// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/flag_descriptions.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h" #include "pdf/buildflags.h" // Keep in identical order as the header file, see the comment at the top // for formatting rules. namespace flag_descriptions { const char kAccelerated2dCanvasName[] = "Accelerated 2D canvas"; const char kAccelerated2dCanvasDescription[] = "Enables the use of the GPU to perform 2d canvas rendering instead of " "using software rendering."; const char kCanvasOopRasterizationName[] = "Out-of-process 2D canvas rasterization."; const char kCanvasOopRasterizationDescription[] = "The rasterization of 2d canvas contents is performed in the GPU process. " "Requires that out-of-process rasterization be enabled."; const char kAcceleratedVideoDecodeName[] = "Hardware-accelerated video decode"; const char kAcceleratedVideoDecodeDescription[] = "Hardware-accelerated video decode where available."; const char kAcceleratedVideoEncodeName[] = "Hardware-accelerated video encode"; const char kAcceleratedVideoEncodeDescription[] = "Hardware-accelerated video encode where available."; const char kEnableMediaInternalsName[] = "Media-internals page"; const char kEnableMediaInternalsDescription[] = "Enables the chrome://media-internals debug page."; extern const char kAccessCodeCastDeviceDurationName[] = "Saves devices for Access Code Casting."; extern const char kAccessCodeCastDeviceDurationDescription[] = "This feature enables saved devices when using Access Code Casting. Policy " "must be set to " "specify a duration for the device to be saved."; #if BUILDFLAG(ENABLE_PDF) const char kAccessiblePDFFormName[] = "Accessible PDF Forms"; const char kAccessiblePDFFormDescription[] = "Enables accessibility support for PDF forms."; #endif const char kAccountIdMigrationName[] = "Account ID migration"; const char kAccountIdMigrationDescription[] = "Migrate to use Gaia ID instead of the email as the account identifer for " "the Identity Manager."; const char kLauncherAppSortName[] = "Productivity experiment: Reorder Apps"; const char kLauncherAppSortDescription[] = "To evaluate an enhanced Launcher experience that enables users to reorder " "their apps in order to find them more easily."; const char kLeakDetectionUnauthenticated[] = "Leak detection for signed out users."; const char kLeakDetectionUnauthenticatedDescription[] = "Enables leak detection feature for signed out users."; const char kAlignWakeUpsName[] = "Align delayed wake ups at 125 Hz"; const char kAlignWakeUpsDescription[] = "Run most delayed tasks with a non-zero delay (including DOM Timers) on a " "periodic 125Hz tick, instead of as soon as their delay has passed."; const char kAllowInsecureLocalhostName[] = "Allow invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost."; const char kAllowInsecureLocalhostDescription[] = "Allows requests to localhost over HTTPS even when an invalid certificate " "is presented."; const char kAndroidPWAsDefaultOfflinePageName[] = "Android PWAs default offline page"; const char kAndroidPWAsDefaultOfflinePageDescription[] = "Shows customised default offline page when web app is offline."; const char kWindowsFollowCursorName[] = "Windows open on the display with the cursor"; const char kWindowsFollowCursorDescription[] = "When there are multiple displays, windows open on the display where " "cursor is located."; const char kAnimatedImageResumeName[] = "Use animated image resume behavior"; const char kAnimatedImageResumeDescription[] = "Resumes animated images from the last frame drawn rather than attempt " "to catch up to the frame that should be drawn based on current time."; const char kAriaElementReflectionName[] = "Enable ARIA element reflection"; const char kAriaElementReflectionDescription[] = "Enable setting ARIA relationship attributes that reference other elements " "directly without an IDREF"; const char kAttributionReportingDebugModeName[] = "Attribution Reporting Debug Mode"; const char kAttributionReportingDebugModeDescription[] = "Enables debug mode for the Attribution Reporting API. This removes all " "reporting delays and noise. Only works if the Attribution Reporting API " "is already enabled."; const char kBatchFetchRequestsName[] = "Batch Fetch Requests"; const char kBatchFetchRequestsDescription[] = "Process resource requests in batches while parsing a HTML document."; const char kBrokerFileOperationsOnDiskCacheInNetworkServiceName[] = "Broker file operations on disk cache in the Network Service"; const char kBrokerFileOperationsOnDiskCacheInNetworkServiceDescription[] = "Broker file operations on disk cache running in the Network Service. This " "is no-op when the Network Service is running in the browser process."; const char kClipboardUnsanitizedContentName[] = "Clipboard unsanitized read and write"; const char kClipboardUnsanitizedContentDescription[] = "Allows reading/writing unsanitized content from/to the clipboard. " "Currently, it is only applicable to HTML format. See crbug.com/1268679."; const char kCSSContainerQueriesName[] = "Enable CSS Container Queries"; const char kCSSContainerQueriesDescription[] = "Enables support for @container, inline-size and block-size values for the " "contain property, and the LayoutNG Grid implementation."; const char kConditionalTabStripAndroidName[] = "Conditional Tab Strip"; const char kConditionalTabStripAndroidDescription[] = "Allows users to access conditional tab strip."; const char kContentLanguagesInLanguagePickerName[] = "Content languages in language picker"; const char kContentLanguagesInLanguagePickerDescription[] = "Enables bringing user's content languages that are translatable to the " "top of the list with all languages shown in the translate menu"; const char kCustomizeChromeSidePanelName[] = "Customize Chrome Side Panel"; const char KCustomizeChromeSidePanelDescription[] = "Enables the ability to use Customize Chrome functionality from the " "unified side panel on the New Tab Page."; const char kForceStartupSigninPromoName[] = "Force Start-up Signin Promo"; const char kForceStartupSigninPromoDescription[] = "If enabled, the full screen signin promo will be forced to show up at " "Chrome start-up."; const char kTangibleSyncName[] = "Tangible Sync"; const char kTangibleSyncDescription[] = "Enables the tangible sync when a user starts the sync consent flow"; const char kDebugHistoryInterventionNoUserActivationName[] = "Debug flag for history intervention on no user activation"; const char kDebugHistoryInterventionNoUserActivationDescription[] = "This flag when enabled, will be used to debug an issue where a page that " "did not get user activation " "is able to work around the history intervention which is not the expected " "behavior"; extern const char kDefaultChromeAppsMigrationName[] = "Default Chrome apps policy migration"; extern const char kDefaultChromeAppsMigrationDescription[] = "Enable replacing policies to force install Chrome apps with policies to " "force install PWAs"; const char kDeferredFontShapingName[] = "Deferred Font Shaping"; const char kDeferredFontShapingDescription[] = "Defer text rendering in invisible CSS boxes until the boxes become " "visible."; const char kDocumentPictureInPictureApiName[] = "Document Picture-in-Picture API"; const char kDocumentPictureInPictureApiDescription[] = "Enables API to open an always-on-top window with a full HTML document"; const char kEditPasswordsInSettingsName[] = "Edit passwords in settings"; const char kEditPasswordsInSettingsDescription[] = "Enables password editing in settings."; const char kPasswordNotesName[] = "Password notes in settings"; const char kPasswordNotesDescription[] = "Enables a note section for each password in the settings page."; const char kPasswordViewPageInSettingsName[] = "Password view page in settings"; const char kPasswordViewPageInSettingsDescription[] = "Enables a new password details subpage in the settings password " "management UI."; const char kEnableBluetoothSerialPortProfileInSerialApiName[] = "Enable Bluetooth Serial Port Profile in Serial API"; const char