// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "sql/database.h" #include #include #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/callback_helpers.h" #include "base/files/file_util.h" #include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h" #include "base/sequence_checker.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/test/bind.h" #include "base/test/gtest_util.h" #include "base/test/metrics/histogram_tester.h" #include "base/thread_annotations.h" #include "base/trace_event/process_memory_dump.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "sql/database_memory_dump_provider.h" #include "sql/meta_table.h" #include "sql/sql_features.h" #include "sql/statement.h" #include "sql/test/database_test_peer.h" #include "sql/test/scoped_error_expecter.h" #include "sql/test/test_helpers.h" #include "sql/transaction.h" #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "third_party/sqlite/sqlite3.h" namespace sql { namespace { using sql::test::ExecuteWithResult; // Helper to return the count of items in sqlite_schema. Return -1 in // case of error. int SqliteSchemaCount(Database* db) { const char* kSchemaCount = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_schema"; Statement s(db->GetUniqueStatement(kSchemaCount)); return s.Step() ? s.ColumnInt(0) : -1; } // Handle errors by blowing away the database. void RazeErrorCallback(Database* db, int expected_error, int error, Statement* stmt) { // Nothing here needs extended errors at this time. EXPECT_EQ(expected_error, expected_error & 0xff); EXPECT_EQ(expected_error, error & 0xff); db->RazeAndClose(); } #if BUILDFLAG(IS_POSIX) // Set a umask and restore the old mask on destruction. Cribbed from // shared_memory_unittest.cc. Used by POSIX-only UserPermission test. class ScopedUmaskSetter { public: explicit ScopedUmaskSetter(mode_t target_mask) { old_umask_ = umask(target_mask); } ~ScopedUmaskSetter() { umask(old_umask_); } ScopedUmaskSetter(const ScopedUmaskSetter&) = delete; ScopedUmaskSetter& operator=(const ScopedUmaskSetter&) = delete; private: mode_t old_umask_; }; #endif // BUILDFLAG(IS_POSIX) } // namespace // We use the parameter to run all tests with WAL mode on and off. class SQLDatabaseTest : public testing::Test, public testing::WithParamInterface { public: enum class OverwriteType { kTruncate, kOverwrite, }; ~SQLDatabaseTest() override = default; void SetUp() override { db_ = std::make_unique(GetDBOptions()); ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir()); db_path_ = temp_dir_.GetPath().AppendASCII("database_test.sqlite"); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)); } DatabaseOptions GetDBOptions() { DatabaseOptions options; options.wal_mode = IsWALEnabled(); // TODO(crbug.com/1120969): Remove after switching to exclusive mode on by // default. options.exclusive_locking = false; #if BUILDFLAG(IS_FUCHSIA) // Exclusive mode needs to be enabled to enter WAL // mode on Fuchsia if (IsWALEnabled()) { options.exclusive_locking = true; } #endif // BUILDFLAG(IS_FUCHSIA) return options; } bool IsWALEnabled() { return GetParam(); } bool TruncateDatabase() { base::File file(db_path_, base::File::FLAG_CREATE_ALWAYS | base::File::FLAG_WRITE); return file.SetLength(0); } bool OverwriteDatabaseHeader(OverwriteType type) { base::File file(db_path_, base::File::FLAG_CREATE_ALWAYS | base::File::FLAG_WRITE); if (type == OverwriteType::kTruncate) { if (!file.SetLength(0)) return false; } static constexpr char kText[] = "Now is the winter of our discontent."; constexpr int kTextBytes = sizeof(kText) - 1; return file.Write(0, kText, kTextBytes) == kTextBytes; } protected: base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir_; base::FilePath db_path_; std::unique_ptr db_; }; TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, Execute_ValidStatement) { ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE data(contents TEXT)")); EXPECT_EQ(SQLITE_OK, db_->GetErrorCode()); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, Execute_InvalidStatement) { { sql::test::ScopedErrorExpecter error_expecter; error_expecter.ExpectError(SQLITE_ERROR); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE data(")); EXPECT_TRUE(error_expecter.SawExpectedErrors()); } EXPECT_EQ(SQLITE_ERROR, db_->GetErrorCode()); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, ExecuteScriptForTesting_OneLineValid) { ASSERT_TRUE(db_->ExecuteScriptForTesting("CREATE TABLE data(contents TEXT)")); EXPECT_EQ(SQLITE_OK, db_->GetErrorCode()); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, ExecuteScriptForTesting_OneLineInvalid) { ASSERT_FALSE(db_->ExecuteScriptForTesting("CREATE TABLE data(")); EXPECT_EQ(SQLITE_ERROR, db_->GetErrorCode()); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, ExecuteScriptForTesting_ExtraContents) { EXPECT_TRUE(db_->ExecuteScriptForTesting("CREATE TABLE data1(id)")) << "Minimal statement"; EXPECT_TRUE(db_->ExecuteScriptForTesting("CREATE TABLE data2(id);")) << "Extra semicolon"; EXPECT_TRUE(db_->ExecuteScriptForTesting("CREATE TABLE data3(id) -- Comment")) << "Trailing comment"; EXPECT_TRUE(db_->ExecuteScriptForTesting( "CREATE TABLE data4(id);CREATE TABLE data5(id)")) << "Extra statement without whitespace"; EXPECT_TRUE(db_->ExecuteScriptForTesting( "CREATE TABLE data6(id); CREATE TABLE data7(id)")) << "Extra statement separated by whitespace"; EXPECT_TRUE(db_->ExecuteScriptForTesting("CREATE TABLE data8(id);-- Comment")) << "Comment without whitespace"; EXPECT_TRUE( db_->ExecuteScriptForTesting("CREATE TABLE data9(id); -- Comment")) << "Comment sepatated by whitespace"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, ExecuteScriptForTesting_MultipleValidLines) { EXPECT_TRUE(db_->ExecuteScriptForTesting(R"( CREATE TABLE data1(contents TEXT); CREATE TABLE data2(contents TEXT); CREATE TABLE data3(contents TEXT); )")); EXPECT_EQ(SQLITE_OK, db_->GetErrorCode()); // DoesColumnExist() is implemented directly on top of a SQLite call. The // other schema functions use sql::Statement infrastructure to query the // schema table. EXPECT_TRUE(db_->DoesColumnExist("data1", "contents")); EXPECT_TRUE(db_->DoesColumnExist("data2", "contents")); EXPECT_TRUE(db_->DoesColumnExist("data3", "contents")); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, ExecuteScriptForTesting_StopsOnCompileError) { EXPECT_FALSE(db_->ExecuteScriptForTesting(R"( CREATE TABLE data1(contents TEXT); CREATE TABLE data1(); CREATE TABLE data3(contents TEXT); )")); EXPECT_EQ(SQLITE_ERROR, db_->GetErrorCode()); EXPECT_TRUE(db_->DoesColumnExist("data1", "contents")); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->DoesColumnExist("data3", "contents")); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, ExecuteScriptForTesting_StopsOnStepError) { EXPECT_FALSE(db_->ExecuteScriptForTesting(R"( CREATE TABLE data1(contents TEXT UNIQUE); INSERT INTO data1(contents) VALUES('value1'); INSERT INTO data1(contents) VALUES('value1'); CREATE TABLE data3(contents TEXT); )")); EXPECT_EQ(SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE, db_->GetErrorCode()); EXPECT_TRUE(db_->DoesColumnExist("data1", "contents")); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->DoesColumnExist("data3", "contents")); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, CachedStatement) { StatementID id1 = SQL_FROM_HERE; StatementID id2 = SQL_FROM_HERE; static const char kId1Sql[] = "SELECT a FROM foo"; static const char kId2Sql[] = "SELECT b FROM foo"; ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE foo (a, b)")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES (12, 13)")); sqlite3_stmt* raw_id1_statement; sqlite3_stmt* raw_id2_statement; { scoped_refptr ref_from_id1 = db_->GetCachedStatement(id1, kId1Sql); raw_id1_statement = ref_from_id1->stmt(); Statement from_id1(std::move(ref_from_id1)); ASSERT_TRUE(from_id1.is_valid()); ASSERT_TRUE(from_id1.Step()); EXPECT_EQ(12, from_id1.ColumnInt(0)); scoped_refptr ref_from_id2 = db_->GetCachedStatement(id2, kId2Sql); raw_id2_statement = ref_from_id2->stmt(); EXPECT_NE(raw_id1_statement, raw_id2_statement); Statement from_id2(std::move(ref_from_id2)); ASSERT_TRUE(from_id2.is_valid()); ASSERT_TRUE(from_id2.Step()); EXPECT_EQ(13, from_id2.ColumnInt(0)); } { scoped_refptr ref_from_id1 = db_->GetCachedStatement(id1, kId1Sql); EXPECT_EQ(raw_id1_statement, ref_from_id1->stmt()) << "statement was not cached"; Statement from_id1(std::move(ref_from_id1)); ASSERT_TRUE(from_id1.is_valid()); ASSERT_TRUE(from_id1.Step()) << "cached statement was not reset"; EXPECT_EQ(12, from_id1.ColumnInt(0)); scoped_refptr ref_from_id2 = db_->GetCachedStatement(id2, kId2Sql); EXPECT_EQ(raw_id2_statement, ref_from_id2->stmt()) << "statement was not cached"; Statement from_id2(std::move(ref_from_id2)); ASSERT_TRUE(from_id2.is_valid()); ASSERT_TRUE(from_id2.Step()) << "cached statement was not reset"; EXPECT_EQ(13, from_id2.ColumnInt(0)); } EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH(db_->GetCachedStatement(id1, kId2Sql)) << "Using a different SQL with the same statement ID should DCHECK"; EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH(db_->GetCachedStatement(id2, kId1Sql)) << "Using a different SQL with the same statement ID should DCHECK"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, IsSQLValidTest) { ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE foo (a, b)")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->IsSQLValid("SELECT a FROM foo")); ASSERT_FALSE(db_->IsSQLValid("SELECT no_exist FROM foo")); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, DoesTableExist) { EXPECT_FALSE(db_->DoesTableExist("foo")); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->DoesTableExist("foo_index")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE foo (a, b)")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("CREATE INDEX foo_index ON foo (a)")); EXPECT_TRUE(db_->DoesTableExist("foo")); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->DoesTableExist("foo_index")); // DoesTableExist() is