/* * (C) Copyright 2012 SAMSUNG Electronics * Jaehoon Chung * Rajeshawari Shinde * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "errno.h" #define PAGE_SIZE 4096 static int dwmci_wait_reset(struct dwmci_host *host, u32 value) { unsigned long timeout = 1000; u32 ctrl; dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_CTRL, value); while (timeout--) { ctrl = dwmci_readl(host, DWMCI_CTRL); if (!(ctrl & DWMCI_RESET_ALL)) return 1; } return 0; } static void dwmci_set_idma_desc(struct dwmci_idmac *idmac, u32 desc0, u32 desc1, u32 desc2) { struct dwmci_idmac *desc = idmac; desc->flags = desc0; desc->cnt = desc1; desc->addr = desc2; desc->next_addr = (unsigned int)desc + sizeof(struct dwmci_idmac); } static void dwmci_prepare_data(struct dwmci_host *host, struct mmc_data *data, struct dwmci_idmac *cur_idmac, void *bounce_buffer) { unsigned long ctrl; unsigned int i = 0, flags, cnt, blk_cnt; unsigned int data_start, data_end; blk_cnt = data->blocks; dwmci_wait_reset(host, DWMCI_CTRL_FIFO_RESET); data_start = (unsigned int)cur_idmac; dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_DBADDR, (unsigned int)cur_idmac); do { flags = DWMCI_IDMAC_OWN | DWMCI_IDMAC_CH ; flags |= (i == 0) ? DWMCI_IDMAC_FS : 0; if (blk_cnt <= 8) { flags |= DWMCI_IDMAC_LD; cnt = data->blocksize * blk_cnt; } else cnt = data->blocksize * 8; dwmci_set_idma_desc(cur_idmac, flags, cnt, (unsigned int)bounce_buffer + (i * PAGE_SIZE)); if (blk_cnt <= 8) break; blk_cnt -= 8; cur_idmac++; i++; } while(1); data_end = (unsigned int)cur_idmac; //flush_dcache_range(data_start, data_end + ARCH_DMA_MINALIGN); ctrl = dwmci_readl(host, DWMCI_CTRL); ctrl |= DWMCI_IDMAC_EN | DWMCI_DMA_EN; dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_CTRL, ctrl); ctrl = dwmci_readl(host, DWMCI_BMOD); ctrl |= DWMCI_BMOD_IDMAC_FB | DWMCI_BMOD_IDMAC_EN; //ctrl |= DWMCI_BMOD_IDMAC_EN; dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_BMOD, ctrl); dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_BLKSIZ, data->blocksize); dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_BYTCNT, data->blocksize * data->blocks); } static int dwmci_data_transfer(struct dwmci_host *host, struct mmc_data *data) { int ret = 0; u32 timeout = 40000000; u32 mask=0, size, i, len = 0; u32 *buf = NULL; unsigned int start = get_timer(0); u32 fifo_depth = (((host->fifoth_val & RX_WMARK_MASK) >> RX_WMARK_SHIFT) + 1) * 2; size = data->blocksize * data->blocks / 4; if (data->flags == MMC_DATA_READ) buf = (unsigned int *)data->dest; else buf = (unsigned int *)data->src; for (;;) { mask = dwmci_readl(host, DWMCI_RINTSTS); /* Error during data transfer. */ if (mask & (DWMCI_DATA_ERR | DWMCI_DATA_TOUT)) { printk("%s: DATA ERROR! mask:0x%x 0x%x\r\n", __func__,mask,(DWMCI_DATA_ERR | DWMCI_DATA_TOUT)); ret = -EINVAL; break; } if (host->fifo_mode && size) { len = 0; if (data->flags == MMC_DATA_READ && (mask & DWMCI_INTMSK_RXDR)) { while (size) { len = dwmci_readl(host, DWMCI_STATUS); len = (len >> DWMCI_FIFO_SHIFT) & DWMCI_FIFO_MASK; len = min(size, len); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) *buf++ = dwmci_readl(host, DWMCI_DATA); size = size > len ? (size - len) : 0; } dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_RINTSTS, DWMCI_INTMSK_RXDR); } else if (data->flags == MMC_DATA_WRITE && (mask & DWMCI_INTMSK_TXDR)) { while (size) { len = dwmci_readl(host, DWMCI_STATUS); len = fifo_depth - ((len >> DWMCI_FIFO_SHIFT) & DWMCI_FIFO_MASK); len = min(size, len); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_DATA, *buf++); size = size > len ? (size - len) : 0; } dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_RINTSTS, DWMCI_INTMSK_TXDR); } } /* Data arrived correctly. */ if (mask & DWMCI_INTMSK_DTO) { ret = 0; break; } /* Check for timeout. */ if (get_timer(start) > timeout) { printk("%s: Timeout waiting for data!