kEnableBluetoothSerialPortProfileInSerialApiDescription[] = "When enabled, Bluetooth Serial Port Profile devices will be enumerated " "for use with the Serial API."; const char kEnableDrDcName[] = "Enables Display Compositor to use a new gpu thread."; const char kEnableDrDcDescription[] = "When enabled, chrome uses 2 gpu threads instead of 1. " " Display compositor uses new dr-dc gpu thread and all other clients " "(raster, webgl, video) " " continues using the gpu main thread."; const char kEnableDrDcVulkanName[] = " Use this flag along with flag enable-drdc to enable DrDc on Vulkan. " " Note that this flag will be a no-op if enable-drdc is disabled. "; const char kForceGpuMainThreadToNormalPriorityDrDcName[] = "Force GPU main thread priority to normal for DrDc."; const char kForceGpuMainThreadToNormalPriorityDrDcDescription[] = "When enabled, force GPU main thread priority to be normal for DrDc mode. " "In that case DrDc thread continues to use DISPLAY thread priority and " "hence have higher thread priority than GPU main. Note that this flag will " "be a no-op when DrDc is disabled."; const char kU2FPermissionPromptName[] = "Enable a permission prompt for the U2F Security Key API"; const char kU2FPermissionPromptDescription[] = "Show a permission prompt when making requests to the legacy U2F Security " "Key API (CryptoToken). The U2F Security " "Key API has been deprecated and will be removed soon. For more " "information, refer to the deprecation announcement at " "https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/xHC3AtU_65A"; #if BUILDFLAG(ENABLE_SUPERVISED_USERS) const char kWebFilterInterstitialRefreshName[] = "Web filter interstitial refresh."; const char kWebFilterInterstitialRefreshDescription[] = "Enable web filter interstitial refresh for Family Link users on Chrome " "OS."; #endif // ENABLE_SUPERVISED_USERS const char kU2FSecurityKeyAPIName[] = "Enable the U2F Security Key API"; const char kU2FSecurityKeyAPIDescription[] = "Enable the legacy U2F Security Key API (CryptoToken). The U2F Security " "Key API has been deprecated and will be removed soon. For more " "information, refer to the deprecation announcement at " "https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/xHC3AtU_65A"; const char kLoadCryptoTokenExtensionName[] = "Load the CryptoToken component extension "; const char kLoadCryptoTokenExtensionDescription[] = "Enable this flag to temporarily work around issues with `chrome.runtime` " "being undefined as a side effect of U2F API removal. This workaround " "will go away with Chrome 107. Websites should not depend on " "`chrome.runtime` or `chrome.app` being defined unconditionally."; const char kUpcomingSharingFeaturesName[] = "Enable upcoming sharing features."; const char kUpcomingSharingFeaturesDescription[] = "This flag enables all upcoming sharing features, in the experiment " "arms that are most likely to be shipped. This is a meta-flag so which " "features are upcoming at any given time may change."; const char kUseStorkSmdsServerAddressName[] = "Use Stork SM-DS address"; const char kUseStorkSmdsServerAddressDescription[] = "Use the Stork SM-DS address to fetch pending eSIM profiles managed by the " "Stork prod server. Note that Stork profiles can be created with an EID at " "go/stork-profile, and managed at go/stork-batch > View Profiles. Also " "note that an test EUICC card is required to use this feature, usually " "that requires the kCellularUseSecond flag to be enabled. Go to " "go/cros-connectivity > Dev Tips for more instructions."; const char kUseWallpaperStagingUrlName[] = "Use Wallpaper staging URL"; const char kUseWallpaperStagingUrlDescription[] = "Use the staging server as part of the Wallpaper App to verify " "additions/removals of wallpapers."; const char kSemanticColorsDebugOverrideName[] = "Use semantic color debug override"; const char kSemanticColorsDebugOverrideDescription[] = "Use debug override colors to find system components that are not using " "semantic colors."; const char kUseMessagesStagingUrlName[] = "Use Messages staging URL"; const char kUseMessagesStagingUrlDescription[] = "Use the staging server as part of the \"Messages\" feature under " "\"Connected Devices\" settings."; const char kUseCustomMessagesDomainName[] = "Use custom Messages domain"; const char kUseCustomMessagesDomainDescription[] = "Use a custom URL as part of the \"Messages\" feature under " "\"Connected Devices\" settings."; const char kAndroidPictureInPictureAPIName[] = "Picture-in-Picture Web API for Android"; const char kAndroidPictureInPictureAPIDescription[] = "Enable Picture-in-Picture Web API for Android"; const char kDnsHttpsSvcbName[] = "Support for HTTPS records in DNS"; const char kDnsHttpsSvcbDescription[] = "When enabled, Chrome may query for HTTPS records in DNS. If any are " "found, Chrome may upgrade the URL to HTTPS or enable Encrypted " "ClientHello, depending on server support and whether those features are " "enabled."; const char kUseDnsHttpsSvcbAlpnName[] = "Use DNS https alpn"; const char kUseDnsHttpsSvcbAlpnDescription[] = "When enabled, Chrome may try QUIC on the first connection using the ALPN" " information in the DNS HTTPS record."; const char kEnableFirstPartySetsName[] = "Enable First-Party Sets"; const char kEnableFirstPartySetsDescription[] = "When enabled, Chrome will apply First-Party Sets to features such as the " "SameParty cookie attribute."; extern const char kEncryptedClientHelloName[] = "Encrypted ClientHello"; extern const char kEncryptedClientHelloDescription[] = "When enabled, Chrome will enable Encrypted ClientHello support. This will " "encrypt TLS ClientHello if the server enables the extension via the HTTPS " "DNS record."; extern const char kIsolatedSandboxedIframesName[] = "Isolated sandboxed iframes"; extern const char kIsolatedSandboxedIframesDescription[] = "When enabled, applies process isolation to iframes with the 'sandbox' " "attribute and without the 'allow-same-origin' permission set on that " "attribute. This also applies to documents with a similar CSP sandbox " "header, even in the main frame. The affected sandboxed documents can be " "grouped into processes based on their URL's site or origin. The default " "grouping when enabled is per-site."; const char kAssistantConsentModalName[] = "AssistantConsentModal"; const char kAssistantConsentModalDescription[] = "Enables the modal version of the Assistant voice search consent dialog."; const char kAssistantConsentSimplifiedTextName[] = "AssistantConsentSimplifiedText"; const char kAssistantConsentSimplifiedTextDescription[] = "Enables simplified consent copy in the Assistant voice search consent " "dialog."; const char kAssistantNonPersonalizedVoiceSearchName[] = "AssistantNonPersonalizedVoiceSearch"; const char kAssistantNonPersonalizedVoiceSearchDescription[] = "Enables the Assistant voice recognition and search without any " "personalization."; const char kAssistantConsentV2Name[] = "AssistanConsentV2"; const char kAssistantConsentV2Description[] = "Enables different strategies for handling backing off from the consent " "screen without explicitly clicking yes/no buttons, i.e. when a user taps " "outside of the sheet."; const char kAutofillAlwaysReturnCloudTokenizedCardName[] = "Return cloud token details for server credit cards when possible"; const char kAutofillAlwaysReturnCloudTokenizedCardDescription[] = "When enabled and where available, forms filled using Google Payments " "server cards are populated with cloud token details, including CPAN " "(cloud tokenized version of the Primary Account Number) and dCVV (dynamic " "CVV)."; const char kAutofillAutoTriggerManualFallbackForCardsName[] = "Auto trigger manual fallback for credit card form-filling failure cases"; const char kAutofillAutoTriggerManualFallbackForCardsDescription[] = "When enabled, manual fallback will be auto-triggered on form interaction " "in the case where autofill failed to fill a credit card form accurately."; const char kAutofillCenterAligngedSuggestionsName[] = "Center-aligned Autofill suggestions."; const char kAutofillCenterAligngedSuggestionsDescription[] = "When