case-sensitive. EXPECT_FALSE(db_->DoesTableExist("Foo")); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->DoesTableExist("FOO")); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, DoesIndexExist) { ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE foo (a, b)")); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->DoesIndexExist("foo")); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->DoesIndexExist("foo_ubdex")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("CREATE INDEX foo_index ON foo (a)")); EXPECT_TRUE(db_->DoesIndexExist("foo_index")); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->DoesIndexExist("foo")); // DoesIndexExist() is case-sensitive. EXPECT_FALSE(db_->DoesIndexExist("Foo_index")); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->DoesIndexExist("Foo_Index")); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->DoesIndexExist("FOO_INDEX")); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, DoesViewExist) { EXPECT_FALSE(db_->DoesViewExist("voo")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("CREATE VIEW voo (a) AS SELECT 1")); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->DoesIndexExist("voo")); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->DoesTableExist("voo")); EXPECT_TRUE(db_->DoesViewExist("voo")); // DoesTableExist() is case-sensitive. EXPECT_FALSE(db_->DoesViewExist("Voo")); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->DoesViewExist("VOO")); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, DoesColumnExist) { ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE foo (a, b)")); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->DoesColumnExist("foo", "bar")); EXPECT_TRUE(db_->DoesColumnExist("foo", "a")); ASSERT_FALSE(db_->DoesTableExist("bar")); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->DoesColumnExist("bar", "b")); // SQLite resolves table/column names without case sensitivity. EXPECT_TRUE(db_->DoesColumnExist("FOO", "A")); EXPECT_TRUE(db_->DoesColumnExist("FOO", "a")); EXPECT_TRUE(db_->DoesColumnExist("foo", "A")); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, GetLastInsertRowId) { ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE foo (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value)")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO foo (value) VALUES (12)")); // Last insert row ID should be valid. int64_t row = db_->GetLastInsertRowId(); EXPECT_LT(0, row); // It should be the primary key of the row we just inserted. Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT value FROM foo WHERE id=?")); s.BindInt64(0, row); ASSERT_TRUE(s.Step()); EXPECT_EQ(12, s.ColumnInt(0)); } // Test the scoped error expecter by attempting to insert a duplicate // value into an index. TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, ScopedErrorExpecter) { const char* kCreateSql = "CREATE TABLE foo (id INTEGER UNIQUE)"; ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute(kCreateSql)); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES (12)")); { sql::test::ScopedErrorExpecter expecter; expecter.ExpectError(SQLITE_CONSTRAINT); ASSERT_FALSE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES (12)")); ASSERT_TRUE(expecter.SawExpectedErrors()); } } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, SchemaIntrospectionUsesErrorExpecter) { const char* kCreateSql = "CREATE TABLE foo (id INTEGER UNIQUE)"; ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute(kCreateSql)); ASSERT_FALSE(db_->DoesTableExist("bar")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->DoesTableExist("foo")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->DoesColumnExist("foo", "id")); db_->Close(); // Corrupt the database so that nothing works, including PRAGMAs. ASSERT_TRUE(sql::test::CorruptSizeInHeader(db_path_)); { sql::test::ScopedErrorExpecter expecter; expecter.ExpectError(SQLITE_CORRUPT); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)); ASSERT_FALSE(db_->DoesTableExist("bar")); ASSERT_FALSE(db_->DoesTableExist("foo")); ASSERT_FALSE(db_->DoesColumnExist("foo", "id")); ASSERT_TRUE(expecter.SawExpectedErrors()); } } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, SetErrorCallback) { static constexpr char kCreateSql[] = "CREATE TABLE rows(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)"; ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute(kCreateSql)); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO rows(id) VALUES(12)")); bool error_callback_called = false; int error = SQLITE_OK; db_->set_error_callback(base::BindLambdaForTesting( [&](int sqlite_error, sql::Statement* statement) { error_callback_called = true; error = sqlite_error; })); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO rows(id) VALUES(12)")) << "Inserting a duplicate primary key should have failed"; EXPECT_TRUE(error_callback_called) << "Execute() should report errors to the database error callback"; EXPECT_EQ(SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_PRIMARYKEY, error) << "Execute() should report errors to the database error callback"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, SetErrorCallbackDchecksOnExistingCallback) { db_->set_error_callback(base::DoNothing()); EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH(db_->set_error_callback(base::DoNothing())) << "set_error_callback() should DCHECK if error callback already exists"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, ResetErrorCallback) { static constexpr char kCreateSql[] = "CREATE TABLE rows(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)"; ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute(kCreateSql)); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO rows(id) VALUES(12)")); bool error_callback_called = false; int error = SQLITE_OK; db_->set_error_callback( base::BindLambdaForTesting([&](int sqlite_error, Statement* statement) { error_callback_called = true; error = sqlite_error; })); db_->reset_error_callback(); { sql::test::ScopedErrorExpecter expecter; expecter.ExpectError(SQLITE_CONSTRAINT); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO rows(id) VALUES(12)")) << "Inserting a duplicate primary key should have failed"; EXPECT_TRUE(expecter.SawExpectedErrors()) << "Inserting a duplicate primary key should have failed"; } EXPECT_FALSE(error_callback_called) << "Execute() should not report errors after reset_error_callback()"; EXPECT_EQ(SQLITE_OK, error) << "Execute() should not report errors after reset_error_callback()"; } // Sets a flag to true/false to track being alive. class LifeTracker { public: explicit LifeTracker(bool* flag_ptr) : flag_ptr_(flag_ptr) { DCHECK(flag_ptr != nullptr); DCHECK(!*flag_ptr) << "LifeTracker's flag should be set to false prior to construction"; *flag_ptr_ = true; } LifeTracker(LifeTracker&& rhs) { DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_); DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(rhs.sequence_checker_); flag_ptr_ = rhs.flag_ptr_; rhs.flag_ptr_ = nullptr; } // base::RepeatingCallback only requires move-construction support. LifeTracker& operator=(const LifeTracker& rhs) = delete; ~LifeTracker() { DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_); if (flag_ptr_) *flag_ptr_ = false; } private: SEQUENCE_CHECKER(sequence_checker_); raw_ptr flag_ptr_ GUARDED_BY_CONTEXT(sequence_checker_); }; // base::BindRepeating() can curry arguments to be passed by const reference to // the callback function. If the error callback function calls // reset_error_callback() and the Database doesn't hang onto the callback while // running it, the storage for those arguments may be deleted while the callback // function is executing. This test ensures that the database is hanging onto // the callback while running it. TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, ErrorCallbackStorageProtectedWhileRun) { bool is_alive = false; db_->set_error_callback(base::BindRepeating( [](Database* db, bool* life_tracker_is_alive, const LifeTracker& life_tracker, int sqlite_error, Statement* statement) { EXPECT_TRUE(*life_tracker_is_alive) << "The error callback storage should be alive when it is Run()"; db->reset_error_callback(); EXPECT_TRUE(*life_tracker_is_alive) << "The error storage should remain alive during Run() after " << "reset_error_callback()"; }, base::Unretained(db_.get()), base::Unretained(&is_alive), LifeTracker(&is_alive))); EXPECT_TRUE(is_alive) << "The error callback storage should be alive after creation"; EXPECT_FALSE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO rows(id) VALUES(12)")); EXPECT_FALSE(is_alive) << "The error callback storage should be released after Run() completes"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, Execute_CompilationError) { bool error_callback_called = false; db_->set_error_callback(base::BindLambdaForTesting([&](int error, sql::Statement* statement) { EXPECT_EQ(SQLITE_ERROR, error); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, statement); EXPECT_FALSE(error_callback_called) << "SQL compilation errors should call the error callback exactly once"; error_callback_called = true; })); { sql::test::ScopedErrorExpecter expecter; expecter.ExpectError(SQLITE_ERROR); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->Execute("SELECT missing_column FROM missing_table")); EXPECT_TRUE(expecter.SawExpectedErrors()); } EXPECT_TRUE(error_callback_called) << "SQL compilation errors should call the error callback"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, GetUniqueStatement_CompilationError) { bool error_callback_called = false; db_->set_error_callback(base::BindLambdaForTesting([&](int error, sql::Statement* statement) { EXPECT_EQ(SQLITE_ERROR, error); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, statement); EXPECT_FALSE(error_callback_called) << "SQL compilation errors should call the error callback exactly once"; error_callback_called = true; })); { sql::test::ScopedErrorExpecter expecter; expecter.ExpectError(SQLITE_ERROR); sql::Statement