\n",__func__); ret = -ETIMEDOUT; break; } } dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_RINTSTS, mask); return ret; } static int dwmci_set_transfer_mode(struct dwmci_host *host, struct mmc_data *data) { unsigned long mode; mode = DWMCI_CMD_DATA_EXP; if (data->flags & MMC_DATA_WRITE) mode |= DWMCI_CMD_RW; return mode; } static int dwmci_send_cmd(struct mmc *mmc, struct mmc_cmd *cmd, struct mmc_data *data) { struct dwmci_host *host = mmc->priv; ALLOC_CACHE_ALIGN_BUFFER(struct dwmci_idmac, cur_idmac, data ? DIV_ROUND_UP(data->blocks, 8) : 0); int ret = 0, flags = 0, i; unsigned int timeout = 100000; u32 retry = 10000; u32 mask, ctrl; unsigned int start = get_timer(0); struct bounce_buffer bbstate; while ((dwmci_readl(host, DWMCI_STATUS) & DWMCI_BUSY)) { if (get_timer(start) > timeout) { printk("%s: Timeout on data busy\r\n", __func__); return -ETIMEDOUT; } } dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_RINTSTS, DWMCI_INTMSK_ALL); if (data) { if (host->fifo_mode) { dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_BLKSIZ, data->blocksize); dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_BYTCNT, data->blocksize * data->blocks); dwmci_wait_reset(host, DWMCI_CTRL_FIFO_RESET); } else { if (data->flags == MMC_DATA_READ) { bounce_buffer_start(&bbstate, (void*)data->dest, data->blocksize * data->blocks, GEN_BB_WRITE); } else { bounce_buffer_start(&bbstate, (void*)data->src, data->blocksize * data->blocks, GEN_BB_READ); } dwmci_prepare_data(host, data, cur_idmac, bbstate.bounce_buffer); } } dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_CMDARG, cmd->cmdarg); if (data) flags = dwmci_set_transfer_mode(host, data); if ((cmd->resp_type & MMC_RSP_136) && (cmd->resp_type & MMC_RSP_BUSY)) return -1; if (cmd->cmdidx == MMC_CMD_STOP_TRANSMISSION) flags |= DWMCI_CMD_ABORT_STOP; else flags |= DWMCI_CMD_PRV_DAT_WAIT; if (cmd->resp_type & MMC_RSP_PRESENT) { flags |= DWMCI_CMD_RESP_EXP; if (cmd->resp_type & MMC_RSP_136) flags |= DWMCI_CMD_RESP_LENGTH; } if (cmd->resp_type & MMC_RSP_CRC) flags |= DWMCI_CMD_CHECK_CRC; flags |= (cmd->cmdidx | DWMCI_CMD_START | DWMCI_CMD_USE_HOLD_REG); // printk("Sending CMD%d\r\n",cmd->cmdidx); dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_CMD, flags); for (i = 0; i < retry; i++) { mask = dwmci_readl(host, DWMCI_RINTSTS); if (mask & DWMCI_INTMSK_CDONE) { if (!data) dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_RINTSTS, mask); break; } } if (i == retry) { printk("%s: Timeout.\r\n", __func__); return -ETIMEDOUT; } if (mask & DWMCI_INTMSK_RTO) { /* * Timeout here is not necessarily fatal. (e)MMC cards * will splat here when they receive CMD55 as they do * not support this command and that is exactly the way * to tell them apart from SD cards. Thus, this output * below shall be printf(). eMMC cards also do not favor * CMD8, please keep that in mind. */ printk("%s: Response Timeout.\r\n", __func__); return -ETIMEDOUT; } else if (mask & DWMCI_INTMSK_RE) { printk("%s: Response Error.\r\n", __func__); return -EIO; } if (cmd->resp_type & MMC_RSP_PRESENT) { if (cmd->resp_type & MMC_RSP_136) { cmd->response[0] = dwmci_readl(host, DWMCI_RESP3); cmd->response[1] = dwmci_readl(host, DWMCI_RESP2); cmd->response[2] = dwmci_readl(host, DWMCI_RESP1); cmd->response[3] = dwmci_readl(host, DWMCI_RESP0); } else { cmd->response[0] = dwmci_readl(host, DWMCI_RESP0); } } if (data) { ret = dwmci_data_transfer(host, data); /* only dma mode need it */ if (!host->fifo_mode) { ctrl = dwmci_readl(host, DWMCI_CTRL); ctrl &= ~(DWMCI_DMA_EN); dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_CTRL, ctrl); // bounce_buffer_stop(&bbstate); } } return ret; } static int dwmci_setup_bus(struct dwmci_host *host, u32 freq) { u32 div, status; int timeout = 10000; unsigned long sclk; if ((freq == host->clock) || (freq == 0)) return 0; /* * If host->get_mmc_clk isn't defined, * then assume that host->bus_hz is source clock value. * host->bus_hz should be set by user. */ if (host->get_mmc_clk) sclk = host->get_mmc_clk(host, freq); else if (host->bus_hz) sclk = host->bus_hz; else { //printf("%s: Didn't get source clock value.