for a test run. The results will contain # only one test (suite_name), and will either be a PASS or FAIL depending on # return_code. if self._test_launcher_summary_output: result = ( base_test_result.ResultType.FAIL if return_code else base_test_result.ResultType.PASS) suite_result = base_test_result.BaseTestResult(self.suite_name, result) run_results = base_test_result.TestRunResults() run_results.AddResult(suite_result) with open(self._test_launcher_summary_output, 'w') as f: json.dump(json_results.GenerateResultsDict([run_results]), f) if self._rdb_client: self._rdb_client.Post(self.suite_name, result, None, None, None) @staticmethod def get_artifacts(path): """Crawls a given directory for file artifacts to attach to a test. Args: path: Path to a directory to search for artifacts. Returns: A dict mapping name of the artifact to its absolute filepath. """ artifacts = {} for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(path): for f in filenames: artifact_path = os.path.join(dirpath, f) artifact_id = os.path.relpath(artifact_path, path) # Some artifacts will have non-Latin characters in the filename, eg: # 'ui_tree_Chinese Pinyin-你好.txt'. ResultDB's API rejects such # characters as an artifact ID, so force the file name down into ascii. # For more info, see: # https://source.chromium.org/chromium/infra/infra/+/main:go/src/go.chromium.org/luci/resultdb/proto/v1/artifact.proto;drc=3bff13b8037ca76ec19f9810033d914af7ec67cb;l=46 artifact_id = artifact_id.encode('ascii', 'replace').decode() artifact_id = artifact_id.replace('\\', '?') artifacts[artifact_id] = { 'filePath': artifact_path, } return artifacts class TastTest(RemoteTest): def __init__(self, args, unknown_args): super().__init__(args, unknown_args) self._suite_name = args.suite_name self._tast_vars = args.tast_vars self._tests = args.tests # The CQ passes in '--gtest_filter' when specifying tests to skip. Store it # here and parse it later to integrate it into Tast executions. self._gtest_style_filter = args.gtest_filter self._attr_expr = args.attr_expr self._should_strip = args.strip_chrome self._deploy_lacros = args.deploy_lacros if self._deploy_lacros and self._should_strip: raise TestFormatError( '--strip-chrome is only applicable to ash-chrome because ' 'lacros-chrome deployment uses --nostrip by default, so it cannot ' 'be specificed with --deploy-lacros.') if not self._logs_dir: # The host-side Tast bin returns 0 when tests fail, so we need to capture # and parse its json results to reliably determine if tests fail. raise TestFormatError( 'When using the host-side Tast bin, "--logs-dir" must be passed in ' 'order to parse its results.') # If the first test filter is negative, it should be safe to assume all of # them are, so just test the first filter. if self._gtest_style_filter and self._gtest_style_filter[0] == '-': raise TestFormatError('Negative test filters not supported for Tast.') @property def suite_name(self): return self._suite_name def build_test_command(self): unsupported_args = [ '--test-launcher-retry-limit', '--test-launcher-batch-limit', '--gtest_repeat', ] for unsupported_arg in unsupported_args: if any(arg.startswith(unsupported_arg) for arg in self._additional_args): logging.info( '%s not supported for Tast tests. The arg will be ignored.', unsupported_arg) self._additional_args = [ arg for arg in self._additional_args if not arg.startswith(unsupported_arg) ] # Lacros deployment mounts itself by default. self._test_cmd.extend([ '--deploy-lacros', '--lacros-launcher-script', LACROS_LAUNCHER_SCRIPT_PATH ] if self._deploy_lacros else ['--deploy', '--mount']) self._test_cmd += [ '--build-dir', os.path.relpath(self._path_to_outdir, CHROMIUM_SRC_PATH) ] + self._additional_args # Capture tast's results in the logs dir as well. if self._logs_dir: self._test_cmd += [ '--results-dir', self._logs_dir, ] self._test_cmd += [ '--tast-total-shards=%d' % self._test_launcher_total_shards, '--tast-shard-index=%d' % self._test_launcher_shard_index, ] # If we're using a test filter, replace the contents of the Tast # conditional with a long list of "name:test" expressions, one for each # test in the filter. if self._gtest_style_filter: if self._attr_expr or self._tests: logging.warning( 'Presence of --gtest_filter will cause the specified Tast expr' ' or test list to be ignored.') names = [] for test in self._gtest_style_filter.split(':'): names.append('"name:%s"' % test) self._attr_expr = '(' + ' || '.join(names) + ')' if self._attr_expr: # Don't use pipes.quote() here. Something funky happens with the arg # as it gets passed down from cros_run_test to tast. (Tast picks up the # escaping single quotes and complains that the attribute expression # "must be within parentheses".) self._test_cmd.append('--tast=%s' % self._attr_expr) else: self._test_cmd.append('--tast') self._test_cmd.extend(self._tests) for v in self._tast_vars or []: self._test_cmd.extend(['--tast-var', v]) # Mounting ash-chrome gives it enough disk space to not need stripping, # but only for one not instrumented with code coverage. # Lacros uses --nostrip by default, so there is no need to specify. if not self._deploy_lacros and not self._should_strip: self._test_cmd.append('--nostrip') def post_run(self, return_code): tast_results_path = os.path.join(self._logs_dir, 'streamed_results.jsonl') if not os.path.exists(tast_results_path): logging.error( 'Tast results not found at %s. Falling back to generic result ' 'reporting.', tast_results_path) return super().post_run(return_code) # See the link below for the format of the results: # https://godoc.org/chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/platform/tast.git/src/chromiumos/cmd/tast/run#TestResult with jsonlines.open(tast_results_path) as reader: tast_results = collections.deque(reader) suite_results = base_test_result.TestRunResults() for test in tast_results: errors = test['errors'] start, end = test['start'], test['end'] # Use dateutil to parse the timestamps since datetime can't handle # nanosecond precision. duration = dateutil.parser.parse(end) - dateutil.parser.parse(start) # If the duration is negative, Tast has likely reported an incorrect # duration. See https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/187973541. Round # up to 0 in that case to avoid confusing RDB. duration_ms = max(duration.total_seconds() * 1000, 0) if bool(test['skipReason']): result = base_test_result.ResultType.SKIP elif errors: result = base_test_result.ResultType.FAIL else: result = base_test_result.ResultType.PASS primary_error_message = None error_log = '' if errors: # See the link below for the format of these errors: # https://source.chromium.org/chromiumos/chromiumos/codesearch/+/main:src/platform/tast/src/chromiumos/tast/cmd/tast/internal/run/resultsjson/resultsjson.go primary_error_message = errors[0]['reason'] for err in errors: error_log += err['stack'] + '\n' debug_link = ("If you're unsure why this test failed, consult the steps " 'outlined here.' % TAST_DEBUG_DOC) base_result = base_test_result.BaseTestResult( test['name'], result, duration=duration_ms, log=error_log) suite_results.AddResult(base_result) self._maybe_handle_perf_results(test['name']) if self._rdb_client: # Walk the contents of the test's "outDir" and atttach any file found # inside as an RDB 'artifact'. (This could include system logs, screen # shots, etc.) artifacts = self.get_artifacts(test['outDir']) self._rdb_client.Post( test['name'], result, duration_ms, error_log, None, artifacts=artifacts, failure_reason=primary_error_message, html_artifact=debug_link) if self._rdb_client and self._logs_dir: # Attach artifacts from the device that don't apply to a single test. artifacts = self.get_artifacts( os.path.join(self._logs_dir, 'system_logs')) artifacts.update( self.get_artifacts(os.path.join(self._logs_dir, 'crashes'))) self._rdb_client.ReportInvocationLevelArtifacts(artifacts) if self._test_launcher_summary_output: with open(self._test_launcher_summary_output, 'w') as f: json.dump(json_results.GenerateResultsDict([suite_results]), f) if not suite_results.DidRunPass(): return 1 if return_code: logging.warning( 'No failed tests found, but exit code of %d was returned from ' 'cros_run_test.', return_code) return return_code return 0 def _maybe_handle_perf_results(self, test_name): """Prepares any perf results from |test_name| for process_perf_results. - process_perf_results looks for top level directories containing a perf_results.json file and a test_results.json file. The directory names are used as the benchmark names. - If a perf_results.json or results-chart.json file exists in the |test_name| results directory, a top level directory is created and the perf results file is copied to perf_results.json. - A trivial test_results.json file is also created to