enabled, the Autofill suggestion popup will be aligned to the center " "of the initiating field and not to its border."; const char kAutofillVisualImprovementsForSuggestionUiName[] = "Visual improvements for the Autofill and Password Manager suggestion UI."; const char kAutofillVisualImprovementsForSuggestionUiDescription[] = "Non function changes that visually improve the suggestion UI used for " "addresses, passswords and credit cards."; const char kAutofillTypeSpecificPopupWidthName[] = "Type-specific width limits for the Autofill popup"; const char kAutofillTypeSpecificPopupWidthDescription[] = "Controls if different width limits are used for the popup that provides " "Autofill suggestions, depending on the type of data that is filled."; const char kAutofillEnableGetDetailsForEnrollParsingInUploadCardResponseName[] = "Enable parsing of the GetDetailsForEnrollResponseDetails in the " "UploadCardResponseDetails"; const char kAutofillEnableGetDetailsForEnrollParsingInUploadCardResponseDescription[] = "When enabled, the GetDetailsForEnrollResponseDetails in the " "UploadCardResponseDetails will be parsed, which will allow the " "Virtual Card Enrollment flow to skip making a new GetDetailsForEnroll " "request. This is an optimization to improve the latency of the " "Virtual Card Enrollment flow."; const char kAutofillEnableFIDOProgressDialogName[] = "Show FIDO progress dialog on Android"; const char kAutofillEnableFIDOProgressDialogDescription[] = "When enabled, a progress dialog is displayed while authenticating with " "FIDO on Android."; const char kAutofillEnableManualFallbackForVirtualCardsName[] = "Show manual fallback for virtual cards"; const char kAutofillEnableManualFallbackForVirtualCardsDescription[] = "When enabled, manual fallback will be enabled for virtual cards on " "Android."; const char kAutofillEnableCardProductNameName[] = "Enable showing card product name"; const char kAutofillEnableCardProductNameDescription[] = "When enabled, card product name (instead of issuer network) will be shown " "in Payments UI."; const char kAutofillEnableOfferNotificationForPromoCodesName[] = "Extend Autofill offers and rewards notification to promo code offers"; const char kAutofillEnableOfferNotificationForPromoCodesDescription[] = "When enabled, a notification will be displayed on page navigation if the " "domain has an eligible merchant promo code offer or reward."; const char kAutofillEnableOffersInClankKeyboardAccessoryName[] = "Enable Autofill offers in keyboard accessory"; const char kAutofillEnableOffersInClankKeyboardAccessoryDescription[] = "When enabled, offers will be displayed in the keyboard accessory when " "available."; const char kAutofillEnableRankingFormulaName[] = "Enable new Autofill suggestion ranking formula"; const char kAutofillEnableRankingFormulaDescription[] = "When enabled, Autofill will use a new ranking formula to rank Autofill " "data model suggestions such as credit cards or profiles."; const char kAutofillEnableRemadeDownstreamMetricsName[] = "Enable remade Autofill Downstream metrics logging"; const char kAutofillEnableRemadeDownstreamMetricsDescription[] = "When enabled, some extra metrics logging for Autofill Downstream will " "start."; const char kAutofillEnableSendingBcnInGetUploadDetailsName[] = "Enable sending billing customer number in GetUploadDetails"; const char kAutofillEnableSendingBcnInGetUploadDetailsDescription[] = "When enabled the billing customer number will be sent in the " "GetUploadDetails preflight calls."; const char kAutofillEnableStickyManualFallbackForCardsName[] = "Make manual fallback sticky for credit cards"; const char kAutofillEnableStickyManualFallbackForCardsDescription[] = "When enabled, if the user interacts with the manual fallback bottom " "sheet, it'll remain sticky until the user dismisses it."; const char kAutofillEnableUnmaskCardRequestSetInstrumentIdName[] = "When enabled, sets non-legacy instrument ID in UnmaskCardRequest"; const char kAutofillEnableUnmaskCardRequestSetInstrumentIdDescription[] = "When enabled, UnmaskCardRequest will set the card's non-legacy ID when " "available."; const char kAutofillEnableUpdateVirtualCardEnrollmentName[] = "Enable Update Virtual Card Enrollment"; const char kAutofillEnableUpdateVirtualCardEnrollmentDescription[] = "When enabled, the user will have the ability to update the virtual card " "enrollment of a credit card through their chrome browser after certain " "autofill flows (for example, downstream and upstream), and from the " "settings page."; const char kAutofillEnableVirtualCardFidoEnrollmentName[] = "Enable FIDO enrollment for virtual cards"; const char kAutofillEnableVirtualCardFidoEnrollmentDescription[] = "When enabled, after a successful authentication to autofill a virtual " "card, the user will be prompted to opt-in to FIDO if the user is not " "currently opted-in, and if the user is opted-in already and the virtual " "card is FIDO eligible the user will be prompted to register the virtual " "card into FIDO."; const char kAutofillEnableVirtualCardName[] = "Offer to use cloud token virtual card in Autofill"; const char kAutofillEnableVirtualCardDescription[] = "When enabled, if all requirements are met, Autofill will offer to use " "virtual credit cards in form filling."; const char kAutofillEnableVirtualCardManagementInDesktopSettingsPageName[] = "Enable virtual card enrollment management in desktop payments settings " "page"; const char kAutofillEnableVirtualCardManagementInDesktopSettingsPageDescription[] = "When enabled, chrome://settings/payments will offer the option to " "enroll in virtual card if the card is eligible and to unenroll if the " "card has been enrolled."; const char kAutofillEnableVirtualCardMetadataName[] = "Enable showing metadata for virtual cards"; const char kAutofillEnableVirtualCardMetadataDescription[] = "When enabled, Chrome will show metadata together with other card " "information when the virtual card is presented to users."; const char kAutofillEnforceDelaysInStrikeDatabaseName[] = "Enforce delay between offering Autofill opportunities in the strike " "database"; const char kAutofillEnforceDelaysInStrikeDatabaseDescription[] = "When enabled, if previous Autofill feature offer was declined, " "Chrome will wait for some time before showing the offer again."; extern const char kAutofillFillIbanFieldsName[] = "Enable Autofill of IBAN fields in forms"; extern const char kAutofillFillIbanFieldsDescription[] = "When enabled, Autofill will attempt to fill IBAN (International Bank " "Account Number) fields when data is available."; const char kAutofillFillMerchantPromoCodeFieldsName[] = "Enable Autofill of promo code fields in forms"; const char kAutofillFillMerchantPromoCodeFieldsDescription[] = "When enabled, Autofill will attempt to fill merchant promo/coupon/gift " "code fields when data is available."; const char kAutofillRemoveCardExpiryFromDownstreamSuggestionName[] = "Remove card expiration date from the Autofill card suggestions"; const char kAutofillRemoveCardExpiryFromDownstreamSuggestionDescription[] = "When enabled, card expiration date will no longer be displayed in " "a card suggestion."; const char kAutofillHighlightOnlyChangedValuesInPreviewModeName[] = "Highlight only changed values in preview mode."; const char kAutofillHighlightOnlyChangedValuesInPreviewModeDescription[] = "When Autofill is previewing filling a form, already autofilled values " "and other values that are not changed by accepting the preview should " "not be highlighted."; const char kAutofillParseIBANFieldsName[] = "Parse IBAN fields in forms"; const char kAutofillParseIBANFieldsDescription[] = "When enabled, Autofill will attempt to find International Bank Account " "Number (IBAN) fields when parsing forms."; const char kAutofillParseMerchantPromoCodeFieldsName[] = "Parse promo code fields in forms"; const char kAutofillParseMerchantPromoCodeFieldsDescription[] = "When enabled, Autofill will attempt to find merchant promo/coupon/gift " "code fields when parsing forms."; const char kAutofillParseVcnCardOnFileStandaloneCvcFieldsName[] = "Parse