\r\n", __func__); return -EINVAL; } if (sclk == freq) div = 0; /* bypass mode */ else div = DIV_ROUND_UP(sclk, 2 * freq); dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_CLKENA, 0); dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_CLKSRC, 0); dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_CLKDIV, div); dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_CMD, DWMCI_CMD_PRV_DAT_WAIT | DWMCI_CMD_UPD_CLK | DWMCI_CMD_START); do { status = dwmci_readl(host, DWMCI_CMD); if (timeout-- < 0) { //printf("%s: Timeout!\n", __func__); return -ETIMEDOUT; } } while (status & DWMCI_CMD_START); dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_CLKENA, DWMCI_CLKEN_ENABLE | DWMCI_CLKEN_LOW_PWR); dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_CMD, DWMCI_CMD_PRV_DAT_WAIT | DWMCI_CMD_UPD_CLK | DWMCI_CMD_START); timeout = 10000; do { status = dwmci_readl(host, DWMCI_CMD); if (timeout-- < 0) { //printf("%s: Timeout!\r\n", __func__); return -ETIMEDOUT; } } while (status & DWMCI_CMD_START); host->clock = freq; return 0; } static void dwmci_set_ios(struct mmc *mmc) { struct dwmci_host *host = (struct dwmci_host *)mmc->priv; u32 ctype, regs; dwmci_setup_bus(host, mmc->clock); switch (mmc->bus_width) { case 8: ctype = DWMCI_CTYPE_8BIT; break; case 4: ctype = DWMCI_CTYPE_4BIT; break; default: ctype = DWMCI_CTYPE_1BIT; break; } dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_CTYPE, ctype); regs = dwmci_readl(host, DWMCI_UHS_REG); if (mmc->ddr_mode) regs |= DWMCI_DDR_MODE; else regs &= ~DWMCI_DDR_MODE; dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_UHS_REG, regs); if (host->clksel) host->clksel(host); } static int dwmci_init(struct mmc *mmc) { struct dwmci_host *host = mmc->priv; if (host->board_init) host->board_init(host); dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_PWREN, 1); udelay(100); if (!dwmci_wait_reset(host, DWMCI_RESET_ALL)) { printk("%s[%d] Fail-reset!!\n", __func__, __LINE__); return -EIO; } /* Enumerate at 400KHz */ dwmci_setup_bus(host, mmc->cfg->f_min); dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_RINTSTS, 0xFFFFFFFF); dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_INTMASK, 0); dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_TMOUT, 0xFFFFFFFF); dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_IDINTEN, 0); dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_BMOD, 1); if (!host->fifoth_val) { unsigned int fifo_size; fifo_size = dwmci_readl(host, DWMCI_FIFOTH); fifo_size = ((fifo_size & RX_WMARK_MASK) >> RX_WMARK_SHIFT) + 1; host->fifoth_val = MSIZE(0x2) | RX_WMARK(fifo_size / 2 - 1) | TX_WMARK(fifo_size / 2); } dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_FIFOTH, host->fifoth_val); dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_CLKENA, 0); dwmci_writel(host, DWMCI_CLKSRC, 0); return 0; } static const struct mmc_ops dwmci_ops = { .send_cmd = dwmci_send_cmd, .set_ios = dwmci_set_ios, .init = dwmci_init, }; int add_dwmci(struct dwmci_host *host, u32 max_clk, u32 min_clk,u32 dev_num) { host->cfg.name = host->name; host->cfg.ops = &dwmci_ops; host->cfg.f_min = min_clk; host->cfg.f_max = max_clk; host->cfg.voltages = MMC_VDD_32_33 | MMC_VDD_33_34; host->cfg.host_caps = host->caps; if (host->buswidth == 8) { host->cfg.host_caps |= MMC_MODE_8BIT; host->cfg.host_caps &= ~MMC_MODE_4BIT; } else { host->cfg.host_caps |= MMC_MODE_4BIT; host->cfg.host_caps &= ~MMC_MODE_8BIT; } host->cfg.host_caps |= MMC_MODE_HS | MMC_MODE_HS_52MHz; host->cfg.b_max = CONFIG_SYS_MMC_MAX_BLK_COUNT; host->mmc = mmc_create(&host->cfg, host, dev_num); if (host->mmc == NULL) return -1; return 0; }