// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/i18n/icu_mergeable_data_file.h" #include "base/debug/proc_maps_linux.h" #include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h" #include "base/i18n/icu_util.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #if !BUILDFLAG(IS_NACL) #if ICU_UTIL_DATA_IMPL == ICU_UTIL_DATA_FILE namespace base::i18n { class IcuMergeableDataFileTest : public testing::Test { protected: void SetUp() override { ResetGlobalsForTesting(); } }; TEST_F(IcuMergeableDataFileTest, IcuDataFileMergesCommonPages) { // Create two temporary files mocking Ash and Lacros's versions of ICU. base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir; ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir.CreateUniqueTempDir()); FilePath ash_path = temp_dir.GetPath().AppendASCII("ash_icudtl.dat"); FilePath lacros_path = temp_dir.GetPath().AppendASCII("lacros_icudtl.dat"); uint32_t flags = base::File::FLAG_CREATE | base::File::FLAG_READ | base::File::FLAG_WRITE; File ash_file(ash_path, flags); File lacros_file(lacros_path, flags); ASSERT_TRUE(ash_file.IsValid()); ASSERT_TRUE(lacros_file.IsValid()); // Prepare some data to use for filling in the mock files. std::vector pg0(0x1000, 0x00); std::vector pg1(0x1000, 0x11); std::vector pg2(0x1000, 0x22); std::vector pg3(0x1000, 0x33); std::vector pg4(0x0333, 0x44); int pg0_sz = pg0.size(), pg1_sz = pg1.size(), pg2_sz = pg2.size(), pg3_sz = pg3.size(), pg4_sz = pg4.size(); // Build Ash's file structure: // 0x0000 .. 0x1000 => { 0x00, ... } | Shared // 0x1000 .. 0x2000 => { 0x11, ... } | Shared // 0x2000 .. 0x3000 => { 0x22, ... } // 0x3000 .. 0x3333 => { 0x44, ... } | Shared ASSERT_EQ(pg0_sz, ash_file.WriteAtCurrentPos(pg0.data(), pg0_sz)); ASSERT_EQ(pg1_sz, ash_file.WriteAtCurrentPos(pg1.data(), pg1_sz)); ASSERT_EQ(pg2_sz, ash_file.WriteAtCurrentPos(pg2.data(), pg2_sz)); ASSERT_EQ(pg4_sz, ash_file.WriteAtCurrentPos(pg4.data(), pg4_sz)); ASSERT_TRUE(ash_file.Flush()); ash_file.Close(); // Build Lacros's file structure: // 0x0000 .. 0x1000 => { 0x00, ... } | Shared // 0x1000 .. 0x2000 => { 0x11, ... } | Shared // 0x2000 .. 0x3000 => { 0x33, ... } // 0x3000 .. 0x3333 => { 0x44, ... } | Shared ASSERT_EQ(pg0_sz, lacros_file.WriteAtCurrentPos(pg0.data(), pg0_sz)); ASSERT_EQ(pg1_sz, lacros_file.WriteAtCurrentPos(pg1.data(), pg1_sz)); ASSERT_EQ(pg3_sz, lacros_file.WriteAtCurrentPos(pg3.data(), pg3_sz)); ASSERT_EQ(pg4_sz, lacros_file.WriteAtCurrentPos(pg4.data(), pg4_sz)); ASSERT_TRUE(lacros_file.Flush()); // Load Lacros's file and try to merge against Ash's. IcuDataFile icu_data_file; ASSERT_TRUE(icu_data_file.Initialize(std::move(lacros_file), MemoryMappedFile::Region::kWholeFile)); // NOTE: we need to manually call MergeWithAshVersion with a custom path, // because this test will be run in a linux-lacros-rel environment where // there's no Ash installed in the default ChromeOS directory. ASSERT_TRUE(icu_data_file.MergeWithAshVersion(ash_path)); // Check that Lacros's file content is correct. EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(icu_data_file.data() + 0x0000, pg0.data(), pg0_sz)); EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(icu_data_file.data() + 0x1000, pg1.data(), pg1_sz)); EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(icu_data_file.data() + 