standalone CVC fields for VCN card on file in forms"; const char kAutofillParseVcnCardOnFileStandaloneCvcFieldsDescription[] = "When enabled, Autofill will attempt to find standalone CVC fields for VCN " "card on file when parsing forms."; const char kAutofillPreventOverridingPrefilledValuesName[] = "Prevent Autofill from overriding prefilled field values"; const char kAutofillPreventOverridingPrefilledValuesDescription[] = "When enabled, Autofill won't override any field values that have not been " "filled by Autofill"; const char kAutofillUseConsistentPopupSettingsIconsName[] = "Consistent Autofill settings icon"; const char kAutofillUseConsistentPopupSettingsIconsDescription[] = "If enabled, all Autofill data types including addresses, credit cards and " "passwords will use a consistent icon in the popup settings footer."; const char kAutofillSaveAndFillVPAName[] = "Offer save and autofill of UPI/VPA values"; const char kAutofillSaveAndFillVPADescription[] = "If enabled, when autofill recognizes a UPI/VPA value in a payment form, " "it will offer to save it. If saved, it will be offered for filling in " "fields which expect a VPA."; const char kAutofillSaveCardUiExperimentName[] = "Enable different UI variants for the upload credit card save bubble"; const char kAutofillSaveCardUiExperimentDescription[] = "When enabled, it will trigger slightly different UI variants along with " "notification texts, when the upload credit card save bubble is shown."; const char kAutofillSaveCardUiExperimentCurrentWithUserAvatarAndEmail[] = "Current with Avatar and Email"; const char kAutofillSaveCardUiExperimentEncryptedAndSecure[] = "Encrypted and Secure"; const char kAutofillSaveCardUiExperimentFasterAndProtected[] = "Faster and Protected"; const char kAutofillShowManualFallbackInContextMenuName[] = "Show Autofill options in Context Menu"; const char kAutofillShowManualFallbackInContextMenuDescription[] = "When enabled, users would get address/credit cards/passwords autofilling " "options in the context menu if the context menu is opened on a text field"; const char kAutofillUpstreamAllowAdditionalEmailDomainsName[] = "Allow Autofill credit card upload save for select non-Google-based " "accounts"; const char kAutofillUpstreamAllowAdditionalEmailDomainsDescription[] = "When enabled, credit card upload is offered if the user's logged-in " "account's domain is from a common email provider."; const char kAutofillUpstreamAllowAllEmailDomainsName[] = "Allow Autofill credit card upload save for all non-Google-based accounts"; const char kAutofillUpstreamAllowAllEmailDomainsDescription[] = "When enabled, credit card upload is offered without regard to the user's " "logged-in account's domain."; const char kAutofillUseImprovedLabelDisambiguationName[] = "Autofill Uses Improved Label Disambiguation"; const char kAutofillUseImprovedLabelDisambiguationDescription[] = "When enabled, the Autofill dropdown's suggestions' labels are displayed " "using the improved disambiguation format."; const char kAutoScreenBrightnessName[] = "Auto Screen Brightness model"; const char kAutoScreenBrightnessDescription[] = "Uses Auto Screen Brightness ML model (if it exists) to adjust screen " "brightness based on ambient light. If disabled, screen brightness " "will be controlled by the heuristic model provided by powerd (and only " "on devices that have ambient light sensors)."; const char kBackForwardCacheName[] = "Back-forward cache"; const char kBackForwardCacheDescription[] = "If enabled, caches eligible pages after cross-site navigations." "To enable caching pages on same-site navigations too, choose 'enabled " "same-site support'."; const char kEnableBackForwardCacheForScreenReaderName[] = "Enable Back-forward cache for screen readers"; const char kEnableBackForwardCacheForScreenReaderDescription[] = "If enabled, allow pages to enter back/forward cache even if a screen " "reader is in use. The page might still not be cached for other reasons."; const char kBentoBarName[] = "Persistent desks bar"; const char kBentoBarDescription[] = "Showing a persistent desks bar at the top of the screen in clamshell mode " "when there are more than one desk."; const char kDragWindowToNewDeskName[] = "Drag window to new desk"; const char kDragWindowToNewDeskDescription[] = "Enable dragging and dropping a window to the new desk button in overview " "when there are less than the maximum number of desks."; const char kBiometricReauthForPasswordFillingName[] = "Biometric reauth for password filling"; const char kBiometricReauthForPasswordFillingDescription[] = "Enables biometric" "re-authentication before password filling"; const char kTouchToFillPasswordSubmissionName[] = "Form submission in Touch-To-Fill"; const char kTouchToFillPasswordSubmissionDescription[] = "Enables automatic form submission after filling credentials with " "Touch-To-Fill"; const char kFastCheckoutName[] = "Fast Checkout"; const char kFastCheckoutDescription[] = "Enables Fast Checkout experiences in Chrome."; const char kBorealisBigGlName[] = "Borealis Big GL"; const char kBorealisBigGlDescription[] = "Enable Big GL when running Borealis."; const char kBorealisDiskManagementName[] = "Borealis Disk management"; const char kBorealisDiskManagementDescription[] = "Enable experimental disk management settings."; const char kBorealisForceBetaClientName[] = "Borealis Force Beta Client"; const char kBorealisForceBetaClientDescription[] = "Force the client to run its beta version."; const char kBorealisLinuxModeName[] = "Borealis Linux Mode"; const char kBorealisLinuxModeDescription[] = "Do not run ChromeOS-specific code in the client."; // For UX reasons we prefer "enabled", but that is used internally to refer to // whether borealis is installed or not, so the name of the variable is a bit // different to the user-facing name. const char kBorealisPermittedName[] = "Borealis Enabled"; const char kBorealisPermittedDescription[] = "Allows Borealis to run on your device. Borealis may still be blocked for " "other reasons, including: administrator settings, device hardware " "capabilities, or other security measures."; const char kBorealisStorageBallooningName[] = "Borealis Storage Ballooning"; const char kBorealisStorageBallooningDescription[] = "Enables storage balloning for Borealis. This takes precedence over the " "other Borealis Disk management flag."; const char kBypassAppBannerEngagementChecksName[] = "Bypass user engagement checks"; const char kBypassAppBannerEngagementChecksDescription[] = "Bypasses user engagement checks for displaying app banners, such as " "requiring that users have visited the site before and that the banner " "hasn't been shown recently. This allows developers to test that other " "eligibility requirements for showing app banners, such as having a " "manifest, are met."; const char kCheckOfflineCapabilityName[] = "Check offline capability for PWAs"; const char kCheckOfflineCapabilityDescription[] = "Use advanced offline capability check to decide whether the browser " "displays install prompts for PWAs."; const char kChromeLabsName[] = "Chrome Labs"; const char kChromeLabsDescription[] = "Access Chrome Labs through the toolbar menu to see featured user-facing " "experimental features."; const char kClosedTabCacheName[] = "Closed Tab Cache"; const char kClosedTabCacheDescription[] = "Enables closed tab cache to instantaneously restore recently closed tabs. " "NOTE: This feature is higly experimental and will lead to various " "breakages, enable at your own risk."; const char kCommerceHintAndroidName[] = "Commerce Hint Android"; const char kCommerceHintAndroidDescription[] = "Enables commerce hint detection on Android."; const char kConsolidatedSiteStorageControlsName[] = "Consolidated Site Storage Controls"; const char kConsolidatedSiteStorageControlsDescription[] = "Enables the consolidated version of Site Storage controls in settings"; const char kConsumerAutoUpdateToggleAllowedName[] = "Allow Consumer Auto Update Toggle"; const char kConsumerAutoUpdateToggleAllowedDescription[] = "Allow enabling the consumer auto update toggle in