indicate that the test succeeded (this function would not be called otherwise). - When process_perf_results is run, it will find the expected files in the named directory and upload the benchmark results. """ perf_results = os.path.join(self._logs_dir, 'tests', test_name, 'perf_results.json') # TODO(stevenjb): Remove check for crosbolt results-chart.json file. if not os.path.exists(perf_results): perf_results = os.path.join(self._logs_dir, 'tests', test_name, 'results-chart.json') if os.path.exists(perf_results): benchmark_dir = os.path.join(self._logs_dir, test_name) if not os.path.isdir(benchmark_dir): os.makedirs(benchmark_dir) shutil.copyfile(perf_results, os.path.join(benchmark_dir, 'perf_results.json')) # process_perf_results.py expects a test_results.json file. test_results = {'valid': True, 'failures': []} with open(os.path.join(benchmark_dir, 'test_results.json'), 'w') as out: json.dump(test_results, out) class GTestTest(RemoteTest): # The following list corresponds to paths that should not be copied over to # the device during tests. In other words, these files are only ever used on # the host. _FILE_IGNORELIST = [ re.compile(r'.*build/android.*'), re.compile(r'.*build/chromeos.*'), re.compile(r'.*build/cros_cache.*'), # The following matches anything under //testing/ that isn't under # //testing/buildbot/filters/. re.compile(r'.*testing/(?!buildbot/filters).*'), re.compile(r'.*third_party/chromite.*'), ] def __init__(self, args, unknown_args): super().__init__(args, unknown_args) self._test_exe = args.test_exe self._runtime_deps_path = args.runtime_deps_path self._vpython_dir = args.vpython_dir self._on_device_script = None self._env_vars = args.env_var self._stop_ui = args.stop_ui self._trace_dir = args.trace_dir @property def suite_name(self): return self._test_exe def build_test_command(self): # To keep things easy for us, ensure both types of output locations are # the same. if self._test_launcher_summary_output and self._logs_dir: json_out_dir = os.path.dirname(self._test_launcher_summary_output) or '.' if os.path.abspath(json_out_dir) != os.path.abspath(self._logs_dir): raise TestFormatError( '--test-launcher-summary-output and --logs-dir must point to ' 'the same directory.') if self._test_launcher_summary_output: result_dir, result_file = os.path.split( self._test_launcher_summary_output) # If args.test_launcher_summary_output is a file in cwd, result_dir will # be an empty string, so replace it with '.' when this is the case so # cros_run_test can correctly handle it. if not result_dir: result_dir = '.' device_result_file = '/tmp/%s' % result_file self._test_cmd += [ '--results-src', device_result_file, '--results-dest-dir', result_dir, ] if self._trace_dir and self._logs_dir: trace_path = os.path.dirname(self._trace_dir) or '.' if os.path.abspath(trace_path) != os.path.abspath(self._logs_dir): raise TestFormatError( '--trace-dir and --logs-dir must point to the same directory.') if self._trace_dir: trace_path, trace_dirname = os.path.split(self._trace_dir) device_trace_dir = '/tmp/%s' % trace_dirname self._test_cmd += [ '--results-src', device_trace_dir, '--results-dest-dir', trace_path, ] # Build the shell script that will be used on the device to invoke the test. # Stored here as a list of lines. device_test_script_contents = self.BASIC_SHELL_SCRIPT[:] for var_name, var_val in self._env_vars: device_test_script_contents += ['export %s=%s' % (var_name, var_val)] if self._vpython_dir: vpython_path = os.path.join(self._path_to_outdir, self._vpython_dir, 'vpython3') cpython_path = os.path.join(self._path_to_outdir, self._vpython_dir, 'bin', 'python3') if not os.path.exists(vpython_path) or not os.path.exists(cpython_path): raise TestFormatError( '--vpython-dir must point to a dir with both ' 'infra/3pp/tools/cpython3 and infra/tools/luci/vpython installed.') vpython_spec_path = os.path.relpath( os.path.join(CHROMIUM_SRC_PATH, '.vpython3'), self._path_to_outdir) # Initialize the vpython cache. This can take 10-20s, and some tests # can't afford to wait that long on the first invocation. device_test_script_contents.extend([ 'export PATH=$PWD/%s:$PWD/%s/bin/:$PATH' % (self._vpython_dir, self._vpython_dir), 'vpython3 -vpython-spec %s -vpython-tool install' % (vpython_spec_path), ]) test_invocation = ('LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./ ./%s --test-launcher-shard-index=%d ' '--test-launcher-total-shards=%d' % (self._test_exe, self._test_launcher_shard_index, self._test_launcher_total_shards)) if self._test_launcher_summary_output: test_invocation += ' --test-launcher-summary-output=%s' % ( device_result_file) if self._trace_dir: device_test_script_contents.extend([ 'rm -rf %s' % device_trace_dir, 'su chronos -c -- "mkdir -p %s"' % device_trace_dir, ]) test_invocation += ' --trace-dir=%s' % device_trace_dir if self._additional_args: test_invocation += ' %s' % ' '.join(self._additional_args) if self._stop_ui: device_test_script_contents += [ 'stop ui', ] # The UI service on the device owns the chronos user session, so shutting # it down as chronos kills the entire execution of the test. So we'll have # to run as root up until the test invocation. test_invocation = 'su chronos -c -- "%s"' % test_invocation # And we'll need to chown everything since cros_run_test's "--as-chronos" # option normally does that for us. device_test_script_contents.append('chown -R chronos: ../..') else: self._test_cmd += [ # Some tests fail as root, so run as the less privileged user # 'chronos'. '--as-chronos', ] device_test_script_contents.append(test_invocation) self._on_device_script = self.write_test_script_to_disk( device_test_script_contents) runtime_files = [os.path.relpath(self._on_device_script)] runtime_files += self._read_runtime_files() if self._vpython_dir: # --vpython-dir is relative to the out dir, but --files expects paths # relative to src dir, so fix the path up a bit. runtime_files.append( os.path.relpath( os.path.abspath( os.path.join(self._path_to_outdir, self._vpython_dir)), CHROMIUM_SRC_PATH)) for f in runtime_files: self._test_cmd.extend(['--files', f]) self._test_cmd += [ '--', './' + os.path.relpath(self._on_device_script, self._path_to_outdir) ] def _read_runtime_files(self): if not self._runtime_deps_path: return [] abs_runtime_deps_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(self._path_to_outdir, self._runtime_deps_path)) with open(abs_runtime_deps_path) as runtime_deps_file: files = [l.strip() for l in runtime_deps_file if l] rel_file_paths = [] for f in files: rel_file_path = os.path.relpath( os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self._path_to_outdir, f))) if not any(regex.match(rel_file_path) for regex in self._FILE_IGNORELIST): rel_file_paths.append(rel_file_path) return rel_file_paths def post_run(self, _): if self._on_device_script: os.remove(self._on_device_script) if self._test_launcher_summary_output and self._rdb_client: logging.error('Native ResultDB integration is not supported for GTests. ' 'Upload results via result_adapter instead. ' 'See crbug.com/1330441.') def device_test(args, unknown_args): # cros_run_test has trouble with relative paths that go up directories, # so cd to src/, which should be the root of all data deps. os.chdir(CHROMIUM_SRC_PATH) # TODO: Remove the above when depot_tool's pylint is updated to include the # fix to https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/710. if args.test_type == 'tast': test = TastTest(args, unknown_args) else: test = GTestTest(args, unknown_args) test.build_test_command() logging.info('Running the following command on the device:') logging.info(' '.join(test.test_cmd)) return test.run_test() def host_cmd(args, cmd_args): if not cmd_args: raise TestFormatError('Must specify command to run on the host.') if args.deploy_chrome and not args.path_to_outdir: raise TestFormatError( '--path-to-outdir must be specified if --deploy-chrome is passed.') cros_run_test_cmd = [ CROS_RUN_TEST_PATH, '--board', args.board, '--cache-dir', os.path.join(CHROMIUM_SRC_PATH, args.cros_cache), ] if args.use_vm: cros_run_test_cmd += [ '--start', # Don't persist any filesystem changes after the VM shutsdown. '--copy-on-write', ] else: cros_run_test_cmd += [ '--device', args.device if args.device else LAB_DUT_HOSTNAME ] if args.verbose: cros_run_test_cmd.append('--debug') if args.flash: cros_run_test_cmd.append('--flash') if args.public_image: cros_run_test_cmd += ['--public-image'] if args.logs_dir: for log in SYSTEM_LOG_LOCATIONS: cros_run_test_cmd += ['--results-src', log] cros_run_test_cmd += [ '--results-dest-dir', os.path.join(args.logs_dir, 'system_logs') ] test_env = setup_env() if args.deploy_chrome or args.deploy_lacros: if args.deploy_lacros: cros_run_test_cmd.extend([ '--deploy-lacros', '--lacros-launcher-script', LACROS_LAUNCHER_SCRIPT_PATH ]) else: # Mounting ash-chrome gives it enough disk space to not need stripping # most of the time. cros_run_test_cmd.extend(['--deploy', '--mount']) if not args.strip_chrome: cros_run_test_cmd.append('--nostrip') cros_run_test_cmd += [ '--build-dir', os.path.join(CHROMIUM_SRC_PATH, args.path_to_outdir) ] cros_run_test_cmd += [ '--host-cmd', '--', ] + cmd_args logging.info('Running the following command:') logging.info(' '.join(cros_run_test_cmd)) return subprocess.call( cros_run_test_cmd, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, env=test_env) def setup_env(): """Returns a copy of the current env with some needed vars added.""" env = os.environ.copy() # Some chromite scripts expect chromite/bin to be on PATH. env['PATH'] = env['PATH'] + ':' + os.path.join(CHROMITE_PATH, 'bin') # deploy_chrome needs a set of GN args used to build chrome to determine if # certain libraries need to be pushed to the device. It looks for the args via # an env var. To trigger the default deploying behavior, give it a dummy set # of args. # TODO(crbug.com/823996): Make the GN-dependent deps controllable via cmd # line args. if not env.get('GN_ARGS'): env['GN_ARGS'] = 'enable_nacl = true' if not env.get('USE'): env['USE'] = 'highdpi' return env def add_common_args(*parsers): for parser in parsers: parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true') parser.add_argument( '--board', type=str, required=True, help='Type of CrOS device.') parser.add_argument( '--cros-cache', type=str, default=DEFAULT_CROS_CACHE, help='Path to cros cache.') parser.add_argument( '--path-to-outdir', type=str, required=True, help='Path to output directory, all of whose contents will be ' 'deployed to the device.') parser.add_argument( '--runtime-deps-path', type=str, help='Runtime data dependency file from GN.') parser.add_argument( '--vpython-dir', type=str, help='Location on host of a directory containing a vpython binary to ' 'deploy to the device before the test starts. The location of ' 'this dir will be added onto PATH in the device. WARNING: The ' 'arch of the device might not match the arch of the host, so ' 'avoid using "${platform}" when downloading vpython via CIPD.') parser.add_argument( '--logs-dir', type=str, dest='logs_dir', help='Will copy everything under /var/log/ from the device after the ' 'test into the specified dir.') # Shard args are parsed here since we might also specify them via env vars. parser.add_argument( '--test-launcher-shard-index', type=int, default=os.environ.get('GTEST_SHARD_INDEX', 0), help='Index of the external shard to run.') parser.add_argument( '--test-launcher-total-shards', type=int, default=os.environ.get('GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS', 1), help='Total number of external shards.') parser.add_argument( '--flash', action='store_true', help='Will flash the device to the current SDK version before running ' 'the test.') parser.add_argument( '--public-image', action='store_true', help='Will flash a public "full" image to the device.') vm_or_device_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() vm_or_device_group.add_argument( '--use-vm', action='store_true', help='Will run the test in the VM instead of a device.') vm_or_device_group.add_argument( '--device', type=str, help='Hostname (or IP) of device to run the test on. This arg is not ' 'required if --use-vm is set.') def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='test_type') # Host-side test args. host_cmd_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'host-cmd', help='Runs a host-side test. Pass the host-side command to run after ' '"--". If --use-vm is passed, hostname and port for the device ' 'will be') host_cmd_parser.set_defaults(func=host_cmd) host_cmd_parser.add_argument( '--deploy-chrome', action='store_true', help='Will deploy a locally built ash-chrome binary to the device before ' 'running the host-cmd.') host_cmd_parser.add_argument( '--deploy-lacros', action='store_true', help='Deploy a lacros-chrome instead of ash-chrome.') host_cmd_parser.add_argument( '--strip-chrome', action='store_true', help='Strips symbols from ash-chrome before deploying to the device.') gtest_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'gtest', help='Runs a device-side gtest.') gtest_parser.set_defaults(func=device_test) gtest_parser.add_argument( '--test-exe', type=str, required=True, help='Path