saned@.service 429 B

  1. [Unit]
  2. Description=Scanner Service
  3. Requires=saned.socket
  4. [Service]
  5. ExecStart=/usr/sbin/saned
  6. User=saned
  7. Group=saned
  8. StandardInput=null
  9. StandardOutput=syslog
  10. StandardError=syslog
  11. Environment=SANE_CONFIG_DIR=/etc/sane.d
  12. # If you need to debug your configuration uncomment the next line and
  13. # change it as appropriate to set the desired debug options
  14. # Environment=SANE_DEBUG_DLL=255 SANE_DEBUG_BJNP=5
  15. [Install]
  16. Also=saned.socket