statement( db_->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT missing_column FROM missing_table")); EXPECT_FALSE(statement.is_valid()); EXPECT_TRUE(expecter.SawExpectedErrors()); } EXPECT_TRUE(error_callback_called) << "SQL compilation errors should call the error callback"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, GetCachedStatement_CompilationError) { bool error_callback_called = false; db_->set_error_callback(base::BindLambdaForTesting([&](int error, sql::Statement* statement) { EXPECT_EQ(SQLITE_ERROR, error); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, statement); EXPECT_FALSE(error_callback_called) << "SQL compilation errors should call the error callback exactly once"; error_callback_called = true; })); { sql::test::ScopedErrorExpecter expecter; expecter.ExpectError(SQLITE_ERROR); sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement( SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT missing_column FROM missing_table")); EXPECT_FALSE(statement.is_valid()); EXPECT_TRUE(expecter.SawExpectedErrors()); } EXPECT_TRUE(error_callback_called) << "SQL compilation errors should call the error callback"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, GetUniqueStatement_ExtraContents) { sql::Statement minimal(db_->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT 1")); sql::Statement extra_semicolon(db_->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT 1;")); // It would be nice to flag trailing comments too, as they cost binary size. // However, there's no easy way of doing that. sql::Statement trailing_comment( db_->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT 1 -- Comment")); EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH(db_->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT 1;SELECT 2")) << "Extra statement without whitespace"; EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH(db_->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT 1; SELECT 2")) << "Extra statement separated by whitespace"; EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH(db_->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT 1;-- Comment")) << "Comment without whitespace"; EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH(db_->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT 1; -- Comment")) << "Comment separated by whitespace"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, GetCachedStatement_ExtraContents) { sql::Statement minimal(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT 1")); sql::Statement extra_semicolon( db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT 1;")); // It would be nice to flag trailing comments too, as they cost binary size. // However, there's no easy way of doing that. sql::Statement trailing_comment( db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT 1 -- Comment")); EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH( db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT 1;SELECT 2")) << "Extra statement without whitespace"; EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH( db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT 1; SELECT 2")) << "Extra statement separated by whitespace"; EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH( db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT 1;-- Comment")) << "Comment without whitespace"; EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH( db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT 1; -- Comment")) << "Comment separated by whitespace"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, IsSQLValid_ExtraContents) { EXPECT_TRUE(db_->IsSQLValid("SELECT 1")); EXPECT_TRUE(db_->IsSQLValid("SELECT 1;")) << "Trailing semicolons are currently tolerated"; // It would be nice to flag trailing comments too, as they cost binary size. // However, there's no easy way of doing that. EXPECT_TRUE(db_->IsSQLValid("SELECT 1 -- Comment")) << "Trailing comments are currently tolerated"; EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH(db_->IsSQLValid("SELECT 1;SELECT 2")) << "Extra statement without whitespace"; EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH(db_->IsSQLValid("SELECT 1; SELECT 2")) << "Extra statement separated by whitespace"; EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH(db_->IsSQLValid("SELECT 1;-- Comment")) << "Comment without whitespace"; EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH(db_->IsSQLValid("SELECT 1; -- Comment")) << "Comment separated by whitespace"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, GetUniqueStatement_NoContents) { EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH(db_->GetUniqueStatement("")) << "Empty string"; EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH(db_->GetUniqueStatement(" ")) << "Space"; EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH(db_->GetUniqueStatement("\n")) << "Newline"; EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH(db_->GetUniqueStatement("-- Comment")) << "Comment"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, GetCachedStatement_NoContents) { EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "")) << "Empty string"; EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, " ")) << "Space"; EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "\n")) << "Newline"; EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "-- Comment")) << "Comment"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, GetReadonlyStatement) { const char* kCreateSql = "CREATE TABLE foo (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value)"; ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute(kCreateSql)); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO foo (value) VALUES (12)")); // PRAGMA statements do not change the database file. { Statement s(db_->GetReadonlyStatement("PRAGMA analysis_limit")); ASSERT_TRUE(s.Step()); } { Statement s(db_->GetReadonlyStatement("PRAGMA analysis_limit=100")); ASSERT_TRUE(s.is_valid()); } // Create and insert statements should fail, while the same queries as unique // statement succeeds. { Statement s(db_->GetReadonlyStatement( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value)")); ASSERT_FALSE(s.is_valid()); Statement s1(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value)")); ASSERT_TRUE(s1.is_valid()); } { Statement s( db_->GetReadonlyStatement("INSERT INTO foo (value) VALUES (12)")); ASSERT_FALSE(s.is_valid()); Statement s1( db_->GetUniqueStatement("INSERT INTO foo (value) VALUES (12)")); ASSERT_TRUE(s1.is_valid()); } { Statement s( db_->GetReadonlyStatement("CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE bar USING module")); ASSERT_FALSE(s.is_valid()); Statement s1( db_->GetUniqueStatement("CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE bar USING module")); ASSERT_TRUE(s1.is_valid()); } // Select statement is successful. { Statement s(db_->GetReadonlyStatement("SELECT * FROM foo")); ASSERT_TRUE(s.Step()); EXPECT_EQ(s.ColumnInt(1), 12); } } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, IsSQLValid_NoContents) { EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH(db_->IsSQLValid("")) << "Empty string"; EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH(db_->IsSQLValid(" ")) << "Space"; EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH(db_->IsSQLValid("\n")) << "Newline"; EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH(db_->IsSQLValid("-- Comment")) << "Comment"; } // Test that Database::Raze() results in a database without the // tables from the original database. TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, Raze) { const char* kCreateSql = "CREATE TABLE foo (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value)"; ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute(kCreateSql)); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO foo (value) VALUES (12)")); int pragma_auto_vacuum = 0; { Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement("PRAGMA auto_vacuum")); ASSERT_TRUE(s.Step()); pragma_auto_vacuum = s.ColumnInt(0); ASSERT_TRUE(pragma_auto_vacuum == 0 || pragma_auto_vacuum == 1); } // If auto_vacuum is set, there's an extra page to maintain a freelist. const int kExpectedPageCount = 2 + pragma_auto_vacuum; { Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement("PRAGMA page_count")); ASSERT_TRUE(s.Step()); EXPECT_EQ(kExpectedPageCount, s.ColumnInt(0)); } { Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT * FROM sqlite_schema")); ASSERT_TRUE(s.Step()); EXPECT_EQ("table", s.ColumnString(0)); EXPECT_EQ("foo", s.ColumnString(1)); EXPECT_EQ("foo", s.ColumnString(2)); // Table "foo" is stored in the last page of the file. EXPECT_EQ(kExpectedPageCount, s.ColumnInt(3)); EXPECT_EQ(kCreateSql, s.ColumnString(4)); } ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Raze()); { Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement("PRAGMA page_count")); ASSERT_TRUE(s.Step()); EXPECT_EQ(1, s.ColumnInt(0)); } ASSERT_EQ(0, SqliteSchemaCount(db_.get())); { Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement("PRAGMA auto_vacuum")); ASSERT_TRUE(s.Step()); // The new database has the same auto_vacuum as a fresh database. EXPECT_EQ(pragma_auto_vacuum, s.ColumnInt(0)); } } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, RazeDuringSelect) { ASSERT_TRUE( db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE rows(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO rows(id) VALUES(1)")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO rows(id) VALUES(2)")); { // SELECT implicitly creates a transaction while it's executing. This // implicit transaction will not be caught by Raze()'s checks. Statement select(db_->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT id FROM rows")); ASSERT_TRUE(select.Step()); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->Raze()) << "Raze() should fail while SELECT is executing"; } { Statement count(db_->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rows")); ASSERT_TRUE(count.Step()); EXPECT_EQ(2, count.ColumnInt(0)) << "Raze() deleted