// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef ASH_CONSTANTS_NOTIFIER_CATALOGS_H_ #define ASH_CONSTANTS_NOTIFIER_CATALOGS_H_ namespace ash { // A living catalog that registers notifications. // Current values should not be renumbered or removed. Please keep in sync with // "NotificationCatalogName" in tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml. // To deprecate comment out the entry. enum class NotificationCatalogName { kNone = 0, kTestCatalogName = 1, kManagementTransition = 2, kAuthpolicyCredentialsError = 3, kUnauthorizedBattery = 4, kNonWilcoCharger = 5, kIncompatibleDock = 6, kDockError = 7, KDockDisplayError = 8, kDockThunderboltError = 9, kWilcoLowPowerCharger = 10, kDeprecatedAccelerator = 11, // [Deprecated] kShortcutsChanged = 12, kDockedMagnifierEnabled = 13, kHighContrastEnabled = 14, kFullScreenMagnifierEnabled = 15, kAccessibilityFeatureDisabled = 16, kDisplayError = 17, kDisplayChange = 18, kDualRole = 19, kEOL = 20, kPendingEOL = 21, kHats = 22, kKerberosTicketExpiry = 23, kMobileData = 24, kMultiDevice = 25, kNetworkOutOfCredits = 26, kNetworkConnectionError = 27, kNetworkVPNConnectionLost = 28, kNetworkCellularActivated = 29, kNetworkActivationError = 30, kPasswordExpiry = 31, kDeviceAccountSigninError = 32, kSecondaryAccountSigninError = 33, kSyncError = 34, kTetherPotentialHotspot = 35, kTetherSetupRequired = 36, kTetherConnectionError = 37, kScreenTimeLimitUpdated = 38, kBedtimeUpdated = 39, kTimeLimitOverride = 40, kScreenTimeLimit = 41, kBedtimeLimit = 42, kTPMFirmwareUpdate = 43, kU2F = 44, kReleaseNotes = 45, kSMS = 46, kAssistantNotification = 47, kFastPair = 48, // [Deprecated] kPowerNotifier = 49, kBatteryNotifier = 50, kMicrophoneMute = 51, kCast = 52, kSessionLengthTimeout = 53, kLocaleUpdate = 54, kTracing = 55, kPcieBillboardDevice = 56, kPcieLimitedPerformance = 57, kPcieGuestMode = 58, kPciePeripheralBlocked = 59, kDetachableBaseRequiresUpdate = 60, kDetachableBasePairingNotification = 61, kFirmwareUpdate = 62, kPeripheralBattery = 63, kBluetoothPairingRequest = 64, kBluetoothPairedDevice = 65, kCellularSetup = 66, kScreenSecurity = 67, kWifiToggle = 68, kUSBPeripheralInvalidDpCable = 69, kUSBPeripheralInvalidUSB4ValidTBTCable = 70, kUSBPeripheralInvalidUSB4Cable = 71, kUSBPeripheralInvalidTBTCable = 72, kUSBPeripheralSpeedLimitingCable = 73, kGestureEducation = 74, kUpdate = 75, kArcSnapshotReboot = 76, kPhoneHubTetherFailed = 77, kCapsLock = 78, kNightLight = 79, kPluginVMUninstaller = 80, // [Deprecated] kTPMAutoUpdate = 81, kIt2MeConfirmation = 82, kHPSNotify = 83, kNearbyShare = 84, kUpdateRequired = 85, kFileSystemProvider = 86, kEasyUnlockChromebookAdded = 87, kEasyUnlockPairingChange = 88, kEasyUnlockPairingChangeApplied = 89, kEasyUnlockSmartLockSignInRemoved = 90, kSystemProxy = 91, kDlpPolicy = 92, kPacketCapture = 93, kEcheAppRetryConnection = 94, kEcheAppInactivity = 95, kEcheAppFromWebWithoutButton = 96, kEcheAppScreenLock = 97, // [Deprecated] kAccessibility = 98, kProjector = 99, kWebsiteApproval = 100, kArcMigrationGuide = 101, kBorealisContext = 102, kArcProvision = 103, kUsbPrinter = 104, kCupsPrintJob = 105, kArcBootError = 106, kDeviceCommandReset = 107, kCrostiniLowDisk = 108, kScreenCapture = 109, kLowDisk = 110, kEventRewriterDeprecation = 111, kVMCameraMic = 112, kSecurityToken = 113, kCrostiniExportImport = 114, kLacrosCannotLaunch = 115, kRequestFileSystem = 116, kNetworkPortalDetector = 117, kCrostiniPackage = 118, kCrostiniUpgradeAvailable = 119, kFullRestore = 120, kAdbSideloadingDisallowed = 121, kAdbSideloadingPowerwashPlanned = 122, kAdbSideloadingPowerwashOnReboot = 123, kAppTime = 124, kCrosUSBDetector = 125, kPowerwashRequest = 126, kPowerwashRequestError = 127, kCameraPrivacySwitch = 128, kAutoLaunch = 129, kPasswordChange = 130, kAnnouncementNotification = 131, kWebUsb = 132, kBackgroundCrash = 133, kDownloadNotification = 134, kAdaptiveCharging = 135, kManagedSimLock = 136, kSpokenFeedbackEnabled = 137, kBrailleDisplayConnected = 138, kSpokenFeedbackBrailleEnabled = 139, kSwitchAccessEnabled = 140, kSpeechRecognitionFilesDownloaded = 141, kSpeechRecognitionFilesFailed = 142, kLowPowerCharger = 143, kLowPowerAdapter = 144, kTPMAutoUpdatePlanned = 145, kTPMAutoUpdateOnReboot = 146, kPrivacyIndicators = 147, kTailoredSecurityDisabled = 148, kTailoredSecurityEnabled = 149, kTailoredSecurityPromotion = 150, kArcLowDiskSpacePreStop = 151, kArcLowDiskSpacePostStop = 152, kMaxValue = kArcLowDiskSpacePostStop }; // A living catalog that registers system nudges. // Current values should not be renumbered or removed. // To deprecate comment out the entry. enum class NudgeCatalogName { kTestCatalogName = 0, kDictation = 1, kMultipaste = 2, kDarkLightMode = 3, kAutozoom = 4, kAdaptiveCharging = 5, kMaxValue = kAdaptiveCharging, }; // A living catalog that registers toasts. // Current values should not be renumbered or removed. Please keep in sync with // "ToastCatalogName" in tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml. // To deprecate comment out the entry. enum class ToastCatalogName { kVirtualDesksLimitMax = 0, kVirtualDesksLimitMin = 1, kAssistantError = 2, kDebugCommand = 3, kAssistantUnboundService = 4, kStylusPrompt = 5, kAppResizable = 6, kKioskAppError = 7, kBluetoothDevicePaired = 8, kBluetoothDeviceDisconnected = 9, kBluetoothDeviceConnected = 10, kBluetoothAdapterDiscoverable = 11, kEncourageUnlock = 12, kNetworkAutoConnect = 13, kAssistantLoading = 14, kToastManagerUnittest = 15, kMaximumDeskLaunchTemplate = 16, kEnterOverviewGesture = 17, kExitOverviewGesture = 18, kNextDeskGesture = 19, kPreviousDeskGesture = 20, kMoveVisibleOnAllDesksWindow = 21, kAppCannotSnap = 22, kCrostiniUnsupportedVirtualKeyboard = 23, kCrostiniUnsupportedIME = 24, kCopyToClipboardShareAction = 25, kClipboardBlockedAction = 26, kClipboardWarnOnPaste = 27, kAppNotAvailable = 28, kCameraPrivacySwitchOff = 29, kCameraPrivacySwitchOn = 30, kExtensionInstallSuccess = 31, kAccountRemoved = 32, kDeskTemplateTooLarge = 33, kUndoCloseAll = 34, kEcheAppToast = 35, kDeprecateAssistantStylus = 36, kEcheTrayCopyPasteNotImplemented = 37, kEcheTrayTabletModeNotSupported = 38, kMaxValue = kEcheTrayTabletModeNotSupported, }; } // namespace ash #endif // ASH_CONSTANTS_NOTIFIER_CATALOGS_H_