to test executable to run inside the device.') # GTest args. Some are passed down to the test binary in the device. Others # are parsed here since they might need tweaking or special handling. gtest_parser.add_argument( '--test-launcher-summary-output', type=str, help='When set, will pass the same option down to the test and retrieve ' 'its result file at the specified location.') gtest_parser.add_argument( '--stop-ui', action='store_true', help='Will stop the UI service in the device before running the test.') gtest_parser.add_argument( '--trace-dir', type=str, help='When set, will pass down to the test to generate the trace and ' 'retrieve the trace files to the specified location.') gtest_parser.add_argument( '--env-var', nargs=2, action='append', default=[], help='Env var to set on the device for the duration of the test. ' 'Expected format is "--env-var SOME_VAR_NAME some_var_value". Specify ' 'multiple times for more than one var.') # Tast test args. # pylint: disable=line-too-long tast_test_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'tast', help='Runs a device-side set of Tast tests. For more details, see: ' 'https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/platform/tast/+/main/docs/running_tests.md' ) tast_test_parser.set_defaults(func=device_test) tast_test_parser.add_argument( '--suite-name', type=str, required=True, help='Name to apply to the set of Tast tests to run. This has no effect ' 'on what is executed, but is used mainly for test results reporting ' 'and tracking (eg: flakiness dashboard).') tast_test_parser.add_argument( '--test-launcher-summary-output', type=str, help='Generates a simple GTest-style JSON result file for the test run.') tast_test_parser.add_argument( '--attr-expr', type=str, help='A boolean expression whose matching tests will run ' '(eg: ("dep:chrome")).') tast_test_parser.add_argument( '--strip-chrome', action='store_true', help='Strips symbols from ash-chrome before deploying to the device.') tast_test_parser.add_argument( '--deploy-lacros', action='store_true', help='Deploy a lacros-chrome instead of ash-chrome.') tast_test_parser.add_argument( '--tast-var', action='append', dest='tast_vars', help='Runtime variables for Tast tests, and the format are expected to ' 'be "key=value" pairs.') tast_test_parser.add_argument( '--test', '-t', action='append', dest='tests', help='A Tast test to run in the device (eg: "login.Chrome").') tast_test_parser.add_argument( '--gtest_filter', type=str, help="Similar to GTest's arg of the same name, this will filter out the " "specified tests from the Tast run. However, due to the nature of Tast's " 'cmd-line API, this will overwrite the value(s) of "--test" above.') add_common_args(gtest_parser, tast_test_parser, host_cmd_parser) args = sys.argv[1:] unknown_args = [] # If a '--' is present in the args, treat everything to the right of it as # args to the test and everything to the left as args to this test runner. # Otherwise treat all known args as args to this test runner and all unknown # args as test args. if '--' in args: unknown_args = args[args.index('--') + 1:] args = args[0:args.index('--')] if unknown_args: args = parser.parse_args(args=args) else: args, unknown_args = parser.parse_known_args() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG if args.verbose else logging.WARN) if not args.use_vm and not args.device: logging.warning( 'The test runner is now assuming running in the lab environment, if ' 'this is unintentional, please re-invoke the test runner with the ' '"--use-vm" arg if using a VM, otherwise use the "--device=" arg ' 'to specify a DUT.') # If we're not running on a VM, but haven't specified a hostname, assume # we're on a lab bot and are trying to run a test on a lab DUT. See if the # magic lab DUT hostname resolves to anything. (It will in the lab and will # not on dev machines.) try: socket.getaddrinfo(LAB_DUT_HOSTNAME, None) except socket.gaierror: logging.error('The default lab DUT hostname of %s is unreachable.', LAB_DUT_HOSTNAME) return 1 if args.flash and args.public_image: # The flashing tools depend on being unauthenticated with GS when flashing # public images, so make sure the env var GS uses to locate its creds is # unset in that case. os.environ.pop('BOTO_CONFIG', None) return args.func(args, unknown_args) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())