some data"; } } // Helper for SQLDatabaseTest.RazePageSize. Creates a fresh db based on // db_prefix, with the given initial page size, and verifies it against the // expected size. Then changes to the final page size and razes, verifying that // the fresh database ends up with the expected final page size. void TestPageSize(const base::FilePath& db_prefix, int initial_page_size, const std::string& expected_initial_page_size, int final_page_size, const std::string& expected_final_page_size) { static const char kCreateSql[] = "CREATE TABLE x (t TEXT)"; static const char kInsertSql1[] = "INSERT INTO x VALUES ('This is a test')"; static const char kInsertSql2[] = "INSERT INTO x VALUES ('That was a test')"; const base::FilePath db_path = db_prefix.InsertBeforeExtensionASCII( base::NumberToString(initial_page_size)); Database::Delete(db_path); Database db({.page_size = initial_page_size}); ASSERT_TRUE(db.Open(db_path)); ASSERT_TRUE(db.Execute(kCreateSql)); ASSERT_TRUE(db.Execute(kInsertSql1)); ASSERT_TRUE(db.Execute(kInsertSql2)); ASSERT_EQ(expected_initial_page_size, ExecuteWithResult(&db, "PRAGMA page_size")); db.Close(); // Re-open the database while setting a new |options.page_size| in the object. Database razed_db({.page_size = final_page_size}); ASSERT_TRUE(razed_db.Open(db_path)); // Raze will use the page size set in the connection object, which may not // match the file's page size. ASSERT_TRUE(razed_db.Raze()); // SQLite 3.10.2 (at least) has a quirk with the sqlite3_backup() API (used by // Raze()) which causes the destination database to remember the previous // page_size, even if the overwriting database changed the page_size. Access // the actual database to cause the cached value to be updated. EXPECT_EQ("0", ExecuteWithResult(&razed_db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_schema")); EXPECT_EQ(expected_final_page_size, ExecuteWithResult(&razed_db, "PRAGMA page_size")); EXPECT_EQ("1", ExecuteWithResult(&razed_db, "PRAGMA page_count")); } // Verify that Recovery maintains the page size, and the virtual table // works with page sizes other than SQLite's default. Also verify the case // where the default page size has changed. TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, RazePageSize) { const std::string default_page_size = ExecuteWithResult(db_.get(), "PRAGMA page_size"); // Sync uses 32k pages. EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE( TestPageSize(db_path_, 32768, "32768", 32768, "32768")); // Many clients use 4k pages. This is the SQLite default after 3.12.0. EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestPageSize(db_path_, 4096, "4096", 4096, "4096")); // 1k is the default page size before 3.12.0. EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestPageSize(db_path_, 1024, "1024", 1024, "1024")); EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestPageSize(db_path_, 2048, "2048", 4096, "4096")); // Databases with no page size specified should result in the default // page size. 2k has never been the default page size. ASSERT_NE("2048", default_page_size); EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestPageSize(db_path_, 2048, "2048", DatabaseOptions::kDefaultPageSize, default_page_size)); } // Test that Raze() results are seen in other connections. TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, RazeMultiple) { const char* kCreateSql = "CREATE TABLE foo (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value)"; ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute(kCreateSql)); Database other_db(GetDBOptions()); ASSERT_TRUE(other_db.Open(db_path_)); // Check that the second connection sees the table. ASSERT_EQ(1, SqliteSchemaCount(&other_db)); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Raze()); // The second connection sees the updated database. ASSERT_EQ(0, SqliteSchemaCount(&other_db)); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, Raze_OtherConnectionHasWriteLock) { ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE rows(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)")); Database other_db(GetDBOptions()); ASSERT_TRUE(other_db.Open(db_path_)); Transaction other_db_transaction(&other_db); ASSERT_TRUE(other_db_transaction.Begin()); ASSERT_TRUE(other_db.Execute("INSERT INTO rows(id) VALUES(1)")); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->Raze()) << "Raze() should fail while another connection has a write lock"; ASSERT_TRUE(other_db_transaction.Commit()); EXPECT_TRUE(db_->Raze()) << "Raze() should succeed after the other connection releases the lock"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, Raze_OtherConnectionHasReadLock) { ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE rows(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO rows(id) VALUES(1)")); if (IsWALEnabled()) { // In WAL mode, read transactions in other connections do not block a write // transaction. return; } Database other_db(GetDBOptions()); ASSERT_TRUE(other_db.Open(db_path_)); Statement select(other_db.GetUniqueStatement("SELECT id FROM rows")); ASSERT_TRUE(select.Step()); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->Raze()) << "Raze() should fail while another connection has a read lock"; ASSERT_FALSE(select.Step()) << "The SELECT statement should not produce more than one row"; EXPECT_TRUE(db_->Raze()) << "Raze() should succeed after the other connection releases the lock"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, Raze_EmptyDatabaseFile) { ASSERT_TRUE( db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE rows(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)")); db_->Close(); ASSERT_TRUE(TruncateDatabase()); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)) << "Failed to reopen database after truncating"; EXPECT_TRUE(db_->Raze()) << "Raze() failed on an empty file"; EXPECT_TRUE( db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE rows(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)")) << "Raze() did not produce a healthy empty database"; } // Verify that Raze() can handle a file of junk. // Need exclusive mode off here as there are some subtleties (by design) around // how the cache is used with it on which causes the test to fail. TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, RazeNOTADB) { db_->Close(); Database::Delete(db_path_); ASSERT_FALSE(base::PathExists(db_path_)); ASSERT_TRUE(OverwriteDatabaseHeader(OverwriteType::kTruncate)); ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathExists(db_path_)); // SQLite will successfully open the handle, but fail when running PRAGMA // statements that access the database. { sql::test::ScopedErrorExpecter expecter; expecter.ExpectError(SQLITE_NOTADB); EXPECT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)); ASSERT_TRUE(expecter.SawExpectedErrors()); } EXPECT_TRUE(db_->Raze()); db_->Close(); // Now empty, the open should open an empty database. EXPECT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)); EXPECT_EQ(0, SqliteSchemaCount(db_.get())); } // Verify that Raze() can handle a database overwritten with garbage. TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, RazeNOTADB2) { const char* kCreateSql = "CREATE TABLE foo (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value)"; ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute(kCreateSql)); ASSERT_EQ(1, SqliteSchemaCount(db_.get())); db_->Close(); ASSERT_TRUE(OverwriteDatabaseHeader(OverwriteType::kOverwrite)); // SQLite will successfully open the handle, but will fail with // SQLITE_NOTADB on pragma statemenets which attempt to read the // corrupted header. { sql::test::ScopedErrorExpecter expecter; expecter.ExpectError(SQLITE_NOTADB); EXPECT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)); ASSERT_TRUE(expecter.SawExpectedErrors()); } EXPECT_TRUE(db_->Raze()); db_->Close(); // Now empty, the open should succeed with an empty database. EXPECT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)); EXPECT_EQ(0, SqliteSchemaCount(db_.get())); } // Test that a callback from Open() can raze the database. This is // essential for cases where the Open() can fail entirely, so the // Raze() cannot happen later. Additionally test that when the // callback does this during Open(), the open is retried and succeeds. TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, RazeCallbackReopen) { const char* kCreateSql = "CREATE TABLE foo (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value)"; ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute(kCreateSql)); ASSERT_EQ(1, SqliteSchemaCount(db_.get())); db_->Close(); // Corrupt the database so that nothing works, including PRAGMAs. ASSERT_TRUE(sql::test::CorruptSizeInHeader(db_path_)); // Open() will succeed, even though the PRAGMA calls within will // fail with SQLITE_CORRUPT, as will this PRAGMA. { sql::test::ScopedErrorExpecter expecter; expecter.ExpectError(SQLITE_CORRUPT); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)); ASSERT_FALSE(db_->Execute("PRAGMA auto_vacuum")); db_->Close(); ASSERT_TRUE(expecter.SawExpectedErrors()); } db_->set_error_callback( base::BindRepeating(&RazeErrorCallback, db_.get(), SQLITE_CORRUPT)); // When the PRAGMA calls in Open() raise SQLITE_CORRUPT, the error // callback will call RazeAndClose(). Open() will then fail and be // retried. The second Open() on the empty database will succeed // cleanly. ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("PRAGMA auto_vacuum")); EXPECT_EQ(0, SqliteSchemaCount(db_.get())); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, RazeAndClose_DeletesData) { ASSERT_TRUE( db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE rows(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO rows(id) VALUES(12)")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->RazeAndClose()); // RazeAndClose() actually Poison()s. We need to call Close() in order to // re-Open(). crbug.com/1311771 tracks renaming RazeAndClose(). db_->Close(); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)) << "RazeAndClose() did not produce a healthy database"; EXPECT_TRUE( db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE rows(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)")) << "RazeAndClose() did not produce a healthy empty database"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, RazeAndClose_IsOpen) { ASSERT_TRUE( db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE rows(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO rows(id) VALUES(12)")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->RazeAndClose()); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->is_open()) << "RazeAndClose() did not mark the database as closed"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, RazeAndClose_Reopen_NoChanges) { ASSERT_TRUE(db_->RazeAndClose()); EXPECT_FALSE( db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE rows(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)")) << "Execute() should return false after RazeAndClose()"; // RazeAndClose() actually Poison()s. We need to call Close() in order to // re-Open(). crbug.com/1311771 tracks renaming RazeAndClose(). db_->Close(); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)) << "RazeAndClose() did not produce a healthy database"; EXPECT_TRUE( db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE rows(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)")) << "Execute() returned false but went through after RazeAndClose()"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, RazeAndClose_OpenTransaction) { ASSERT_TRUE( db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE rows(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO rows(id) VALUES(12)")); Transaction transaction(db_.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(transaction.Begin()); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->RazeAndClose()); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->is_open()) << "RazeAndClose() did not mark the database as closed"; EXPECT_FALSE(transaction.Commit()) << "RazeAndClose() did not cancel the transaction"; // RazeAndClose() actually Poison()s. We need to call Close() in order to // re-Open(). crbug.com/1311771 tracks renaming RazeAndClose(). db_->Close(); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)); EXPECT_TRUE( db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE rows(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)")) << "RazeAndClose() did not produce a healthy empty database"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, RazeAndClose_Preload_NoCrash) { db_->Preload(); db_->RazeAndClose(); db_->Preload(); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, RazeAndClose_DoesTableExist) { ASSERT_TRUE( db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE rows(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->DoesTableExist("rows")) << "Incorrect test setup"; ASSERT_TRUE(db_->RazeAndClose()); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->DoesTableExist("rows")) << "DoesTableExist() should return false after RazeAndClose()"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, RazeAndClose_IsSQLValid) { ASSERT_TRUE(db_->IsSQLValid("SELECT 1")) << "Incorrect test setup"; ASSERT_TRUE(db_->RazeAndClose()); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->IsSQLValid("SELECT 1")) << "IsSQLValid() should return false after RazeAndClose()"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, RazeAndClose_Execute) { ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("SELECT 1")) << "Incorrect test setup"; ASSERT_TRUE(db_->RazeAndClose()); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->Execute("SELECT 1")) << "Execute() should return false after RazeAndClose()"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, RazeAndClose_GetUniqueStatement) { { Statement select(db_->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT 1")); ASSERT_TRUE(select.Step()) << "Incorrect test setup"; } ASSERT_TRUE(db_->RazeAndClose()); { Statement select(db_->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT 1")); EXPECT_FALSE(select.Step()) << "GetUniqueStatement() should return an invalid Statement after " << "RazeAndClose()"; } } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, RazeAndClose_GetCachedStatement) { { Statement select(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT 1")); ASSERT_TRUE(select.Step()) << "Incorrect test setup"; } ASSERT_TRUE(db_->RazeAndClose()); { Statement select(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT 1")); EXPECT_FALSE(select.Step()) << "GetCachedStatement() should return an invalid Statement after " << "RazeAndClose()"; } } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, RazeAndClose_InvalidatesUniqueStatement) { Statement select(db_->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT 1")); ASSERT_TRUE(select.is_valid()) << "Incorrect test setup"; ASSERT_TRUE(select.Step()) << "Incorrect test setup"; select.Reset(/*clear_bound_vars=*/true); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->RazeAndClose()); EXPECT_FALSE(select.is_valid()) << "RazeAndClose() should invalidate live Statements"; EXPECT_FALSE(select.Step()) << "RazeAndClose() should invalidate live Statements"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, RazeAndClose_InvalidatesCachedStatement) { Statement select(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT 1")); ASSERT_TRUE(select.is_valid()) << "Incorrect test setup"; ASSERT_TRUE(select.Step()) << "Incorrect test setup"; select.Reset(/*clear_bound_vars=*/true); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->RazeAndClose()); EXPECT_FALSE(select.is_valid()) << "RazeAndClose() should invalidate live Statements"; EXPECT_FALSE(select.Step()) << "RazeAndClose() should invalidate live Statements"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, RazeAndClose_TransactionBegin) { { Transaction transaction(db_.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(transaction.Begin()) << "Incorrect test setup"; ASSERT_TRUE(transaction.Commit()) << "Incorrect test setup"; } ASSERT_TRUE(db_->RazeAndClose()); { Transaction transaction(db_.get()); EXPECT_FALSE(transaction.Begin()) << "Transaction::Begin() should return false after RazeAndClose()"; EXPECT_FALSE(transaction.IsActiveForTesting()) << "RazeAndClose() should block transactions from starting"; } } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, Close_IsSQLValid) { ASSERT_TRUE(db_->IsSQLValid("SELECT 1")) << "Incorrect test setup"; db_->Close(); EXPECT_DCHECK_DEATH_WITH({ std::ignore = db_->IsSQLValid("SELECT 1"); }, "Illegal use of Database without a db"); } // On Windows, truncate silently fails against a memory-mapped file. One goal // of Raze() is to truncate the file to remove blocks which generate I/O errors. // Test that Raze() turns off memory mapping so that the file is truncated. // [This would not cover the case of multiple connections where one of the other // connections is memory-mapped. That is infrequent in Chromium.] TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, RazeTruncate) { // The empty database has 0 or 1 pages. Raze() should leave it with exactly 1 // page. Not checking directly because auto_vacuum on Android adds a freelist // page. ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Raze()); int64_t expected_size; ASSERT_TRUE(base::GetFileSize(db_path_, &expected_size)); ASSERT_GT(expected_size, 0); // Cause the database to take a few pages. const char* kCreateSql = "CREATE TABLE foo (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value)"; ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute(kCreateSql)); for (size_t i = 0; i < 24; ++i) { ASSERT_TRUE( db_->Execute("INSERT INTO foo (value) VALUES (randomblob(1024))")); } // In WAL mode, writes don't reach the database file until a checkpoint // happens. ASSERT_TRUE(db_->CheckpointDatabase()); int64_t db_size; ASSERT_TRUE(base::GetFileSize(db_path_, &db_size)); ASSERT_GT(db_size, expected_size); // Make a query covering most of the database file to make sure that the // blocks are actually mapped into memory. Empirically, the truncate problem // doesn't seem to happen if no blocks are mapped. EXPECT_EQ("24576", ExecuteWithResult(db_.get(), "SELECT SUM(LENGTH(value)) FROM foo")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Raze()); ASSERT_TRUE(base::GetFileSize(db_path_, &db_size)); ASSERT_EQ(expected_size, db_size); } #if BUILDFLAG(IS_ANDROID) TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, SetTempDirForSQL) { MetaTable meta_table; // Below call needs a temporary directory in sqlite3 // On Android, it can pass only when the temporary directory is set. // Otherwise, sqlite3 doesn't find the correct directory to store // temporary files and will report the error 'unable to open // database file'. ASSERT_TRUE(meta_table.Init(db_.get(), 4, 4)); } #endif // BUILDFLAG(IS_ANDROID) TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, Delete) { EXPECT_TRUE(db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE x (x)")); db_->Close(); base::FilePath journal_path = Database::JournalPath(db_path_); base::FilePath wal_path = Database::WriteAheadLogPath(db_path_); // Should have both a main database file and a journal file if // journal_mode is TRUNCATE. There is no WAL file as it is deleted on Close. ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathExists(db_path_)); if (!IsWALEnabled()) { // TRUNCATE mode ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathExists(journal_path)); } Database::Delete(db_path_); EXPECT_FALSE(base::PathExists(db_path_)); EXPECT_FALSE(base::PathExists(journal_path)); EXPECT_FALSE(base::PathExists(wal_path)); } #if BUILDFLAG(IS_POSIX) // This test operates on POSIX file permissions. TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, PosixFilePermissions) { db_->Close(); Database::Delete(db_path_); ASSERT_FALSE(base::PathExists(db_path_)); // If the bots all had a restrictive umask setting such that databases are // always created with only the owner able to read them, then the code could // break without breaking the tests. Temporarily provide a more permissive // umask. ScopedUmaskSetter permissive_umask(S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)); // Cause the journal file to be created. If the default journal_mode is // changed back to DELETE, this test will need to be updated. EXPECT_TRUE(db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE x (x)")); int mode; ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathExists(db_path_)); EXPECT_TRUE(base::GetPosixFilePermissions(db_path_, &mode)); ASSERT_EQ(mode, 0600); if (IsWALEnabled()) { // WAL mode // The WAL file is created lazily on first change. ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE foo (a, b)")); base::FilePath wal_path = Database::WriteAheadLogPath(db_path_); ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathExists(wal_path)); EXPECT_TRUE(base::GetPosixFilePermissions(wal_path, &mode)); ASSERT_EQ(mode, 0600); // The shm file doesn't exist in exclusive locking mode. if (ExecuteWithResult(db_.get(), "PRAGMA locking_mode") == "normal") { base::FilePath shm_path = Database::SharedMemoryFilePath(db_path_); ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathExists(shm_path)); EXPECT_TRUE(base::GetPosixFilePermissions(shm_path, &mode)); ASSERT_EQ(mode, 0600); } } else { // Truncate mode base::FilePath journal_path = Database::JournalPath(db_path_); DLOG(ERROR) << "journal_path: " << journal_path; ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathExists(journal_path)); EXPECT_TRUE(base::GetPosixFilePermissions(journal_path, &mode)); ASSERT_EQ(mode, 0600); } } #endif // BUILDFLAG(IS_POSIX) TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, Poison_IsOpen) { db_->Poison(); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->is_open()) << "Poison() did not mark the database as closed"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, Poison_Close_Reopen_NoChanges) { db_->Poison(); EXPECT_FALSE( db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE rows(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)")) << "Execute() should return false after Poison()"; db_->Close(); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)) << "Poison() damaged the database"; EXPECT_TRUE( db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE rows(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)")) << "Execute() returned false but went through after Poison()"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, Poison_Preload_NoCrash) { db_->Preload(); db_->Poison(); db_->Preload(); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, Poison_DoesTableExist) { ASSERT_TRUE( db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE rows(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->DoesTableExist("rows")) << "Incorrect test setup"; db_->Poison(); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->DoesTableExist("rows")) << "DoesTableExist() should return false after Poison()"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, Poison_IsSQLValid) { ASSERT_TRUE(db_->IsSQLValid("SELECT 1")) << "Incorrect test setup"; db_->Poison(); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->IsSQLValid("SELECT 1")) << "IsSQLValid() should return false after Poison()"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, Poison_Execute) { ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("SELECT 1")) << "Incorrect test setup"; db_->Poison(); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->Execute("SELECT 1")) << "Execute() should return false after Poison()"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, Poison_GetUniqueStatement) { { Statement select(db_->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT 1")); ASSERT_TRUE(select.Step()) << "Incorrect test setup"; } db_->Poison(); { Statement select(db_->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT 1")); EXPECT_FALSE(select.Step()) << "GetUniqueStatement() should return an invalid Statement after " << "Poison()"; } } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, Poison_GetCachedStatement) { { Statement select(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT 1")); ASSERT_TRUE(select.Step()) << "Incorrect test setup"; } db_->Poison(); { Statement select(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT 1")); EXPECT_FALSE(select.Step()) << "GetCachedStatement() should return an invalid Statement after " << "Poison()"; } } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, Poison_InvalidatesUniqueStatement) { Statement select(db_->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT 1")); ASSERT_TRUE(select.is_valid()) << "Incorrect test setup"; ASSERT_TRUE(select.Step()) << "Incorrect test setup"; select.Reset(/*clear_bound_vars=*/true); db_->Poison(); EXPECT_FALSE(select.is_valid()) << "Poison() should invalidate live Statements"; EXPECT_FALSE(select.Step()) << "Poison() should invalidate live Statements"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, Poison_InvalidatesCachedStatement) { Statement select(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT 1")); ASSERT_TRUE(select.is_valid()) << "Incorrect test setup"; ASSERT_TRUE(select.Step()) << "Incorrect test setup"; select.Reset(/*clear_bound_vars=*/true); db_->Poison(); EXPECT_FALSE(select.is_valid()) << "Poison() should invalidate live Statements"; EXPECT_FALSE(select.Step()) << "Poison() should invalidate live Statements"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, Poison_TransactionBegin) { { Transaction transaction(db_.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(transaction.Begin()) << "Incorrect test setup"; ASSERT_TRUE(transaction.Commit()) << "Incorrect test setup"; } db_->Poison(); { Transaction transaction(db_.get()); EXPECT_FALSE(transaction.Begin()) << "Transaction::Begin() should return false after Poison()"; EXPECT_FALSE(transaction.IsActiveForTesting()) << "Poison() should block transactions from starting"; } } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, Poison_OpenTransaction) { Transaction transaction(db_.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(transaction.Begin()); db_->Poison(); EXPECT_FALSE(transaction.Commit()) << "Poison() did not cancel the transaction"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, AttachDatabase) { ASSERT_TRUE( db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE rows(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)")); // Create a database to attach to. base::FilePath attach_path = db_path_.DirName().AppendASCII("attach_database_test.db"); static constexpr char kAttachmentPoint[] = "other"; { Database other_db; ASSERT_TRUE(other_db.Open(attach_path)); ASSERT_TRUE( other_db.Execute("CREATE TABLE rows(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)")); ASSERT_TRUE(other_db.Execute("INSERT INTO rows VALUES(42)")); } // Cannot see the attached database, yet. EXPECT_FALSE(db_->IsSQLValid("SELECT COUNT(*) from other.rows")); EXPECT_TRUE(DatabaseTestPeer::AttachDatabase(db_.get(), attach_path, kAttachmentPoint)); EXPECT_TRUE(db_->IsSQLValid("SELECT COUNT(*) from other.rows")); // Queries can touch both databases after the ATTACH. EXPECT_TRUE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO rows SELECT id FROM other.rows")); { Statement select(db_->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rows")); ASSERT_TRUE(select.Step()); EXPECT_EQ(1, select.ColumnInt(0)); } EXPECT_TRUE(DatabaseTestPeer::DetachDatabase(db_.get(), kAttachmentPoint)); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->IsSQLValid("SELECT COUNT(*) from other.rows")); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, AttachDatabaseWithOpenTransaction) { ASSERT_TRUE( db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE rows(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)")); // Create a database to attach to. base::FilePath attach_path = db_path_.DirName().AppendASCII("attach_database_test.db"); static constexpr char kAttachmentPoint[] = "other"; { Database other_db; ASSERT_TRUE(other_db.Open(attach_path)); ASSERT_TRUE( other_db.Execute("CREATE TABLE rows(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)")); ASSERT_TRUE(other_db.Execute("INSERT INTO rows VALUES(42)")); } // Cannot see the attached database, yet. EXPECT_FALSE(db_->IsSQLValid("SELECT COUNT(*) from other.rows")); // Attach succeeds in a transaction. Transaction transaction(db_.get()); EXPECT_TRUE(transaction.Begin()); EXPECT_TRUE(DatabaseTestPeer::AttachDatabase(db_.get(), attach_path, kAttachmentPoint)); EXPECT_TRUE(db_->IsSQLValid("SELECT COUNT(*) from other.rows")); // Queries can touch both databases after the ATTACH. EXPECT_TRUE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO rows SELECT id FROM other.rows")); { Statement select(db_->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rows")); ASSERT_TRUE(select.Step()); EXPECT_EQ(1, select.ColumnInt(0)); } // Detaching the same database fails, database is locked in the transaction. { sql::test::ScopedErrorExpecter expecter; expecter.ExpectError(SQLITE_ERROR); EXPECT_FALSE(DatabaseTestPeer::DetachDatabase(db_.get(), kAttachmentPoint)); ASSERT_TRUE(expecter.SawExpectedErrors()); } EXPECT_TRUE(db_->IsSQLValid("SELECT COUNT(*) from other.rows")); // Detach succeeds when the transaction is closed. transaction.Rollback(); EXPECT_TRUE(DatabaseTestPeer::DetachDatabase(db_.get(), kAttachmentPoint)); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->IsSQLValid("SELECT COUNT(*) from other.rows")); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, FullIntegrityCheck) { static constexpr char kTableSql[] = "CREATE TABLE rows(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, value TEXT NOT NULL)"; ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute(kTableSql)); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("CREATE INDEX rows_by_value ON rows(value)")); { std::vector messages; EXPECT_TRUE(db_->FullIntegrityCheck(&messages)) << "FullIntegrityCheck() failed before database was