## DESCRIPTION spl_tool is a jh7110 signature tool used to generate spl header information and generate u-boot-spl.bin.normal.out. spl_tool can also fix the issue of emmc booting. ## Prerequisites Install required additional packages: ```bash $ sudo apt-get install gcc make git ``` ## Build just run `make` ```bash $ make ``` ## Run usage ```bash $ ./spl_tool -h StarFive spl tool usage: -c, --creat-splhdr creat spl hdr -i, --fix-imghdr fixed img hdr for emmc boot. -a, --spl-bak-addr set backup SPL addr(default: 0x200000) -v, --version set version (default: 0x01010101) -f, --file input file name(spl/img) -h, --help show this information ``` Generate uboot-spl.bin.normal.out ```bash $./spl_tool -c -f $(Uboot_PATH)/spl/u-boot-spl.bin ubsplhdr.sofs:0x240, ubsplhdr.bofs:0x200000, ubsplhdr.vers:0x1010101 name:$(Uboot_PATH)/spl/u-boot-spl.bin SPL written to $(Uboot_PATH)/spl/u-boot-spl.bin.normal.out successfully. ``` Fix the emmc boot issue ```bash $ ./spl_tool -i -f sdcard.img IMG sdcard.img fixed hdr successfully. ```