settings"; const char kContextMenuSearchWithGoogleLensName[] = "Google Lens powered image search in the context menu."; const char kContextMenuSearchWithGoogleLensDescription[] = "Replaces default image search with an intent to Google Lens when " "supported."; const char kClientStorageAccessContextAuditingName[] = "Access contexts for client-side storage"; const char kClientStorageAccessContextAuditingDescription[] = "Record the first-party contexts in which client-side storage was accessed"; const char kClearCrossSiteCrossBrowsingContextGroupWindowNameName[] = "Clear window name in top-level cross-site cross-browsing-context-group " "navigation"; const char kClearCrossSiteCrossBrowsingContextGroupWindowNameDescription[] = "Clear the preserved window.name property when it's a top-level cross-site " "navigation that swaps BrowsingContextGroup."; #if BUILDFLAG(GOOGLE_CHROME_BRANDING) const char kChromeTipsInMainMenuName[] = "Show 'Tips for Chrome' in Help portion of main menu."; const char kChromeTipsInMainMenuDescription[] = "Enables 'Tips for Chrome' in main menu; the menu item will take users to " "an official Google site with information about the latest and most " "popular Chrome features."; const char kChromeTipsInMainMenuNewBadgeName[] = "Show 'New' promo badge on 'Tips for Chrome' in Help portion of main menu."; const char kChromeTipsInMainMenuNewBadgeDescription[] = "Enables 'New' promo badge on 'Tips for Chrome' in main menu; experiment to" " test the value of this user education feature."; #endif const char kChromeWhatsNewUIName[] = "Show Chrome What's New page at chrome://whats-new"; const char kChromeWhatsNewUIDescription[] = "Enables Chrome What's New page at chrome://whats-new."; #if BUILDFLAG(GOOGLE_CHROME_BRANDING) const char kChromeWhatsNewInMainMenuNewBadgeName[] = "Show 'New' badge on 'What's New' menu item."; const char kChromeWhatsNewInMainMenuNewBadgeDescription[] = "Enables 'New' promo badge on 'What's New' in the Help portion of the main " "menu."; #endif const char kDarkLightTestName[] = "Dark/light mode of system UI"; const char kDarkLightTestDescription[] = "Enables the dark/light mode of system UI, which includes shelf, launcher, " "system tray etc."; extern const char kDeviceForceScheduledRebootName[] = "Enable DeviceScheduledReboot policy for all sessions."; extern const char kDeviceForceScheduledRebootDescription[] = "Schedule recurring reboot for the device. Reboots are always executed at " "a scheduled time. If the session is active, user will be notified about " "the reboot, but the reboot will not be delayed."; const char kDevicePostureName[] = "Device Posture API"; const char kDevicePostureDescription[] = "Enables Device Posture API (foldable devices)"; const char kDiscountConsentV2Name[] = "Discount Consent V2"; const char kDiscountConsentV2Description[] = "Enables Discount Consent V2"; const char kDisruptiveNotificationPermissionRevocationName[] = "Disruptive notification permission revocation"; const char kDisruptiveNotificationPermissionRevocationDescription[] = "Enables revoking the notification permission on sites that send " "disruptive notifications unless the permission was granted through a " "prompt that informed the user about this possibility."; const char kIsolatedAppOriginsName[] = "Isolated App Origins"; const char kIsolatedAppOriginsDescription[] = "Enables Isolated App policy enforcement and related APIs (e.g. Direct " "Sockets API) for development purposes for a set of origins, specified as " "a comma-separated list."; const char kDoubleBufferCompositingName[] = "Double buffered compositing"; const char kDoubleBufferCompositingDescription[] = "Use double buffer for compositing (instead of triple-buffering). " "Latency should be reduced in some cases. On the other hand, more skipped " "frames are expected."; const char kFontAccessAPIName[] = "Font Access APIs"; const char kFontAccessAPIDescription[] = "Enables the experimental Font Access APIs, giving websites access " "to enumerate local fonts and access their table data."; const char kForceColorProfileSRGB[] = "sRGB"; const char kForceColorProfileP3[] = "Display P3 D65"; const char kForceColorProfileColorSpin[] = "Color spin with gamma 2.4"; const char kForceColorProfileSCRGBLinear[] = "scRGB linear (HDR where available)"; const char kForceColorProfileHDR10[] = "HDR10 (HDR where available)"; const char kForceColorProfileName[] = "Force color profile"; const char kForceColorProfileDescription[] = "Forces Chrome to use a specific color profile instead of the color " "of the window's current monitor, as specified by the operating system."; const char kDynamicColorGamutName[] = "Dynamic color gamut"; const char kDynamicColorGamutDescription[] = "Displays in wide color when the content is wide. When the content is " "not wide, displays sRGB"; const char kCooperativeSchedulingName[] = "Cooperative Scheduling"; const char kCooperativeSchedulingDescription[] = "Enables cooperative scheduling in Blink."; const char kDarkenWebsitesCheckboxInThemesSettingName[] = "Darken websites checkbox in themes setting"; const char kDarkenWebsitesCheckboxInThemesSettingDescription[] = "Show a darken websites checkbox in themes settings when system default or " "dark is selected. The checkbox can toggle the auto-darkening web contents " "feature"; const char kDebugPackedAppName[] = "Debugging for packed apps"; const char kDebugPackedAppDescription[] = "Enables debugging context menu options such as Inspect Element for packed " "applications."; const char kDebugShortcutsName[] = "Debugging keyboard shortcuts"; const char kDebugShortcutsDescription[] = "Enables additional keyboard shortcuts that are useful for debugging Ash."; const char kDisableProcessReuse[] = "Disable subframe process reuse"; const char kDisableProcessReuseDescription[] = "Prevents out-of-process iframes from reusing compatible processes from " "unrelated tabs. This is an experimental mode that will result in more " "processes being created."; const char kDisallowDocWrittenScriptsUiName[] = "Block scripts loaded via document.write"; const char kDisallowDocWrittenScriptsUiDescription[] = "Disallows fetches for third-party parser-blocking scripts inserted into " "the main frame via document.write."; const char kDocumentTransitionName[] = "documentTransition API"; const char kDocumentTransitionDescription[] = "Controls the availability of the documentTransition JavaScript API."; const char kEnableAutoDisableAccessibilityName[] = "Auto-disable Accessibility"; const char kEnableAutoDisableAccessibilityDescription[] = "When accessibility APIs are no longer being requested, automatically " "disables accessibility. This might happen if an assistive technology is " "turned off or if an extension which uses accessibility APIs no longer " "needs them."; const char kEnableAutofillAddressSavePromptName[] = "Autofill Address Save Prompts"; const char kEnableAutofillAddressSavePromptDescription[] = "Enable the Autofill address save prompts."; const char kEnableAutofillCreditCardAuthenticationName[] = "Allow using platform authenticators to retrieve server cards"; const char kEnableAutofillCreditCardAuthenticationDescription[] = "When enabled, users will be given the option to use a platform " "authenticator (if available) to verify card ownership when retrieving " "credit cards from Google Payments."; const char kEnableAutofillInfoBarAccountIndicationFooterForSingleAccountUsersName[] = "Display InfoBar footers with account indication information for " "single account users"; const char kEnableAutofillInfoBarAccountIndicationFooterForSingleAccountUsersDescription [] = "When enabled and user has single account, a footer indicating " "user's e-mail address will appear at the bottom of InfoBars " "which has corresponding account indication footer flags on."; const char kEnableAutofillInfoBarAccountIndicationFooterForSyncUsersName[] = "Display InfoBar footers with account indication information for " "sync users"; const char kEnableAutofillInfoBarAccountIndicationFooterForSyncUsersDescription[] = "When enabled and user is signed in, a footer indicating