0x2000, pg3.data(), pg3_sz)); EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(icu_data_file.data() + 0x3000, pg4.data(), pg4_sz)); // Parse the kernel's memory map structures to check if the merge happened. std::string proc_maps; std::vector regions; ASSERT_TRUE(debug::ReadProcMaps(&proc_maps)); ASSERT_TRUE(ParseProcMaps(proc_maps, ®ions)); uintptr_t lacros_start = reinterpret_cast(icu_data_file.data()); bool region1_ok = false, region2_ok = false, region3_ok = false; for (const auto& region : regions) { if (region.start == lacros_start) { // 0x0000 .. 0x2000 => Ash (merged) EXPECT_EQ(lacros_start + 0x2000, region.end); EXPECT_EQ(ash_path.value(), region.path); region1_ok = true; } else if (region.start == lacros_start + 0x2000) { // 0x2000 .. 0x3000 => Lacros (not merged) EXPECT_EQ(lacros_start + 0x3000, region.end); EXPECT_EQ(lacros_path.value(), region.path); region2_ok = true; } else if (region.start == lacros_start + 0x3000) { // 0x3000 .. 0x3333 => Ash (merged) EXPECT_EQ(lacros_start + 0x4000, region.end); // Page-aligned address. EXPECT_EQ(ash_path.value(), region.path); region3_ok = true; } } EXPECT_TRUE(region1_ok && region2_ok && region3_ok); EXPECT_FALSE(icu_data_file.used_cached_hashes()); } TEST_F(IcuMergeableDataFileTest, IcuDataFileMergesCommonPagesWithCachedHashes) { // Create two temporary files mocking Ash and Lacros's versions of ICU. base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir; ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir.CreateUniqueTempDir()); FilePath ash_path = temp_dir.GetPath().AppendASCII("ash_icudtl.dat"); FilePath lacros_path = temp_dir.GetPath().AppendASCII("lacros_icudtl.dat"); // Create the hash files as well. FilePath ash_hash_path = ash_path.AddExtensionASCII( IcuMergeableDataFile::kIcuDataFileHashExtension); FilePath lacros_hash_path = lacros_path.AddExtensionASCII( IcuMergeableDataFile::kIcuDataFileHashExtension); uint32_t flags = base::File::FLAG_CREATE | base::File::FLAG_READ | base::File::FLAG_WRITE; File ash_file(ash_path, flags); File ash_hash_file(ash_hash_path, flags); File lacros_file(lacros_path, flags); File lacros_hash_file(lacros_hash_path, flags); ASSERT_TRUE(ash_file.IsValid()); ASSERT_TRUE(ash_hash_file.IsValid()); ASSERT_TRUE(lacros_file.IsValid()); ASSERT_TRUE(lacros_hash_file.IsValid()); // Prepare some data to use for filling in the mock files. std::vector pg0(0x1000, 0x00); std::vector pg1(0x1000, 0x11); std::vector pg2(0x1000, 0x22); std::vector pg3(0x1000, 0x33); std::vector pg4(0x0333, 0x44); int pg0_sz = pg0.size(), pg1_sz = pg1.size(), pg2_sz = pg2.size(), pg3_sz = pg3.size(), pg4_sz = pg4.size(); // Build Ash's file structure: // 0x0000 .. 0x1000 => { 0x00, ... } | Shared // 0x1000 .. 0x2000 => { 0x11, ... } | Shared // 0x2000 .. 0x3000 => { 0x22, ... } // 0x3000 .. 0x3333 => { 0x44, ... } | Shared ASSERT_EQ(pg0_sz, ash_file.WriteAtCurrentPos(pg0.data(), pg0_sz)); ASSERT_EQ(pg1_sz, ash_file.WriteAtCurrentPos(pg1.data(), pg1_sz)); ASSERT_EQ(pg2_sz, ash_file.WriteAtCurrentPos(pg2.data(), pg2_sz)); ASSERT_EQ(pg4_sz, ash_file.WriteAtCurrentPos(pg4.data(), pg4_sz)); ASSERT_TRUE(ash_file.Flush()); ash_file.Close(); // Build Ash's hash file structure. Actual hashes don't matter. ASSERT_EQ(8, ash_hash_file.WriteAtCurrentPos( "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 8)); ASSERT_EQ(8, ash_hash_file.WriteAtCurrentPos( "\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11", 8)); ASSERT_EQ(8, ash_hash_file.WriteAtCurrentPos( "\x22\x22\x22\x22\x22\x22\x22\x22", 8)); ASSERT_EQ(8, ash_hash_file.WriteAtCurrentPos( "\x44\x44\x44\x44\x44\x44\x44\x44", 8)); ASSERT_TRUE(ash_hash_file.Flush()); ash_hash_file.Close(); // Build Lacros's file structure: // 0x0000 .. 