test-pkg 8.7 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env bash
  2. set -e
  3. TOOLCHAINS_CSV='support/config-fragments/autobuild/toolchain-configs.csv'
  4. TEMP_CONF=""
  5. do_clean() {
  6. if [ ! -z "${TEMP_CONF}" ]; then
  7. rm -f "${TEMP_CONF}"
  8. fi
  9. }
  10. main() {
  11. local o O opts
  12. local cfg dir pkg random toolchains_csv toolchain all number mode prepare_only
  13. local ret nb nb_skip nb_fail nb_legal nb_tc build_dir keep
  14. local -a toolchains
  15. local pkg_br_name
  16. o='hakc:d:n:p:r:t:'
  17. O='help,all,keep,prepare-only,config-snippet:,build-dir:,number:,package:,random:,toolchains-csv:'
  18. opts="$(getopt -n "${my_name}" -o "${o}" -l "${O}" -- "${@}")"
  19. eval set -- "${opts}"
  20. random=0
  21. all=0
  22. keep=0
  23. number=0
  24. mode=0
  25. prepare_only=0
  26. toolchains_csv="${TOOLCHAINS_CSV}"
  27. while [ ${#} -gt 0 ]; do
  28. case "${1}" in
  29. (-h|--help)
  30. help; exit 0
  31. ;;
  32. (-a|--all)
  33. all=1; shift 1
  34. ;;
  35. (-k|--keep)
  36. keep=1; shift 1
  37. ;;
  38. (--prepare-only)
  39. prepare_only=1; shift 1
  40. ;;
  41. (-c|--config-snippet)
  42. cfg="${2}"; shift 2
  43. ;;
  44. (-d|--build-dir)
  45. dir="${2}"; shift 2
  46. ;;
  47. (-n|--number)
  48. number="${2}"; shift 2
  49. ;;
  50. (-p|--package)
  51. pkg="${2}"; shift 2
  52. ;;
  53. (-r|--random)
  54. random="${2}"; shift 2
  55. ;;
  56. (-t|--toolchains-csv)
  57. toolchains_csv="${2}"; shift 2
  58. ;;
  59. (--)
  60. shift; break
  61. ;;
  62. esac
  63. done
  64. trap do_clean INT TERM HUP EXIT
  65. if [ -z "${cfg}" ]; then
  66. pkg_br_name="${pkg//-/_}"
  67. pkg_br_name="BR2_PACKAGE_${pkg_br_name^^}"
  68. TEMP_CONF=$(mktemp /tmp/test-${pkg}-config.XXXXXX)
  69. echo "${pkg_br_name}=y" > ${TEMP_CONF}
  70. cfg="${TEMP_CONF}"
  71. fi
  72. if [ ! -e "${cfg}" ]; then
  73. printf "error: %s: no such file\n" "${cfg}" >&2; exit 1
  74. fi
  75. if [ -z "${dir}" ]; then
  76. dir="${HOME}/br-test-pkg"
  77. fi
  78. if [ ${random} -gt 0 ]; then
  79. mode=$((mode+1))
  80. fi
  81. if [ ${number} -gt 0 ]; then
  82. mode=$((mode+1))
  83. fi
  84. if [ ${all} -eq 1 ]; then
  85. mode=$((mode+1))
  86. fi
  87. # Default mode is to test the N first toolchains, which have been
  88. # chosen to be a good selection of toolchains.
  89. if [ ${mode} -eq 0 ] ; then
  90. number=6
  91. elif [ ${mode} -gt 1 ] ; then
  92. printf "error: --all, --number and --random are mutually exclusive\n" >&2; exit 1
  93. fi
  94. # Extract the URLs of the toolchains; drop internal toolchains
  95. # E.g.: http://server/path/to/name.config,arch,libc
  96. # --> http://server/path/to/name.config
  97. toolchains=($(sed -r -e 's/,.*//; /internal/d; /^#/d; /^$/d;' "${toolchains_csv}" \
  98. |if [ ${random} -gt 0 ]; then \
  99. sort -R |head -n ${random}
  100. elif [ ${number} -gt 0 ]; then \
  101. head -n ${number}
  102. else
  103. sort
  104. fi
  105. )
  106. )
  107. nb_tc="${#toolchains[@]}"
  108. if [ ${nb_tc} -eq 0 ]; then
  109. printf "error: no toolchain found (networking issue?)\n" >&2; exit 1
  110. fi
  111. nb=0
  112. nb_skip=0
  113. nb_fail=0
  114. nb_legal=0
  115. for toolchainconfig in "${toolchains[@]}"; do
  116. : $((nb++))
  117. toolchain="$(basename "${toolchainconfig}" .config)"
  118. build_dir="${dir}/${toolchain}"
  119. printf "%40s [%*d/%d]: " "${toolchain}" ${#nb_tc} ${nb} ${nb_tc}
  120. build_one "${build_dir}" "${toolchainconfig}" "${cfg}" "${pkg}" "${prepare_only}" && ret=0 || ret=${?}
  121. case ${ret} in
  122. (0) printf "OK\n";;
  123. (1) : $((nb_skip++)); printf "SKIPPED\n";;
  124. (2) : $((nb_fail++)); printf "FAILED\n";;
  125. (3) : $((nb_legal++)); printf "FAILED\n";;
  126. esac
  127. done
  128. printf "%d builds, %d skipped, %d build failed, %d legal-info failed\n" \
  129. ${nb} ${nb_skip} ${nb_fail} ${nb_legal}
  130. return $((nb_fail + nb_legal))
  131. }
  132. build_one() {
  133. local dir="${1}"
  134. local toolchainconfig="${2}"
  135. local cfg="${3}"
  136. local pkg="${4}"
  137. local prepare_only="${5}"
  138. mkdir -p "${dir}"
  139. CONFIG_= support/kconfig/merge_config.sh -O "${dir}" \
  140. "${toolchainconfig}" "support/config-fragments/minimal.config" "${cfg}" \
  141. >> "${dir}/logfile" 2>&1
  142. # We want all the options from the snippet to be present as-is (set
  143. # or not set) in the actual .config; if one of them is not, it means
  144. # some dependency from the toolchain or arch is not available, in
  145. # which case this config is untestable and we skip it.