user's e-mail " "address will appear at the bottom of InfoBars which has " "corresponding account indication footer flags on."; const char kEnableAutofillSaveCardInfoBarAccountIndicationFooterName[] = "Display SaveCardInfoBar footer with account indication information"; const char kEnableAutofillSaveCardInfoBarAccountIndicationFooterDescription[] = "When enabled, a footer indicating user's e-mail address will appear at " "the bottom of SaveCardInfoBar."; const char kEnableExperimentalCookieFeaturesName[] = "Enable experimental cookie features"; const char kEnableExperimentalCookieFeaturesDescription[] = "Enable new features that affect setting, sending, and managing cookies. " "The enabled features are subject to change at any time."; const char kEnableRawDrawName[] = "Enable raw draw"; const char kEnableRawDrawDescription[] = "When enabled, web content will be rastered on output surface directly."; const char kEnableDelegatedCompositingName[] = "Enable delegated compositing"; const char kEnableDelegatedCompositingDescription[] = "When enabled and applicable, the act of compositing is delegated to Ash."; const char kEnableRemovingAllThirdPartyCookiesName[] = "Enable removing SameSite=None cookies"; const char kEnableRemovingAllThirdPartyCookiesDescription[] = "Enables UI on chrome://settings/siteData to remove all third-party " "cookies and site data."; const char kEnableBrowsingDataLifetimeManagerName[] = "Enables the BrowsingDataLifetimeManager service to run."; const char kEnableBrowsingDataLifetimeManagerDescription[] = "Enables the BrowsingDataLifetimeManager service to run and periodically " "delete browsing data as specified by the BrowsingDataLifetime policy."; const char kColorProviderRedirectionForThemeProviderName[] = "Color Provider Redirection For Theme Provider"; const char kColorProviderRedirectionForThemeProviderDescription[] = "Redirects color requests from the ThemeProvider to the ColorProvider " "where possible."; const char kDesktopPWAsAdditionalWindowingControlsName[] = "Desktop PWA Window Minimize/maximize/restore"; const char kDesktopPWAsAdditionalWindowingControlsDescription[] = "Enable PWAs to manually recreate the minimize, maximize and restore " "window functionalities with respective APIs."; #if !BUILDFLAG(IS_CHROMEOS) && !BUILDFLAG(IS_ANDROID) const char kDesktopPWAsAppHomePageFlagId[] = "enable-desktop-pwas-app-home-page"; const char kDesktopPWAsAppHomePageName[] = "desktop PWAs app home page"; const char kDesktopPWAsAppHomePageDescription[] = "Use new chrome://apps page which has different UX on desktop"; #endif // !BUILDFLAG(IS_CHROMEOS) && !BUILDFLAG(IS_ANDROID) const char kDesktopPWAsPrefixAppNameInWindowTitleName[] = "Desktop PWAs prefix window title with app name."; const char kDesktopPWAsPrefixAppNameInWindowTitleDescription[] = "Prefix the window title of installed PWAs with the name of the PWA. On " "ChromeOS this is visible only in the window/activity switcher."; const char kDesktopPWAsRemoveStatusBarName[] = "Desktop PWAs remove status bar"; const char kDesktopPWAsRemoveStatusBarDescription[] = "Hides the status bar popup in Desktop PWA app windows."; const char kDesktopPWAsDefaultOfflinePageName[] = "Desktop PWAs default offline page"; const char kDesktopPWAsDefaultOfflinePageDescription[] = "Shows customised default offline page when web app is offline."; const char kDesktopPWAsElidedExtensionsMenuName[] = "Desktop PWAs elided extensions menu"; const char kDesktopPWAsElidedExtensionsMenuDescription[] = "Moves the Extensions \"puzzle piece\" icon from the title bar into the " "app menu for web app windows."; const char kDesktopPWAsLaunchHandlerName[] = "Desktop PWA launch handler"; const char kDesktopPWAsLaunchHandlerDescription[] = "Enable web app manifests to declare app launch behavior. Prototype " "implementation of: " "https://github.com/WICG/sw-launch/blob/main/launch_handler.md"; const char kDesktopPWAsManifestIdName[] = "Desktop PWA manifest id"; const char kDesktopPWAsManifestIdDescription[] = "Enable web app manifests to declare id. Prototype " "implementation of: " "https://github.com/philloooo/pwa-unique-id/blob/main/explainer.md"; const char kDesktopPWAsTabStripName[] = "Desktop PWA tab strips"; const char kDesktopPWAsTabStripDescription[] = "Experimental UI for exploring what PWA windows would look like with a tab " "strip."; const char kDesktopPWAsTabStripSettingsName[] = "Desktop PWA tab strips settings"; const char kDesktopPWAsTabStripSettingsDescription[] = "Experimental UI for selecting whether a PWA should open in tabbed mode."; const char kDesktopPWAsSubAppsName[] = "Desktop PWA Sub Apps"; const char kDesktopPWAsSubAppsDescription[] = "Enable installed PWAs to create shortcuts by installing their sub apps. " "Prototype implementation of: " "https://github.com/ivansandrk/multi-apps/blob/main/explainer.md"; const char kDesktopPWAsWindowControlsOverlayName[] = "Desktop PWA Window Controls Overlay"; const char kDesktopPWAsWindowControlsOverlayDescription[] = "Enable web app manifests to declare Window Controls Overlay as a display " "override. Prototype implementation of: " "https://github.com/WICG/window-controls-overlay/blob/main/explainer.md"; const char kDesktopPWAsBorderlessName[] = "Desktop PWA Borderless"; const char kDesktopPWAsBorderlessDescription[] = "Enable web app manifests to declare borderless mode as a display " "override. Prototype implementation of: go/borderless-mode."; const char kDesktopPWAsWebBundlesName[] = "Desktop PWAs Web Bundles"; const char kDesktopPWAsWebBundlesDescription[] = "Adds support for web bundles, making web apps able to be launched " "offline."; const char kDesktopPWAsDetailedInstallDialogName[] = "Desktop PWAs Detailed Install Dialog"; const char kDesktopPWAsDetailedInstallDialogDescription[] = "Enable PWAs with screenshots to show a detailed install dialog during " "installation"; const char kEnableMigrateDefaultChromeAppToWebAppsGSuiteName[] = "Migrate default G Suite Chrome apps to web apps"; const char kEnableMigrateDefaultChromeAppToWebAppsGSuiteDescription[] = "Enable the migration of default installed G Suite Chrome apps over to " "their corresponding web apps."; const char kEnableMigrateDefaultChromeAppToWebAppsNonGSuiteName[] = "Migrate default non-G Suite Chrome apps to web apps"; const char kEnableMigrateDefaultChromeAppToWebAppsNonGSuiteDescription[] = "Enable the migration of default installed non-G Suite Chrome apps over to " "their corresponding web apps."; const char kEnablePreinstalledWebAppDuplicationFixerName[] = "Enable the app deduplication fix for migrated preinstalled web apps"; const char kEnablePreinstalledWebAppDuplicationFixerDescription[] = "The preinstalled web app migration encountered app duplication issues " "when it rolled out. This code path will attempt to re-migrate instances " "of app duplication where the old app failed to stay removed. See " "https://crbug.com/1290716."; const char kEnableTLS13EarlyDataName[] = "TLS 1.3 Early Data"; const char kEnableTLS13EarlyDataDescription[] = "This option enables TLS 1.3 Early Data, allowing GET requests to be sent " "during the handshake when resuming a connection to a compatible TLS 1.3 " "server."; const char kEnhancedNetworkVoicesName[] = "Enhanced network voices"; const char kEnhancedNetworkVoicesDescription[] = "This option enables high-quality, network-based voices in " "Select-to-speak."; const char kAccessibilityOSSettingsVisibilityName[] = "Accessibility OS Settings Visibility"; const char kAccessibilityOSSettingsVisibilityDescription[] = "This option enables improvements in Accessibility OS Settings visibility."; const char kPostQuantumCECPQ2Name[] = "TLS Post-Quantum Confidentiality"; const char kPostQuantumCECPQ2Description[] = "This option enables a post-quantum (i.e. resistent to quantum computers) " "key exchange algorithm in TLS (CECPQ2)."; const char kMacCoreLocationBackendName[] = "Core Location Backend"; const char kMacCoreLocationBackendDescription[] = "Enables usage of the Core Location APIs as the backend for Geolocation " "API"; const char kNewMacNotificationAPIName[] = "Determines