Clement 61fc04a050 Add jh7110 VIN application source and patch 1 год назад
ispsdk 61fc04a050 Add jh7110 VIN application source and patch 1 год назад
v4l2_test 61fc04a050 Add jh7110 VIN application source and patch 1 год назад
ChangeLog 61fc04a050 Add jh7110 VIN application source and patch 1 год назад 61fc04a050 Add jh7110 VIN application source and patch 1 год назад

VIN App Building Guide

JH7110 VIN Application include the ispsdk and v4l2test. The ispsdk used to adjust the camera sensor video quality. The v4l2test used as the v4l2 app which could create the media pipeline, capture the camera sensor video, and display on hdmi display when no desktop runing or store to video file.

Building Files Struct:

├── ispsdk
│   ├──                     # build script
│   ├── install                      # install path
│   ├── ispsdk
│   ├── ispsdk_v2.8.0.tar.xz         # ispsdk source code from usdk tag v2.8.0
│   └── patch
├──                        # this document
└── v4l2_test
    ├──                     # build script
    ├── install                      # install path
    ├── Makefile
    ├── v4l2_test
    └── v4l2_test_v2.8.0.tar.xz      # v4l2_test source code from usdk tag v2.8.0


Before build, the debian need to install the below packages:

# apt install libv4l-0 libv4l-dev v4l-utils libjpeg-dev libdrm-dev

How to Build:

For v4l2_test, run below:

# cd v4l2_test
# ./

The v4l2test and will be install to the install directory

For ispsdk, run below:

# cd ispsdk
# ./

The output directory ISP will be install to the install directory

How to Run On VF2 Board:

1. Hardware Prepare

Currently VF2 board only support IMX219 sensor, connect the IMX219 sensor to the VF2 board.

2. Create the v4l2 media pipeline.

For IMX219 or OV4689 sensor (The VF2 use the IMX219 sensor):

# /opt/ -d /dev/media0 -i csiphy0 -s ISP0 -a start

For SC2235 sensor:

# /opt/ -d /dev/media0 -i dvp -s ISP0 -a start

3. Run the isp ctrl:

Note: the ispsdk output directory ISP should be copy to /opt/ on VF2 debian

For IMX219 sensor (The VF2 use the IMX219 sensor):

# /opt/ISP/stf_isp_ctrl -m imx219mipi -j 0 -a 1

For OV4689 sensor:

# /opt/ISP/stf_isp_ctrl -m ov4689mipi -j 0 -a 1

For SC2235 sensor:

# /opt/ISP/stf_isp_ctrl -m sc2235dvp -i 0 -a 0

4. Run the v4l2 app

After run the above, the debian support to capture camera sensor video through v4l2 API and the isp also work.

If want to capture video and display on hdmi display, open and enter a new terminal:

With no desktop:

# systemctl stop lightdm  # stop the debian Desktop UI
# /opt/v4l2test -d /dev/video1 -f 5 -c -W 1920 -H 1080 -m 2 -t 2
# gst-launch-1.0 -v v4l2src device=/dev/video1 ! video/x-raw,width=1920,height=1080,format=NV12  ! kmssink driver-name=starfive force-modesetting=1

With Desktop:

using ffmepg:
# ffplay -i /dev/video1
# ffplay -f v4l2 -framerate 30 -video_size 1920*1080  -i /dev/video1

using gstreame:
# gst-launch-1.0 -v v4l2src device=/dev/video1 ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=640,height=480 ! rawvideoparse format=24 width=640 height=480 framerate=15/1 ! videoconvert ! ximagesink
# gst-launch-1.0 -v v4l2src device=/dev/video1 ! videoconvert ! autovideosink