0x1000 => { 0x00, ... } | Shared // 0x1000 .. 0x2000 => { 0x11, ... } | Shared // 0x2000 .. 0x3000 => { 0x33, ... } // 0x3000 .. 0x3333 => { 0x44, ... } | Shared ASSERT_EQ(pg0_sz, lacros_file.WriteAtCurrentPos(pg0.data(), pg0_sz)); ASSERT_EQ(pg1_sz, lacros_file.WriteAtCurrentPos(pg1.data(), pg1_sz)); ASSERT_EQ(pg3_sz, lacros_file.WriteAtCurrentPos(pg3.data(), pg3_sz)); ASSERT_EQ(pg4_sz, lacros_file.WriteAtCurrentPos(pg4.data(), pg4_sz)); ASSERT_TRUE(lacros_file.Flush()); // Build Lacros's hash file structure. Actual hashes don't matter. ASSERT_EQ(8, lacros_hash_file.WriteAtCurrentPos( "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 8)); ASSERT_EQ(8, lacros_hash_file.WriteAtCurrentPos( "\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11", 8)); // NOTE: Simulate hash collision. ASSERT_EQ(8, lacros_hash_file.WriteAtCurrentPos( "\x22\x22\x22\x22\x22\x22\x22\x22", 8)); ASSERT_EQ(8, lacros_hash_file.WriteAtCurrentPos( "\x44\x44\x44\x44\x44\x44\x44\x44", 8)); ASSERT_TRUE(lacros_hash_file.Flush()); lacros_hash_file.Close(); // Load Lacros's file and try to merge against Ash's. IcuDataFile icu_data_file; ASSERT_TRUE(icu_data_file.Initialize(std::move(lacros_file), MemoryMappedFile::Region::kWholeFile)); ASSERT_TRUE(icu_data_file.MergeWithAshVersion(ash_path)); // Check that Lacros's file content is correct. EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(icu_data_file.data() + 0x0000, pg0.data(), pg0_sz)); EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(icu_data_file.data() + 0x1000, pg1.data(), pg1_sz)); EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(icu_data_file.data() + 0x2000, pg3.data(), pg3_sz)); EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(icu_data_file.data() + 0x3000, pg4.data(), pg4_sz)); // Parse the kernel's memory map structures to check if the merge happened. std::string proc_maps; std::vector regions; ASSERT_TRUE(debug::ReadProcMaps(&proc_maps)); ASSERT_TRUE(ParseProcMaps(proc_maps, ®ions)); uintptr_t lacros_start = reinterpret_cast(icu_data_file.data()); bool region1_ok = false, region2_ok = false, region3_ok = false; for (const auto& region : regions) { if (region.start == lacros_start) { // 0x0000 .. 0x2000 => Ash (merged) EXPECT_EQ(lacros_start + 0x2000, region.end); EXPECT_EQ(ash_path.value(), region.path); region1_ok = true; } else if (region.start == lacros_start + 0x2000) { // 0x2000 .. 0x3000 => Lacros (not merged) EXPECT_EQ(lacros_start + 0x3000, region.end); EXPECT_EQ(lacros_path.value(), region.path); region2_ok = true; } else if (region.start == lacros_start + 0x3000) { // 0x3000 .. 0x3333 => Ash (merged) EXPECT_EQ(lacros_start + 0x4000, region.end); // Page-aligned address. EXPECT_EQ(ash_path.value(), region.path); region3_ok = true; } } EXPECT_TRUE(region1_ok && region2_ok && region3_ok); EXPECT_TRUE(icu_data_file.used_cached_hashes()); } } // namespace base::i18n #endif // ICU_UTIL_DATA_IMPL == ICU_UTIL_DATA_FILE #endif // !BUILDFLAG(IS_NACL)