which notification API to use on macOS devices"; const char kNewMacNotificationAPIDescription[] = "Enables the usage of Apple's new notification API which will run on macOS " "10.14+"; const char kWinrtGeolocationImplementationName[] = "WinRT Geolocation Implementation"; const char kWinrtGeolocationImplementationDescription[] = "Enables usage of the Windows.Devices.Geolocation WinRT APIs on Windows " "for geolocation"; const char kEnableFencedFramesName[] = "Enable the element."; const char kEnableFencedFramesDescription[] = "Fenced frames are an experimental web platform feature that allows " "embedding an isolated top-level page. This requires " "#privacy-sandbox-ads-apis to also be enabled. See " "https://github.com/shivanigithub/fenced-frame"; const char kEnableFirmwareUpdaterAppName[] = "Enable firmware updater app"; const char kEnableFirmwareUpdaterAppDescription[] = "Enable the firmware updater SWA, allowing users to update firmware " "on supported peripherals."; const char kEnableGamepadButtonAxisEventsName[] = "Gamepad Button and Axis Events"; const char kEnableGamepadButtonAxisEventsDescription[] = "Enables the ability to subscribe to changes in buttons and/or axes " "on the gamepad object."; const char kEnableGenericSensorExtraClassesName[] = "Generic Sensor Extra Classes"; const char kEnableGenericSensorExtraClassesDescription[] = "Enables an extra set of sensor classes based on Generic Sensor API, which " "expose previously unavailable platform features, i.e. AmbientLightSensor " "and Magnetometer interfaces."; const char kEnableGpuServiceLoggingName[] = "Enable gpu service logging"; const char kEnableGpuServiceLoggingDescription[] = "Enable printing the actual GL driver calls."; const char kEnableIphName[] = "Enable IPH"; const char kEnableIphDescription[] = "Enables the ability to show IPH. When disabled, IPHs are disabled system " "wide."; const char kEnableIsolatedWebAppsName[] = "Enable Isolated Web Apps"; const char kEnableIsolatedWebAppsDescription[] = "Enables experimental support for isolated web apps. " "See https://github.com/reillyeon/isolated-web-apps for more information."; const char kEnableRgbKeyboardName[] = "Enable RGB Keyboard Support"; const char kEnableRgbKeyboardDescription[] = "Enable RGB Keyboard support on supported devices."; const char kEnableShortcutCustomizationAppName[] = "Enable shortcut customization app"; const char kEnableShortcutCustomizationAppDescription[] = "Enable the shortcut customization SWA, allowing users to customize system " "shortcuts."; const char kExperimentalRgbKeyboardPatternsName[] = "Enable experimental RGB Keyboard patterns support"; const char kExperimentalRgbKeyboardPatternsDescription[] = "Enable experimental RGB Keyboard patterns support on supported devices."; const char kDownloadAutoResumptionNativeName[] = "Enable download auto-resumption in native"; const char kDownloadAutoResumptionNativeDescription[] = "Enables download auto-resumption in native"; const char kDownloadBubbleName[] = "Enable download bubble"; const char kDownloadBubbleDescription[] = "Enables the download bubble instead of the download shelf."; const char kDownloadBubbleV2Name[] = "Enable download bubble V2"; const char kDownloadBubbleV2Description[] = "Adds features to the download bubble not available on the download shelf. " "Only works if the base download bubble flag download-bubble is also " "enabled."; const char kDownloadLaterName[] = "Enable download later"; const char kDownloadLaterDescription[] = "Enables download later feature."; const char kDownloadLaterDebugOnWifiName[] = "Show download later dialog on WIFI."; const char kDownloadLaterDebugOnWifiNameDescription[] = "Show download later dialog on WIFI."; const char kDownloadRangeName[] = "Enable download range support"; const char kDownloadRangeDescription[] = "Enables arbitrary download range request support."; const char kEnableNetworkLoggingToFileName[] = "Enable network logging to file"; const char kEnableNetworkLoggingToFileDescription[] = "Enables network logging to a file named netlog.json in the user data " "directory. The file can be imported into chrome://net-internals."; const char kEnableNewDownloadBackendName[] = "Enable new download backend"; const char kEnableNewDownloadBackendDescription[] = "Enables the new download backend that uses offline content provider"; const char kEnablePerfettoSystemTracingName[] = "Enable Perfetto system tracing"; const char kEnablePerfettoSystemTracingDescription[] = "When enabled, Chrome will attempt to connect to the system tracing " "service"; const char kEnablePortalsName[] = "Enable Portals."; const char kEnablePortalsDescription[] = "Portals are an experimental web platform feature that allows embedding" " and seamless transitions between pages." " See https://github.com/WICG/portals and https://wicg.github.io/portals/"; const char kEnablePortalsCrossOriginName[] = "Enable cross-origin Portals."; const char kEnablePortalsCrossOriginDescription[] = "Allows portals to load cross-origin URLs in addition to same-origin ones." " Has no effect if Portals are not enabled."; const char kEnableTranslateSubFramesName[] = "Translate sub frames"; const char kEnableTranslateSubFramesDescription[] = "Enable the translation of sub frames (as well as the main frame)"; const char kEnableWindowsGamingInputDataFetcherName[] = "Enable Windows.Gaming.Input"; const char kEnableWindowsGamingInputDataFetcherDescription[] = "Enable Windows.Gaming.Input by default to provide game controller " "support on Windows 10 desktop."; const char kBlockInsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsName[] = "Block insecure private network requests."; const char kBlockInsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsDescription[] = "Prevents non-secure contexts from making subresource requests to " "more-private IP addresses. See also: " "https://developer.chrome.com/blog/private-network-access-update/"; const char kPrivateNetworkAccessSendPreflightsName[] = "Send Private Network Access preflights"; const char kPrivateNetworkAccessSendPreflightsDescription[] = "Enables sending Private Network Access preflights ahead of requests to " "more-private IP addresses. Failed preflights display warnings in DevTools " "without failing entire request. See also: " "https://developer.chrome.com/blog/private-network-access-preflight/"; const char kPrivateNetworkAccessRespectPreflightResultsName[] = "Respect the result of Private Network Access preflights"; const char kPrivateNetworkAccessRespectPreflightResultsDescription[] = "Enables sending Private Network Access preflights ahead of requests to " "more-private IP addresses. These preflight requests must succeed in order " "for the request to proceed. See also: " "https://developer.chrome.com/blog/private-network-access-preflight/"; const char kPrivateNetworkAccessPreflightShortTimeoutName[] = "Reduce waiting time for Private Network Access preflights response"; const char kPrivateNetworkAccessPreflightShortTimeoutDescription[] = "Reduce the waiting time for Private Network Access preflights to 200 " "milliseconds. The default timeout period for requests is 5 minutes." "See also: " "https://developer.chrome.com/blog/private-network-access-preflight/"; const char kDeprecateAltClickName[] = "Enable Alt+Click deprecation notifications"; const char kDeprecateAltClickDescription[] = "Start providing notifications about Alt+Click deprecation and enable " "Search+Click as an alternative."; const char kDeprecateAltBasedSixPackName[] = "Deprecate Alt based six-pack (PgUp, PgDn, Home, End, Delete, Insert)"; const char kDeprecateAltBasedSixPackDescription[] = "Show deprecation notifications and disable functionality for Alt based " "six pack deprecations. The Search based versions continue to work."; const char kExperimentalAccessibilityLanguageDetectionName[] = "Experimental accessibility language detection"; const char kExperimentalAccessibilityLanguageDetectionDescription[] = "Enable language detection for in-page content which is then exposed to " "assistive technologies such as screen readers."; const