  146. # We don't care about the locale to sort in, as long as both sort are
  147. # done in the same locale.
  148. comm -23 <(sort "${cfg}") <(sort "${dir}/.config") >"${dir}/missing.config"
  149. if [ -s "${dir}/missing.config" ]; then
  150. if [ ${keep} -ne 1 ]; then
  151. # Invalid configuration, drop it
  152. rm -f "${dir}/.config"
  153. fi
  154. return 1
  155. fi
  156. # Remove file, it's empty anyway.
  157. rm -f "${dir}/missing.config"
  158. # Defer building the job to the caller (e.g. a gitlab pipeline)
  159. if [ ${prepare_only} -eq 1 ]; then
  160. return 0
  161. fi
  162. if [ -n "${pkg}" ]; then
  163. if ! make O="${dir}" "${pkg}-dirclean" >> "${dir}/logfile" 2>&1; then
  164. return 2
  165. fi
  166. fi
  167. # shellcheck disable=SC2086
  168. if ! BR_FORCE_CHECK_DEPENDENCIES=YES make O="${dir}" ${pkg} >> "${dir}/logfile" 2>&1; then
  169. return 2
  170. fi
  171. # legal-info done systematically, because some packages have different
  172. # sources depending on the configuration (e.g. lua-5.2 vs. lua-5.3)
  173. if ! make O="${dir}" legal-info >> "${dir}/logfile" 2>&1; then
  174. return 3
  175. fi
  176. # If we get here, the build was successful. Clean up the build/host
  177. # directories to save disk space, unless 'keep' was set.
  178. if [ ${keep} -ne 1 ]; then
  179. make O="${dir}" clean >> "${dir}/logfile" 2>&1
  180. fi
  181. }
  182. help() {
  183. cat <<_EOF_
  184. test-pkg: test-build a package against various toolchains and architectures
  185. The supplied config snippet is appended to each toolchain config, the
  186. resulting configuration is checked to ensure it still contains all options
  187. specified in the snippet; if any is missing, the build is skipped, on the
  188. assumption that the package under test requires a toolchain or architecture
  189. feature that is missing.
  190. In case failures are noticed, you can fix the package and just re-run the
  191. same command again; it will re-run the test where it failed. If you did
  192. specify a package (with -p), the package build dir will be removed first.
  193. The list of toolchains is retrieved from ${TOOLCHAINS_CSV}.
  194. Only the external toolchains are tried, because building a Buildroot toolchain
  195. would take too long. An alternative toolchains CSV file can be specified with
  196. the -t option. This file should have lines consisting of the path to the
  197. toolchain config fragment and the required host architecture, separated by a
  198. comma. The config fragments should contain only the toolchain and architecture
  199. settings.
  200. By default, a useful subset of toolchains is tested. If needed, all
  201. toolchains can be tested (-a), an arbitrary number of toolchains (-n
  202. in order, -r for random).
  203. Options:
  204. -h, --help
  205. Print this help.
  206. -c CFG, --config-snippet CFG
  207. Use the CFG file as the source for the config snippet. This file
  208. should contain all the config options required to build a package.
  209. -d DIR, --build-dir DIR
  210. Do the builds in directory DIR, one sub-dir per toolchain.
  211. -p PKG, --package PKG
  212. Test-build the package PKG, by running 'make PKG'; if not specified,
  213. just runs 'make'.
  214. -a, --all
  215. Test all toolchains, instead of the default subset defined by
  216. Buildroot developers.
  217. -n N, --number N
  218. Test N toolchains, in the order defined in the toolchain CSV
  219. file.
  220. -r N, --random N
  221. Limit the tests to the N randomly selected toolchains.
  222. -t CSVFILE, --toolchains-csv CSVFILE
  223. CSV file containing the paths to config fragments of toolchains to
  224. try. If not specified, the toolchains in ${TOOLCHAINS_CSV} will be
  225. used.
  226. -k, --keep
  227. Keep the build directories even if the build succeeds.
  228. Note: the logfile and configuration is always retained, even without
  229. this option.
  230. --prepare-only
  231. Only prepare the .config files, but do not build them. Output the
  232. list of build directories to stdout, and the status on stderr.
  233. Example:
  234. Testing libcec would require a config snippet that contains:
  236. Testing libcurl with openSSL support would require a snippet such as:
  239. _EOF_
  240. }
  241. my_name="${0##*/}"
  242. main "${@}"