corrupted"; EXPECT_THAT(messages, testing::ElementsAre("ok")) << "FullIntegrityCheck() should report ok before database is corrupted"; } db_->Close(); ASSERT_TRUE(sql::test::CorruptIndexRootPage(db_path_, "rows_by_value")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)); { std::vector messages; EXPECT_TRUE(db_->FullIntegrityCheck(&messages)) << "FullIntegrityCheck() failed on corrupted database"; EXPECT_THAT(messages, testing::Not(testing::ElementsAre("ok"))) << "FullIntegrityCheck() should not report ok for a corrupted database"; } } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, OnMemoryDump) { base::trace_event::MemoryDumpArgs args = { base::trace_event::MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail::DETAILED}; base::trace_event::ProcessMemoryDump pmd(args); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->memory_dump_provider_->OnMemoryDump(args, &pmd)); EXPECT_GE(pmd.allocator_dumps().size(), 1u); } // Test that the functions to collect diagnostic data run to completion, without // worrying too much about what they generate (since that will change). TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, CollectDiagnosticInfo) { const std::string corruption_info = db_->CollectCorruptionInfo(); EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, corruption_info.find("SQLITE_CORRUPT")); EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, corruption_info.find("integrity_check")); // A statement to see in the results. const char* kSimpleSql = "SELECT 'mountain'"; Statement s(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSimpleSql)); // Error includes the statement. { DatabaseDiagnostics diagnostics; const std::string readonly_info = db_->CollectErrorInfo(SQLITE_READONLY, &s, &diagnostics); EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, readonly_info.find(kSimpleSql)); EXPECT_EQ(diagnostics.sql_statement, kSimpleSql); } // Some other error doesn't include the statement. { DatabaseDiagnostics diagnostics; const std::string full_info = db_->CollectErrorInfo(SQLITE_FULL, nullptr, &diagnostics); EXPECT_EQ(std::string::npos, full_info.find(kSimpleSql)); EXPECT_TRUE(diagnostics.sql_statement.empty()); } // A table to see in the SQLITE_ERROR results. EXPECT_TRUE(db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE volcano (x)")); // Version info to see in the SQLITE_ERROR results. MetaTable meta_table; ASSERT_TRUE(meta_table.Init(db_.get(), 4, 4)); { DatabaseDiagnostics diagnostics; const std::string error_info = db_->CollectErrorInfo(SQLITE_ERROR, &s, &diagnostics); EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, error_info.find(kSimpleSql)); EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, error_info.find("volcano")); EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, error_info.find("version: 4")); EXPECT_EQ(diagnostics.sql_statement, kSimpleSql); EXPECT_EQ(diagnostics.version, 4); ASSERT_EQ(diagnostics.schema_sql_rows.size(), 2U); EXPECT_EQ(diagnostics.schema_sql_rows[0], "CREATE TABLE volcano (x)"); EXPECT_EQ(diagnostics.schema_sql_rows[1], "CREATE TABLE meta(key LONGVARCHAR NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY, " "value LONGVARCHAR)"); ASSERT_EQ(diagnostics.schema_other_row_names.size(), 1U); EXPECT_EQ(diagnostics.schema_other_row_names[0], "sqlite_autoindex_meta_1"); } } // Test that a fresh database has mmap enabled by default, if mmap'ed I/O is // enabled by SQLite. TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, MmapInitiallyEnabled) { { Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement("PRAGMA mmap_size")); ASSERT_TRUE(s.Step()) << "All supported SQLite versions should have mmap support"; // If mmap I/O is not on, attempt to turn it on. If that succeeds, then // Open() should have turned it on. If mmap support is disabled, 0 is // returned. If the VFS does not understand SQLITE_FCNTL_MMAP_SIZE (for // instance MojoVFS), -1 is returned. if (s.ColumnInt(0) <= 0) { ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("PRAGMA mmap_size = 1048576")); s.Reset(true); ASSERT_TRUE(s.Step()); EXPECT_LE(s.ColumnInt(0), 0); } } // Test that explicit disable prevents mmap'ed I/O. db_->Close(); Database::Delete(db_path_); db_->set_mmap_disabled(); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)); EXPECT_EQ("0", ExecuteWithResult(db_.get(), "PRAGMA mmap_size")); } // Test whether a fresh database gets mmap enabled when using alternate status // storage. TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, MmapInitiallyEnabledAltStatus) { // Re-open fresh database with alt-status flag set. db_->Close(); Database::Delete(db_path_); DatabaseOptions options = GetDBOptions(); options.mmap_alt_status_discouraged = true; options.enable_views_discouraged = true; db_ = std::make_unique(options); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)); { Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement("PRAGMA mmap_size")); ASSERT_TRUE(s.Step()) << "All supported SQLite versions should have mmap support"; // If mmap I/O is not on, attempt to turn it on. If that succeeds, then // Open() should have turned it on. If mmap support is disabled, 0 is // returned. If the VFS does not understand SQLITE_FCNTL_MMAP_SIZE (for // instance MojoVFS), -1 is returned. if (s.ColumnInt(0) <= 0) { ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("PRAGMA mmap_size = 1048576")); s.Reset(true); ASSERT_TRUE(s.Step()); EXPECT_LE(s.ColumnInt(0), 0); } } // Test that explicit disable overrides set_mmap_alt_status(). db_->Close(); Database::Delete(db_path_); db_->set_mmap_disabled(); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)); EXPECT_EQ("0", ExecuteWithResult(db_.get(), "PRAGMA mmap_size")); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, ComputeMmapSizeForOpen) { const size_t kMmapAlot = 25 * 1024 * 1024; int64_t mmap_status = MetaTable::kMmapFailure; // If there is no meta table (as for a fresh database), assume that everything // should be mapped, and the status of the meta table is not affected. ASSERT_TRUE(!db_->DoesTableExist("meta")); ASSERT_GT(db_->ComputeMmapSizeForOpen(), kMmapAlot); ASSERT_TRUE(!db_->DoesTableExist("meta")); // When the meta table is first created, it sets up to map everything. MetaTable().Init(db_.get(), 1, 1); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->DoesTableExist("meta")); ASSERT_GT(db_->ComputeMmapSizeForOpen(), kMmapAlot); ASSERT_TRUE(MetaTable::GetMmapStatus(db_.get(), &mmap_status)); ASSERT_EQ(MetaTable::kMmapSuccess, mmap_status); // Preload with partial progress of one page. Should map everything. ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("REPLACE INTO meta VALUES ('mmap_status', 1)")); ASSERT_GT(db_->ComputeMmapSizeForOpen(), kMmapAlot); ASSERT_TRUE(MetaTable::GetMmapStatus(db_.get(), &mmap_status)); ASSERT_EQ(MetaTable::kMmapSuccess, mmap_status); // Failure status maps nothing. ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("REPLACE INTO meta VALUES ('mmap_status', -2)")); ASSERT_EQ(0UL, db_->ComputeMmapSizeForOpen()); // Re-initializing the meta table does not re-create the key if the table // already exists. ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("DELETE FROM meta WHERE key = 'mmap_status'")); MetaTable().Init(db_.get(), 1, 1); ASSERT_EQ(MetaTable::kMmapSuccess, mmap_status); ASSERT_TRUE(MetaTable::GetMmapStatus(db_.get(), &mmap_status)); ASSERT_EQ(0, mmap_status); // With no key, map everything and create the key. // TODO(shess): This really should be "maps everything after validating it", // but that is more complicated to structure. ASSERT_GT(db_->ComputeMmapSizeForOpen(), kMmapAlot); ASSERT_TRUE(MetaTable::GetMmapStatus(db_.get(), &mmap_status)); ASSERT_EQ(MetaTable::kMmapSuccess, mmap_status); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, ComputeMmapSizeForOpenAltStatus) { const size_t kMmapAlot = 25 * 1024 * 1024; // At this point, Database still expects a future [meta] table. ASSERT_FALSE(db_->DoesTableExist("meta")); ASSERT_FALSE(db_->DoesViewExist("MmapStatus")); ASSERT_GT(db_->ComputeMmapSizeForOpen(), kMmapAlot); ASSERT_FALSE(db_->DoesTableExist("meta")); ASSERT_FALSE(db_->DoesViewExist("MmapStatus")); // Using alt status, everything should be mapped, with state in the view. DatabaseOptions options = GetDBOptions(); options.mmap_alt_status_discouraged = true; options.enable_views_discouraged = true; db_ = std::make_unique(options); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)); ASSERT_GT(db_->ComputeMmapSizeForOpen(), kMmapAlot); ASSERT_FALSE(db_->DoesTableExist("meta")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->DoesViewExist("MmapStatus")); EXPECT_EQ(base::NumberToString(MetaTable::kMmapSuccess), ExecuteWithResult(db_.get(), "SELECT * FROM MmapStatus")); // Also maps everything when kMmapSuccess is already in the view. ASSERT_GT(db_->ComputeMmapSizeForOpen(), kMmapAlot); // Preload with partial progress of one page. Should map everything. ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("DROP VIEW MmapStatus")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("CREATE VIEW MmapStatus (value) AS SELECT 1")); ASSERT_GT(db_->ComputeMmapSizeForOpen(), kMmapAlot); EXPECT_EQ(base::NumberToString(MetaTable::kMmapSuccess), ExecuteWithResult(db_.get(), "SELECT * FROM MmapStatus")); // Failure status leads to nothing being mapped. ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("DROP VIEW MmapStatus")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("CREATE VIEW MmapStatus (value) AS SELECT -2")); ASSERT_EQ(0UL, db_->ComputeMmapSizeForOpen()); EXPECT_EQ(base::NumberToString(MetaTable::kMmapFailure), ExecuteWithResult(db_.get(), "SELECT * FROM MmapStatus")); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, GetMemoryUsage) { // Databases with mmap enabled may not follow the assumptions below. db_->Close(); db_->set_mmap_disabled(); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)); int initial_memory = db_->GetMemoryUsage(); EXPECT_GT(initial_memory, 0) << "SQLite should always use some memory for a database"; ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE foo (a, b)")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES (12, 13)")); int post_query_memory = db_->GetMemoryUsage(); EXPECT_GT(post_query_memory, initial_memory) << "Page cache usage should go up after executing queries"; db_->TrimMemory(); int post_trim_memory = db_->GetMemoryUsage(); EXPECT_GT(post_query_memory, post_trim_memory) << "Page cache usage should go down after calling TrimMemory()"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, DoubleQuotedStringLiteralsDisabledByDefault) { ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE data(item TEXT NOT NULL);")); struct TestCase { const char* sql; bool is_valid; }; std::vector test_cases = { // DML tests. {"SELECT item FROM data WHERE item >= 'string literal'", true}, {"SELECT item FROM data WHERE item >= \"string literal\"", false}, {"INSERT INTO data(item) VALUES('string literal')", true}, {"INSERT INTO data(item) VALUES(\"string literal\")", false}, {"UPDATE data SET item = 'string literal'", true}, {"UPDATE data SET item = \"string literal\"", false}, {"DELETE FROM data WHERE item >= 'string literal'", true}, {"DELETE FROM data WHERE item >= \"string literal\"", false}, // DDL tests. {"CREATE INDEX data_item ON data(item) WHERE item >= 'string literal'", true}, {"CREATE INDEX data_item ON data(item) WHERE item >= \"string literal\"", false}, {"CREATE TABLE data2(item TEXT DEFAULT 'string literal')", true}, // This should be an invalid DDL statement, due to the double-quoted // string literal. However, SQLite currently parses it. {"CREATE TABLE data2(item TEXT DEFAULT \"string literal\")", true}, }; for (const TestCase& test_case : test_cases) { SCOPED_TRACE(test_case.sql); EXPECT_EQ(test_case.is_valid, db_->IsSQLValid(test_case.sql)); } } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, ForeignKeyEnforcementDisabledByDefault) { EXPECT_FALSE(GetDBOptions().enable_foreign_keys_discouraged); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE targets(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)")); // sqlite3_db_config() currently only disables foreign key enforcement. Schema // operations on foreign keys are still allowed. ASSERT_TRUE( db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE refs(" "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "target_id INTEGER REFERENCES targets(id))")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO targets(id) VALUES(42)")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO refs(id, target_id) VALUES(42, 42)")); EXPECT_TRUE(db_->Execute("DELETE FROM targets WHERE id=42")) << "Foreign key enforcement is not disabled"; } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, ForeignKeyEnforcementEnabled) { DatabaseOptions options = GetDBOptions(); options.enable_foreign_keys_discouraged = true; db_ = std::make_unique(options); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE targets(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)")); ASSERT_TRUE( db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE refs(" "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "target_id INTEGER REFERENCES targets(id))")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO targets(id) VALUES(42)")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO refs(id, target_id) VALUES(42, 42)")); { sql::test::ScopedErrorExpecter expecter; expecter.ExpectError(SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_FOREIGNKEY); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->Execute("DELETE FROM targets WHERE id=42")) << "Foreign key enforcement is disabled"; EXPECT_TRUE(expecter.SawExpectedErrors()); } } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, TriggersDisabledByDefault) { ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE data(id INTEGER)")); // sqlite3_db_config() currently only disables running triggers. Schema // operations on triggers are still allowed. EXPECT_TRUE( db_->Execute("CREATE TRIGGER trigger AFTER INSERT ON data " "BEGIN DELETE FROM data; END")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO data(id) VALUES(42)")); Statement select(db_->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT id FROM data")); EXPECT_TRUE(select.Step()) << "If the trigger did not run, the table should not be empty."; EXPECT_EQ(42, select.ColumnInt64(0)); // sqlite3_db_config() currently only disables running triggers. Schema // operations on triggers are still allowed. EXPECT_TRUE(db_->Execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger")); } class SQLDatabaseTestExclusiveMode : public testing::Test, public testing::WithParamInterface { public: ~SQLDatabaseTestExclusiveMode() override = default; void SetUp() override { db_ = std::make_unique(GetDBOptions()); ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir()); db_path_ = temp_dir_.GetPath().AppendASCII("recovery_test.sqlite"); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)); } DatabaseOptions GetDBOptions() { DatabaseOptions options; options.wal_mode = IsWALEnabled(); options.exclusive_locking = true; return options; } bool IsWALEnabled() { return GetParam(); } protected: base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir_; base::FilePath db_path_; std::unique_ptr db_; }; TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTestExclusiveMode, LockingModeExclusive) { EXPECT_EQ(ExecuteWithResult(db_.get(), "PRAGMA locking_mode"), "exclusive"); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, LockingModeNormal) { EXPECT_EQ(ExecuteWithResult(db_.get(), "PRAGMA locking_mode"), "normal"); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, OpenedInCorrectMode) { std::string expected_mode = IsWALEnabled() ? "wal" : "truncate"; EXPECT_EQ(ExecuteWithResult(db_.get(), "PRAGMA journal_mode"), expected_mode); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, CheckpointDatabase) { if (!IsWALEnabled()) return; base::FilePath wal_path = Database::WriteAheadLogPath(db_path_); int64_t wal_size = 0; // WAL file initially empty. EXPECT_TRUE(base::PathExists(wal_path)); base::GetFileSize(wal_path, &wal_size); EXPECT_EQ(wal_size, 0); ASSERT_TRUE( db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE foo (id INTEGER UNIQUE, value INTEGER)")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1, 1)")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (2, 2)")); // Writes reach WAL file but not db file. base::GetFileSize(wal_path, &wal_size); EXPECT_GT(wal_size, 0); int64_t db_size = 0; base::GetFileSize(db_path_, &db_size); EXPECT_EQ(db_size, db_->page_size()); // Checkpoint database to immediately propagate writes to DB file. EXPECT_TRUE(db_->CheckpointDatabase()); base::GetFileSize(db_path_, &db_size); EXPECT_GT(db_size, db_->page_size()); EXPECT_EQ(ExecuteWithResult(db_.get(), "SELECT value FROM foo where id=1"), "1"); EXPECT_EQ(ExecuteWithResult(db_.get(), "SELECT value FROM foo where id=2"), "2"); } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, OpenFailsAfterCorruptSizeInHeader) { // The database file ends up empty if we don't create at least one table. ASSERT_TRUE( db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE rows(i INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)")); db_->Close(); ASSERT_TRUE(sql::test::CorruptSizeInHeader(db_path_)); { sql::test::ScopedErrorExpecter expecter; expecter.ExpectError(SQLITE_CORRUPT); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)); EXPECT_TRUE(expecter.SawExpectedErrors()); } } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, ExecuteFailsAfterCorruptSizeInHeader) { ASSERT_TRUE( db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE rows(i INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)")); constexpr static char kSelectSql[] = "SELECT * from rows"; EXPECT_TRUE(db_->Execute(kSelectSql)) << "The test Execute() statement fails before the header is corrupted"; db_->Close(); ASSERT_TRUE(sql::test::CorruptSizeInHeader(db_path_)); { sql::test::ScopedErrorExpecter expecter; expecter.ExpectError(SQLITE_CORRUPT); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)); EXPECT_TRUE(expecter.SawExpectedErrors()) << "Database::Open() did not encounter SQLITE_CORRUPT"; } { sql::test::ScopedErrorExpecter expecter; expecter.ExpectError(SQLITE_CORRUPT); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->Execute(kSelectSql)); EXPECT_TRUE(expecter.SawExpectedErrors()) << "Database::Execute() did not encounter SQLITE_CORRUPT"; } } TEST_P(SQLDatabaseTest, SchemaFailsAfterCorruptSizeInHeader) { ASSERT_TRUE( db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE rows(i INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->DoesTableExist("rows")) << "The test schema check fails before the header is corrupted"; db_->Close(); ASSERT_TRUE(sql::test::CorruptSizeInHeader(db_path_)); { sql::test::ScopedErrorExpecter expecter; expecter.ExpectError(SQLITE_CORRUPT); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Open(db_path_)); EXPECT_TRUE(expecter.SawExpectedErrors()) << "Database::Open() did not encounter SQLITE_CORRUPT"; } { sql::test::ScopedErrorExpecter expecter; expecter.ExpectError(SQLITE_CORRUPT); EXPECT_FALSE(db_->DoesTableExist("rows")); EXPECT_TRUE(expecter.SawExpectedErrors()) << "Database::DoesTableExist() did not encounter SQLITE_CORRUPT"; } } TEST(SQLEmptyPathDatabaseTest, EmptyPathTest) { Database db; EXPECT_TRUE(db.OpenInMemory()); EXPECT_TRUE(db.is_open()); EXPECT_TRUE(db.DbPath().empty()); } // WAL mode is currently not supported on Fuchsia. #if !BUILDFLAG(IS_FUCHSIA) INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(JournalMode, SQLDatabaseTest, testing::Bool()); INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(JournalMode, SQLDatabaseTestExclusiveMode, testing::Bool()); #else INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(JournalMode, SQLDatabaseTest, testing::Values(false)); INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(JournalMode, SQLDatabaseTestExclusiveMode, testing::Values(false)); #endif } // namespace sql