char kExperimentalAccessibilityLanguageDetectionDynamicName[] = "Experimental accessibility language detection for dynamic content"; const char kExperimentalAccessibilityLanguageDetectionDynamicDescription[] = "Enable language detection for dynamic content which is then exposed to " "assistive technologies such as screen readers."; const char kCompositorThreadedScrollbarScrollingName[] = "Compositor threaded scrollbar scrolling"; const char kCompositorThreadedScrollbarScrollingDescription[] = "Enables pointer-based scrollbar scrolling on the compositor thread " "instead of the main thread"; const char kMemlogName[] = "Chrome heap profiler start mode."; const char kMemlogDescription[] = "Starts heap profiling service that records sampled memory allocation " "profile having each sample attributed with a callstack. " "The sampling resolution is controlled with --memlog-sampling-rate flag. " "Recorded heap dumps can be obtained at chrome://tracing " "[category:memory-infra] and chrome://memory-internals. This setting " "controls which processes will be profiled since their start. To profile " "any given process at a later time use chrome://memory-internals page."; const char kMemlogModeMinimal[] = "Browser and GPU"; const char kMemlogModeAll[] = "All processes"; const char kMemlogModeAllRenderers[] = "All renderers"; const char kMemlogModeRendererSampling[] = "Single renderer"; const char kMemlogModeBrowser[] = "Browser only"; const char kMemlogModeGpu[] = "GPU only"; const char kMemlogSamplingRateName[] = "Heap profiling sampling interval (in bytes)."; const char kMemlogSamplingRateDescription[] = "Heap profiling service uses Poisson process to sample allocations. " "Default value for the interval between samples is 1000000 (1MB). " "This results in low noise for large and/or frequent allocations " "[size * frequency >> 1MB]. This means that aggregate numbers [e.g. " "total size of malloc-ed objects] and large and/or frequent allocations " "can be trusted with high fidelity. " "Lower intervals produce higher samples resolution, but come at a cost of " "higher performance overhead."; const char kMemlogSamplingRate10KB[] = "10KB"; const char kMemlogSamplingRate50KB[] = "50KB"; const char kMemlogSamplingRate100KB[] = "100KB"; const char kMemlogSamplingRate500KB[] = "500KB"; const char kMemlogSamplingRate1MB[] = "1MB"; const char kMemlogSamplingRate5MB[] = "5MB"; const char kMemlogStackModeName[] = "Heap profiling stack traces type."; const char kMemlogStackModeDescription[] = "By default heap profiling service records native stacks. " "A post-processing step is required to symbolize the stacks. " "'Native with thread names' adds the thread name as the first frame of " "each native stack. It's also possible to record a pseudo stack using " "trace events as identifiers. It's also possible to do a mix of both."; const char kMemlogStackModeNative[] = "Native"; const char kMemlogStackModeNativeWithThreadNames[] = "Native with thread names"; const char kEditContextName[] = "EditContext API"; const char kEditContextDescription[] = "Allows web pages to use the experimental EditContext API to better " "control text input."; const char kEnableAutomaticSnoozeName[] = "Enable Automatic Snooze"; const char kEnableAutomaticSnoozeDescription[] = "Enables automatic snoozing on In-Product Help with no snooze button."; const char kEnableLensFullscreenSearchFlagId[] = "enable-lens-fullscreen-search"; const char kEnableLensFullscreenSearchName[] = "Enable Lens fullscreen search features."; const char kEnableLensFullscreenSearchDescription[] = "Enables Lens fullscreen search features."; const char kEnableLensStandaloneFlagId[] = "enable-lens-standalone"; const char kEnableLensStandaloneName[] = "Enable Lens features in Chrome."; const char kEnableLensStandaloneDescription[] = "Enables Lens image and region search to learn about the visual content " "you see while you browse and shop on the web."; const char kEnableManagedConfigurationWebApiName[] = "Enable Managed Configuration Web API"; const char kEnableManagedConfigurationWebApiDescription[] = "Allows website to access a managed configuration provided by the device " "administrator for the origin."; const char kEnablePenetratingImageSelectionName[] = "Penetrating Image Selection"; const char kEnablePenetratingImageSelectionDescription[] = "Enables image options to be surfaced in the context menu for nodes " "covered by transparent overlays."; const char kEnablePixelCanvasRecordingName[] = "Enable pixel canvas recording"; const char kEnablePixelCanvasRecordingDescription[] = "Pixel canvas recording allows the compositor to raster contents aligned " "with the pixel and improves text rendering. This should be enabled when a " "device is using fractional scale factor."; const char kReduceHorizontalFlingVelocityName[] = "Reduce horizontal fling velocity"; const char kReduceHorizontalFlingVelocityDescription[] = "Reduces the velocity of horizontal flings to 20% of their original" "velocity."; extern const char kDropInputEventsBeforeFirstPaintName[] = "Drop Input Events Before First Paint"; extern const char kDropInputEventsBeforeFirstPaintDescription[] = "Before the user can see the first paint of a new page they cannot " "intentionally interact with elements on that page. By dropping the events " "we prevent accidental interaction with a page the user has not seen yet."; const char kEnableCssSelectorFragmentAnchorName[] = "Enables CSS selector fragment anchors"; const char kEnableCssSelectorFragmentAnchorDescription[] = "Similar to text directives, CSS selector directives can be specified " "in a url which is to be scrolled into view and highlighted."; const char kRetailCouponsName[] = "Enable to fetch for retail coupons"; const char kRetailCouponsDescription[] = "Allow to fetch retail coupons for consented users"; const char kEnableResamplingInputEventsName[] = "Enable resampling input events"; const char kEnableResamplingInputEventsDescription[] = "Predicts mouse and touch inputs position at rAF time based on previous " "input"; const char kEnableResamplingScrollEventsName[] = "Enable resampling scroll events"; const char kEnableResamplingScrollEventsDescription[] = "Predicts the scroll amount at vsync time based on previous input"; const char kEnableResamplingScrollEventsExperimentalPredictionName[] = "Enable experimental prediction for scroll events"; const char kEnableResamplingScrollEventsExperimentalPredictionDescription[] = "Predicts the scroll amount after the vsync time to more closely match " "when the frame is visible."; const char kEnableRestrictedWebApisName[] = "Enable the restriced web APIs for high-trusted apps."; const char kEnableRestrictedWebApisDescription[] = "Enable the restricted web APIs for dev trial. This will be replaced with " "permission policies to control the capabilities afterwards."; const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfName[] = "Use Blink's zoom for device scale factor."; const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfDescription[] = "If enabled, Blink uses its zooming mechanism to scale content for device " "scale factor."; const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfChoiceDefault[] = "Default"; const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfChoiceEnabled[] = "Enabled"; const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfChoiceDisabled[] = "Disabled"; const char kEnableWebAuthenticationChromeOSAuthenticatorName[] = "ChromeOS platform Web Authentication support"; const char kEnableWebAuthenticationChromeOSAuthenticatorDescription[] = "Enable the ChromeOS platform authenticator for the Web Authentication " "API."; const char kEnableZeroCopyTabCaptureName[] = "Zero-copy tab capture"; const char kEnableZeroCopyTabCaptureDescription[] = "Enable zero-copy content tab for getDisplayMedia() APIs."; const char kEnableRegionCaptureExperimentalSubtypesName[] = "Region capture experimental subtypes"; const char kEnableRegionCaptureExperimentalSubtypesDescription[] = "Enables experiment support for CropTarget.fromElement to use other " "Element subtypes than just